Read The Heartfelt Saga Page 4

  Chapter 4

  March 21st, 770; In the Council room, Castle Heartfelt

  The King stood up and looked around the table. His children occupied the first few seats and past them was the Confidences from Elizabeth Towne and Redderin. Beyond the two empty chairs sat the Markham overseer, Lady Loveland. Outside the table stood aides, some staff, and the representatives’ entourages.

  “Has there been any word?” The King looked at each member of the table.

  Princess Anne stood. A few months ago, it fell to her shoulders to have royal messengers sent to Bayside and Fort North. Neither group had returned. Anne reported what she knew. “No word has been sent back from the north and we have not heard word from our messengers, sire. I don’t feel there is a need to wait any longer.” Princess Anne remained standing.

  The King locked eyes with his daughter. Over the years she found more ways to impress him and it made him proud to be her father. Even with her young age, she returned his stare without falter. The King softened his eyes. “Thank you, my daughter.”

  Princess Anne nodded and returned to her seat.

  The King moved away from the table and began a slow pace. “Prince Philip.” Upon hearing his name the Prince rose. “Please recapture the events of the last few months concerning our friends in the north.”

  Prince Philip nodded and with a quick glare at Prince Christopher he began. He started all the way back with the departure of the Confidences during the last fall and went through the boycott messenger during the winter.

  “Thank you.” The King walked back in front of the table. “This leads me to bring the rest of you up to date on what my thoughts are concerning the north. This kingdom owes nothing to the Northerns, and I will be bold enough to proclaim they owe each and every one of us. The war we suffered was caused and manipulated by the Northerns and though it served their purposes, they put forth a meager monetary contribution and they then matched that with a meager amount of troops. Of course, neither of these made it on time. Their actions led to a few extra months of fighting. Those extra months affected each of us in this room.

  The subject of the boycott concerns the fact that Redderin was instituted in the Kingdom as a full Vassal and James Schillings was granted a Confidence. I am going to say this once and only once. Redderin has been established into the hierarchy of this kingdom and is equal and entitled to the same rights and responsibilities as the other four Vassals. And I will add that this was not a matter to be voted on. I made the decision and the decision stands.”

  The rest of the council watched as the King returned to his seat.

  “Since the Northerns have neglected their summons, is there any business we can conduct?”

  Prince Christopher rose. “Of course, sire.”

  The room took a less serious tone as each representative took turns addressing the King. The session progressed through the routine and mundane issues that befell the Vassals. As the afternoon fell, the King called a recess.

  “Let us stop here for the meal will be served shortly. We can pick up after lunch in the late afternoon. Thank you.” The King got up from the table and adjourned into his bedroom.

  The next few minutes the room became a flurry of activity as each Confidence and his entourage cleared out. Sir Stamos maneuvered his way through the crowds and stopped Prince Christopher.

  “The King wants to see you. Now!” Without waiting for an answer the aide turned and disappeared into the King’s bedroom.

  The perplexed look on the Prince’s face disappeared as he excused himself from the conversation he was having. He immediately went to his summons.

  The Prince knocked on the bedroom door. Moments later Sir Stamos appeared at the door. “You’re expected.” He abruptly turned around and went back into the chambers.

  Prince Christopher followed behind him becoming more and more tired of Sir Stamos’ attitude. Ever since the winter months had set in and his father had grown sicker the aide had become intolerable.

  Since the King had taken ill, the majority of his summons had been taken care of while he was in bed. This time it was slightly different. The King was sitting next to his bed in his wide backed chair. The shutters were closed, which gave the room a gloom even though it was the middle of the afternoon.

  Sir Stamos retreated into a corner of the room, leaving the Prince waiting patiently as his father finished his business with Philip, his older brother and the King-in-waiting. The brothers shared some of the same facial features, but Philip was slightly shorter and leaner than Christopher was.

  The King looked up from his conversation and saw his second born waiting for him. He stopped the conversation in mid-sentence and addressed Christopher. “Please come forward, my son.”

  Christopher approached his father and when he was two feet away he knelt down. “Good afternoon, father. How are you today?”

  “No better than yesterday.” The King looked back to Philip. “Come see me later and we will finish this conversation.”

  Prince Philip stood and turned to walk away.

  “Philip.” Prince Christopher attempted to greet his older brother.

  The Prince looked down as his younger brother with an angry scowl on his face. He was seething that his business was being put aside for his younger brother’s. “Christopher.” He forced the name out of his lips and continued out of the chambers without saying another word.

  Prince Christopher ignored the scowl and waited to be addressed by the King.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly.” The King adjusted himself in the chair. “Edwin, could you please open the shutters. I imagine I can take a little of the sun.”

  “Sire, there is still a chill in the air. Are you sure this is wise?”

  Christopher glared at Sir Stamos until he finally conceded.

  “As you wish, sire.”

  Christopher waited as the shutters were opened.

  “You may leave us as soon as you are finished with the shutters, Edwin.”

  Sir Stamos stiffened upon hearing those words. He latched the shutters open and abruptly turned around. His face was laced with anger, embarrassment, and infuriation. He swiftly removed himself from the bedroom, slamming the door as he left.

  The King sat back putting his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Without opening them, he spoke to his son. “Please sit, Christopher. There is much to discuss.”

  Christopher moved himself into a chair facing his father.

  “Has there been any word from the messengers?”

  “No sire. I spoke with Lady Loveland and nothing was heard before her departure to come here. To be safe, I also asked Confidence Trynn and received the same answer.” The Prince folded his hands on his lap. “Maybe this harsh winter has hit them harder than we have felt.”

  “No. We both know that is far from the truth.”

  Prince Christopher nodded his head in understanding. “Yes, I know.”

  “I can’t help thinking Confidence Massenberg’s has grown larger than the crown. Who knows, maybe he has already crowned himself King. I know Confidence Pope would run with him like a good lap dog is expected to.” The King paused only to let out a sigh. “Why am I destined to be remembered as the King of wars?” The King immediately put his hand out with his palm facing out. “Don’t answer that.” King Frederick absentmindedly smiled in his son’s direction. “I don’t envy your older brother at all. I wouldn’t want to be the King-in-waiting and having to assume the throne with a rebellion waiting to happen. By the way, I take it you two haven’t settled your differences?”

  Christopher hesitated while he weighed his answer. “No.”

  King Heartfelt nodded. “I understand. Is there nothing I can do?”

  “No father. This is between me and my brother, though things have gotten better now that he is out of the military and into a job better suited to his skills.”
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  King Heartfelt nodded. “I understand.” He turned to a more constructive subject. “It’s time to start thinking about our future. At the meeting this afternoon, I want you to bring up the subject of the recall. I don’t want to be caught without a plan if, in fact, the Northerns have ideas for the future. Understood?”

  “Yes, sire. What do you think of the proposal submitted by Blackheart?”

  “I have looked over the plans Royal Man Blackheart has for the army and I want to have those plans in motion by the end of the week. Once the council resumes this afternoon, I want you and Blackheart to present this plan. I don’t foresee any problems with an approval, especially considering the circumstances.” The King opened his eyes and looked at Christopher. “You made a wise choice by picking him. He has proven his worth, though I never doubted it, I didn’t foresee how wise a choice it was.”

  The Prince nodded and watched with concern as his father closed his eyes again. A few moments passed before the King opened his eyes and continued with his speech as if he had never paused.

  “One more thing before you head to lunch. This boycott is not going to affect the trade with our other Vassals. As such, I want you to devise a small contingent of Guardsmen from Redderin and Heartfelt designed to protect Markham and Lady Loveland until the army plans you have presented me have been effected. I don’t care about the details; just get the group assembled quickly.”

  “I anticipated your request and once the plans are presented to the council, I can finish the last piece of the unit.”

  "I trust you my son. May your heart lead you well.” The King once again closed his eyes.

  Prince Christopher waited for what seemed like an eternity until his father opened his eyes again. When he finally did, he slumped into his chair, startling the Prince.

  “Father!” Prince Christopher jumped from his chair and grasped his father. “Father, are you okay?”

  Within the Prince’s firm grip the King recovered.

  “I am just tired Christopher. I am sure you have better things to do than entertain this old man. Before you go though, help me to the bed.”

  The King leaned heavily on his son as they moved over to the bed. The Prince helped his father out of his robe and got him under the blankets. As the King fell onto the pillow, Christopher knelt beside him and waited a few moments. Before the Prince could leave, the King spoke.

  “Have Philip seat the last of today’s meeting. Forgive the representatives for me and before you head off with your plans, have Edwin sent to me.”

  “Your wish is my command, sire.” The Prince squeezed his father’s hand and started moving out of the bedroom.

  “Thank you, my son!”

  Christopher barely heard this whisper from his father as he closed the door to the chamber. He didn’t have to go far to find Sir Stamos. He found him seated at the council table pouting.

  “Sir Stamos, my father needs your attention. He’s had another one of his spells.” The Prince started to inform him of the need to have Philip leading the afternoon’s session, but wasn’t able to because Sir Stamos dashed from the council room towards the bedroom. He stopped and paused at the door before going in.

  “Send for the Healer, Christopher.” Without waiting for an answer, the aide disappeared through the door.

  Prince Christopher was left to answer to the air. “As you command.” Without wasting any more time, he headed out of the council room and set about finding the Healer, his older brother and finally Blackheart. He was going to make sure Blackheart and he were prepared to lay out those army plans for the council and he only had a short while to discuss the options.