Read The Help Page 9

P.S. If you are truly serious, I’d be willing to look over your best ideas and give my opinion. I offer this for no better reason,

Miss Phelan, than someone once did it for me.

A truck ful of cotton rumbles by on the County Road. The Negro in the passenger side leans out and stares. I’ve forgotten I am a white girl in

a thin nightgown. I have just received correspondence, maybe even encouragement, from New York City and I say the name aloud: “Elaine Stein.”

I’ve never met a Jewish person.

I race back up the lane, trying to keep the letter from flapping in my hand. I don’t want it wrinkled. I dash up the stairs with Mother hol ering to

take off those tacky Mexican man shoes, and I get to work writing down every goddamn thing that bothers me in life, particularly those that do not

seem to faze anyone else. Elaine Stein’s words are running hot silver through my veins and I type as fast as I can. Turns out, it is a spectacularly

long list.

By the next day, I am ready to mail my first letter to Elaine Stein, listing the ideas I thought worthy journalism material: the prevalence of

il iteracy in Mississippi; the high number of drunk-driving accidents in our county; the limited job opportunities for women.

It’s not until after I mail the letter that I realize I probably chose those ideas she would think impressive, rather than ones I was real y

interested in.

I TAKE A DEEP BREATH and pul open the heavy glass door. A feminine little bel tinkles hel o. A not-so-feminine receptionist watches me. She is enormous and looks uncomfortable in the smal wooden chair. “Welcome to the Jackson Journal. Can I help you?”

I had made my appointment day before yesterday, hardly an hour after I’d received Elaine Stein’s letter. I asked for an interview for any

position they might have. I was surprised they said they’d see me so soon.

“I’m here to see Mister Golden, please.”

The receptionist waddles to the back in her tented dress. I try and calm my shaking hands. I peek through the open door to a smal , wood-

paneled room in the back. Inside, four men in suits bang away on typewriters and scratch with pencils. They are bent over, haggard, three with just a

horseshoe of hair left. The room is gauzy with cigarette smoke.

The receptionist reappears, thumbs me to fol ow her, cigarette dangling in her hand. “Come on back.” Despite my nerves, al I can think of is the old col ege rule, A Chi Omega never walks with a cigarette. I fol ow her through the desks of staring men, the haze of smoke, to an interior office.

“Close that thing back,” Mister Golden hol ers as soon as I’ve opened the door and stepped in. “Don’t let al that damn smoke in here.”

Mister Golden stands up behind his desk. He’s about six inches shorter than me, trim, younger than my parents. He has long teeth and a

sneer, the greased black hair of a mean man.

“Didn’t you hear?” he said. “They announced last week cigarettes’l kil you.”

“I hadn’t heard that.” I can only hope it hadn’t been on the front page of his newspaper.

“Hel , I know niggers a hundred years old look younger than those idjits out there.” He sits back down, but I keep standing because there are

no other chairs in the room.

“Alright, let’s see what you got.” I hand him my résumé and sample articles I’d written in school. I grew up with the Journal sitting on our

kitchen table, open to the farm report or the local sports page. I rarely had time to read it myself.

Mister Golden doesn’t just look at my papers, he edits them with a red pencil. “Murrah High editor three years, Rebel Rouser editor two

years, Chi Omega editor three years, double major English and journalism, graduated number four… Damn, girl,” he mutters, “didn’t you have any fun?”

I clear my throat. “Is…that important?”

He looks up at me. “You’re peculiarly tal but I’d think a pretty girl like you’d be dating the whole goddamn basketbal team.”

I stare at him, not sure if he’s making fun of me or paying me a compliment.

“I assume you know how to clean…” He looks back to my articles, strikes them with violent red marks.

My face flushes hot and quick. “Clean? I’m not here to clean. I’m here to write.”

Cigarette smoke is bleeding under the door. It’s like the entire place is on fire. I feel so stupid that I thought I could just walk in and get a job

as a journalist.

He sighs heavily, hands me a thick folder of papers. “I guess you’l do. Miss Myrna’s gone shit-house crazy on us, drunk hair spray or

something. Read the articles, write the answers like she does, nobody’l know the damn difference.”

“I…what?” And I take the folder because I don’t know what else to do. I have no idea who this Miss Myrna is. I ask the only safe question I

can think of. “How much…did you say it pays?”

He gives me a surprisingly appreciative look, from my flat shoes to my flat hairstyle. Some dormant instinct tel s me to smile, run my hand

through my hair. I feel ridiculous, but I do it.

“Eight dol ars, every Monday.”

I nod, trying to figure out how to ask him what the job is without giving myself away.

He leans forward. “You do know who Miss Myrna is, don’t you?”

“Of course. We…girls read her al the time,” I say, and again we stare at each other long enough for a distant telephone to ring three times.

“What then? Eight’s not enough? Jesus, woman, go clean your husband’s toilet for free.”

I bite my lip. But before I can utter anything, he rol s his eyes.

“Alright, ten. Copy’s due on Thursdays. And if I don’t like your style, I’m not printing it or paying you squat.”

I take the folder, thank him more than I probably should. He ignores me and picks up his phone and makes a cal before I’m even out the

door. When I get to my car, I sink down into the soft Cadil ac leather. I sit there smiling, reading the pages in the folder.

I just got a job.

I COME HOME STANDING UP straighter than I have since I was twelve, before my growth spurt. I am buzzing with pride. Even though every cel in my brain

says do not, somehow I cannot resist tel ing Mother. I rush into the relaxing room and tel her everything about how I’ve gotten a job writing Miss

Myrna, the weekly cleaning advice column.

“Oh the irony of it.” She lets out a sigh that means life is hardly worth living under such conditions. Pascagoula freshens her iced tea.

“At least it’s a start,” I say.

“A start at what? Giving advice on how to keep up a home when…” She sighs again, long and slow like a deflating tire.

I look away, wondering if everyone in town wil be thinking the same thing. Already the joy is fleeting.

“Eugenia, you don’t even know how to polish silver, much less advise on how to keep a house clean.”

I hug the folder to my chest. She’s right, I won’t know how to answer any of the questions. Stil , I thought she’d at least be proud of me.

“And you wil never meet anybody sitting at that typewriter. Eugenia, have some sense.”

Anger works its way up my arms. I stand up straight again. “You think I want to live here? With you?” I laugh in a way I’m hoping wil hurt her.

I see the quick pain in her eyes. She presses her lips together at the sting. Stil , I have no desire to take back my words because final y,

finally, I have said something she’s listening to.

I stand there, refusing to leave. I want to hear what she’l say to this. I want to hear her say she’s sorry.

“I need to…ask you something, Eugenia.” She twists her handkerchief, grimaces. “I read the other day about how some…some girls get

unbalanced, start thinking these—wel , these un natural thoughts.”

I have no idea what she’s talking about. I look up at the ceiling fan. Someone’s set it going too fast. Clackety-clackety-clackety…

“Are you…do you…find men attractive? Are you having unnatural thoughts about…” She shuts her eyes tight. “Girls or—or women?”

I stare at her, wishing the ceiling fan would fly from its post, crash down on us both.

“Because it said in this article there’s a cure, a special root tea—”

“Mother,” I say, shutting my eyes tight. “I want to be with girls as much as you’d like to be with… Jameso.” I head for the door. But I glance

behind me. “I mean, unless, of course, you do?”

Mother straightens, gasps. I pound up the stairs.

T HE NEXT DAY, I stack the Miss Myrna letters in a neat pile. I have thirty-five dol ars in my purse, the monthly al owance Mother stil gives me. I go

downstairs wearing a thick Christian smile. Living at home, whenever I want to leave Longleaf, I have to ask Mother if I can borrow her car. Which means she’l ask where I’m going. Which means I have to lie to her on a daily basis, which is in itself enjoyable but a little degrading at the same


“I’m going down to the church, see if they need any help getting ready for Sunday school.”

“Oh, darling, that’s just wonderful. Take your time with the car.”

I decided, last night, what I need is a professional to help me with the column. My first idea was to ask Pascagoula, but I hardly know her.

Plus I couldn’t stand the thought of Mother nosing around, criticizing me al over again. Hil y’s maid, Yule May, is so shy I doubt she’d want to help

me. The only other maid I see often enough is Elizabeth’s maid, Aibileen. Aibileen reminds me of Constantine in a way. Plus she’s older and

seems to have plenty of experience.

On my way to Elizabeth’s, I go by the Ben Franklin store and buy a clipboard, a box of number two pencils, a blue-cloth notebook. My first

column is due tomorrow, on Mister Golden’s desk by two o’clock.

“Skeeter, come on in.” Elizabeth opens her own front door and I fear Aibileen might not be working today. She has on a blue bathrobe and

jumbo-sized rol ers, making her head look huge, her body even more waif-like than it is. Elizabeth general y has rol ers in al day, can never get her

thin hair ful enough.

“Sorry I’m such a mess. Mae Mobley kept me up half the night and now I don’t even know where Aibileen’s gotten off to.”

I step inside the tiny foyer. It’s a low-ceilinged house with smal rooms. Everything has a secondhand look—the faded blue floral curtains, the

crooked cover on the couch. I hear Raleigh’s new accounting business isn’t doing wel . Maybe up in New York or somewhere it’s a good thing, but

in Jackson, Mississippi, people just don’t care to do business with a rude, condescending asshole.

Hil y’s car is out front, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Elizabeth sits at the sewing machine she has on the dining room table. “I’m almost

done,” she says. “Let me just hem this last seam…” Elizabeth stands, holds up a green church dress with a round white col ar. “Now be honest,” she

whispers with eyes that are pleading for me to be anything but. “Does it look homemade?”

The hem on one side hangs longer than the other. It’s wrinkled and a cuff is already fraying. “One hundred percent store-bought. Straight

from Maison Blanche’s,” I say because that is Elizabeth’s dream store. It is five stories of expensive clothes on Canal Street in New Orleans,

clothes that could never be found in Jackson. Elizabeth gives me a grateful smile.

“Mae Mobley’s sleeping?” I ask.

“Final y.” Elizabeth fiddles with a clump of hair that’s slipped out of her rol er, grimaces at its obstinacy. Sometimes her voice takes on a

hard edge when she talks about her little girl.

The door to the guest bathroom in the hal opens and Hil y comes out talking, “…so much better. Everybody has their own place to go now.”

Elizabeth fiddles with the machine needle, seems worried by it.

“You tel Raleigh I said You are welcome,” Hil y adds, and it hits me, then, what’s being said. Aibileen has her own bathroom in the garage


Hil y smiles at me and I realize she’s about to bring up the initiative. “How’s your mama?” I ask, even though I know this is her least favorite

subject. “She get settled in the home alright?”

“I guess.” Hil y pul s her red sweater down over the pudgy rol in her waist. She has on red-and-green plaid pants that seem to magnify her

bottom, making it rounder and more forceful than ever. “Of course she doesn’t appreciate a thing I do. I had to fire that maid for her, caught her

trying to steal the damn silver right under my nose.” Hil y narrows her eyes a bit. “Y’al haven’t heard, by the way, if that Minny Jackson is working

somewhere, have you?”

We shake our heads no.

“I doubt she’l find work in this town again,” Elizabeth says.

Hil y nods, mul ing this over. I take a deep breath, anxious to tel them my news.

“I just got a job at the Jackson Journal,” I say.

There is quiet in the room. Suddenly Elizabeth squeals. Hil y smiles at me with such pride, I blush and shrug, like it’s not that big of a deal.

“They’d be a fool not to hire you, Skeeter Phelan,” Hil y says and raises her iced tea as a toast.

“So…um, have either of y’al actual y read Miss Myrna?” I ask.

“Wel no,” Hil y says. “But I bet the poor white trash girls in South Jackson read it like the King James.”

Elizabeth nods. “Al those poor girls without help, I bet they do.”

“Would you mind if I talked to Aibileen?” I ask Elizabeth. “To help me answer some of the letters?”

Elizabeth is very stil a second. “Aibileen? My Aibileen?”

“I sure don’t know the answers to these questions.”

“Wel …I mean, as long as it doesn’t interfere with her work.”

I pause, surprised by this attitude. But I remind myself that Elizabeth is paying her, after al .

“And not today with Mae Mobley about to get up or else I’l have to look after her myself.”

“Okay. Maybe…maybe I’l come by tomorrow morning then?” I count the hours on my hand. If I finish talking to Aibileen by midmorning, I’l

have time to rush home to type it up, then get it back to town by two.

Elizabeth frowns down at her spool of green thread. “And only for a few minutes. Tomorrow’s silver-polishing day.”

“It won’t be long, I promise,” I say.

Elizabeth is starting to sound just like my mother.

THE NEXT MORNING AT TEN, Elizabeth opens her door, nods at me like a schoolteacher. “Alright. Go on in. And not too long now. Mae Mobley’l be waking

up any time.”

I walk into the kitchen, my notebook and papers under my arm. Aibileen smiles at me from the sink, her gold tooth shining. She’s a little

plump in the middle, but it is a friendly softness. And she’s much shorter than me, because who isn’t? Her skin is dark brown and shiny against her

starchy white uniform. Her eyebrows are gray even though her hair is black.

“Hey, Miss Skeeter. Miss Leefolt stil at the machine?”

“Yes.” It’s strange, even after al these months home, to hear Elizabeth being cal ed Miss Leefolt—not Miss Elizabeth or even her maiden

name, Miss Fredericks.

“May I?” I point to the refrigerator. But before I can help myself, Aibileen’s opened it for me.

“What you want? A Co-Cola?”

I nod and she pops the cap off with the opener mounted on the counter, pours it into a glass.

“Aibileen”—I take a deep breath—“I was wondering if I could get your help on something.” I tel her about the column then, grateful when she

nods that she knows who Miss Myrna is.

“So maybe I could read you some of the letters and you could…help me with the answers. After a while, maybe I’l catch on and…” I stop.

There is no way I’l ever be able to answer cleaning questions myself. Honestly, I have no intention of learning how to clean. “It sounds unfair, doesn’t it, me taking your answers and acting like they’re mine. Or Myrna’s, I mean.” I sigh.

Aibileen shakes her head. “I don’t mind that. I just ain’t so sure Miss Leefolt gone approve.”

“She said it was alright.”

“During my regular hours working?”

I nod, remembering the propriety in Elizabeth’s voice.

“Alright then.” Aibileen shrugs. She looks up at the clock above the sink. “I probably have to stop when Mae Mobley gets up.”

“Should we sit?” I point to the kitchen table.

Aibileen glances at the swinging door. “You go head, I’m fine standing.”

I spent last night reading every Miss Myrna article from the previous five years, but I haven’t had time to sort through the unanswered letters

yet. I straighten my clipboard, pencil in hand. “Here’s a letter from Rankin County.

“‘ Dear Miss Myrna, ’” I read, “‘how do I remove the rings from my fat slovenly husband’s shirt collar when he is such a pig and…and

sweats like one too…’”

Wonderful. A column on cleaning and relationships. Two things I know absolutely nothing about.

“Which one she want a get rid of?” Aibileen asks. “The rings or the husband?”

I stare at the page. I wouldn’t know how to instruct her to do either one.

“Tel her a vinegar and Pine-Sol soak. Then let it set in the sun a little while.”

I write it quickly on my pad. “Sit in the sun for how long?”