Read The Heiress of Santorini Page 3


  Alexandros Vassiliou glanced over his shoulder, watching the maid disappear through the French doors. Only then, he returned his gaze to the photo in his hands.

  He read through the information, going over the details and marking everything down in his mind. The name of the company, Guarantee Insurance, and the marketing and sales manager’s name, Alex Stewart, stood out in bold letters. He stared at the picture again and then leaned back in his chair, letting his eyes wander over the vast mass of the crystal blue waters stretching below his veranda.

  “Alexandra…” he whispered in a soft, caressing voice.

  Chapter Three

  AT SEVEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING, Alexandra stepped out of the elevator. Most of her colleagues came to work around nine, so the building was still quiet. She marched to her office and left her purse on the desk. Then, she went to the kitchen down the hall. The smell of fresh coffee filled the air, and she silently thanked whoever it was who had already made some this morning. Walking inside, she found Emma— one of the new recruits—stirring the coffee in her cup.

  “Good morning, Emma,” Alexandra said. “You’re up early.”

  “Good morning, Miss Stewart!” Emma responded politely. “I have a lot of work to do, and I thought I should get an early start.”

  Alexandra filled up her cup with coffee and added a touch of sugar and some milk. She took one of the small straws and stirred her coffee, looking at the girl. Emma had only been there for a month, but she was picking up fast. Alexandra had asked Emma to call her Alex, but the girl seemed reluctant to address her like that.

  “I might need some help today,” Alexandra said.

  “Yes, Miss Stewart,” the girl responded, willingly.

  “But if you have a lot of work…” Alexandra continued.

  “Oh! No, I can handle it,” Emma rushed to reassure her.

  “All right then. Come around ten, and I’ll tell you what I need.” Taking her cup of coffee, she left the room.

  Walking back to her office, she almost ran into Holly, who was rushing out of the elevator.

  “Hey!” Holly said breathlessly.

  “Watch it!” Alexandra yelled and swerved at the very last minute, saving Holly from having coffee spilled all over her.

  “Sorry,” Holly apologized.

  “You’re a thunderstorm, young lady.” Alexandra laughed. Holly was so full of life; she was the type of person who could never stand still.

  “What on earth are you doing here this early, anyway?” Holly asked surprised, knowing that her boss usually came in around nine o’clock.

  “I have a lot to do,” Alexandra replied and walked towards her office. “By the way, did we ever receive that file on Imperial Resorts Corporation?”

  “I’ll check on that first thing this morning,” Holly replied and followed her down the hall.

  Alexandra did some searching on her computer for some other clients who owned hotels, bungalows, or time-sharing condominiums. She prepared a list of policy files and gave it to Emma to have her locate them for her. All morning, she went over those files, reading over the policies and searching through the attached documentation, making notes and calculations.

  The ringing of the phone made her jump.

  “It’s Mr. Jones,” Holly introduced the caller and put the call right through.

  “Good morning, Henry!” Alexandra said, trying to sound cheerful. She liked her boss, Henry Jones, the general manager of the Atlanta office, but right now, she was under a lot of pressure.

  “Good morning, Alexandra!” Henry replied. “I believe Hughes called you yesterday on the Imperial Resorts Corporation case, right?” He was direct, as usual.

  “He sure did,” Alexandra agreed.

  “Well, they’ll be here this afternoon, and I need a proposal ready by five o’clock.”

  Alexandra drew a deep breath. “But I don’t even have their file yet…”

  “I have it right here,” he interrupted her. “Have Holly come pick it up,” Henry ordered in a firm voice, far more professional than usual.

  “All right,” Alexandra agreed, unwillingly. “I’ll be ready,” she promised and hung up the phone.


  Holly glanced at her watch. Five o’clock already, she realized anxiously. She pulled the last sheet of paper off her printer, placed it neatly in a folder on her desk, and stood up, stretching out her arms. Her entire body felt so tense from typing the whole day.

  Taking the folder, she knocked on Alexandra’s door.

  “Come in,” Alexandra replied, and Holly walked inside to find her buried in paperwork.

  Alexandra leaned back in her chair and rubbed her neck. “What time is it?” she asked.

  “It’s time,” Holly replied. “They’re waiting for you,” she added and put the folder in her hands on Alexandra’s desk. “Everything is typed and ready.”

  “I’m on my way,” Alexandra replied and rose to her feet. She straightened her clothes and ran her fingers through her hair. “How do I look?”

  “Ready to take on the whole world,” Holly replied and gave her a reassuring smile. She admired her boss immensely. She was smart and kind and always had something nice to say for everyone. She was tough and demanding, but that was expected from a person in her position. Alexandra was in charge of marketing and sales and was doing a great job. Holly looked up to her, even though Alexandra was only twenty-seven, just five years older than her.

  Holly watched her boss taking the folder from her desk, straightening her back, and walking to the door. Alexandra was tall and slender, with beautiful green eyes and soft golden-brown locks that trailed to her shoulders when she didn’t wear it up. She was always dressed to kill, which, combined with her charismatic and dynamic personality, made people notice her right away.

  “Good luck,” Holly whispered, knowing that this deal was extremely important.


  Alexandra marched down the hall, holding the folder in her hands. Even though she felt tense and edgy, she appeared cool and self-confident— an act she had mastered over the years. She walked up to the elevators and pushed the button to go up.

  When the elevator doors opened, she was taken aback seeing a strikingly handsome man dressed in a dark blue suit standing right in front of her. Alexandra drew in a sharp breath. What a hunk!

  The man moved politely to the side while his deep blue eyes roamed over her intensely. Stepping on the elevator, Alexandra smiled nervously as his aftershave and manly scent filled the air.

  Trying to ignore the electric energy that prickled in the air between them, she reached for the button to the sixteenth floor. Noticing it was already lit, Alexandra glanced at her reflection in the mirror that covered the back of the elevator. After she had made sure that she looked presentable, she glimpsed at the man standing next to her. He was facing the elevator doors, so she had a chance to admire his broad shoulders secretly and that delectable, muscular body of his that set her senses on fire. He was four to five inches taller than her, with shining, dark brown hair and an expensive suit hugging his body like a glove.

  All of a sudden, the man turned around and stared at her in the mirror. Alexandra was caught off guard, and, as his mesmerizing gaze captivated her, a heat wave shot right through her body. Her cheeks grew warm from embarrassment, and she immediately drew her eyes from him, turning towards the elevator doors, which were opening to the sixteenth floor.

  She passed right in front of him and, as her arm touched his sleeve, her skin tickled. What the hell is wrong with me? She rushed down the hallway, feeling silly for her reaction. Stop acting like a love-stricken teenager! she reprimanded herself. It’s probably due to all this stress and tension I’ve been in all day.

  Then again, sensing his gaze burning into her skin didn’t make things any easier. She straightened her back and took a deep breath, trying to keep her pace steady.


  Mark stepped out of the elevator and couldn’
t take his eyes off of Alexandra. He watched her walk down the hall and felt hypnotized by the sway of her hips and the tease of her beautiful, long legs beneath her business skirt. What a knockout! She was the kind of woman who could turn a man’s life upside down.

  He had quite a few stormy relationships in the past, but none of those women had managed to throw him off balance—the way he’d felt both times he laid eyes on Alexandra.

  I have a job to do, and I need to remain focused, he thought, clenching his fists. However, mystified by the way his senses responded to the mere presence of this breathtaking woman, he realized things were going to be complicated.


  “Welcome! He’s expecting you.” The general manager’s secretary greeted Alexandra and motioned for her to go right in.

  “Hello, Deborah!” Alexandra responded and gave the woman a warm smile. “How is the baby?”

  “Oh! He’s doing fine,” Deborah replied and turned to glance adoringly at the picture of her five-month-old son.

  Alexandra knocked on the big mahogany door and went right in.

  “Alexandra! Come in!” Henry said and stood up from the burgundy leather armchair next to the matching sofa that took up an entire wall of his office.

  “Hello, Henry!” Alexandra replied, smiling, and turned politely to the older man who had just gotten up from the sofa and was now standing next to her boss.

  “This is Alexandra Stewart! The lady I was telling you about. She’s the best,” Henry told the old man and glanced at Alexandra with pride. “This is Mr. Antonis Georgiou,” her boss introduced the older gentleman. “He’s the attorney representing the Imperial Resorts Corporation.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Georgiou,” Alexandra said, shaking his hand; at the same time, she thought that something didn’t seem right.

  “Come, my dear. Come sit with us,” her boss said and resumed his position while Mr. Georgiou sat back down on the sofa.

  Alexandra felt uncomfortable sitting next to the older man and went to the armchair on the other side of the sofa. That’s unusual, she thought. Meetings like this usually took place in the conference room right next to the general manager’s office, and of course, the occupants were typically marketing and business representatives of the client and not just an attorney.

  “I’m here to make the first contact,” Mr. Georgiou said, staring Alexandra straight in the eyes as if he’d read her mind.

  “But, of course,” Alexandra responded smiling, even though she knew that this wasn’t true. According to Hughes, the first contact had been made weeks ago. But what do I care? If this is the way they want to do business, then that’s fine with me. The client is always right, especially a wealthy and important client like this one…

  “I have a proposal ready,” she said and opened the folder she was holding on her lap.

  Alexandra spent the next hour going over figures and explaining her ideas. Mr. Georgiou watched her closely the whole time, even though she had a feeling he wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying. By the time she finished, she had a headache and felt her face muscles aching from the effort to keep on smiling.

  “Thank you, Alexandra,” Henry said and turned to Mr. Georgiou.

  “That was impressive,” the old man pointed out and gave Alexandra a reassuring smile. “Your proposal sounds good, and I’ll notify my clients accordingly.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Georgiou,” Alexandra replied politely, standing. The two men stood up, as well, and Alexandra shook the attorney’s hand. “It was very nice meeting you,” she continued and turned to her boss. “I’ll be in my office if you need anything else,” she said and walked to the door, leaving the file on her boss’s desk.

  As soon as she stepped outside, she let out a deep breath.

  Deborah stared at her surprised. “That bad?” she asked quietly and smiled, seeing the expression on Alexandra’s face.

  “I feel as if I’ve been run over by a truck,” Alexandra admitted and was about to elaborate when she saw the warning look on the girl’s face. She turned cautiously and noticed that the mahogany double-doors to the conference room were open.

  “What’s going on?” she whispered, leaning closer to Deborah’s desk.

  “I have no idea,” the girl replied, lifting her shoulders. “I was informed that Mr. Mark Taylor will be coming, and I was supposed to show him to the conference room. Well, this gorgeous guy showed up right after you went inside, and he’s been waiting in the conference room ever since. That’s all I know.”

  “I see,” Alexandra murmured, skeptically. Mark Taylor… She had read the name somewhere. But of course. He was the managing director of the Imperial Resorts Corporation. What on earth? she thought puzzled. The managing director was right here, and he didn’t attend the presentation?

  “See you later, Deb,” Alexandra said and stepped down the hall, thinking that things were getting pretty weird. Walking by the open doors, she took a quick glance inside the conference room. She was shocked to see the man from the elevator sitting at the conference table, staring back at her. No wonder Deborah talked about a gorgeous guy. Her first impulse was to leave, but she stopped dead in her tracks. From the intercom on the conference table, she could hear Henry and the attorney speaking.

  Alexandra felt her temper rising. The nerve of this man, spying on my boss! Without a second thought, she charged into the room and hit the button to turn the intercom off.

  “Can I help you?” she asked in a cold voice.

  “No,” the man replied calmly, unaffected by her barging in.

  His reaction made her even more furious. However, the words died on her lips as the door connecting the conference room to the general manager’s office opened, and Henry walked in the room followed by the attorney.

  “Alexandra!” Henry cried out, surprised. “You’re still here!”

  “I was leaving,” Alexandra replied, “but, as I was going by, I heard…”

  “Miss Stewart was kind enough to see if I needed anything,” the man cut in and stood up to shake Henry’s hand. “Everything is satisfactory,” he continued and glanced at the attorney who nodded his head in agreement. “We’ll be in touch soon,” he added and walked out of the room, leaving Alexandra speechless.

  The attorney mumbled some excuse and followed him out of the room and down the hall.

  “Henry, what’s going on?” Alexandra asked, puzzled.

  Henry just stood there, staring after the two men.

  “Henry!” Alexandra insisted, and he jumped in surprise, as if he’d forgotten she was standing right there.

  “I’m not sure,” he replied truthfully. “They seem a little peculiar…”

  “A little? That’s an understatement!” Alexandra burst out. “The managing director was here, and he didn’t come to the presentation. He sat in the conference room, listening to you over the intercom,” Alexandra pointed out.

  “I know,” Henry admitted. “Mr. Georgiou requested it that way.”

  “You mean to tell me he was listening to me, also?” Alexandra inquired shocked.

  “I’m afraid so.” Henry gave her an apologetic look.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” he admitted.

  “Don’t ever do this to me again!” Alexandra was fuming. She just couldn’t believe what happened. Biting her lower lip to prevent herself from saying anything she might regret later, she turned on her heel and rushed out of the conference room.

  She reached the elevator and pushed the button to the thirteenth floor where her office was located. Glancing at her watch, she saw it was already seven o’clock.

  Storming into her office, she found Holly waiting for her.

  “How did it go?” Holly asked, anxiously.

  “Don’t ask!” Alexandra replied.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thanks,” Alexandra replied. “Go home.”

  “What about you?
” Holly asked.

  “I’ll be leaving in a few minutes,” Alexandra lied to persuade Holly to leave. She just wanted to be alone for a while.

  After Holly had left, Alexandra sunk in her armchair and turned towards the window. She leaned back and placed her arms behind her neck, staring outside the window and trying to clear her mind. However, the beautiful view and sparkling lights of the city at night didn’t make her feel any better.

  She sat there for a long time, lost in her thoughts. The whole situation had gotten her all worked up. Maybe it wasn’t the job after all, she thought. Maybe it was this crazy business with people following her around. She couldn’t be sure about anything anymore.

  Then, she saw his face in the window, with those eyes—the deep blue color of the ocean—staring at her. She shut her eyes and shook her head to make the image go away. Something about that man made her feel uneasy. He had a handsome face and a body to die for, not to mention his amazing eyes and those sensual lips… Alexandra had to admit he was the kind of man that every woman would dream about, and she was drawn to him like no other. But he was also distant, overbearing, and made Alexandra feel the urge to run away from him and hide. This is ridiculous. I hardly know the man... He’s just another client. But the expression in his sapphire eyes when he stared at her, examined her… Yes, that’s what it was, Alexandra realized. He was examining her as if she were under a microscope. Grab hold of yourself, she reprimanded herself. Of course, he was appraising me. He was just making sure I’m good enough to handle their account. However, deep down inside, she knew there was something more…

  The ringing of the phone on her desk brought her back to reality.

  “Alex Stewart,” she answered the phone.

  “Alex?” the sound of John’s voice made her smile.


  “What on earth are you doing there?” he asked surprised. “We were supposed to meet an hour ago.”

  Alexandra glanced at her watch shocked. It was eight-thirty.

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologized. “I just lost track of time.”