Read The Heart of Princess Osra Page 4


  The Madness of Lord Harry Culverhouse.

  "Seeing that my father Henry is dead, and that I am King; seeing alsothat I am no longer a bachelor, but a married man"--and here he bowed toMargaret of Tuscany, his newly wedded wife; "and seeing that Osra'sturned twenty years of age--why, we are all to be sober folk at Strelsaufrom this day forward, and we are to play no more pranks. Here's apledge to it!"

  And having said this, King Rudolf III. took a deep draught of wine.

  At this moment the ushers announced that the Lord Harry Culverhouse hadcome to take his leave of their Majesties and of the Princess. Thisgentleman had accompanied the Embassy that came from England tocongratulate the King on his marriage, and he had stayed some months inStrelsau, very eagerly acceding to the King's invitation to prolong hisvisit. For such were his folly and headstrong passion, that he hadfallen most desperately in love with the fair face of Princess Osra, andcould not endure to live out of her presence. Yet now he came to bidfarewell, and when he was ushered in, Rudolf received him with muchgraciousness, and made him a present of his own miniature set indiamonds, while the Queen gave him her miniature set in the lid of agolden casket. In return, Lord Harry prayed the King to accept arichly-mounted sword, and the Queen an ivory fan, painted by thegreatest artist of France and bearing her cipher in jewels. Then he cameto Princess Osra, and she, having bidden him farewell, said:

  "I am a poor maid, my lord, and I can give no great gift, but take thispin from my hair and keep it for my sake."

  And she drew out a golden pin from her hair, a long and sharp pin,bearing for its head her cipher in brilliants, and she gave it to him,smiling.

  But he, bowing low and then falling on his knee, offered her a box ofred morocco leather, and when she opened it she saw a necklace of rubiesof great splendour. The Princess flushed red, seeing that the gift wasmost costly. And she would fain have refused it, and held it out againto Lord Harry. But he turned swiftly away, and, bowing once more,withdrew. Then the Princess said to her brother, "It is too costly."

  The King, seeing how splendid the gift was, frowned a little, and thensaid:

  "He must be a man of very great wealth. They are rich in England. I amsorry the gift is so great, but we cannot refuse it without wounding hishonour."

  So the Princess set the ruby necklace with her other jewels, and thoughtfor a day or two that Lord Harry was no wiser than other men, and thenforgot him.

  Now Lord Harry Culverhouse, on leaving the King's presence, had mountedhis horse, which was a fine charger and splendidly equipped, and riddenalone out of Strelsau; for he had dismissed all his servants anddespatched them with suitable gratuities to their own country. He rodethrough the afternoon, and in the evening he reached a village fifteenmiles away; here he stopped at a cottage, and an old man came out andescorted him in. A bundle lay on the table in the little parlour of thecottage.

  "Here are the clothes, my lord," said the old man, laying his hand onthe bundle.

  "And here are mine," answered Lord Harry. "And the horse stands readyfor you." With this he began to pull off the fine clothes in which hehad had audience of the King, and he opened the bundle and put on theold and plain suit which it contained. Then he held out his hand to theold man, saying, "Give me the five crowns, Solomon, and our bargain iscomplete."

  Then Solomon the Jew gave him five crowns and bade him farewell, and heplaced the crowns in his purse and walked out of the cottage, possessingnothing in the world saving his old clothes, five crowns, and the goldenpin that had fastened the ruddy hair of Princess Osra. For everythingelse that he had possessed, his lands and houses in England, his horsesand carriages, his money, his clothes, and all that was his, he hadbartered with Solomon the Jew, in order that he might buy the rubynecklace which he had given to Princess Osra. Such was the strangemadness wrought in him by her face.

  It was now late evening, and he walked to and fro all night. In themorning he went to the shop of a barber and, in return for one of hiscrowns, the barber cropped his long curls short and shaved off hismoustaches, and gave him a dye with which he stained his complexion to adarker tint; and he made his face dirty, and soiled his hands androughened the skin of them by chafing them on some flints which lay bythe roadside. Then, changing a second crown, he bought a loaf of bread,and set off to trudge to Strelsau, for in Strelsau was Osra, and hewould not be anywhere else in the world. And when he had arrived there,he went to a sergeant of the King's Guard, and prevailed on him by apresent of three crowns to enlist him as a trooper, and this thesergeant, having found that Lord Harry could ride and knew how to usehis sword, agreed to do. Thus Lord Harry became a trooper in the Guardof King Rudolf, having for all his possessions, save what the King'sstores afforded him, a few pence and the golden pin that had fastenedthe hair of Princess Osra. But nobody knew him, except Solomon the Jew,and he, having made a good profit, held his peace, both then andafterwards.

  Many a day Lord Harry mounted guard at the palace, and often he saw theKing, with the Queen, ride out and back; but they did not notice theface of the trooper. Sometimes he saw the Princess also, but she did notlook at him, although he could not restrain himself from looking at her;but since every man looked at her she had grown accustomed to beinggazed at and took no heed of it. But once she wore the ruby necklace,and the breath of the trooper went quick and eager when he saw it on herneck; and a sudden flush of colour spread over all his face, so that thePrincess, chancing to glance at him in passing, and seeing the colourbeneath and through the dye that stained him, was greatly astonished,and she reined in her horse for an instant and looked very intently athim; yet she rode on again in silence.

  That evening there came to the quarters of the King's Guard awaiting-woman, who asked to see the trooper who had mounted guard at thewest gate of the palace that day; and when he came the woman held out tohim a box of red morocco leather, saying, "It is for you."

  But he answered, "It is not for me," and, turning away, left her. Andthis happened on three evenings. Then, on the fourth day, it was againhis turn to mount guard at the palace; and when he had sat there on hishorse for an hour, the Princess Osra rode out from under the portico;she rode alone and the ruby necklace was on her neck; and she said:

  "I am going to ride outside the city by the river bank. Let a trooperfollow me some way behind." And she signed with her hand to Lord Harry,and he rode after her through the streets, and out of the Western Gate;and they turned along the bank of the river. When they had gone three orfour miles from the city, Osra halted, and beckoned to Lord Harry toapproach her; and he came. But when she was about to speak to him andtell him that she knew him, a sudden new madness came on him; he seizedher bridle, and dug his spurs deep into his horse's flanks, and thehorse bounded forward at a gallop. In alarm the Princess cried out, buthe did not heed her. Along the bank they galloped: and when they met anyone, which happened seldom (for the place was remote, and it was nowevening), he bade her cover her face, and she obeyed, twisting her lacehandkerchief about her face. Thus they rode till they came at nightfallto a bluff of rock high above the stream. Here Lord Harry suddenlychecked the horses, flung himself from his saddle, and bade the Princessdismount. She obeyed, and stood facing him, pale with fear andapprehension, but wearing a proud and scornful air. And he cried:

  "Is it not well you should die? For you live but to madden men and drivethem to sin and folly."

  "Nay," said she, "to men of good heart beauty leads to goodness. Fromyourself come the sin and folly, my lord;" and she laid hold of the rubynecklace and broke the clasp of it, and flung it on the ground beforehim. He took no heed of it, but seized her hand, and drew her to theedge of the bluff, saying:

  "The world will be safer if I fling you down."

  Then she looked in his face, and a sudden pity entered into her heart,and she said very gently:

  "Sit down, my lord, and let me put my hands on your brow, for I thinkyou are in a fever."
  He sat down, all trembling and shaking like a man with ague, and shestripped off her gauntlets, and took his forehead between her hands; andhe lay there quiet with his head between her hands. Presently his eyesclosed, and he slept. But Osra did not know what to do, for darkness hadfallen, and she dared not leave him alone there by the river. So she satwhere she was, and in an hour, the night being fine and not cold, shegrew weary; her hands fell away from his brow, and she sank back on thegreen turf, pillowing her head on a curved arm, and there she slept withthe mad lord by her and the ruby necklace lying near them.

  At midnight Lord Harry Culverhouse awoke, and saw Princess Osra sleepingpeacefully, with a smile on her lips such as decks a child's in sleep.He rose and stood up on his feet, looking at her: and he heard nothingbut the sound of the horses cropping the grass a little way off. Then hedrew near her and gazed long on her face: and she opened her eyes andsaw him; she smiled at him, and she said:

  "Even here I am guarded by one of the gentlemen who guard me in thepalace." And she closed her eyes again and turned to sleep.

  A shiver ran through him. He dug his nails into the palms of his hands,and, turning, walked swiftly up and down on the bluff by the side of theriver, while Osra slept.

  Presently he fell on his knees beside her, beginning to murmur in arapid rush of words: but he did not now curse her beauty, but blessedGod for it, and blessed Him also for the preservation of his own honour.Thus he spent the night till day was near: then he bent over Osra, andlooked once more on her: and he took up the ruby necklace and laid itlightly about her neck. Feeling the touch of it, cool and wet from thedew, she again opened her eyes, and, putting her knuckles in them, sherubbed gently; and she gasped a gentle yawn, saying: "Heigho, I amsleepy!" and sat up. And she said:

  "Are you not sleepy, my lord?"

  "I am on watch, madame," said Lord Harry Culverhouse.

  As the Princess sat up, the ruby necklace fell from her neck into herlap. Seeing it, she held it up to him, saying:

  "Take it again, and go to your own home. I am sure you gave too great aprice for it."

  He smiled, for she did not know how great the price was, and he asked:

  "Must I, in my turn, give back the pin that fastened your hair?"

  "No, keep the pin--it is worth nothing," she smiled. "Is it safe for meto go to sleep a little longer?"

  "Who would harm you, madame? Even I have not harmed you."

  "You!" said she, with a little laugh. "You would not harm me."

  And she lay down again and closed her eyes.

  Then Lord Harry Culverhouse sat down on the ground, resting his chin onhis knees, and clasping his hands about his shins, and he cursed himselfbitterly not now because he meditated any harm to her--for his hot furywas past, and he would have died before a hair of her head should behurt--but because of the evil that his wild and reckless madness hadbrought upon her. For he knew that soon there would be a pursuit, andthat, if she and he were found there, it would become known who he was,and her fame would suffer injurious rumours by reason of what he haddone. Therefore he made up his mind what he must next do, and heabandoned all the dreams that had led him into the foolish adventure onwhich he had embarked, and put from him the wickedness that had filledhis heart when first he carried her to the bluff over the river. He roseon to his knees, and prayed that if his deed were a sin--for it seemedto him to be a necessary thing--then that it might be forgiven, butthat, in any case, no hurt or harm should befall the Princess Osra byreason of anything that he had done. Finally he commended his soul toGod. Then he took the ruby necklace in his hand and, holding it, walkedto the edge of the bluff.

  But at this instant the sound of the hoofs of a horse struck on his ear;the sound was loud and close, and he had no more time than to turn roundbefore a horse was reined in suddenly by him, and a man leapt from itand ran at him and grappled with him. And Lord Harry perceived that theman was the King. For when Osra did not return, search parties had beensent out; the King himself headed one, and, having the best horse andbeing urged on by love and fear for his sister, he had outridden all therest and had chanced to come alone where Osra and Lord Harry were; andhe gripped Lord Harry furiously, cursing him for a scoundrel anddemanding what he had done to the Princess. Then Lord Harry said:

  "Do you not know me, sire? I am Harry Culverhouse."

  Greatly astonished, the King loosed his hold and fell back a pace, forhe could not understand what he heard, but yet knew the voice of hisfriend. Then, looking down, he beheld Osra sleeping peacefully as achild on the ground, with her cloak spread under her, that she mighttake no harm from the damp. But Lord Harry caught him by the arm,crying:

  "Are there others coming after you?"

  "Aye," said the King, "many others. The whole of the Guard are roused,and seek her high and low in the city and outside. But how came youhere, man?"

  Then Lord Harry told the King what he had done, speaking very brieflyand hastily, but yet sparing nothing; and when he told him how he hadcarried off the Princess, the King's hand flew to the hilt of his sword.But Lord Harry said "Not yet," and continued to tell the King how Osrahad pitied him, how he had watched by her, and how she had slept again,bidding him keep the pin. Then glancing at Osra, he lowered his voiceand spoke very quick and urgently, and the King held out his hand andshook Lord Harry's hand, asking: "Is there no other way?" But Lord Harryshook his head; then he kissed the King's hand; next he went and kissedOsra's hand very softly, and looked for the last time on her face; andhe drew the golden pin from his purse and he put it gently and deftlyamong her hair. Then taking the ruby necklace in his own hand andclenching it tight, he said to King Rudolf:

  "Sire, there are some in the city that knew me before, but have notknown me since I have been in your Guard, because I have altered myface. Take care that you so alter it that they do not know me again."

  The King's breath caught in his throat, for he had loved Lord HarryCulverhouse, and he asked again:

  "Is there no other way?"

  "Hark!" said the other, "I hear the horses of your Guard drawing near; Ihear them to east and west and north; and do you not see shapes ridingthere to the south, across the river? If I ride from here alive, I shallbe taken, and the truth must be known. For my sake and hers, strike,sire."

  The King took Lord Harry Culverhouse by the arm and drew him to him,saying:

  "Must it be so, Harry? And we have lived as friends together!"

  "The sound of the hoofs is very near, sire."

  The King drew himself up to his height, and he raised his hat from hishead, and bowed low to Lord Harry Culverhouse, and he said:

  "Now praise be to God for the restoration of this gentleman to a soundmind, and may Christ grant him mercy for the sake of his honourabledeath!"

  And he drew his sword from its sheath, and came up to Lord HarryCulverhouse, who stood on the edge of the bluff. The King raised hissword and struck with all his strength; the head split under the blow,and Lord Harry Culverhouse fell dead from the bluff into the river,holding the ruby necklace in his clenched hand. But the King shivered,and a short sob burst from him.

  On this instant there arose an eager glad cry, and twenty of the Guardrushed forward, greeting the King and rejoiced to see the Princess.Roused by the noise of their coming, she sat up again, rubbing her eyes,and cried:

  "Where is he? Where is Lord Harry?"

  And she looked round on the troopers, and they gazed on her, muchastonished at hearing what she said. But Rudolf came to her and took herhand, saying:

  "Why, Osra, you have been dreaming! There is no Lord Harry here. LordHarry Culverhouse is far off in his own country. Did that rascal of atrooper frighten you?"

  Her eyes grew wide in wonder; but before she could speak he turned tothe Guard, saying:

  "By heaven's pleasure I came in time to prevent any harm, except theloss of a necklace my sister wore. For as I rode up, I saw a fellowstooping down by her and fumbling with the clasp of her necklace. He wasone of
your troop, and had ridden out behind her, and he must havecarried her off by force: now he was endeavouring to rob her, and as Irode up to him he sprang away from her, holding her necklace in hishand: but I leapt down from my horse and ran at him, and he retreated infear. Then I drew my sword, and drove him back to the edge of the bluff:and then I split his skull, and he fell into the river, still holdingthe necklace. But, thanks to God, the Princess is not hurt. Let searchbe made for the fellow's body, for perhaps the necklace will be still inhis hand."

  But one cried, "How came they here?"

  "Ah, sister," said the King, fixing his eyes on Osra, "how came youhere?"

  Reading in the King's eyes the answer that he would have, she said:

  "The trooper compelled me to come hither with him, and he threatened tokill me if I would not give him my necklace. But I refused: then he drewa knife and menaced me with it, and I fell into a swoon, and knew nomore until I awoke and found you here; and now I see that my necklace isgone."

  "Bring her horse," the King commanded, "and ride in front and behind. Wewill return to the city at the best speed we may."

  Then he mounted the Princess on her horse, and rode by her side,supporting her with his arm: and the troopers were some way off in frontand behind. But the Princess felt the pin again in her hair, and puttingup her hand she pulled it out, and she said:

  "He has given me back my pin."

  "Of whom do you speak?" asked the King.

  "Of Lord Harry Culverhouse. Is he indeed dead, Rudolf?"

  "Are you indeed still dreaming?" answered the King with a laugh. "Whathad that fellow to do with Harry Culverhouse?"

  "But the pin?" she cried.

  "My wife set it in your hair, before you started, for she wished toreplace the one you gave to Lord Harry."

  "She did not touch my hair to-day!" cried the Princess.

  "Aye, but she did," said he.

  The Princess suddenly fell to sobbing; and she said:

  "Tell me the truth, tell me the truth. Surely it was in truth Lord HarryCulverhouse?"

  Then Rudolf drew very close to her, and said softly:

  "Sweet sister, the noble gentleman whom we knew, he whom I loved, andwho loved you in chivalrous deference, went from us two months ago. Benot troubled about him, for now all is well with him. But there was anunhappy man with you, who was not our Harry Culverhouse, and who hadmurderous and mad thoughts in his heart. Yet at the end he also died asreadily and as nobly as our dear friend himself would have died for yoursake. I pray you ask no more of him, but be contented to know thatthough he died by the sword yet he died in peace and willingly. But ofour dear friend, as we knew him, think as much as you will, for the loveof an honest gentleman is a good thing to think of."

  The Princess Osra, hearing this, laid her hand in her brother's hand,and for a long while she did not speak. Then she said:

  "But our friend will not come again, Rudolf?"

  "No, you will never see our friend again," answered the King.

  "Then when you see him--for I think you will see him once again--laythis pin in his hand, and bid him take and keep it for the sake of thelove I bear him: perhaps he will hear you."

  "It may be, I cannot tell," said the King.

  "And if he has the necklace," said she, "pray him to give that to you,and sell it, Rudolf, and give the value of it in gifts to the poor. Yes,to all that are unhappy and afflicted, even as the poor man who was withme to-night."

  "So be it, Osra," said the King, and he kissed her. But she burst againsuddenly into passionate weeping, calling God to witness that her facewas a curse to her and a curse to her friends, and praying the King tosuffer her to take the veil in a convent, that she might trouble honestmen no more. Thus he brought her in a sad plight to the palace, and gaveher into the arms of his wife, still sobbing bitterly. And he himselftook the pin, and when the body of the mad trooper was found, with hisown hand he covered the face, and put the pin in the hand from which hetook the ruby necklace: and he sold the necklace, and used the proceedsof it as his sister had desired.

  Thus the madness of Lord Harry Culverhouse, which was bred in him by thebeauty of the Princess Osra, worked its way with him, and brought himfirst into peril of great villainy, and at last to death. And his namepassed no more on the lips of any in Strelsau, nor between King Rudolfand his sister, while the story that the King had told to the trooperswas believed by all, and none save the King knew what Lord HarryCulverhouse had done in his madness. But Osra mourned for him, and for along while she would not go abroad, nor receive any of the princes ornobles who came to the Court, but lay still sick and full of grief,bewailing the harm that she had wrought. Yet, as time passed, she grewagain happy, for she was young, and the world was sweet to her: andthen, as King Rudolf had bidden her, she remembered Lord HarryCulverhouse as he had been before his madness came upon him. Yet stillmore did she remember how, even in his madness, he had done her no harm,but had watched beside her through the night, and had, as morningdawned, entreated death at the hands of the King, preferring to dierather than that the talk of a single idle tongue should fall foully onher name. Therefore she mourned for him with secret tears.

  But he, although no monument marked his grave, and although men spokeonly of the mad trooper who had robbed the Princess, yet slept soundlyand at peace: and his right hand lay clenched upon his heart, and in itthe golden pin that had fastened the ruddy hair of Princess Osra.