Read The Hawk and the Jewel Page 31

  "Yes, I'll do that," Sunny turned without another word and made her way to her cabin. She was quite aware of the way Brandon followed her and saw her safely into her room, which made it easier for her to hold her tears until her door was closed. By the time Sunny slept, she had convinced herself that Brandon still felt only friendship for her. The kiss had been used to make a point.

  Sunny surprised herself by Ming almost immediately to sleep. When she woke in the morning, she felt refreshed, and even though it was still dark out, she knew she'd had a full night's sleep. After lighting her lantern, she reached for her Bible, read for a time in the Psalms, and then spent some time in prayer. While telling the Lord again that she would prefer to meet her enemy face to face, Sunny suddenly had a clear recollection of the night in the garden.

  "How could I have forgotten that?" Sunny spoke aloud even as she was throwing off the covers and reaching for her robe. Unmindful of her hair and attire, Sunny grabbed her lantern and dashed to the door and across the passageway to bang on Brandon's cabin door. "Brandon," Sunny cried. "Brandon, I've remembered-""The door was wrenched open to reveal a sleepy Brandon, who had come to life from a sound sleep to pull on his pants and a shirt in order to answer her summons.

  "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice sharp-edged with concern. "Yes. I'm sorry to scare you, but I forgot all about their voices. The men who attacked me at Ravenscroft had accents. They sounded as though they were from Darhabar."

  Brandon could only stare at her, his mind racing in all directions. A sound reached out of the darkness as someone came below decks and approached. Brandon's arm went protectively around Sunny. She found herself huddled against his side, thinking she never wanted to move.

  "It's me." Dallas' voice came from the gloom before he stepped into the dim light.


  Brandon and Sunny both relaxed but didn't step apart.

  "I'm glad to find you up." His voice was serious, and Brandon tensed once again. "We've been contacted, or I should say, Sunny has."

  "When?" Sunny wanted to know.

  "Just minutes ago." Dallas held out a scroll-like paper to Sunny, and both men watched her shaking hands as she opened it.

  "Shani," the letter began. "I wish to come aboard your ship. I have information for you, and I have something I wish from you in return. If your flag flies at half-mast by noon on the fourteenth, I will consider myself welcome." It was signed, "Ahmad Khan, Ruler of Darhabar."

  "The morning of the fourteenth," Sunny whispered mostly to herself. "That's today."


  waters. They were still praying when Dallas knocked on the door, telling them that the emir was waiting in his cabin.

  sunny paced the small confines of her cabin while Brandon, sitting in the room's one chair, watched her.

  "When you returned to see the emir, did he give any indication that he would someday see you again?"

  "No. He was very smooth in manner, and I got the impression he was glad to be rid of me. He did question me about you, but when I said you were doing well, he seemed quite satisfied with that."

  Sunny shook her head in bewilderment. "Do you suppose he had Christie murdered?"

  "I don't know, Sunny." Brandon's voice was soft with regret as he watched the play of grief on her face.

  "I wouldn't put it past him," she added with remorse. Brandon, who had been having the identical thought, stayed quiet.

  "Come here, Sunny," Brandon finally said. Sunny sat on the edge of her bunk, and Brandon moved his chair close. "Let's take a few minutes and pray before he comes. Our God is sovereign. We need to stop fretting and put our trust in Him."

  Sunny placed her hand in his when Brandon extended his ringers, and listened while he prayed. He thanked God for whatever His purpose was in these events and surrendered their wills to His.

  Sunny knew God's peace as she prayed along with Brandon. It was eas> to imagine his warm hand would feel much like that of the Savior's, large and reassuring, as she passed through these rough

  Brandon preceded Sunny into Dallas' cabin but did not speak to the emir. He stepped aside as soon as he saw that it was safe, allowing Sunny a full view of her one-time father. Sunny came slowly into the room, her gaze locked with Ahmad Khan's. Dallas, after stepping in behind her, shut the door.

  "I have received an update on you every month you've been gone." He spoke, and his voice was just as she remembered. "Often the reports spoke of your beauty and grace. The words did not do you justice, Sham."

  The name seemed to snap Sunny out of her trance, and she lifted her chin slightly.

  "My name is Sunny Gallagher. You will not address me as Shani."

  Had the interchange not been so serious, Brandon would have laughed. How had he entertained thoughts that Sunny might not be able to handle this situation? Brandon watched the emir bow to Sunny's wishes, his eyes alert for any surprises.

  "Of course." The emir's voice was smooth, hiding his disappointment over Sunny's response to him. "If we could have a moment alone, I would like-"

  "Wilson!" Sunny interrupted as her gaze moved to yet another man in the cabin. She missed the emir's frown over the interruption, his eyes narrowing in anger. His gaze swept the room and found both Brandon and Dallas watching him intently, their expressions giving nothing away. The emir's features smoothed, and he made himself listen patiently to Sunny and Wilson's conversation.

  "You don't recognize me without my beard, do you, Sunny," Wilson commented, his voice more kind and personal than Sunny had ever heard it. "You hated me some days, especially when I made you study your English lesson when you wanted to be in the stables."

  Sunny's mouth dropped open in a most unfeminine way. "Uncle Graham?" she whispered.

  "You've not been out of my sight since you landed in London over four years ago," Wilson told her gently.



  Disappointment knifed through Sunny. "So you have been the one reporting to Ahmad Khan?"

  "No, that was your maid Tina. It became a little more difficult when you left the Jamiesons' for Willows* End, but she was still able to keep tabs. Then you moved to Ravenscroft and she moved with you, making reports infinitely more simple."

  Sunny's gaze now swung back to the emir. "You will explain yourself," she commanded him.

  "Orders, Sunny?" His voice was mocking, his eyes again glinting, this time with the light of a man who always gets his way. In Sunny's younger days this look would have sent her to the floor, instead her chin raised yet another fraction of an inch.

  "There are no words to describe the hurt I felt when you sent me away, but that little girl is long gone. You no longer have the power to hurt me. In your letter you spoke of something you want from me. I have nothing, so I see no reason for you to stay."

  "Where is the jewel box I gave you?" the emir asked without warning.

  "Why?" Sunny demanded.

  "Because the document that secures my position on the throne is inside."

  "I have no such document."

  "Bring it to me, and I will show you." The emir's calm was commendable, but Sunny was not fooled. He wanted the box with every fiber of his being; his eyes gave him away. Sunny silently praised God that she had taken it from her desk just before she left with Brandon.

  Sunny's eyes went to Brandon, and he gave her a slight nod. Dallas stepped forward, and with whispered words, Sunny told him where he would find the box hi her cabin. Sunny continued her interview when the door closed.

  "You will tell me everything or not touch the box."

  The emir was stubbornly silent until Dallas entered once again and shut the door. The sight of the box seemed to loosen his tongue.

  "From early childhood you heard of Darhabar's centennial year and the Centennial Seal. Now, in six months' time, the centennial approaches. I am on the throne because at the last centennial, my grandfather held the document and the ring. There is a powerful family who wishes to usurp the throne. They will stop at n
othing to gain the ring and document you possess. This is why I sent you away

  with the document and the seal, and why I have come." He spoke this as though it answered every question, but Sunny was not satisfied.

  "It is unlike you to come in this way. Where is Ali? He usually does your dirty work." The emir's entire stance changed at Sunny's words, and he looked old and defeated.

  "Ali is dead. As I said to you, they will stop at nothing."

  "My maid Christie is dead," Sunny went on ruthlessly. "She was murdered in a London alley. It looks as thoughyouwill stop at nothing as well?"

  "She was working for my enemy, as was Phipps-both bought by the lure of much gold. I had nothing to do with her death."

  Sunny was not sure she believed him, but other questions crowded into her mind.

  "But if she knew where the ring was, why did Christie not take the box years ago?"

  "Christie knew nothing. Tina knew, but she had orders to report to me and only keep an eye on the box. When the attack came, she panicked and ran. She tried to find the box before she left, but you had moved it."

  "The attack-** Sunny began, her face going quite pale.

  "Was from my enemy," the emir told her, again masking his pain that she could find him capable of such an action against her.

  "What about Wilson?"

  "He also knew the contents of the box, but he had been misled and was not at Ravenscroft during the attack. His orders were to waylay the men, but they eluded him."

  Sunny felt limp with all she was hearing and suddenly she was very sorry for the emir, whose whole life hinged on a seal ring and a piece of paper. Sunny turned slowly and took the box from Dallas. She stepped forward and handed it to the emir.

  All in the room watched as the emir moved a piece of wood on the side of the box and then slid the entire base to die side. Just as he predicted, a piece of paper and the top portion of a seal ring rested inside. The compartment itself had been built around both objects, so they never gave hint of movement in their secure hiding place.

  As the emir drew them forth, Sunny once again watched his demeanor change. As if the cares of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, his fece glowed with an inner triumph. He unfolded the paper and read it, even as he tightly squeezed the ring in his fist.


  "You have what you want," Sunny said softly. "I nope that I will not be followed, reported on, or bothered in any way, ever again."

  Sunny was surprised at the vulnerable look that crossed the older man's features.

  "May I have a word with you in private?" he asked. Sunny had never seen him so humble, but she was not comfortable with being alone with him.

  "I think whatever you have to say can be said right now."

  The emir nodded, looking hesitant, and then began.ttl have long regretted the way I sent you from me. I knew that someday I would see you again, and this made the situation bearable. My oldest son will be ruler someday, and he has not yet wived. I wish for you to return with me and be his wife. You would be the most beautiful woman in all of Darhabar. There is no wish my son would not grant you. You would be treated as a queen for the rest of your years."

  "You want me to return to Darhabar?" Sunny asked in stunned confusion, not really believing her ears.

  "Yes," the emir stated quietly. "My ship is near. I wish you to leave with me today."

  brandon watched the play of emotions on Sunny's face. To his eyes she actually appeared to be considering the idea.

  "I need to speak with you, Sunny." Brandon spoke for the first time.

  Sunny barely heard him as she stared at Ahmad Khan.

  "Sunny," Brandon repeated himself, this time taking her arm.WI would have a word with you."

  He did not allow her to object or ignore him this time, but with his hand holding her arm, moved out into the passageway to stand in front of her cabin.

  "You're not really considering going with him, are you?" Brandon demanded.

  "He just took me by surprise." Sunny spoke as if in a daze, not even looking at Brandon.

  She suddenly found herself in his hands. Brandon's fingers were grasping her upper arms and holding her nearly against him.

  "You can't go. Do you hear me, Sunny? You cawVgo."

  Sunny looked into Brandon's face for the first time. He looked desperate.

  "Why, Brandon?" Sunny's voice was whisper soft. "Why can't I leave?"

  "Because you can't," he stated emphatically.

  "Why?" Sunny pressed him.

  Brandon hesitated only a moment, before saying words that


  sounded as though they'd been wrenched from him.

  "Because I love you." Brandon had to hold back from telling her that he had loved her for years and always would.

  Sunny wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him, but the emir's face came to mind, and Sunny knew she had a job to complete.

  When Brandon could read nothing in her expression, he slowly released her. Sunny, knowing that if she looked at him she would burst into tears, moved away from his touch and back to Dallas* cabin. Knowing that he would physically detain Sunny if she tried to leave with the emir, Brandon waited outside the door.

  Only minutes passed before Ahmad Khan and Wilson exited the cabin. Wilson glanced at Brandon's strained features, but the emir did nothing as they moved topside. Brandon would have gone to the cabin, but the door opened then and Dallas emerged.

  "She wants to be alone. " Dallas told him.

  "What did he say to her?"

  Dallas shook his head. "A pack of lies, but I could tell they hurt."

  Dallas moved to go on deck then and Brandon, after a brief glance at the cabin door, followed him.

  UI regretted my offer the moment you left the cabin," the emir had said. "I can see now that you would never again fit into the royal household. You obviously no longer know your place. Blinded by your beauty, I momentarily thought you would make a suitable queen."

  Sunny knew the words should have no effect on her, but she had been stung. When she had heard the footsteps leave in the companonway, Sunny had left Dallas' cabin for the security of her own. She'd prayed and cried, and after a time, slept.

  When she woke and looked out, it was to find it growing dark outside and the ship already docked in London. They had never been out of sight of land, so this shouldn't have surprised her. With sudden and painful remembrance, Sunny thought of the words she had forced Brandon to say.

  You're a fool, Sunny Gallf&her,she told herself.Why did you do


  such a thing? What kind of love declaration is it when you have to force it out of the man? He certainly couldn't have meant it the way you wanted him to.

  Sunny told herself she was not going to torture herself any longer. She washed her face, brushed her hair, and went in search of Brandon. Better to facehimin embarrassment than to wonder and wait. Unbelievable pain assailed her when Dallas told her he was gone. He'd had some things to take care of and would be back soon. Sunny moved wordlessly toward her cabin to pack.

  When Sunny returned some 45 minutes later and asked Dallas to have someone bring her trunk topside, he knew his attempts to detain her would be a waste of effort.

  "Sunny," he said kindly. "Please wait for Brandon."

  "He told you to have me wait?"

  "Well, no," the sea captain began. "But he just left, and I know-"

  "I need to go home, Dallas. Please see to my trunk."

  "I won't," Dallas decided. "You need to wait."

  "Then I'll go without it," Sunny said, starting for the gangplank. Dallas, seeing no help for it, had her trunk retrieved and followed her.

  "Please help me find a carriage, Lord," he heard her mumble as they moved toward the dock. She walked along, ignoring the astonished looks of the sailors around her, and stopped abruptly when a carriage drove up and Wilson suddenly appeared before her.

  "I've a carriage for you, my lady," he stated softly, his e
yes not betraying the tear of emotions within.

  "More reports, Wilson?" Sunny asked with regret.

  "Never again, my lady. I followed the emir's orders because I feared whom he might entrust with the job. And now today, as always, I would gladly lay down my life for yours."

  Sunny's eyes held Wilson's as she tried, in her exhaustion, to read the man. He never blinked or looked ashamed, and Sunny was certain she would know his honesty by his eyes.

  "How did the emir feel about your decision?"

  "It was nothing new to him. He's known all along I would stay in England and keep watch over you like I've done for over four years."

  Sunny was so awash with relief that he was now an ally and not an enemy that she nearly cried. Rand had been right about this man


  all along. Sunny couldn't look at Wilson any longer, so she looked at the carriage instead.

  "This is Band's carriage, isn't it?"

  "Yes, my lady. I've seen him and asked if I could borrow it to wait for you."

  ttl want to go home," she told Wilson softly, not really having heard his words. "Home to Ravenscroft."

  "As you wish, my lady," Wilson said, opening the door.

  "Sunny," Dallas tried again. "If you'll just give Brandon a little more time."

  "My reputation will be in shreds as it is, Dallas," she spoke softly, "and I simply can't stay here any longer. Thank you for all you've done."

  Dallas watched Sunny disappear into the interior, helplessness washing over him. Brandon had said he would be very brief, and Dallas had no due as to how to contact him. Now Sunny was leaving, and nothing had been resolved. Dallas knew as he went back on board that he could pray for them. Beyond that, however, he could not get involved.

  Halfway to Ravenscroft, Sunny told Wilson she would rather go to Willows' End. They pulled along the willow-lined drive very early the next morning, Sunny having completely forgotten that Rand and Chelsea were not there. She was relieved however, to see lights downstairs in the library windows. And she was equally glad to see Miles, since she was nearly out on her feet and terribly disappointed that her brother wasn't there.