Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 13

  “Please,” she begged him and felt a lump in her throat.

  “Who is threatening to kill you?” he insisted.

  “The people who killed my father,” she whispered.

  Mark took a deep breath and stared at her puzzled. Then he pulled her to the sofa and made her sit down.

  “Now, tell me everything from the beginning,” he said softly.

  Alexandra shifted uncomfortably, shaking her head in denial.

  “I can’t protect you,” he said, “if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “You don’t have to protect me,” she protested. “I’m just sorry you were caught in the middle of all this. And, by the way,” she suddenly asked, “how did you happen to be there?”

  Mark glanced at her for a moment, hesitating to speak.

  “Mark?” she insisted.

  “I was following you,” he admitted and drew his eyes away from her face.

  “You were what?” she asked, shocked.

  “I was following you,” he repeated more steadily this time.

  Alexandra jumped out of the sofa and turned to face him. “What’s going on here?” she demanded to know.

  “Nothing…” he started.

  “Don’t you lie to me!” she shouted at him. “There’s something strange about this whole deal. I sensed it right from the start. What’s going on? Who are you?”

  He stared at her, puzzled. “You know who I am,” he said simply.

  “No, I don’t!” she insisted. “I know you as the Managing Director of the Imperial Resorts Corporation.”

  “That is who I am,” he insisted.

  “Then why were you following me? And why all this secrecy? Why haven’t I been able to meet with the president yet? And what about all these things I’ve been hearing?” she burst out, unable to control her temper.

  “What things?” he asked cautiously and stood up to face her.

  “Strange things,” she attacked him. “About me being the one, and so on.”

  “Where did you hear this?” he asked carefully, studying her face.

  Alexandra drew a deep breath and counted to ten, trying to control herself. Anger wasn’t getting her anywhere. All she had done so far was tell him everything without finding out anything from him. She wasn’t going to play his game anymore.

  “I asked you a question,” she repeated. “Why were you following me?” she insisted and stared at him straight in the eyes.

  “I wanted to protect you,” he admitted.

  “Protect me from what?” she asked carefully.

  They were interrupted by Catherine, who walked into the living room. They both turned and stared at her, and Catherine shifted uncomfortably.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I just wanted to ask if we should serve dinner.”

  “Yes, go on,” Mark replied, and he turned and marched towards the windows. He opened the French doors and stepped outside onto the veranda.

  Alexandra followed him outside, not wanting to let him get away. “I demand an explanation,” she insisted.

  He glanced at her puzzled for a second and then turned his gaze away, keeping silent.

  Alexandra took a few deep breaths, giving him time to respond.

  “It’s not easy to explain,” he said after a while.

  “Try anyway,” she insisted.

  “We’re aware of what happened to you father…” he said and hesitated.

  Alexandra was taken aback. “You checked my past?”

  “It’s not exactly like that,” he said, trying to calm her down.

  “Who gave you the right to pry into my privacy?” she yelled at him.

  Mark hesitated for a moment and then continued. “We didn’t mean to pry,” he tried to explain. “It’s just that we have to make sure whom we’re dealing with.”

  Alexandra stared at him shocked. “You mean it’s your company’s policy to investigate the private lives of people before you do business with them?”

  “It’s a kind of insurance,” he said and kept his eyes away from her.

  She stared at him for a couple of minutes. She could sense he wasn’t being honest with her, but all of a sudden, she didn’t care anymore. She just felt so tired.


  Mark watched her closely and realized the fight going on inside her. He hoped she would be satisfied with his explanations and not press matters any further. He hated lying to her, but, of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth, either.

  Catherine, coming to the French doors to announce that dinner was ready, saved Mark from having to say another word.


  They walked silently inside and sat at the dinner table.

  Alexandra ate mechanically and, afterwards, couldn’t even remember what they had for dinner.

  Mark was just as silent and simply raised his eyes to glance at her from time to time.

  At some point, Alexandra pushed her plate back and stood up, excusing herself. “I need to go lay down,” she said and left towards her bedroom.

  “Alexandra…” She heard him calling after her, but she wasn’t about to stop. She knew she was being rude, especially considering the fact that he had risked his life to save her this morning. But still, she couldn’t help it. Fed up with everything, she just wanted to be left alone for a while.


  Mark sensed her mood and decided to leave her alone. He was furious with everything that happened. He walked to the front door and called Michael, who was sitting on a bench at the far side of the hallway, to come in. They both walked into the study, leaving the door a little open behind them so that they could watch the hallway leading to Alexandra’s room. They had so much to talk about.


  Alexandra tossed and turned for a long time. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was almost one in the morning. Unable to sleep, she climbed out of bed and, throwing her robe over her shoulders, she walked outside on the balcony. The night breeze made her feel alive.

  Walking to one of the bamboo armchairs, she sunk into it, pulling her legs up, and wrapping her arms around them. She needed to think and decide what to do next. She couldn’t believe she had only been there for two days; so much had happened in the meantime. I hope the meeting with the mysterious president of IRC will finally take place tomorrow. I need to head back to Atlanta and start picking up the pieces of my life, she thought frustrated.

  She was worried sick about John, and she hadn’t heard anything from Holly, which meant that John hadn’t gotten in touch with her either. Oh, God, please help him! she prayed. She didn’t know what she would do without him. He was the only family she had.

  Her thoughts flew to her grandfather, and Alexandra drew a deep breath, trying to clear her mind. She couldn’t help feeling lonely, however. Her father’s parents had died a long time ago, before Alexandra was even born, and there was nobody else she could call family. If only things were different, she wished, and immediately reprimanded herself for thinking like this. Her mother had her reasons for staying away from her family, and Alexandra had an obligation to respect that. Besides, she had promised her father.

  Hot tears welled up in her eyes, and Alexandra was all shaken up inside. She rose to her feet and walked to the edge of the balcony, letting her tears run down her face, relieving all the pain and suffering. Strangely enough, the height didn’t bother her any more. Instead, it gave her a sense of freedom and acceleration. She grabbed hold of the railings and stared away into the horizon. The magnificent, panoramic view of the city at night took her breath away. She closed her eyes and lifted her face, enjoying the revitalizing breeze blowing softly through her hair.


  Seeing her standing there with her hair loose on her shoulders and her white silk robe clinging to her body like a glove, Mark drew a deep breath. She looked like a siren who could steal his sailor’s heart away. His body tensed with desire. Vivid images of their lovemaking came crashing down on him, and the thought hit him like a rock: he was desperately
in love with her.


  Alexandra sensed his presence and turned to face him. He stood right outside the French doors of his bedroom, staring at her. Seeing the passion burning in his eyes, she pulled her robe tighter around her. Foolish move, she thought, considering the fact they had made passionate love the night before. However, all that wine she had consumed had made her brave and bold then. Now, just thinking about it, she was embarrassed.

  Mark came closer, and Alexandra felt spellbound by his presence. His sizzling gaze burned her skin and send heat waves throughout her body. Her instinct told her to flee, but her feet wouldn’t respond. She stood there, rooted to the floor, watching him approach. Even when he stood right in front of her, she kept her gaze to his chest, drawing deep breaths, trying in vain to slow down the wild racing of her heart. Mark placed a gentle hand beneath her chin and lifted it so that her gaze would meet his. Staring at his bedroom eyes in the seductive moonlight, Alexandra was hypnotized. All she wanted was for him to pick her up in his arms and take her to his bed again.

  She shut her eyes and shook her head slightly to clear those tormenting thoughts. However, her skin still tingled with excitement from his steamy caresses, and his passionate whispers echoed loudly in her mind. Mark brushed his thumb across her lips, making her tremble while the fragrance of soap mixed with his cologne drove her senses wild. Opening her eyes, she stared deep into his. She could tell he was just as affected by her as she was by him. When he drew her in his arms and his lips came down on hers, she was lost. Her hands flew around his shoulders, drawing him even closer while her mouth playfully invited his burning lips and tongue to explore it.

  What am I doing? A voice echoed in her head. This was madness. She was in way too much trouble to become emotionally involved with someone right now, especially the Managing Director of her most important client. But I’ve already made love with him once, another voice argued, not wanting this alluring feeling to end. However, too much was at stake right now, not to mention that his life might be in danger because of her.

  “Mark, please…” she managed to whisper.

  He raised his head and stared at her. “Please what?” he asked teasingly. “Please don’t stop?”

  She drew a deep breath and threw her head back. She knew she couldn’t stop him; she wanted him so much. But she had to try. “Please stop…” she whispered, pulling every shred of courage, she could muster. “This is wrong.”

  “This is right,” he corrected her. “This is the only thing that’s right in this whole mess.”

  His words brought her back to reality, and she pulled back. “Please, Mark,” she said. “I mean it.”

  His arms fell on his side, and he took a step back. “If you don’t feel anything about me…” he began.

  “It’s not that,” she interrupted him and stopped abruptly. I don’t want him to know how I feel about him. “We have a job to do,” she tried to patch things up. “We need to keep our personal feelings separate from all this.”

  “And pretend that nothing happened?”

  “We just got carried away last night, but it won’t happen again,” she protested.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked, and a sexy smile appeared on his sensual lips.

  “Yes,” she said stubbornly. “It won’t happen again,” she repeated more to herself than to him.

  Turning on her heel, she walked inside her bedroom, closing the doors behind her. She drew the curtains, took off her robe, and sat down on her bed. Through the lace curtains, she could still see him standing there on the balcony and felt her heart sinking. Oh, Lord, she was so in love with him.


  The sun was shining bright when Alexandra woke next morning. She glanced at the clock on the night stand and was startled to see it was already nine o’clock. Jumping out of bed, she took a quick shower. She was determined to speak to Mark and have her meeting with the president finally arranged.

  Half an hour later, dressed in her cream silk blouse and dark green suit, she walked into the living room to find him waiting for her.

  “Good morning,” he said, searching her face.

  “Good morning,” she responded simply and headed for the table to pour some coffee in a cup.

  “Have something to eat,” he said. “We have a long day ahead of us.”

  Alexandra turned to stare at him, surprised. Finally, she thought. The meeting was going to take place today. With all this happening the last few days, she had started to wonder if that president really existed. Don’t be ridiculous! she reprimanded herself.

  “Can you be ready by eleven-thirty?” he asked.

  “But of course,” she replied. “I’m ready right now.”

  “No, I mean packed and everything.”

  “Packed?” Alexandra asked puzzled. He wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible, she realized. So that was it. She would meet with the president and be on the first plane to Atlanta.

  Feeling a lump in her throat, she tried to persuade herself that this was what she wanted. But was it? No, her heart was crying out. She wanted to stay right here with him.

  Realizing he was staring at her, she straightened her body and returned his look. “I’ll be packed and ready to go by eleven-thirty,” she said.

  “All right then,” he said and turned to walk towards his bedroom. “If you’ll excuse me for a second,” he apologized. “I still have a lot to take care of, since I’ll be gone for a while.”

  “You’ll be gone?” she asked confused. “Are you leaving, too?”

  “But of course, I couldn’t let you fly to Greece on your own,” he replied and walked down the hallway, leaving Alexandra speechless.

  Chapter Eleven

  ALEXANDRA STOOD MOTIONLESS. She felt as if she was just struck by lightning. Fly to Greece? Is that what he really said? Her head was spinning, and she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her body. Memories of a beautiful white mansion overlooking the incredible blue of the Aegean Sea came back to her. A beautiful lady with golden brown hair playing with her little girl on the beach… Oh, God, how much she missed her mother.

  She was brought back to reality by Catherine coming in to clean up the table.

  “Good morning,” Catherine said and smiled at Alexandra. “Would you like some help packing?”

  Alexandra stared at her, puzzled. She was still unable to comprehend what was going on.

  “No, thanks,” she finally managed to say and turned to go to her bedroom.

  Absentmindedly, Alexandra packed her stuff and was ready by eleven o’clock. After she was done, she sat on her bed, still feeling numb inside. How am I going to handle this? She was overwhelmed by anticipation mixed with anxiety and fear.

  A knock on the door brought her back to reality.

  “Come in,” she said and saw Mark walking into the room. He hesitated for a moment and then walked towards the windows.

  “I know this is kind of sudden…” he started.

  “Kind of?” she asked. “The understatement of the year!” she burst out. “You tell me we’re flying halfway around the world with two hours’ notice, and you call it kind of sudden?” Alexandra was on the verge of collapsing.

  Mark ran his fingers through his hair. “Listen,” he said. “The president couldn’t come, and he asked if we could meet him in Greece.”

  “I thought he was in Japan,” she pointed out.

  “He was,” Mark confirmed. “He’s flying to Greece today, and so are we.”

  “I see,” she said and breathed out heavily, trying to control her temper. “And what if, in the meantime, he decides to go to Mars?” she asked ironically. “Then I guess we’ll have to charter a spaceship.”

  Mark shifted uncomfortably and glanced outside the window. “I know all this has been kind of strange for you…” he started.

  “It’s not just strange!” she cried out. “It’s absolutely crazy!”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve already talked
to your president. He’s in complete agreement with this trip. I also spoke to your assistant, and she’s sending some clothes for you, unless you prefer to buy some new stuff when we arrive there.”

  Alexandra stared at him, shocked. “When did you do all this?” she asked. “Was it before you dropped the bomb on me, or after?” She already knew the answer. He probably had everything arranged the day before. She felt like a fool—a puppet that someone else was pulling the strings. “And what if I say no?” she asked abruptly.

  “Alexandra, please,” Mark said. “I realize this came as a shock to you, but, believe me, it’s better this way.”

  “Better for whom?” she asked stubbornly. She realized she might be crossing the line, but this was a big deal. She wasn’t prepared for this—a trip overseas and especially to Greece.

  The realization of what was happening hit her like a freight train. She hid her face in her hands and felt her body shivering. In a flash, he was standing right in front of her, pulling her into his arms.

  “Alexandra,” he whispered and kissed her on the top of her head.

  Leaning against him, she felt so safe, so secure. She realized she needed him more than anything else in this world. She didn’t care about anything else. All she wanted to do was to stay in his arms forever.

  She closed her eyes and, all of a sudden, she had made up her mind. She was going to Greece with him. She didn’t care about the president, her job, or anything else. It was crazy, but all she cared about was him. She was going to Greece, just to be with him.


  “You stupid girl!” Alexandros Vassiliou yelled at the maid. “Be careful! You almost spilled it on me!”

  Maria drew a deep breath to control her temper. “I’m so sorry, sir,” she apologized as calmly as she could, fighting back the urge to slap him. But she had to wait… She’d come such a long way to mess everything up now. Quietly, she picked up the tray and left the room. Closing the door behind her, she shot a hard look at the old man and that bitch, Penelope. I’ll take care of both of you, she though anxiously and felt her pulse accelerate in anticipation. You think you’re better than everyone else? Just wait until I get done with you. I’ll make sure you pay for everything you’ve done.