Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 16

  If only I could tell her the truth.

  Chapter Thirteen

  ALEXANDRA CLIMBED OUT OF BED and walked over to the table next to the window. Her stomach was all upset, and she decided to have something to eat. She sat in the armchair and drank a little bit of her tea. Then she ate one of the ham and cheese sandwiches and started feeling a little better.

  Taking her teacup in her hands, she leaned back in her chair, looking outside the window. She needed to think. Her grandfather was coming tomorrow, and she needed to be ready for him. She felt the urge to flee. And go where? she wondered. And what about her job? How would she explain all this to her company?

  All of a sudden, a thought crossed her mind. Did her boss know about all this? Was he involved in this conspiracy? No, she shook her head in denial, he couldn’t be. But then again, she didn’t know what to believe any more.

  It was so frustrating. She had spent her entire life hiding her real identity as the granddaughter of Greek billionaire Alexandros Vassiliou and, probably, one of the heirs to his incredible fortune. She knew that her grandfather was the founder of a multi-billion dollar corporation that owned residential and commercial properties, luxury resorts, casinos, restaurants, and other businesses all around the world. Among everything else, her grandfather owned a large part of the residential and commercial property on Santorini—his birthplace—including stores and businesses. No wonder the article in the newspaper was talking about the heiress of Santorini.

  Alexandra never really knew what exactly took place between her mother and her grandfather, but she knew that her mother had cut all ties with her family and never wanted to lay eyes on Alexandros again. Alexandra had learned to respect that and had vowed to stay away from the Vassiliou family.

  Besides, her father had been really worried about her safety. Being the granddaughter of a billionaire was really dangerous, and since Alexandra had no protection—as a person in a position like this would have—he feared she was easy prey.


  Later that night, Alexandra heard a knock on her door. At first, she didn’t want to answer. Whoever it was, she wanted him to leave her alone.


  She heard his voice calling, and her heart sunk in her chest. Her cousin, she realized and felt devastated by the thought that there could never be anything between the two of them, not to mention the fact that they had slept together.

  The door opened slowly, and she watched him walk into the room and try to adjust his eyes to the darkness. Alexandra was still sitting in the armchair by the window and hadn’t turned any lights on.

  He saw her sitting there and took a few steps towards her.

  “What do you want?” she asked coldly.

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think we have anything to say.”

  “I need to explain…” he said and hesitated for a moment.

  “Explain what?” she burst out. “Explain how you tricked me? Explain how you lied to me in order to bring me here? How can you explain all that?”

  “Things are not the way they seem,” He made another attempt.

  “Oh, no?” she asked. “This isn’t my grandfather’s house? And you aren’t my cousin?”

  “Part of it is true,” he admitted. “But we didn’t mean to trick you or lie to you about anything.”

  “But you did anyway!” she accused him.

  He drew a deep breath and went to sit in the armchair opposite hers.

  “Listen, Alexandra,” he said. “Your grandfather needed to find you and tell you…”

  “Tell me what?” she interrupted him ironically. “That he’s sick?”

  “What?” he asked confused.

  “Isn’t that what usually happens in the movies?” she went on, with a touch of sarcasm in her voice. “People like my grandfather go on with their lives, stepping on other people’s feelings, and finally, when they grow old and maybe sick, they remember their family and try to reunite with them.”

  “It’s nothing like that,” Mark said. “Your grandfather didn’t just think about you. He’s been watching over you your entire life. And he’s not sick.”

  “Watching over me?” she laughed. “Where was he when my mom died? And even worse, where was he when my dad died and I was left all alone in the world?”

  “I understand you have a lot of negative feelings towards your grandfather,” he said, “and it’s not my place to explain or defend his actions. He’ll do that himself. This is one of the reasons he wanted to see you.”

  “And why did he have to bring me all the way here?” she asked puzzled. “He could have come to Atlanta to tell me all that.”

  “You wouldn’t have talked to him,” Mark pointed out.

  “I probably wouldn’t have,” she admitted. “But, still… This is extreme!”

  “There’re so many things you don’t know,” Mark stated.

  Alexandra stared at him puzzled. She wasn’t sure whether she should trust him or not. Her heart told her to, but on the other hand, everything he had told her so far was a lie.

  “Your grandfather is in danger,” he said, finally.

  Alexandra stared at him shocked. “What do you mean, he’s in danger?”

  “Someone’s trying to kill him,” Mark said and explained to Alexandra about the attempts on Alexandros’ life. He told her about the family’s yacht blowing up three months ago, causing the death of so many people. “The only reason your grandfather and I are still alive is because an important matter kept us, at the very last moment, from boarding the ship,” he went on. Then he explained about her grandfather’s German shepherd dying after eating her grandfather’s poisoned steak six weeks ago.

  Alexandra was shocked. She rose to her feet and went to stand in front of the window, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She glanced into the night, trying to clear her thoughts. What was that all about? Was Mark telling the truth or was he lying again? And if he was telling the truth, who was after her grandfather?

  “Have you told the police?” she asked after a few silent moments.

  “No,” Mark admitted, and when she turned and stared in surprise, he explained that her grandfather had his suspicions and wanted to handle the matter himself.

  “This is really dangerous.”

  “I know,” Mark agreed. “But you know how stubborn your grandfather is.”

  “As a matter of fact, I don’t,” Alexandra pointed out, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I don’t know anything about my grandfather.” And it was the truth. All she knew about the Vassiliou family was from the newspapers, and that was very little since it seemed that her grandfather valued his privacy enormously.


  Silence stretched in the room for a few minutes as they were both lost in their thoughts.

  “I still don’t understand what I have to do with all this,” Alexandra finally remarked.

  “Well,” Mark said. “You see, you’re his only heir…”

  “I’m what?” she interrupted him. That was a joke, she thought. Other people might think so, but she knew her grandfather never cared about her mother or her—far less to leave his entire fortune to her.

  “You’re his only heir,” Mark repeated.

  “Looking for the Heiress of Santorini,” Alexandra whispered, remembering the title of the article in the newspaper.

  “What?” Mark asked puzzled.

  “Oh, nothing,” she replied.

  “So you read that,” Mark sighed.

  Alexandra looked at him.

  “You read the article in the newspaper,” he added.

  “Yes,” Alexandra admitted.

  “It was a mistake!” Mark burst out and clenched his fists. “Alexandros values his privacy and the privacy of his family enormously, and we scrutinize every single article or reference in the media. I can’t understand how we missed that one. Your grandfather was furious. He contacted the owner of the newspaper, and the follow-up article scheduled
to run the next day was cancelled, and the whole story buried.”

  “I was surprised to see it,” Alexandra admitted. “In all these years, I hardly ever saw anything in the papers about this family. And then, I read that…”

  “I know,” Mark said. “This young reporter managed to acquire some information from one of our employees, and he was planning to start a search for Alexandros’ long lost granddaughter.”

  “Oh, my!” Alexandra sighed.

  “Can you imagine your grandfather when he found out? Especially at a time like this when someone is after the family?”

  “What happened to the reporter?”

  “His boss—wanting to please Alexandros—was ready to fire him. However, Alexandros persuaded him to keep the reporter onboard.”

  “So that he can keep him under control and monitor his moves,” Alexandra thought out loud, feeling admiration for the sly old man who was her grandfather.

  “Exactly,” Mark confirmed. “This way, we won’t have to worry about him going to another paper and doing another article before we had a chance to stop it.”

  “And what about the employee who gave the reporter the information?” Alexandra wondered.

  “He wasn’t as lucky,” Mark admitted. “He was fired on the spot. Loyalty and confidentiality are nonnegotiable in our corporation.”

  “I can understand that,” Alexandra commented and sunk in the armchair, staring at him puzzled.

  Mark kept silent, his eyes watching her closely.

  “And what about you?” she inquired.

  “What about me? What do you mean?”

  “You said I’m his only heir. However, you’re family, as well.”

  “You’re his only granddaughter,” he explained. “Alexandros’ son Dimitris was killed in a car accident before he had any children, and you’re his daughter’s only child.”

  “But what about you?” she insisted.

  “I’m the grandson of his sister,” he said, as if this explained everything. “I would be his heir if it weren’t for you,” he added and shifted uncomfortably, probably realizing how that must have sounded.

  She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, staring at him. “That would make you the first suspect,” she pointed out.

  He gazed at her for a moment. “You’re right,” he admitted, truthfully. “But it’s not me. I love the old man. No matter how tough he can be sometimes, he’s the only real family I’ve even known. My parents were killed in an accident when I was just a baby, and it was Alexandros and my grandmother who raised me.”


  Alexandra was overwhelmed by all this. So much pain and suffering in this family. They had all the money and power in the world, and still they couldn’t be happy.

  “What happened to your grandmother?” she asked.

  “She died six years ago,” he replied, and she sensed that he didn’t want to talk about it.

  All of a sudden, Alexandra realized that Mark said she was Alexandros’ only heir. Which meant what? That she was in danger as well?

  Mark probably understood her thoughts, as he reached over to grab her hand.

  Alexandra pulled it back. “Am I in danger?”

  “I’m afraid,” he said, “that whoever is after your grandfather wouldn’t stop there.”

  A jolt of fear shot right through her, and her mouth went dry. What have I done to deserve this? she thought, bitterly. At first, her life was threatened by the people who killed her father, and now by whoever was after her grandfather. She drew a deep breath and released it slowly.

  “Don’t worry!” Mark said. “I won’t let you out of my sight.”

  “Do you know who it might be?”

  “We have our suspicions,” he admitted. “But we’re not sure yet.”

  “Do you suspect his wife and her grandson? Is that why you told me to be careful of them?” she asked, realizing that she had misunderstood him earlier at the beach.

  “Yes,” he admitted. “They’re among the ones who could benefit from your grandfather’s death.”

  “So there are others as well?” she insisted.

  “Well,” he said. “We’ll talk about all this tomorrow.”

  “I need to know,” she insisted. “Especially since my life might be in danger.”

  “I’ll tell you tomorrow,” he promised and stood up. “Right now, I better let you go to sleep.”

  Alexandra glanced at him and felt her body shivering as she suddenly thought of something. “Mark,” she whispered. “You were about to board the yacht, also.”

  Mark turned and looked at her.

  “They might be after you, too,” she went on. “What if they try again?”

  “Nothing’s going to happen,” he reassured her. “Lock the door behind me. My room is right next door. Just knock on the wall if you need anything.”

  He hesitated for a moment and then leaned and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Good night, Alexandra,” he whispered, and his voice was more of a caress.

  “Good night,” she whispered and sat there, watching him leave. She wished she could call him back and ask him to stay with her tonight. She needed his strong arms wrapped around her, protecting her, caressing her. She shivered at the thought.

  “Good night, my darling,” she whispered after the door had closed behind him. From now on, she promised herself, I’ll put him out of my mind. He’s my cousin, and I should never forget that.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “ALEXANDRA, WAKE UP!” she heard Martha’s voice. “You have a phone call from the States.”

  Alexandra jumped out of bed and unlocked her door to let Martha in.

  “Answer the phone,” Martha said. “A girl called Holly Graham wants to talk to you.”

  Alexandra grabbed the phone by her bed. “Hello,” she said, eagerly.

  “Alexandra!” She heard Holly’s voice. “How are you?”

  “Holly! It’s so good to hear from you!” Alexandra replied excitedly and, after a moment’s hesitation, she asked, “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is great!” Holly cried out. “I have someone right here who wants to talk to you.”

  Alexandra held her breath, and when she heard John’s voice on the phone, she burst out crying. “John! Are you all right?” she asked. “I’ve missed you so much.”


  Martha, who was still standing by the door, left the room quietly, closing the door behind her.

  Mark was waiting for her just outside the door. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  Martha turned and stared at him, puzzled. “I’m not sure,” she said. “Who is John?”

  Probably seeing the troubled expression on Mark’s face, she reached over and squeezed his arm. “Be careful, my boy,” she said tenderly.

  Mark turned and walked back inside his bedroom, clenching his fists. He’d read the report last night after he spoke to Alexandra. He knew John Harrison and his partner were able to solve the case they were working on and uncover the politician who had ordered the prostitute’s murder. Of course, they would never know they had some help from people in high places—people who owed Alexandros Vassiliou some favors. The important thing was that her father’s name was cleared, and Alexandra wasn’t in danger any more… at least, not from the people who had killed her father.


  Alexandra took a quick shower, dressed, and rushed to the living room. She was so happy to hear from John. She couldn’t believe he was safe, and the people responsible for her father’s death were finally behind bars.

  John also had said he had something really important to talk to her about, after she returned home. When he heard the concern in her voice, he reassured her that it was good news. Alexandra was suspecting it had to do with Holly. She was elated for them and hoped that everything would work out.

  “Good morning,” she heard a woman’s voice saying, and she turned to face Penelope.

  “Good morning,” A
lexandra replied. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced. I’m Alexandra Stewart,” she added and gave the woman her hand.

  “I know who you are,” the woman said in a cold voice, ignoring Alexandra’s hand.

  Alexandra felt an immediate dislike towards that woman. She remembered Mark talking to her about his suspicions last night, and she took a closer look at her. She was still attractive, considering her age. She must be in her sixties, Alexandra thought. She was wearing a tight silk dress—which revealed her few extra pounds—and too much make-up, even though it was early in the morning.

  Penelope was also examining Alexandra closely, while holding a cup of coffee in her hands.

  Alexandra felt uncomfortable under her scrutinizing stare and was relieved to see Martha walking into the room.

  “Breakfast is served in the sunroom,” Martha said and gave Alexandra a smile.

  Penelope turned and walked towards a door in the back of the living room.

  Alexandra hesitated for a moment and glanced at Martha inquiringly.

  “Go on,” Martha said. “Mark is already there.”

  Mark’s presence made Alexandra feel better, and she went after Penelope. She followed a corridor leading to a beautiful sunroom, with a huge glass table in the middle and eight bamboo armchairs around it. Flowerpots were everywhere, filled with rosebushes, carnations, and gardenias.

  Mark was sitting at the head of the table and stood up as soon as Alexandra walked inside. “Good morning,” he said and smiled at her.

  “Good morning,” she replied and sat in the chair he had pulled for her.

  Penelope was standing by the buffet against the wall, serving herself some breakfast. She kept quiet, ignoring both of them.

  “What would you like?” Mark said and took a plate in his hands.

  “She can serve herself,” Penelope said coldly. “Here you are,” she added and gave Alexandra a plate.

  The situation was quite awkward, and Alexandra glanced at Mark anxiously, feeling the urge to run out of the room and away from that woman.

  Mark took the plate from Penelope’s hand and placed it back on the pile.