Read The Hidden Rose Page 30


  “Sam are you the White Rose?” she asked.

  “Kathy from what you've told me it's impossible for anyone to be the White Rose. A witch that retains her witchcraft after being bitten by a vampire? According to you that's impossible any witch that has been bitten loses her connection with witchcraft in favor of the magic of the vampires. You said the two are incompatible,” I said.

  “To the best of my knowledge they are. I've heard of a couple witches that have been bitten and they stopped being witches,” she said.

  Something was obviously bothering Kathy and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what.

  “May I help you?” the maître d asked when we arrived at the restaurant.

  “Reservations for Waters, Norman,” Kathy said.

  “Yes a table for seven. It will be a few minutes. Is your whole party here?” the maître d asked.

  “No the three of us are all that are here yet,” Kathy replied.

  “Once the table is ready we can't hold it long we do have others waiting. I'm sure you understand,” the maître d said.

  “Yes we understand,” Kathy answered.

  It was seven o'clock straight up and mom, dad, Sarah and Jeff still weren't here. I knew dad would do all he could to get everyone out the door in time to make this dinner, but I also knew mom would fuss about everything until they were late and we lost our reservations.

  “Excuse me ma'am your table is ready,” the maître d said.

  “I'm afraid you'll need to give it to someone else the rest of our party still hasn't arrived,” I said.

  “You're welcome to wait here for the rest of your party in case we do get another table open, when they get here you will be first on the list,” the maître d said.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  An hour later mom came strolling in like she owned the world with dad looking embarrassed and Sarah and Jeff trying to put as much distance between mom and themselves as they could.

  “So Kathy is your brother here?” Mom asked.

  “Yes, he just walked in with you. Hi Jeff,” Kathy said.

  “You know what I meant,” Mom said.

  “Yes I do know what you meant, and yes Sam is here. She's sitting in the lounge with Brent. Hoping we can still get a table since you pulled your usual one hour late trick,” Kathy said.

  “I thought you had reservations,” Mom said.

  “We did have reservations, for seven o'clock, and it's now eight o'clock. Because you weren't here they gave our table to someone else who was here on time,” Kathy said anger creeping into her voice beyond her ability to hide.

  Mom didn't even look sorry for what she'd done. Sarah found Brent and I, and sat down with us, Jeff looking at me not sure he wanted any part of the family any longer.

  “You look great Sam,” Sarah said after she took a seat.

  “Thanks sis. You look as beautiful as ever yourself,” I said.

  She spotted my fingernails and reached out to take my hand so she could get a better look.

  “I love your nails. That must have taken hours to have done. Look at the detail of each of those little roses. They aren't decals are they?” she asked.

  “No, they aren't decals, and it really didn't take all that long either,” I said.

  “Excuse me ma'am are you Samantha Waters?” the maître d asked.

  I looked up and smiled. “The last time I checked. Is there something wrong?”

  “Nothing ma'am, if the rest of your party is here now your table is ready,” she said.

  “Thank you and yes the last of our party just arrived,” I said.

  I stood up followed by Sarah, Brent and Jeff. The hostess showed us to a table that was cordoned off from the rest of the restaurant.

  After we were all seated she started pouring wine for each of us and mom told her not to give her any since she didn't partake of the devils drink. Jeff was obviously under age but received a small amount topped with water to match the rest of our glasses.

  “Ma'am I hope you don't mind, but the owner has taken the liberty of preparing something special just for you and your guests,” she said.

  “No I don't mind, I just don't understand why they would go to all that trouble,” I said.

  “Perhaps because he wants to show the White Rose the respect due her, Samantha,” Chris whispered in my ear. “You'll never need reservations to eat here Captain.”

  “I take it this is your restaurant then Major.” I turned and smiled wishing this were the time for us to be together.

  “What did he say Sam?” Kathy asked.

  “He said anyone here with me would be welcome with or without reservations. I guess he likes that most of his Rose company was saved by Delta company when I was in command, and he thinks he needs to pay me back for doing a job I've been paid for already.”

  That hadn't been what Chris whispered, but it was close enough, and no one else needed to know the actual words, or meaning of what he said.

  “I take it we won't be getting to chose what we want then,” Jeff looked disgusted.

  “No sir, it doesn't mean that at all. If you'd like to take a look at the menu you're more than welcome to do so, but if you don't read French or Italian, I'm afraid you won't know what anything is and I can't have my staff tied up trying to explain what everything on the menu is to those who can't read the menu,” Chris said.

  “So why don't you make an English menu?” Jeff asked.

  “Because we wouldn't be authentic if we did. Those who come here, do so because we serve the best food in the most traditional manner possible. Anyone who can't read the menu we have found doesn't usually like traditional dishes anyway, and we serve nothing but traditional dishes,” Chris answered.

  “Je t'aime mon amour, notre époque sera bientôt,” I said.

  “Oui ma chérie, mais pas assez vite pour moi,” Chris replied.

  I smiled that he understood we couldn't be together yet, that he loved me enough to call me his sweetheart.

  I looked over at Kathy and realized she to knew French. I smiled and started laughing at the look I got in return.

  “I hope you don't expect any of us to understand what you two just said to each other,” Dad said and even Kathy started laughing.

  “Dad what they said was to each other and not meant for any of us to understand. All I know is when the time comes, I think I'll be sick if they talk like that all the time,” Kathy said.

  Chris started laughing harder since it became obvious Kathy had enough French to know what we said.

  “If you'll excuse me I need to get back in the kitchen and finish getting your dinner ready,” Chris excused himself.

  “So not only are you a great strategist on the battle field you're a cook too? Just so you know Chris, in my home I am the chief cook and bottle washer,” I said.

  Mom cleared her throat as if to argue, but let it drop when dad gave her his not now look.

  I wanted so much to talk to dad alone, to find out just how serious he was about wishing he had been born female instead of male.

  “I was hoping we could have some time alone dad,” I said so only he could hear.

  “I take it, it's important?” he asked.

  “You could say that. I have a lot of questions that only you and mom can answer, and I know trying to get the answers out of mom would be an exercise in futility,” I said.

  “I think I know the questions and if I'm right... Sam why is this so important?” he asked.

  “Because life should be lived and looking at our family I see a lot of existing, but very little living. Maybe if I know the answers to my questions I'll be able to find a way of changing it so we're living not just existing,” I said.

  “Kathy said something about you bought a car today,” Dad said.

  “I did, but it's at Kathy's. We didn't see any point in bringing two cars since it was just the three of us,” I said.

  “That makes sense. I know you like shopping what if
you pick me up in the morning and we go shopping together,” he said.

  “I'd like that, unless there's something you'd rather do like play golf,” I said.

  “I think shopping, if it's all the same,” he said.

  Dinner went smoothly after we got past the escargot. I thought Sarah was going to barf right there when they set a small dish of them in front of her. Jeff obviously had to prove he wasn't afraid to try anything and ended up rushing to the mens room to barf after just two snails. Kathy sat there as calm as could be and skewered the first of several she hate while I did likewise.

  I loved escargot and wished rather than an appetizer it was a main course, though the main course was wonderful and everything someone could hope for from a top restaurant.

  Every time mom looked at me I saw the displeasure in her eyes about me being a woman. Jeff seemed to think it was great being the only boy in the family, but told me more than once he thought me being a woman was wrong.

  Mom said she had a headache before the main course was finished, and insisted on getting out of that, den of Satan, as she called it. Sarah and Jeff both wanted to stay as did dad, but mom said if dad didn't take her home she'd take a cab and he'd be lucky if she would let him in when and if he decided to come home. Jeff seemed disappointed, but left with mom and dad.

  “Sam isn't there anyway you can stay, please,” Sarah asked.

  “Sarah I'm home for thirty days. Give me a good reason and I'll see if I can't extend it to forty-five, but that's the best I could do,” I told her hoping she would be honest about why she wanted me to stay.

  “It's just mom has gotten worse since you left. Even dad avoids coming home sometimes just to keep her from preaching at him,” she said. A partial truth but not the real reason.

  “What about Jeff? Is she on him the way she was me?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? Jeff is her little angel, he can't do anything wrong in her book, but he does kiss up to everyone at church,” she said.

  “Is dad still in the church leadership?” I asked.

  “You really don't know do you? Dad told the pastor to shove the church up his ass,” Sarah said.

  “Are you serious? I can't imagine dad doing anything like that,” I said.

  “Well he didn't exactly tell him to shove the church, but he did refuse to take a leadership position after you left. He said he wasn't sure about some of the things it would require, and he was so afraid you weren't ever coming back,” Sarah said.

  “What about you Sarah? How do you feel about the church?” I asked.

  “I didn't think you were ever coming back either Sam. To be honest when dad said you were I laughed in his face. I was so happy you found a way to escape. I just wish I could find a way out. Kathy has Brent and her witchcraft, but I have nothing. Mom is trying to arrange a marriage for me, that scares the hell out of me. I was supposed to have a date tonight, and I have no doubt if I had gone home with mom and dad I would have had to go out with the creep,” she said.

  “When will mom be gone long enough I could come over and see what's going on there?” I asked.

  “About the only time mom leaves is for church and her womens meetings. Sometimes she goes out late after everyone is in bed, usually on Friday or Saturday nights,” Sarah said.

  “Let me guess she gets a phone call just before leaving so you never know when or where,” I asked.

  “We know why though,” Kathy said.

  “I can guess why too, if you want, but I don't like the idea of it,” I said.

  “Sam I know you're the White Rose, but I know something has to happen for you to have the full power of the Rose. From what I know of the story, the White Rose commands the magic of all the fairy folk, but to do that you would have to be both witch and vampire the two most powerful of the fairy folk,” Kathy said.

  “Kathy I'm still trying to accept that I'm a witch and that magic does exist. Please, asking me to accept that vampires are real too, is a bit much right now,” I said.

  “Cherie they are real. I know because I am one. I was found by a family of vampires and they did what it took to heal me,” Chris said joining us at the table.

  “Your blood magic?” I asked.

  “I've never come across a witch that could tell until you. I promised I would never do anything to harm someone just because I can. I have no quarrel with the witches of the White Rose. I haven't had since becoming a vampire, and I hope I never do have,” he said.

  “Chris I don't know if you're aware, but you're under the protection of the White Rose. I don't mean the coven I mean the Rose herself. Every witch in the coven has sworn to honor the White Rose and what she protects we protect. You're right I didn't know you were a vampire and only the most powerful have been able to hide their magic from me, but compared to Sam my magic is nothing. It wouldn't surprise me if she could tell what kind of magic everyone in this room has, just by meeting them,” Kathy said.

  “I don't need to meet them to know whether their magic is blood magic or witch magic. There are five other vampires in here, six others besides, who have blood magic, and ten who have witch magic though you, Kathy and I are the only witches of any power,” I said.

  “The magic you are referring to as witch magic is elemental magic. We use the elements themselves to create what we seek,” Kathy said.

  “I terrify you don't I?” I asked.

  “No, at least not after that spell you wove just before we left the house. Somehow the magic is making sure you can't do anything that would risk someones life,” Kathy said.

  I had no idea what Kathy was talking about, but then I didn't know I had cast a spell most of the times I had.

  When I gave Sarah a hug at mom and dads dropping her off I saw everything that was going on as though I were Sarah and now understood the extent to which everything was deteriorating around those I loved so much. According to Kathy as the hug I shared with Sarah broke she saw the seal of the White Rose settle on Sarah wrapping her in a safety net that would be very difficult for any magical creature to get through and one that mortals wouldn't even have a chance of figuring out was even there.

  “Sam I wish I had one tenth your ability with magic,” Kathy said.

  “What are you talking about Kathy? There are things you can do I couldn't even imagine doing,” I said.

  “What I'm talking about is your ability to protect those you care for. I know you don't understand, but I'm sure one day you will. You use magic so effortlessly that you aren't even aware you're doing it, and every time it's something that's needed. I just hope you aren't spreading yourself to thin,” she said.

  “Kathy I can only help if those needing the help want it. I know Sarah doesn't like what's going on here and anything I may have done will only work if she's willing to accept she has the power to stop it. I'm willing to stand with her, but she has to be willing to stand up or there is nothing anyone can do to help,” I said.

  Kathy gave me a strange look, one that said she wasn't sure she understood.

  “I can tell someone it isn't safe to play in the street, and even force them not to play in the street when I'm around, but when I'm not around if they choose to play in the street, and get hurt there's nothing I can do about it. For them to have my protection, they have to want my protection, and work toward protecting themselves, or there's little to nothing, I can do to protect them. I can't be everywhere at once, all I can do is give them the tools and hope they're willing to learn to use them,” I said.

  Understanding shown in her eyes, I could offer protection, but if the person it was offered to didn't want protection they wouldn't be protected. For Sarah to be protected she would need to stand up for herself, then and only then, would the magic of the spell work to help, going against everything she thought she understood about magic.

  “Sam I need to go talk to the coven leader in the morning I was hoping...” she started to say.

  “I can't Kathy, I have other things I'm committed to. I'm sure whate
ver it is you need to talk to them about won't change who I am, but might change who you are,” I said.

  It was a long night of nightmares. Each of the missions I had been on rolled into one. All the people I looked up to either being killed or wounded and the protection I promised gone. They all chose not to help my magic work to protect them.

  “You look like hell,” Brent said when I entered the kitchen.

  “Thank you Brent, I'm feeling like hell too,” I said.

  “Kathy's worried about you, we don't normally close our door, but it was the only way we could get to sleep last night. I don't imagine what you were say is something we should hear,” he said.

  “I don't imagine it is something anyone should have to hear. Brent how much do you know about what Kathy is?” I asked.

  “You mean about her being a witch? I'm not supposed to know anything about it, but she doesn't really try hiding it from me,” he said.

  “What do you know about what is going on in the church? What that damn church is doing to my family?” I asked.

  “There I know a little more. Sam, Kathy wants out and I support her desire fully, but it seems every time we turn around she keeps getting dragged back into it. I'm afraid the only way she'll ever get away from those people is if we move somewhere else, as far away as we can get,” he said.

  “Our mother is the key, I don't know how, but I know she's the key. I'm going shopping with dad this morning maybe then I'll know more,” I said.

  “I made you some breakfast if you want it. I know your dad isn't your father, Kathy told me that much. She also said the only reason her and Sarah had any kind of chance at a normal childhood was because you were supposed to be a boy,” he said.

  I ate the breakfast Brent made for me and realized if I had been born female chances were none of us would have had a chance to be little girls. Sarah was being forced into a marriage she didn't want and there was little I could do as long as she wasn't willing to stand up for herself and say enough.

  “Thank you for the breakfast Brent, and for the conversation. I'm not really worried about Kathy she knows the truth now, and knows I'll do everything in my power to help. The best help she can get now though is from you letting her know you love her even though she's a witch. Letting her know that when your daughters are born you'll support her teaching them to use the heritage she'll give them. Brent you might even try learning to use the heritage your mother gave you,” I suggested.

  I needed to get going and headed back into my room and pulled on a dress I knew would boil moms blood to think I would dare wear it in public. I wondered what she would think if she found out todays shopping trip with dad was going to be to help Norma realize just who she is as a woman, and a witch.

  Dad was waiting when I got there, but asked if it would be alright if Sarah came with. I looked over at Sarah and realized if I said no she would be spending the day in a micro mini skirt with the man mom was determined she was going to marry treating her like his personal property.

  “Dad I think it's time for your son to make an appearance to let this ass mom thinks is so wonderful know that if he does anything to hurt my sister he'll wish he had never been born. I think it just might give Sarah the courage to keep him in line if not tell him no she doesn't want to marry him,” I said.

  I didn't even think about it, but as I sat there with dad sitting next to me I was again Samuel in my fatigues looking like I just walked off the battlefield.

  “Sam!” Dad exclaimed.

  “You want to tell me what's going on dad, or do I have to guess?” I asked.

  “You already know what's going on Sam, I can see it in your eyes,” he said.

  “You know I love you dad, and I know what I'm about to ask you won't be easy for you, but I still have to ask. Do you love Sarah? Do you love her enough to do what's right for her, not what is easy for you, but what is right for her?” I asked.

  “I can't believe you have to ask something like that Sam. You know I love all four of you, and I'd do anything for all of you,” he said.

  “That's all I needed to know. I was sure that would be your answer, but I couldn't take the chance in case it wasn't. I know you never fathered any of us, but you're the only father any of us know. You're the one who taught us to question everything and you know that's why I could never accept the church,” I said.

  As we waited Gordon Allen showed up and Sarah said she really should spend some time with him. I didn't say anything, but let it be known I wanted to talk to him before dad and I left to go shopping.

  “Your sister's beautiful. She talks about you all the time,” he lied.

  “Gordon I don't like liars. I love my sisters and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them. I'm sure Sarah hasn't told you much about me since she didn't know what my job in the Air Force was until I got back, so let me tell you a little bit about what it is I do,” I said.

  “Sure I'd love to hear it,” he said.

  “I'm sure you would, though you might change your mind after I tell you. You know about those two companies that got trapped behind enemy lines, that were in the news recently, if not I'd be very surprised,” I said.

  “I've heard about it. From what I heard it was a special forces company that got them out of there safe,” he said.

  “At the end it was a full company of special forces that brought them home, but it was only a recon unit that got them where they met up with the special forces company, my recon unit. I take my job seriously enough that I even took the chance of telling a General to shut the fuck up unless he wanted to get his ass out of the bed he was lying in to resume command. That if he wanted to do that I would take my men and we would head back to our home base and let him figure out a way to get all those men home,” I said.

  He looked scared thinking I was either, foolish or stupid, enough to have told a General something like that.

  “For the next day I ran into one obstacle after another trying to get those men were we could get the wounded out by chopper. I made sure that General was on the first chopper out since he insisted on knowing and approving everything before letting his men know to cooperate with me. Because he was wounded and confined to a bed I was the ranking officer able to command, but that didn't matter to a lot of the men in those companies. To them since the General was conscious he should have still been in command,” I continued.

  Gordon got a smug look on his face that this General had so easily countered all my orders until he thought about what I said about making sure the General was on the first chopper out.

  “I doubt you know this, but a military battalion consists of three hundred to twelve hundred men. A company consists of eighty to two hundred fifty men. The whole time I was trying to get those two companies out we had at least one battalion of enemy troops dogging our every move. The company of special forces we met up with was an eighty man company, and shortly after meeting up with them we had three to four battalions of enemy close in on us. I was the one who killed the commander of those enemy battalions and gave them the option of withdrawing or being killed. We were out numbered so heavily they could have rolled over us even with all our special forces training, yet after watching their commander get shot and not having a clue where the shot came from they opted to withdraw,” I went on.

  “That's not what it said in the news. I think you're just making that up to try scaring me,” he said.

  “I guess what the news says is more accurate than a first hand account. I'm surprised you've manage to live this long if that's how you feel. Let me make it easier for you to live a little longer though. I do love my sisters and anyone who hurts one of them will have to answer to me for that. If I were you were Sarah is concerned I would treat her like a queen, and do all I could to insure she never gets hurt. That way you won't have to wonder if I might be coming to claim retribution. If you end up married to her that won't save you if you hurt her, and if there are kids, they will have my protection as well. You see Gordon, Sarah can marr
y anyone she wants, but since she is my sister by blood we will always be related and I will always kill anyone who dares hurt someone I am related to by blood. Something you will never be,” I said.

  With that, he looked very scared, I slapped him on the back and asked dad if he still wanted to go shopping.

  “I don't know what you said to Gordon, but he didn't look as confident as he use to,” Dad said.

  “I just let him know that Sarah was and would always be my sister and anyone who hurt my family would learn to wish they hadn't been born since I would teach them a new definition for misery,” I said.

  “Yes I guess that would do it. So what kind of shopping are we doing?” Dad asked.

  “I was thinking of seeing what kind of clothes my real mom likes. See if her tastes match mine or tend to go more to the kind the woman who gave me birth likes in public,” I said.

  “Sam I have no idea what you just said. I thought Ellen was your real mother,” he said.

  “No my real mothers name is Norma I believe, whatever her name she has always been there for me, now I want to be there for her, at least a little,” I said.

  “How long have you known?” he asked.

  “Known what?” I looked over at Norma sitting there and smiled. “This is only as long as I'm here on leave. I don't know when you'll be able to be my mom full time, other than it will be sometime after The White Rose is acknowledged, and complete.”

  Mom got several new dresses all with hems that came no more than a couple inches above the knee, and loved that like me she had roses on her nails. She didn't ask how it was everything could be so wonderful. She just enjoyed the time she had as herself sharing with her daughters. Gordan never once mistreated Sarah, including never asking her to wear dresses like the ones our birth mother had hidden away in a closet none of us wanted any part of.

  Three weeks into my time at home I got a call saying I was needed back and would have to cut my leave short. Chris too was called back to duty and we were informed a plane would be waiting for us and we better not miss it.

  “Captain Waters, Major Jacobs hasn't arrived yet, but the plane is waiting. We were told you and Major Jacobs would be piloting it once it was ready,” a Sargent said as I reached the flight line.

  “It wouldn't happen to be that piece of junk sitting out there surrounded by MP's would it?” I asked,

  “Yes sir that would be the one,” they said.

  Great a C-130, it would take a minimum of eighteen hours to get that thing back to base, and I knew once we were in the air we would be going straight through which meant in flight refueling. I hated this airplane even though it was one of the most reliable ever built.

  “Quite a change there Captain. I kind of like the way you looked the last time I saw you better,” Chris said joining me on my preflight walk around.

  “So did I Major, but by the time we land I doubt either of us will remember that meeting very well,” I said.

  I took the controls until our first refuel then Chris took over to let me get some rest.

  “That son-of-a-bitch shorted us Major I hope they don't do that all the way or we just might be on fumes before we get there,” I said.

  “You aren't in the least tired are you Captain?” Chris asked.

  “Not really, no, but I'm more then happy to let you have the controls. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you,” I said.

  “If you'll allow me one first Captain, I'll answer any questions I can,” he said.

  “Ask away,” I said.

  “What your sister said about the White Rose protecting me, what did she mean?” he asked.

  “She meant that you wear the symbol of the White Rose, I think it means the White Rose has claimed you for her own,” I said.

  “That's going to screwup my marriage isn't it?” he asked.

  “How? Major, your marriage is only as screwed up as you let it get. If your marriage to Irene is right it won't change that you're protected by the White Rose,” I said.

  I never did get a chance to ask my questions, but I kind of knew I wouldn't. The magic was protecting me from myself, and for some reason it felt the answers I wanted would cause me to do something that would try forcing it into action before I was ready.

  “Colonel Talbot, I don't mind saying I was really hoping to get to spend the whole thirty days I was promised,” I said.

  Really Captain I had to order you to take leave and now you don't want to come back. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to have to order you to take some time every time,” he replied.

  I started to giggle and caught myself. “You just might sir. Now that I'm here sir, would you care to share just why you called me back early?” I asked.

  “All in good time Captain. Major I've reassembled your company and I need you and Colonel Jackson to get together to go over the assignment I gave him while waiting for you and Captain Waters to get here.”

  “Adam is a Colonel now? I miss a couple months and it seems the whole world changes,” Chris said.

  Adam Jackson was now my commanding officer and it appeared we were going to be working with Major Christopher Jacobs and his Rose company.

  “Sam it's good to have you back. I was hoping to go over these plans on a project similar to the last one we did before you went on leave,” Adam said.

  I started going over the maps and details of what they were asking us to do and had Chris looking over my shoulder.

  “You know Major, if I'm in your way you could always ask me to move,” I said.

  “You aren't in my way Captain, I was just hoping maybe I could see what it is you see,” he said.

  “And?” I asked.

  “And all I see is the map with the troop placements on it,” he said.

  “That Major is because you aren't looking at it right,” I said.

  Adam went over what he knew of the situation along with what he had come up with for a plan of attack.

  “Excuse me Colonel, but if you're trying to get all those men killed, you would succeed. Those men are scared and unfamiliar with our tactic. They're infantry and tend to shoot at anything that moves. We don't have radio communication with them, and they've been harassed continually for the last week. If the enemy doesn't kill them retreating from your frontal attack chances are we will to stop them from shooting at us,” I said.

  “So what do you suggest Captain?” Adam asked.

  “The White Rose recon, we can get in there undetected and at least get radio communications set back up. My guess is we'll also be able to push the enemy back off these men so they can at least get a good nights sleep. If you come in from the east with the remainder of Alpha company and Major Jacobs brings his Rose company in from the southwest we should be able to squeeze the enemy and get those men home in one piece,” I said.

  Adam looked over at Chris and I started laughing.

  “You don't trust me Adam?” I asked.

  “It isn't I don't trust you Sam, I just want to know if Chris agrees with you or me, or if he has something altogether different.”

  “Well Adam, looking at what you have and trying to follow what Sam thinks will work best I would have to go with Sam. The biggest problem I see though is that I haven't worked with any of my men in over three months, and if that damned Lieutenant has been assigned to me again I'm likely to refuse this assignment until I can get someone else. I just can't accept someone who could end up in command that would leave anyone behind the way that bastard did,” Chris said.

  “Major if I might the last time you were out you didn't have the advantage you do now. As for your men they all know you and there isn't anything any of them with the exception of that fucked up Lieutenant wouldn't do for you. If you plan on getting back in the game this assignment is the one to do it on,” I said.

  “You trust me more then I trust myself Sam,” Chris said.

  “I trust you to do the right thing when the time comes Chris, not the easy thing, the right thing,” I said.

nbsp; “Alright Captain so we have Rose company coming in from the southwest. What would you say would be the best place for them to cross at. While we're at it you want me and the remainder of our company coming in from the east, just how do we get to a point due east of these men?” Adam asked.

  “You don't Colonel. If those men are still where they are in four days time they'll all be dead, which means we need to move fast. I can have my unit ready to go in two hours it appears there's a clearing about ten clicks north of these men and we can air drop in there and if the commander of these men is willing to allow me to take command I can start them on a southern journey, in four days meet both of you at this point. Does that solve your problem of how to come in from the east? And I'm sure Major Jacobs can see where the best place is for his Rose company to enter the battle from without me having to point it out,” I said.

  “That looks like some rugged country to be moving tired beaten men across in that short a time, especially with the enemy dogging you the whole way, Captain,” Adam said.

  “He's right though Adam. It is the best way, but perhaps it would be better if one of us went in there to assume command. If what I'm seeing here is correct either of us outrank anyone in that company. I'm sorry Sam, but that is a Major commanding that company and you're only a Captain,” Chris said.

  “Gentlemen it sounds like we have a problem here,” Jason said.

  “No problem Jason, that is if Sam is willing to let one of us take over his recon unit. For this mission,” Adam said.

  “Well since I out rank all of you, even if Sam is willing I'm not. I'm sorry Major Jacobs, Colonel Jackson, but neither of you could get those men to do what Sam can. I take it you've all agreed to go with sending Captain Waters recon unit in via air drop and then have your companies come in from different sides,” Jason said.

  “It is the best way Jason. That's what I love so much about Captain Waters. He seems to see things even we miss,” Adam said.

  “Sir I can't do my job effectively if I'm worrying about stepping on a superior officers toes all the time. If I go in there I need to have it understood my orders take priority over whoever the commander there might be. I just can't do another one of those General Long things. I was lucky that time, can you promise me that kind of luck again?” I asked.

  “Major did you bring what I asked?” Jason asked Chris.

  “I did sir but it's still in my bags,” Chris said.

  “Just see the Captain gets it before he leaves out. Captain I'm sure what the Major has for you will solve that problem, but I do need to ask that only your recon unit and we in this room know anything about it,” Jason said.

  “Sir, I'm not the White Rose of fairy lore. If everything I've heard about that White Rose is fact no one could be the White Rose, blood magic and elemental magic don't mix. The conflict of someone being able to control both would cause the world of magic to come apart,” I said.

  “Sam you're the only one in this room...” Jason started.

  “...who doesn't have blood magic. I know that Colonel, I've known that since I walked in. I also know not one of you would consider trying to use your magic against me since you all know I'm a witch, and you have no idea just what I'm capable of,” I said.

  “How did you know we...” Jason started again.

  “Colonel I can feel the call of your magic. Until I went on leave I didn't understand what it is I felt, but I know about magic a little now, and because of the White Rose magic no White Rose can raise a hand against another White Rose whether it be coven or clan. The only way any of you could even consider biting me is if it were the only way to save my life.” I looked at Chris as I said that last part letting him know he would be the one when the time came.

  “Even so Sam, your elemental magic wouldn't work against us either,” Jason said.

  “Would you really care to find out Colonel? If I am who you fear me to be I'm the only witch that could have bound the White Rose coven and clan to each other. I'm the only witch in the world with that kind of power and the bond is elemental so it had to be a witch who created the magic,” I said.

  They all just stared at me dumb struck. Only Chris had ever seen the real me, but it was time all these men know who I am. I didn't think about what I was doing I only knew it was something that would let these men know why they feared me so much, and to let them know they had no reason to fear me.

  “Mon amour.” I said reaching out and caressing Chris' cheek. “Colonel this is the real me. The person the world will fear because there is no witch or vampire who will be able to stand against me. If you ask me to wear what you asked Chris to bring here this is who you're asking me to be,” I said.

  “Sam I...” Jason started yet again.

  “Are you sure you want the world to know before it is time for the White Rose to make her appearance?” I asked.

  “You aren't complete?” Adam said.

  “My daughters, are not yet born. My husband belongs to another. I know who I am. You know the prophecy Colonel. You know that the White Rose will be known to only her trusted friends and will then forget until she stands with her husband and daughters in her fullness,” I said.

  “I know the words, words taught to me from the time I was a small boy, but those words are from the blood magic of our kind. How could you know those words, you have no blood magic, Sam,” Jason said.

  “I am blood magic Jason. It is by my grace that you have your precious magic. It is by my will you have life. I am magic that none can know. I am the White Lotus, I am the White Rose, I am the Oak Forest, and the Willow Grove. I am element and blood, and it is by me all clans shall be know as one, by me that the world of fairy lives among men in peace with men never knowing who we are. I am the Queen of vampires and witches. In my fullness all magic will live in peace as was intended from long ago. In me the enemy of our kind will be brought forth and held accountable for their crimes against us. Adam it is not wise for you to enter this field of battle. While the Rose does protect your life it does not protect you from all harm,” I said.

  “You asked for this Colonel, you knew, or at least thought you knew, who Sam is and now you know,” Chris said.

  “Yes Chris now I know. Adam if she says you shouldn't go it might not be a bad idea if you don't go,” Jason said.

  “Sam is the only other person in the company I would trust to bring everyone back with minimal casualties, Jason,” Adam said.

  “I'm sorry, but am I missing something here?” I asked.

  “You don't have a clue what just happened here do you Sam?” Chris asked.

  “No Chris I don't. Colonel Talbot said you had something for me that would ease the transition when my men and I get to the company that's trapped so we don't have another mess like last time, and then Adam is saying I'm the only person he would trust in Alpha company to lead them in battle, besides himself,” I said.