Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 20

  “They had nothing to do with us,” Alexandros replied. “They were trying to blackmail your friend, the detective, to drop the case he was working on.”

  “So it had to do with John,” Alexandra whispered. Then she suddenly realized something and turned to him. “And how do you know that?” she asked suspiciously, and Alexandros laughed.

  “I know a lot of things,” he admitted, “especially things that have to do with my family.”

  “And the ones who followed us here, when we left the airport?” she asked again.

  “Mark is checking on that,” he said.

  Alexandra stared at him for a couple of minutes. “You don’t really think it’s over,” she said finally.

  He glanced at her and seemed surprised with her perception. “No,” he admitted. “I have this weird feeling that there’s something we’re missing.”

  A knock on the door interrupted him.

  The door opened, and Martha appeared at the entrance. “Mr. Anastasiadis wants to talk to you,” she said.

  “I have to go,” Alexandros said and left the room.

  “Can I get you anything?” Martha asked Alexandra.

  “No, I’m fine,” she replied, and swallowed hard as hot tears welled up in her eyes.

  Martha rushed into the room and took Alexandra in her arms. “Don’t cry, my darling,” she said. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  Alexandra was so overwhelmed with conflicting emotions that she couldn’t utter a word.

  Martha held her for a long time and was whispering words of love and comfort.

  “Thank you,” Alexandra said after a while and wiped her face.

  “I used to do this for your mother, too,” Martha said softly. “I would take her in my arms and let her cry until she felt better.”

  Alexandra stared at her and felt her heart reaching out to this lady, who knew and obviously loved her mother. “Talk to me about her,” she pleaded, feeling the urge to know more about the woman she had adored and lost when she was still a little child.


  Mark glanced at Alexandros, who was speaking to Marcos on the phone. He paced back and forth anxiously until Alexandros hung up the phone.

  “Well, what did he say?” Mark asked.

  “George confessed he had an affair with Maria, but he insists he had nothing to do with the attempts,” Alexandros said. “He blames everything on her. He says that whatever she did, she did it on her own.”

  “It sounds so much like him,” Mark burst out. “He was probably the one who talked her into this, and now that she’s dead and cannot defend herself, he’s blaming everything on her.”

  “I believe you’re right,” Alexandros agreed. “I knew she hated me, but I don’t think she could have accomplished anything without his help.”

  “But there’s still something puzzling you, isn’t there?” Mark asked.

  “Yes,” Alexandros admitted. “You told me that Katia knows about you. So we can assume that George knows, too, which gives him a strong motive to get you out of the way.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Mark admitted.

  “But what about Penelope?” Alexandros asked confused. “What did she have to do with all this?”

  “That puzzles me, too,” Mark admitted. “I still suspect that grandson of hers, but I can’t understand his motive.”

  “I know,” Alexandros said. “It would seem that he would want his grandmother alive and well so he could continue to live luxuriously.”

  They were interrupted by the phone. Alexandros answered it and handed it over to Mark. “It’s Michael!” he said.

  Mark answered the phone and listened for a few minutes, silently.

  “Well,” he began after he hung up the phone. “This answers our questions.”

  Alexandros looked at him silently, waiting for him to go on.

  “Michael managed to trace the people who followed us from the airport. It seems that our friend Jonathan owes some dangerous people large sums of money.”

  “Gambling!” Alexandros cried out.

  “Yes,” Mark admitted. “He had probably tried to get the money from his grandmother, but she couldn’t come up with such a large amount. Then he heard about the attempt against Alexandra, and that probably gave him the idea to kidnap her and blackmail you for the money.”

  “How on earth did he found out about the attempt?” Alexandros wondered out loud.

  “I guess he overheard Martha talking on the phone with Catherine,” Mark assumed.

  “We need to speak with Marcos,” Alexandros said.

  Chapter Sixteen

  TWO DAYS LATER, Alexandra was in the study, talking on the phone to Holly.

  “Congratulations,” Holly said excitedly. “Mr. Jones is thrilled with your success, and everybody here keeps talking about it.”

  “Thanks,” Alexandra replied. “I’m only glad it’s over. This deal was making me nervous. I’m glad that the contracts are finally signed, and I can come back home.”

  “Are you sure you want to leave?” Holly asked, after a moment’s hesitation.

  “It’s best this way,” Alexandra replied, simply.

  “I’m sorry things turned out the way they did,” Holly said.

  “Well,” Alexandra said and let out a deep breath, “there’s nothing we can do, so let’s not talk about it. Tell me about you and John. How are you guys doing?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about us,” Holly said, trying to sound cheerful. Alexandra could tell she was worried about her.

  “How are the plans for the wedding coming along?” Alexandra went on, to keep her mind occupied with something else.”

  “Don’t worry,” Holly said, laughing. “You’ll have plenty of work to do when you come back. We still have two months to go.”

  “Is your family coming from Alabama?”

  “But of course,” Holly replied. “I think we’ll need to rent a bus to bring them all here,” she went on, terribly excited.

  Alexandra was so happy for them. They sounded so much in love. She wished Mark and she could be the same way… Stop that! she reprimanded herself. You’ve been over this again and again. No matter what you say or what you do, things can’t change.

  “When are you actually coming back?” Holly asked cautiously.

  “Well, we’ll see,” Alexandra replied. “I haven’t actually set a date, yet,” she admitted.

  Holly was silent for a moment and then went on, “Are you thinking about New York?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Alexandra replied truthfully. “A job at the headquarters in New York would be great, but I’m not sure if this is what I want to do.”

  “I know that if the president of the company offered me a job at headquarters with double the salary and all these fringe benefits, I would jump on it without a second thought,” Holly pointed out.

  “I know it’s a good deal,” Alexandra replied. “But I don’t know if I want to move to New York.”

  “It’s because of him, isn’t it?” Holly inquired. “You don’t want to be in the same city with him.”

  Alexandra hesitated for a moment. “I guess you’re right,” she finally admitted. “There’s no need to complicate things any further. At least being in Atlanta, I won’t have to worry about running into him at a restaurant or something like that.”

  “Alexandra, wait,” Holly said. “John wants to talk to you.”

  “Hi, honey!” John said, and Alexandra felt relieved to hear his voice. “How are holding up?” he asked, concerned.

  Tears welled up in Alexandra’s eyes. She wished John could be here to take her in his arms and comfort her as he had done so many times in the past.

  John probably sensed her mood, because he tried to change the subject. “What’s going on with the investigation?” he asked.

  Alexandra explained to him about Maria and George and about the police investigation to find Penelope’s killer.

  John listened to her and seemed puzzled

  He’s not satisfied, Alexandra realized. “What do you think?” she asked him, anxiously.

  “I’m not sure,” he replied honestly. “Of course, I’m too far away, and I can’t have a clear picture of what’s going on, but some things just don’t fit.”

  “I know,” Alexandra admitted. “I feel the same way. I can understand the attempts against my grandfather and even myself, but why Penelope? It just doesn’t make any sense.”

  “What about that grandson of hers?” John asked curiously. “Have the police been checking on him?”

  “I guess they have,” Alexandra replied. “I have a feeling that he had a lot to do with her death. Even if he didn’t kill her, he probably knows who did.”

  “I think so, too,” John agreed. “And I don’t think it was the maid or that other guy, George. Unless there are things we don’t know, they don’t seem to be gaining anything from her murder.”

  “I keep on thinking about that, and I think Penelope’s death had nothing to do with the attempts on my grandfather. Maybe somebody who knew what’s going on took advantage of the situation and killed her, trying to make it look like someone is after the entire family,” Alexandra said puzzled and let out a deep breath.

  “Well, promise me you’ll be careful,” John said, concerned.

  “I’ll be fine,” Alexandra reassured him. “Besides, I should be on a plane within the next couple of days.”

  “It’ll be good to see you again,” he said. “I sure have missed you a lot.”

  “I’ve missed you, too,” she said. “And John,” she added, “thank you so much for everything.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for anything,” he said. “I owed it to your father.”

  “I know you loved him,” Alexandra said, and her voice broke down. “He loved you, too. You were like a son to him.”

  “He was like a father to me, too,” he said, and she could hear his voice vibrating from emotion.

  “I love you,” Alexandra whispered and finally hung up the phone.


  Mark was on his way to her room when he heard these last few words. He felt a kick in his stomach and clenched his fists. No matter how painful it was, he had to admit she was in love with Harrison.

  He turned and walked downstairs to the living room. He didn’t want Alexandra to see him standing there. He had spent the whole day, trying to figure out a way to let her know his feelings and tell her the truth about him. However, he was bound by his promise to Alexandros. He was torn apart: he didn’t want to do something that could destroy the family; on the other hand, he didn’t want to lose the only chance he might have with Alexandra.

  Then again, if she was in love with Harrison, there was nothing he could do about it. He could keep his secret and let things go on as they had until now. Of course, now that Constantinos was dead, things had changed. Alexandros had changed.


  Late that same afternoon, the police came to the house to arrest Jonathan. Alexandra heard the commotion downstairs and rushed to see what was going on. She met Martha on the staircase, who told Alexandra the police had charged him with his grandmother’s death. It seemed that Michael had come up with some incriminating evidence, which he handed over to the police.

  “Where is Mark?” Alexandra asked.

  “He’s downstairs with your grandfather,” Martha replied. “They’re talking to Mr. Anastasiadis.”

  Alexandra hesitated for a moment and then decided to return to her room. She would talk to Mark after the police chief was gone.


  A couple of hours later, Alexandra walked downstairs to find Mark. The living room was empty and so was the study. She finally decided to go to the kitchen. Martha probably knew where they were. On her way to the kitchen, she met Michael.

  “Michael!” she said. “I haven’t seen you for a while.”

  “I know,” he replied. “I’ve been snooping around,” he continued, “and have come up with some very interesting things.”

  “I heard that you found some incriminating evidence about Jonathan.”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “Believe me, that boy is going away for a long time.”

  “So he did kill his grandmother?” Alexandra asked puzzled.

  “And not only her,” Michael replied, and Alexandra gave him a surprised look.

  “Did he have anything to do with the other attempts on my grandfather’s life?” she asked.

  “No,” Michael replied. “We’re pretty sure it was George and Maria who made those attempts.”

  “But then who?” Alexandra asked and felt a chill caressing her spine.

  “Helena,” Michael replied simply.

  “Helena?” Alexandra asked confused for a moment. “You mean, Helena Taylor, Alexandros’ sister and Mark’s grandmother?” she continued with eyes wide open from astonishment.

  “I’m afraid so,” Michael replied.

  “But I thought she died from a heart attack or something like that,” Alexandra insisted.

  “Well, Helena was suffering from her heart,” Michael admitted, “but it seems that when she had the attack, Jonathan and Penelope managed to take her pills away from her and let her die helpless.”

  “I can’t believe that!” Alexandra burst out, shocked.

  “I’m afraid it’s the truth,” Michael said. “Helena was standing in Penelope’s way, influencing Alexandros against her. A year after she died, Alexandros married Penelope.”

  “But how do you know all this?” she asked puzzled.

  “We found out from Maria,” he said.

  “Maria?” Alexandra asked, unable to comprehend anything anymore.

  “Yes,” Michael confirmed. “Maria kept a diary. It seems she was spying on everybody here in this house, and she had written down some really interesting things.”

  “Where is Mark?” Alexandra asked. “Does he know?”

  “Yes,” Michael said. “It was pretty tough on him. He’s on his way to the police to hand over the diary. Your grandfather is with him.”

  Alexandra ran her fingers through her hair. She was all tangled up inside. Her heart reached out to Mark. He must have been devastated to find out that his beloved grandmother was murdered by this terrible woman and her grandson.


  It was hours later when Mark came back with Alexandros. Alexandra ran downstairs to meet them. They both seemed pale and exhausted. Her grandfather gave her a sad smile and withdrew to the study, closing the door behind him.

  Alexandra glanced at Mark. He looked just as bad. She felt the urge to wrap her arms around him but tried to control herself.

  “Michael told me,” she said simply.

  “Yes,” Mark replied. “Everything’s in the hands of the police now.”

  “Mark, I’m so sorry,” she said and touched him on the arm.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. “It’s just so hard to admit it. Her death was devastating enough and to find out that she was killed…” he let his phrase falter in the middle.

  “I know,” Alexandra said. “I felt the same way when my father died. He was all I had,” she said and felt a tear sliding down her face.

  Mark turned and looked at her for a moment. Then he reached and pulled her into his arms, holding her tenderly.

  Alexandros found them like that, coming out of the study. He stared at them for a second, silently.

  Alexandra pulled back, embarrassed, and tousled her hair.

  “I have to make a phone call,” Mark said and walked upstairs.

  “I’m so sorry.” Alexandra approached her grandfather. “I really don’t know what to say.”

  “I know,” he said and touched her arm. “I just don’t know what to think. I must be cursed,” he added and raised his eyes to the ceiling in desperation.

  “What are you talking about?” Alexandra asked and gave him a hug.

  “I know what I’m talking about,” he went on. “Everybody I love dies,” he said, devastate
d, and his voice broke down.

  “Don’t say that!” Alexandra reprimanded him.

  “But it’s true!” he insisted. “Ever since Anastasia left us, everything fell apart. A few months after that summer your mother spent with you here, my dear Marianna died in a plane crash.”

  Alexandra understood his pain and felt her heart sinking.

  “But she was gone even before that,” he went on, and a tear trailed down his face. “She blamed me for losing her daughter, and our marriage was falling apart. Even if she hadn’t died, she probably would have left me,” he admitted, heartbroken.

  Alexandra felt sorry for him, seeing him falling apart like this. She was taken by surprise to see this strong man breaking down and crying like a little kid. She held him in her arms and let him release all the pain and sorrow he had carried inside him for all these years.


  The next morning, Alexandra was having breakfast with Mark and Alexandros.

  “I’m glad it’s finally over,” Alexandra said and gave a sad smile to her grandfather. “I’ll feel a lot better, knowing that you’ll be fine after I leave.”

  Alexandros glanced over at Mark and then back at Alexandra.

  “I’m just so sorry for all these lives that were lost for no reason,” Alexandra went on sadly.

  “I know,” Alexandros said and glanced away for a moment, drawing a deep breath.

  He’s probably thinking about the past, Alexandra thought. He had lost his wife, his children, and then his sister.

  Alexandra and Mark stared at each other and remained silent, leaving him in his thoughts.

  “It seems such a waste,” Alexandros said after a while. “Maria was probably in love with George, and he used her, just like he used Katia. Poor girl, she probably realized he was going to blame everything on her, and she was going to spend the rest of her life in jail. So she decided to put an end to her life,” he concluded, and, for the first time, he seemed sad for Maria’s death.

  “A waste,” Mark agreed. “From the information that we have gathered, she wasn’t a bad person, after all.” It was her mother’s tragic death, after a long and painful illness that she couldn’t afford to do anything about, that turned her against Alexandros. She believed that if she had her father’s money she could have saved her mother. So she blamed Alexandros for her mother’s death and decided to work in the mansion to find a way to take revenge.