Read The Hidden Children Page 16



  On the 14th the army lay supine. There was no news from Otsego. One manfell dead in camp of heart disease. The cattle-guard was fired on. Onthe 15th a corporal and four privates, while herding our cattle, werefired on, the Senecas killing and scalping one and wounding another. Onthe 16th came a runner from Clinton with news that the Otsego army wason the march and not very far distant from the Ouleout; and adetachment of eight hundred men, under Brigadier General Poor, was sentforward to meet our Right Wing and escort it back to this camp.

  By one of the escort, a drummer lad, I sent a letter directed to Lois,hoping it might be relayed to Otsego and from thence by batteau toAlbany. The Oneida runner had brought no letters, much to the disgustof the army, and no despatches except the brief line to our Generalcommanding. The Brigadiers were furious. So also was I that no letterscame for me.

  On the 17th our soldier-herdsmen were again fired on, and, as before,one poor fellow was killed and partly scalped, and one wounded. TheYellow Moth, Tahoontowhee, and the Grey-Feather went out at night onretaliation bent, but returned with neither trophies nor news, savewhat we all knew, that the Seneca scouts were now swarming like hornetsall around us ready to sting to death anyone who strayed out of bounds.

  On the 18th the entire camp lay dull, patiently expectant of Clinton.He did not come. It rained all night.

  On Thursday, the 19th, it still rained steadily, but with noviolence--a fine, sweet, refreshing summer shower, made golden andbeautiful at intervals by the momentary prophecy of the sun; yet he didnot wholly reveal himself, though he smiled through the mist at us infriendly fashion.

  I had been out fishing for trouts very early, the rain making itfavourable for such pleasant sport, and my Indians and I had finished abreakfast of corn porridge and the sweet-fleshed fishes that I tookfrom the brook where it falls into the Susquehanna.

  It was still very early--near to five o'clock, I think--for the morninggun had not yet bellowed, and the camp lay very still in the gentle andfragrant rain.

  A few moments before five I saw a company of Jersey troops marchsilently down to the river, hang their cartouche-boxes on theirbayonets, and ford the stream, one holding to another, and belly deepin the swollen flood.

  Thinks I to myself, they are going to protect our cattle-guards; and Iturned and walked down to the ford to watch the crossing.

  Then I saw why they had crossed: there were some people come down tothe landing place on the other bank in two batteaux and an Oneidacanoe--soldiers, boatmen, and two women; and our men were fording theriver to protect the crossing of this small flotilla.

  I seated myself, wondering what foolhardy people these might be, andtrying to see more plainly the women in the two batteaux. As theboatmen poled nearer, it seemed to me that some of the people lookedmarvelously like the riflemen of my own corps; and a few moments laterI sprang to my feet astounded, for of the two women in the nearestbatteau one was Lois de Contrecoeur and the other Lana Helmer.

  Suddenly the Oneida canoe shot out from the farther shore, passed bothbatteaux, paddles flashing, and came darting toward the landing where Istood. Two riflemen were in it; one rose as the canoe's nose grated onthe gravel, cast aside the bow-paddle, balanced himself toward the bowwith both hands, and leaped ashore, waving at me a gay greeting.

  "My God!" said I excitedly, as Boyd ran lightly up the slope. "Are youstark mad to bring ladies into this damnable place?"

  "There are other women, too. Why, even that pretty jade, Dolly Glenn,is coming! What could I do? The General himself permitted it. Miss deContrecoeur and Lana heard that a number of women were already here,and so come for a frolic they must."

  "Who accompanies them? I see no older woman yonder."

  "Mrs. Sabin, the lady of Captain Sabin, Staff Commissary of Issues."

  "Where is she, then?"

  "We left her with the army at the Ouleout."

  "Where do you propose to quarter these ladies?"

  "We understand that you have four block-forts mounting cannon. Thatwould argue barracks. Therefore, I don't think the danger is veryconsiderable. Do you?"

  "There is danger, of course," I said. "The entire Seneca nation is herewith Indian Butler and Brant."

  "Well, then, we'll turn your Butler into a turn-spit, and make of yourwild Brant a domestic gander!"

  He spoke coolly, a slight smile on his eager, handsome features. And Iwondered how he could make a jest of this business, and how he couldhave permitted so mad a prank if he truly entertained any very deepregard for Lana Helmer.

  "Danger," I repeated coldly. "Yes, there is a-plenty of thathereabouts, what with the Seneca scalping parties combing the woodsaround us, and the cattle-guard fired upon in plain sight ofheadquarters."

  "Well, there were and still are some few scalping parties hangingaround Otsego. I myself see no real reason why the ladies should notpay us a visit here, have their frolic, and later return with theheavier artillery down the river to Easton. Or, if they choose, theyshall await our return from Catharines-town."

  "And if we do not return? Have you thought of that, Boyd?"

  "You shall not conjure me with any such forebodings!" he laughed. "Thisraid of ours will be no very great or fearsome affair. They'llrun--your Brants and Butlers--I warrant you. And we'll follow and burntheir towns. Then, like the French king of old, down hill we'll all gostrutting, you and I and the army, Loskiel; and no great harm done toanybody or anything, save to the Senecas' squash harvest, and thesensitive feelings of Walter Butler!"

  While he was speaking, I kept my eye on the slow batteau which led.Three boatmen poled it; Lois and Lana sat in the middle; behind themcrouched two riflemen, long weapons ready, the ringed coon-tailfloating in the breeze.

  Neither of the ladies had yet recognized me; Lana leaned lightlyagainst Lois, her cheek resting on her companion's shoulder.

  A black rage against Boyd rose suddenly in my breast; and so savage andabrupt was the emotion that I could scarce stifle and subdue it.

  "It is wrong for them to come," I said with an effort to speak calmly,"----utterly and wickedly wrong. Our block-forts are not finished. Andwhen they are they will be more or less vulnerable. I can notunderstand why you did not make every effort to prevent their cominghere."

  "I made every proper effort," he said carelessly. "What man is vainenough to believe he can influence a determined woman?"

  I did not like what he said, and so made him no answer.

  "Is your camp still asleep?" he asked, yawning.

  "Yes. The morning gun is usually fired at six."

  "Can you lodge us and bait us until I make my report?"

  "I can lodge the ladies and give breakfast to you all. How near is ourmain army?"

  "Between twenty and thirty miles above--one can scarce tell the waythis accursed river winds about. Our men are exhausted. They'll notarrive tonight. General Poor's men from this camp met us last night.Clinton desired me to take a few riflemen and push forward; and theladies--except the fat one--begged so prettily to go with us that heconsented. So we took two empty batteaux and a canoe and came on inadvance, with no effort whatever."

  "That was a rash business!" I said, controlling my anger. "The riverwoods along the Ouleout swarm with Seneca scouts. Didn't you understandthat?"

  "So I told 'em," he said, laughing, "but do you know, Loskiel, betweenyou and me I believe that your pretty inamorata really loves the thrillof danger. And I know damned well that Lana Helmer loves it. For whenwe came through without so much as sighting a muskrat, 'What!' saysshe, 'Not a savage to be seen and not a shot fired! Lord,' says she, 'Ihad as lief take the air on Bowling Green--there being some real perilof beaux and macaronis!'"

  Everything this man said now conspired to enrage me; and it was astruggle for me to restrain the bitter affront ever twitching at mylips for utterance. Perhaps I might not have restrained it any longerhad I not seen Lois lean suddenly forward in her seat, shade her eyeswith her han
ds, then stand up beside one of the boatmen. And I knew sherecognized me.

  Instantly within me all anger, rancour, and even dread melted in thewarmer and more generous emotion which nigh overwhelmed me, so that foran instant I could scarce see her for the glimmering of my eyes.

  But that passed; I went down to the shore and stood there while theclumsy boat swung inshore, the misty waves slapping at the bow andside. The landing planks lay on the gravel. Boyd and I laid them. Lana,wrapped in her camblet, crossed them first, giving me her hand with apale smile. I laid my lips to it; she passed, Boyd moving forwardbeside her.

  Then came Lois in her scarlet capuchin, eager and shy at the same time,smiling, yet with fearfulness and tenderness so strangely blended thatever her laughing eyes seemed close to tears and the lips that smiledwere tremulous.

  "I came--you see.... Are you angry?" she asked as I bent low over herlittle hand. "You will not chide me--will you, Euan?"

  "No. What is done is done. Are you well, Lois?"

  "Perfect in health, my friend. And if you truly are glad to see me,then I am content. But I am also very wet, Euan, spite of my capuchin.Lana and I have a common box. It belongs to her. May our boatmen carryit ashore?"

  I gave brief directions to the men, returned the smiling salute of mywet riflemen from the other boat now drawing heavily inshore, andclimbed the grassy bank with Lois to where Lana and Boyd stood underthe trees awaiting us.

  "I have but one bush-hut to offer you at present," I said. "Properprovision in barracks will be made, no doubt, as soon as the Generallearns who it is who has honoured him so unexpectedly with a visit."

  "That's why we came, Euan--to honour General Sullivan," said Loisdemurely. "Did we not, Lanette?"

  Then again I noticed that the old fire, the old gaiety in Lana Helmerhad been almost quenched. For instead of a saucy reply she only smiled;and even her eyes seemed spiritless as they rested on me a moment, thenturned wearily elsewhere.

  "You are much fatigued," I said to Lois.

  "I? No. But my poor Lana slept very badly in the boat. Before dawn wewent ashore for an hour's rest. That seemed sufficient for me, butLana, poor dove, did not profit, I fear. Did you, dearest?"

  "Very little," said Lana, forcing a gaiety she surely did not inspirein others with her haunted eyes that looked at everything, yet sawnothing--or so it seemed to me.

  As we came to our bush-huts, Lois caught sight of the Sagamore for thefirst time, and held out both hands with a pretty cry of recognition:

  "Nai, Mayaro!"

  The Sagamore turned in silent astonishment; though when he saw Boydthere also his features became smooth and blank again. But he cameforward with stately grace to welcome her; and, bending his crestedhead, took her hands and laid them lightly over his heart.

  "Nai, Lois!" he exclaimed emphatically.

  "Itoh, Mayaro!" she replied gaily, pressing his hands in hers. "I amthat contented to see you! Are you not amazed to see me here?" sheinsisted, mischievously amused at his unaltered features.

  The Sagamore said smilingly:

  "When she wills it, who can follow the Rosy-throated Pigeon in herswift flight? Not the Enchantress in the moon. Tharon alone, ORosy-throated One!"

  "The wild pigeon has outwitted you all, has she not, Mayaro, my friend?"

  "Nakwah! Let my brother Loskiel deny it, then. I, a Sagamore, knowbetter than to deny a fire its ashes, or a wild pigeon its magicflight."

  Boyd now spoke to the Mohican, who returned his greeting courteously,but very gravely. I then made the Mohican known to Lana, who gave him alifeless hand from the green folds of her camblet. My Oneidas, who hadfinished their somewhat ominous painting, came from the other hut incompany with the Yellow Moth, the latter now painted for the first timein a brilliant and poisonous yellow. All these people I made acquaintedone with another. Lois was very gracious to them all, using what Indianwords she knew in her winning greetings--and using them quitewrongly--God bless her!

  Then the Yellow Moth hung my new blue blanket, which I had lately drawnfrom our Commissary of Issues, across the door of my hut; two hugeboatmen came up with Lana's box, swung between them, and deposited itwithin the hut.

  "By the time you are ready," said I, "we will have a breakfast for yousuch as only the streams of this country can afford."

  The six o'clock gun awoke the camp and found me already at theGeneral's tent, awaiting permission to see him.

  He seemed surprised that Clinton had allowed any ladies to accompanythe Otsego army, but it was evident that the happiness and relief heexperienced at learning that Clinton was on the Ouleout had put himinto a most excellent humour. And he straightway sent an officer withorders to remove Lana's box to Block-Fort No. 2 in the new fort, wherewere already domiciled the wives of two sergeants and a corporal, andgave me an order assigning to Lois and Lana a rough loft there.

  But the General's chief concern and curiosity was for Boyd and theeight riflemen who had come through from the Ouleout as the firstadvanced guard of that impatiently awaited Otsego army; and I heardBoyd telling him very gaily that they were bringing more than twohundred batteaux, loaded with provisions. And, this, I think, was thebest news any man could have brought to our Commander at that moment.One thing I do know; from that time Boyd was an indulged favourite ofour General, who admired his many admirable qualities, his gay spirits,his dashing enterprise, his utter fearlessness; and who overlooked hismilitary failings, which were rashness to the point of folly, and atendency to obey orders in a manner which best suited his own ideas.Captain Cummings was a far safer man.

  I say this with nothing in my heart but kindness for Boyd. God knows Idesire to do him justice--would wish it for him even more than formyself. And I not only was not envious of his good fortune in sopleasing our General, but was glad of it, hoping that this honour mightcarry with it a new and graver responsibility sufficiently heavy tocurb in him what was least admirable and bring out in him those noblerqualities so desirable in officer and man.

  When I returned to my hut there were many fish smoking hot on their barkplates, and Lana and Lois in dry woollen dresses, worsted stockings,and stout, buckled shoon, already at porridge.

  So I sat down with them and ate, and it was, or seemed to be, a happycompany there before our little hut, with officers and troops passingto and fro and glancing curiously at us, and our Indians squattedbehind us all a-row, and shining up knife and hatchet and rifle; andthe bugle-horns of the various regiments sounding prettily atintervals, and the fifers and drummers down by the river at distantmorning practice.

  "You love best the bellowing conch-horn of the rifles," observed Lanato Lois, with a touch of her old-time impudence.

  "I?" exclaimed Lois.

  "You once told me that every blast of it sets you a-trembling,"insisted Lana. "Naturally I take it that you quiver withdelight--having some friend in that corps----"

  "Lana! Have done, you little baggage!"

  "Lord!" said Lana. "'Twas Major Parr I meant. What does an infantEnsign concern such aged dames as you and I?"

  Lois, lovely under her mounting colour, continued busy with herporridge. Lana said in my ear:

  "She is a wild thing, Euan, and endures neither plaguing nor wooingeasily. How I have gained her I do not know.... Perhaps because I amaging very fast these days, and she hath a heart as tender as a forestdove's."

  Lois looked up, seeing us whispering together.

  "Uncouth manners!" said she. "I am greatly ashamed of you both."

  I thought to myself, wondering, how utter a change had come over thecharacters of these two in twice as many weeks! Lois had now somethingof that quick and mischievous gaiety that once was Lana's; and thetroubled eyes that once belonged to Lois now were hers no longer, butLana's. It seemed very strange and sad to me.

  "Had I a dozen beaux," quoth Lois airily, "I might ask of one o' themanother bit of trout." And, "Oh!" she exclaimed, in affected surprise,as I aided her. "It would seem that I have at least one young man whoaspires t
o that ridiculous title. Do you covet it, Euan? And humbly?"

  "Do I merit it?" I asked, laughing.

  "Upon my honour," she exclaimed, turning to Lana, "I believe the pooryoung gentleman thinks he does merit the title. Did you ever hear ofsuch insufferable conceit? And merely because he offers me a bit oftrout."

  "I caught them, too," said I. "That should secure me in my title."

  "Oh! You caught them too, did you! And so you deem yourself entitled tobe a beau of mine? Lana, do you very kindly explain to the unfortunateEnsign that you and I were accustomed at Otsego to a popularity and anadulation of which he has no conception. Colonels and majors were atour feet. Inform him very gently, Lana."

  "Yes," said Lana, "you behaved very indiscreetly at Otsego Camp, dearone--sitting alone for hours and hours over this young gentleman'sletters----"

  "Traitor!" exclaimed Lois, blushing. "It was a letter from hissolicitor, Mr. Hake, that you found me doting on!"

  "Did you then hear from Mr. Hake?" I asked, laughing and very happy.

  "Indeed I did, by every post! That respectable Albany gentleman seemedto feel it his duty to write me by every batteau and inquire concerningmy health, happiness, and pleasure, and if I lacked anything on earthto please me. Was it not most extraordinary behaviour, Euan?"

  She was laughing when she spoke, and for a moment her eyes grewstrangely tender, but they brightened immediately and she tossed herhead.

  "Oh, Lana!" said she. "I think I may seriously consider Mr. Hake andhis very evident intentions. So I shall require no more beaux, Euan,and thank you kindly for volunteering. Besides, if I want 'em, thiscamp seems moderately furnished with handsome and gallant youngofficers," she added airily, glancing around her. "Lana! Do you pleaseobserve that tall captain with the red facings! And the otherstaff-major yonder in blue and buff! Is he not beautiful as Apollo? AndI make no doubt that this agreeable young Ensign of ours will presentlymake them known to us for our proper diversion."

  Somehow, now, with the prospect of all these officers besetting herwith their civilities and polite assiduities, nothing of the old andsilly jealousy seemed to stir within me. Perhaps because, although fordays I had not seen her, I knew her better. And also I had begun toknow myself. Even though she loved not me in the manner I desired, yetthe lesser, cruder, and more unworthy solicitude which at first seemedto have possessed me in her regard was now gone. And if inexperienceand youth had inspired me with unworthy jealousies I do not know; but Ido know that I now felt myself older--years older than when first Iknew Lois; and perhaps my being so honestly in love with her wroughtthe respectable change in me. For real love ages the mind, even when itmakes more youthful the body, and so controls both body and mind. And Ithink it was something that way with me.

  Presently, as we sat chattering there, came men to take away Lana's boxto Block-House No. 2 on the peninsula. So Lana went into the bush-hutand refilled and locked the box, and then we all walked together to themilitary works which were being erected on a cleared knoll overlookingboth rivers, and upon which artillerymen were now mounting thethree-pounder and the cohorn, or "grasshopper," as our men had namedit, because our artillery officers had taken it from its woodencarriage and had mounted it on a tripod. And at every discharge itjumped into the air and kicked over backward.

  This miniature fortress, now called Fort Sullivan, was about threehundred feet square, with strong block-forts at the four corners, sosituated as to command both rivers; and these fortifications were nowso nearly completed that the men of the invalid corps who were togarrison the place had already marched into their barracks, and werenow paraded for inspection.

  The forts had been very solidly constructed of great logs, the serratedpalisade, deeply and solidly embedded, rose twelve feet high. A rifleplatform ran inside this, connecting the rough barracks and stables,which also were built of logs, the crevices stuffed with moss andsmeared and plastered with blue clay from the creek.

  These, with the curtain, block-forts, and a deep ditch over which was alog bridge, composed the military works at Tioga; and this was theplace into which we now walked, a sentry directing us to Block-HouseNo. 2, which overlooked the Chemung.

  And no sooner had we entered and climbed the ladder to the women'squarters overhead, than:

  "What luxury!" exclaimed Lois, looking down at her bed of fresh-cutbalsam, over which their blankets had been cast. "Could any reasonablewoman demand more? With a full view of the pretty river in the rain,and a real puncheon floor, and a bed of perfume to dream on, and abrave loop to shoot from! What more could a vain maid ask?" She glancedat me with sweet and humorous eyes, saying: "Fort Orange is no saferthan this log bastion, so scowl on me no more, Euan, but presently takeLanette and me to the parapet where other and lovelier wonders aredoubtless to be seen."

  "What further wonders?" asked Lana indifferently.

  "Why, sky and earth and river, dear, and the little dicky birds alla-preening under this sweet, sunny veil of rain. Is not all thismystery of nature wonderful enough to lure us to the rifle-platform?"

  Said Lana listlessly: "I had liefer court a deeper mystery."

  "Which, dear one?"

  "Sleep," said Lana briefly; and I saw how pale she was, kneeling therebeside the opened box and sorting out the simple clothing they hadbrought with them.

  For a few minutes longer we conversed, talking of Otsego and of ourfriends there; and I learned how Colonel Gansevoort had left with hisregiment and Lieutenant-Colonel Willet, and was marching hither withClinton after all.

  A soldier brought a wooden bowl, an iron sap-kettle full of sweetwater, a hewn bench, and nailed up a blanket cutting the room in two.Their quarters were now furnished.

  I pushed aside the blanket, walked to the inner loop, and gazed down onthe miniature parade where the invalids were now being inspected byColonel Shreve. When I returned, Lana had changed to a levete and waslying on her balsam couch, cheek on hand, looking up at Lois, who kneltbeside her on the puncheon floor, smoothing back her thick, brighthair. And in the eyes of these two was an expression the like of whichI had never before seen, and I stepped back instinctively, like a manwho intrudes on privacy unawares.

  "Come in, Euan!" cried Lois, with a gaiety which seemed slightlyforced; and I came, awkwardly, not meeting their eyes, and made for theladder to get myself below.

  Whereat both laughed. Lois rose and went behind the blanket to theloop, and Lana said, with a trace of her former levity:

  "Broad-brim! Do you fly blushing from my levete? The Queen of Francereceives in scanter attire, I hear. Sit you on yonder bench and playcourtier amiably for once."

  She seemed so frail and white and young, lying there, her fair hairunpowdered and tumbled about her face--so childlike and helpless--thata strange and inexplicable apprehension filled me; and, scarce thinkingwhat I did, I went over to her and knelt down beside her, putting onearm around her shoulders.

  Her expression, which had been smiling and vaguely audacious, changedsubtly. She lay looking up at me very wistfully for a moment, thenlifted her hands a little way. I laid them to my lips, looking overthem down into her altered eyes.

  "Always," she said under her breath, "always you have been kind andtrue, Euan, even when I have used you with scant courtesy."

  "You have never used me ill."

  "No--only to plague you as a girl torments what she truly loves....Lois and I have spoken much of you together----" She turned her head."Where are you, sweeting?"

  Lois came from behind the blanket and knelt down so close to me thatthe fragrance of her freshened the air; and once again, as it happenedat the first day's meeting in Westchester, the same thrill invaded me.And I thought of the wild rose that starlight night, and how fitly wasit her symbol and her flower.

  Lana looked at us both, unsmiling; then drew her hands from mine andcrook'd her arms behind her neck, cradling her head on them, looking atus both all the while. Presently her lids drooped on her white cheeks.

  When we rose on tiptoe, I
thought she was asleep, but Lois was notcertain; and as we crept out onto the rifle-platform and seatedourselves in a sheltered corner under the parapet, she said uneasily:

  "Lanette is a strange maid, Euan. At first I knew she disliked me.Then, of a sudden, one day she came to me and clung like a childafraid. And we loved from that minute.... It is strange."

  "Is she ill?"

  "In mind, I think."


  "I do not know, Euan."

  "Is it love, think you--her disorder?"

  "I do not know, I tell you. Once I thought it was--that. But knew nothow to be certain."

  "Does Boyd still court her?"

  "No--I do not know," she said with a troubled look.

  "Is it that affair which makes her unhappy?"

  "I thought so once. They were ever together. Then she avoided him--orseemed to. It was Betty Bleecker who interfered between them. For Mrs.Bleecker was very wrathful, Euan, and Lana's indiscretions maddedher.... There was a scene.... So Boyd came no more, save when otherofficers came, which was every day. Somehow I have never been certainthat he and Lana did not meet in secret when none suspected."

  "Have you proof?" I asked, cold with rage.

  She shook her head, and her gaze grew vague and remote. After a whileshe seemed to put away her apprehensions, and, smiling, she turned tome, challenging me with her clear, sunny eyes:

  "Come, Euan, you shall do me reason, now that my curly pate is innocentof powder, no French red to tint my lips and hide my freckles, and buta linsey-woolsey gown instead of chintz and silk to cover me! So tellme honestly, does not the enchantment break that for a little whileseemed to hold you near me?"

  "Do you forget," said I, "that I first saw my enchantress in rags andtattered shoon?"

  "Oh!" she said, tossing her pretty head. "Extremes attract all men. Butnow in this sober and common guise of every day, I am neitherCinderella nor yet the Princess--merely a frowsy, rustic, freckled maidwith a mouth somewhat too large for beauty, and the clipped and curlypoll of a careless boy. And I desire to know, once for all, how I nowsuit you, Euan."

  "You are perfection--once for all."

  "I? What obstinate foolishness you utter! In all seriousness--"

  "You are--more beautiful than ever--in all seriousness!"

  "What folly!" She began to laugh nervously, then shrugged hershoulders, adding: "This young man is plainly partizan and deaf toreason."

  "Being in love."

  "You! In love! What nonsense!"

  "Do you doubt it?"

  "Oh!" she said carelessly. "You are in love with love--as all menare--and not particularly in love with me. Men, my dear Euan, aregamblers. When first you saw me in tatters, you laid a wager withyourself that I'd please you in silks. A gay hazard! A sporting wager!And straight you dressed me up to suit you; and being a man, andtherefore conceited, you could scarcely admit that you had lost yourwager to your better senses. Could you? But now you shall admit that inthis frowsy, woollen gown the magic of both Cinderella and the Princessvanishes with yesterday's enchantment, and, instead of Chloe, pink andsimpering, only a sturdy comrade stands revealed who now, as guerdonfor the future, strikes hands with you--like this! Koue!" And with theclear and joyous cry on her lips she struck my palm violently withhers, nor winced under my quick-closing grip.

  "Is all now clear and plain between us, Euan?" she inquired. And itseemed to me that her eagerness and fervour rang false.

  "You can not love me, then?" I asked in a low voice.

  "I? What has love to do with us--here in the woods--and I withoutknowledge and experience----"

  "You do not love me, then?"

  "I can not."


  She made no answer, but bit her lip.

  "You need not reply," said I. "Yet--that night I left Otsego--and whenI passed you in the dark--I thought----"

  "My heart was full that night! What comrade could feel less and stillpossess a human heart?" she said almost sullenly.

  "Your letter--and mine--encouraged me to believe----"

  "I know," she said, with the curt and almost breathless impatience ofhaste, "but have I ever denied our bond of intimacy, Euan? Closer bondhave I with no man. But it must be a comrade's bond between us.... Imeant to make that plain to you--and doubtless, my heart beingfull--and I but a girl--conveyed to you--by what I said--and did----"

  "Lois! Is it not in you to love me as a woman loves a man?"

  "I told you that when the time arrived I would doubtless be what youwish me to be----"

  "You can love me, then?"

  "How do I know? You perplex and vex me. Who else would I love but you?Who else is there in the world--except my mother?"

  There was a silence; then I said:

  "Has this passionate quest of her so wholly absorbed and controlled youthat all else counts as nothing?"

  "Yes, yes! You know it. You knew it at Otsego! Nothing else matters. Iwill not permit anything else to matter! And, lest you deem me cold,thankless, inhuman, ask of yourself, Euan, why such a lonely girl as Ishould close her eyes and stop her ears and lock her heart and--andturn her face away when the man--to whom she owes all--to whom sheis--utterly devoted--urges her toward emotions--toward matters strangeto her--and too profound as yet. So I ask you, for a time, to let whatsleeps within us both lie sleeping, undisturbed. There is a love morenatural, more imperious, more passionate still; and--it has led mehere! And I will not confuse it with any other sentiment; nor share itwith any man--not even with you--dear as you have become to me--lonelyas I am,--no, not even with you will I share it! For I have vowed thatI shall never slake my thirst with love save first in her dearembrace.... After these wistful, stark, and barren years--loveless,weary, naked, and unkind----" Suddenly she covered her face with herhands, bowing her head to her knees.

  "Yet you bid me hope, Lois?" I asked under my breath.

  She nodded.

  "You make me happy beyond words," I whispered.

  She looked up from her hands:

  "Is that all you required to make you happy?"

  "Can I ask more?"

  "I--I thought men were more ruthless--more imperious and hotlyimpatient with the mistress of their hearts--if truly I am mistress ofyours, as you tell me."

  "I am impatient only for your happiness; ruthless only to secure it."

  "For my happiness? Not for your own?"

  "How can that come to me save when yours comes to you?"

  "Oh!... I did not understand. I had not thought it mattered verygreatly to men, so that they found their happiness--so that they foundcontentment in their sweethearts' yielding.... Then my surrender wouldmean nothing to you unless I yielded happily?"

  "Nothing. Good God! In what school have you learned of love!"

  She nodded thoughtfully, looking me in the eyes.

  "What you tell me, Euan, is pleasant to think on. It reassures andcomforts; nay, it is the sweetest thing you ever said to me--that youcould find no happiness in my yielding unless I yield happily.... Why,Euan, that alone would win me--were it time. It clears up much that Ihave never understood concerning you.... Men have not used megently.... And then you came.... And I thought you must be like theothers, being a man, except that you are the only one to whom I was atall inclined--perhaps because you were from the beginning gentler andmore honest with me.... What a way to win a woman's heart! To seek herhappiness first of all!... Could you give me to another--if myhappiness required it?"

  "What else could I do, Lois?"

  "Would you do that!" she demanded hotly.

  "Have I any choice?"

  "Not if your strange creed be sincere. Is it sincere?"

  "There is no other creed for those who really love."

  "You are wrong," she said angrily, looking at me with tightened lips.

  "How wrong?"

  "Because--I would not give you to another woman, though you cried outfor her till the heavens fell!"

  I began to laugh, but her eyes still harboure
d lightning.

  "You should not go to her, whether or not you loved her!" she repeated."I would not have it. I would not endure it!"

  "Yet--if I loved another----"

  "No! That is treason! Your happiness should be in me. And if youwavered I would hold you prisoner against your treacherous and veryself!"

  "How could you hold me?"

  "What? Why--why--I----" She sat biting her scarlet lips and thinking,with straight brows deeply knitted, her greyish-purple eyes fixed hardon me. Then a slight colour stained her cheeks, and she lookedelsewhere, murmuring: "I do not know how I would hold you prisoner. ButI know I should do it, somehow."

  "I know it, too," said I, looking at my ring she wore.

  She blushed hotly: "It is well that you do, Euan. Death is the direpenalty if my prisoner escapes!" She hesitated, bit her lip, then addedfaintly: "Death for me, I mean." After a moment she slowly lifted hereyes to mine, and so still and clear were they that it seemed my regardplunged to the very depths of her.

  "You do love me then," I said, taking her hand in mine.

  Her face paled, and she caught her breath.

  "Will you not wait--a little while--before you court me?" she faltered."Will you not wait because I ask it of you?"

  "Yes, I will wait."

  "Nor speak of love--until----"

  "Nor speak of love until you bid me speak."

  "Nor--caress me--nor touch me--nor look in my eyes--this way----" Herhand had melted somehow closely into mine. We both were trembling now;and she withdrew her hand and slowly pressed it close against herheart, gazing at me in a white and childish wonder, as though dumb andreproachful of some wound that I had dealt her. And as I saw her there,so hurt and white and sweet, all quivering under the first swiftconsciousness of love, I trembled, too, with the fierce desire to takeher in my arms and whisper what was raging in my heart of passionateassurance and devotion.

  And I said nothing, nor did she. But presently the wild-rose tint creptback into her pale cheeks, and her head dropped, and she sat with eyesremote and vaguely sweet, her hands listless in her lap.

  And I, my heart in furious protest, condemned to batter at its walls ina vain summons to the silent lips that should have voiced its everybeat, remained mute in futile and impotent adoration of the miraclelove had wrought under my very eyes.

  Consigned to silence, condemned to patience super-human, I scarce knewhow to conduct. And so cruelly the restraint cut and checked me thatwhat with my perplexity, my happiness, and my wretchedness, I was in aplight.

  No doubt the spectacle that my features presented--a very playgroundfor my varying emotions--was somewhat startling to a maid so new atlove. For, glancing with veiled eyes at me, presently her own eyes flewopen wide. And:

  "Euan!" she faltered. "Is aught amiss with you? Are you ill, dear lad?And have not told me?"

  Whereat I was confused and hot and vexed; and I told her very plainlywhat it was that ailed me. And now mark! In place of an understandingand sympathy and a nice appreciation of my honourable discomfort, shelaughed; and as her cheeks cooled she laughed the more, tossing backher pretty head while her mirth, now uncontrolled, rippled forth tillthe wild birds, excited, joined in with restless chirping, and asquirrel sprung his elfin rattle overhead.

  "And that," said I, furious, "is what I get for deferring to yourwishes! I've a mind to kiss you now!"

  Breathless, her hands pressed to her breast, she looked at me, and madeas though to speak, but laughter seized her and she surrendered to ithelplessly.

  Whereat I sprang to my feet and marched to the parapet, and she afterme, laying her hand on my arm.

  "Dear lad--I do not mean unkindness.... But it is all so new to me--andyou are so tall a man to pull such funny faces--as though love was astomach pain----" She swayed, helpless again with laughter, stillclinging to my arm.

  "If you truly find my features ridiculous----" I began, but her handinstantly closed my lips. I kissed it, however, with angrysatisfaction, and she took it away hurriedly.

  "Are you ashamed--you great, sulky and hulking boy--to take my harmlesspleasantry so uncouthly? And how is this?" says she, stamping her foot."May I not laugh a little at my lover if I choose? I will have youknow, Euan, that I do what pleases me with mine own, and am not to sitin dread of your displeasure if I have a mind to laugh."

  "It hurt me that you should make a mockery----"

  "I made no mockery! I laughed. And you shall know that one day, pleaseGod, I shall laugh at you, plague you, torment you, and----" She lookedat me smilingly, hesitating; then in a low voice: "All my caprices youshall endure as in duty bound.... Because your reward shall be--theadoration of one who is at heart--your slave already.... And yourdesires will ever be her own--are hers already, Euan.... Have I madeamends?"

  "More fully than----"

  "Then be content," she said hastily, "and pull me no more lugubriousfaces to fright me. Lord! What a vexing paradox is this young man whosits and glowers and gnaws his lips in the very moment of his victory,while I, his victim, tranquil and happy in defeat, sit calmly tellingmy thoughts like holy beads to salve my new-born soul. Ai-me! There aremany things yet to be learned in this mad world of men."

  We leaned over the parapet, shoulder to shoulder, looking down upon theriver. The rain had ceased, but the sun gleamed only at intervals, andbriefly.

  After a moment she turned and looked at me with her beautiful andcandid eyes--the most honest eyes I ever looked upon.

  "Euan," she said in a quiet voice, "I know how hard it is for us toremain silent in the first flush of what has so sweetly happened to usboth. I know how natural it is for you to speak of it and for me tolisten. But if I were to listen, now, and when one dear word of yourshad followed another, and the next another still; and when our handshad met, and then our lips--alas, dear lad, I had become so whollyyours, and you had so wholly filled my mind and heart that--I do notknow, but I deeply fear--something of my virgin resolution might relax.The inflexible will--the undeviating obstinacy with which I havepursued my quest as far as this forest place, might falter, be swerved,perhaps, by this new and other passion--for I am as yet ignorant of itsforce and possibilities. I would not have it master me until I am freeto yield. And that freedom can come happily and honourably to me onlywhen I set my foot in Catharines-town. Do you understand me, Euan?"


  "Then--we will not speak of love. Or even let the language of our eyestrouble each other with all we may not say and venture.... You will notkiss me, will you? Before I ask it of you?"


  "Under no provocation? Will you--even if I should ask it?"


  "I will tell you why, Euan. I have promised myself--it is odd, too, forI first thought of it the day I first laid eyes on you. I said tomyself that, as God had kept me pure in spite of all--I should wishthat the first one ever to touch my lips should be my mother. And Imade that vow--having no doubt of keeping it--until I saw you again----"


  "When you came to me in Westchester before the storm."

  "Then!" I exclaimed, amazed.

  "Is it not strange, Euan? I know not how it was with me or why, allsuddenly, I seemed to know--seemed to catch a sudden glimmer of mydestiny--a brief, confusing gleam. And only seemed to fear and hateyou--yet, it was not hate or fear, either.... And when I came to you inthe rain--there at the stable shed--and when you followed, and gaveyour ring--such hell and heaven as awakened in my heart you could notfathom--nor could I--nor can I yet understand.... Do you think I lovedyou even then? Not knowing that I loved you?"

  "How could you love me then?"

  "God knows.... And afterward, on the rock in the moonlight--as you laythere asleep--oh, I knew not what so moved me to leave you my messageand a wild-rose lying there.... It was my destiny--my destiny! I seemedto fathom it.... For when you spoke to me on the parade at the MiddleFort, such a thrill of happiness possessed me----"

  "You rebuked and rebuked me, sweeting!

  "Because all my solicitude was for you, and how it might disgrace you."

  "I could have knelt there at your ragged feet, in sight of all thefort!"

  "Could you truly, Euan?"

  "As willingly as I kneel at prayer!"

  "How dear and gallant and sweet you are to me----" She broke off indismay. "Ai-me! Heaven pity us both, for we are saying what should waitto be said, and have talked of love only while vowing not to do so!...Let loose my hand, Euan--that somehow has stolen into yours. Ai-me!This is a very maze I seem to travel in, with every pitfall hiding allI would avoid, and everywhere ambush laid for me.... Listen, dear lad,I am more pitifully at your mercy than I dreamed of. Be faithful to myfaithless self that falters. Point out the path from your own strengthand compassion.... I--I must find my way to Catharines-town before Ican give myself to thoughts of you--to dreams of all that you inspirein me."

  "Listen, Lois. This fort is as far as you may go."


  "Truly, dear maid. It is not alone the perils of an unknown countrythat must check you here. There is a danger that you know not of--thatyou never even heard of."

  "A danger?"

  "Worse. A threat of terrors hellish, inconceivable, terrible beyondwords."

  "What do you mean? The hatchet? The stake? Dear lad, may I not thenventure what you soldiers brave so lightly?"

  "It is not what we brave that threatens you!"

  "What then?" she asked, startled.

  "Dear did you ever learn that you are a 'Hidden Child'?"

  "What is that, Euan?"

  "Then you do not know?"

  She shook her head.

  And so I told her; told her also all that we had guessed concerningher; how that her captive mother, terrified by Amochol and his redacolytes, had concealed her, consecrated her, and, somehow, had found arunner to carry her beyond the doors of the Long House to safety.

  This runner must have written the Iroquois message which I had readamid the corn-husks of her garret. It was all utterly plain andhorrible now, to her and to myself.

  As for the moccasins, the same faithful runner must have carried themto her, year after year, and taken back with him to the desolate motherthe assurance that her child was living and still undiscovered andunharmed by Amochol.

  All this I made plain to her; and I also told her that I, too, was ofthe Hidden Ones; and made it most clear to her who I really was. And Itold her of the Cat-People, and of the Erie, and how the Sorcerer haddefied us and boasted that the Hidden Child should yet die strangledupon the altar of Red Amochol.

  She was quiet and very pale while I was speaking, and at moments hergrey eyes widened with the unearthly horror of the thing; but never atremour touched her, nor did lid or lips quiver or her gaze falter.

  And when I had done she remained silent, looking out over the river atour feet, which was now all crinkling with the sun's bright networkthrough the tracery of leaves.

  "There is a danger to you," I said, "which will not cease until thisarmy has left the Red Priest dead amid the sacrilegious ashes of hisown vile altar. My Indians have made a vow to leave no Erie, noblasphemous and perverted priest alive. Amochol, the Wyoming Witch, theToad-Woman--all that accursed spawn of Frontenac must die.

  "Major Parr is of the same opinion; Clinton sees the importance ofthis, having had the sense to learn of Amherst how to stop the Senecademons with a stout hempen rope. Two Sachems he hung, and the wholenation cowed down in terror of him while his authority remained.

  "But Amherst left us; and the yelps of the Toad-Woman aroused theSorcerers from their torpor. But I swear to you by St. Catharine, whois the saint of the Iroquois also, that the sway of Amochol shall end,and that he shall lie on his own bloody altar, nor die there before hesees the flames of Catharines-town touch the very heaven of anaffronted God!"

  "Can you do this?"

  "With God's help and General Sullivan's," I said cheerfully. "For Idaily pray to the One, and I have the promise of the other that beforeour marching army alarms Catharines-town, I and my Indians and Boyd andhis riflemen shall strike the Red Priest there at the Onon-hou-aroria."

  "What is that, Euan?"

  "Their devil-rites--an honest feast which they have perverted. It wasthe Dream Feast, Lois, but Amochol has made of it an orgy unspeakable,where human sacrifices are offered to the Moon Witch, Atensi, and toLeshi and the Stone-Throwers, and the Little People--many of which werenot goblins and ghouls until Amochol so decreed them."

  "When is this feast to be held in Catharines-town?"

  "On the last day of this month. Until then you must not leave thiscamp; and after the army marches you must not go outside this fort.Amochol's arm is long. His acolytes are watching. And now I think youunderstand at last."

  She nodded. Presently she rested her pale cheek on her arms and lookedat the reddening edges of the woods. Northwest lay Catharines-town, soMayaro said. And into the northwest her grey eyes now gazed, calmly andsteadily, while the sun went out behind the forest and the high heavenswere plumed with fire.

  Under us the river ran, all pink and primrose, save where deep, glassyshadows bounded it under either bank. The tips of the trees glowed withrosy flame, faded to ashes, then, burnt out, stood once more dark andserrated against the evening sky.

  Suddenly an unearthly cry rang out from somewhere close to the riverbank up stream. Instantly a sentry on the parapet near us fired hispiece.

  "Oh, God! What is it!" faltered Lois, grasping my arm. But I sprang forthe ladder and ran down it; and the scattered soldiers and officersbelow on the parade were already running some grasping their muskets,others drawing pistols and hangers.

  We could hear musketry firing ahead, and drums beating to arms in ourcamp behind us.

  "The cattle-guard!" panted an officer at my elbow as we ran up streamalong the river-bank. "The Senecas have made their kill again, Godcurse them!"

  It was so. Out of the woods came running our frightened cattle, withthe guard plodding heavily on their flanks; and in the rear two of oursoldiers urged them on with kicks and blow; two more retreatedbackward, facing the dusky forest with levelled muskets, and a thirdstaggered beside them, half carrying, half trailing a man whose headhung down crimsoning the leaves as it dragged over them.

  He had been smoking a cob pipe when the silent assassin's hatchetstruck him, and the pipe now remained clenched between his set teeth.At first, for the dead leaves stuck to him, we could not see that hehad been scalped, but when we turned him over the loose and horriblefeatures, all wrinkled where the severed brow-muscles had released theskin, left us in no doubt.

  "This man never uttered that abominable cry," I said, shuddering. "Isthere yet another missing from the guard?"

  "Oh, no, sir," said the soldier who had dragged him. "That there was aheifer bawling when them devils cut her throat."

  He stood scratching his head and gazing blankly down at his deadcomrade.

  "Jesus," he drawled. "What be I a-goin' for to tell his woman now?"