Read The Hidden Rose Page 36


  “You look beautiful when you're sleeping,” Chris said, coming in my tent.

  “Major if someone else where to hear you say that. I take it the magic kicked in while I was sleeping,” I said.

  “Sam I don't need the magic to see the real you any longer. It's very hard for me to see you as anyone but the beautiful woman you were the day we met,” he said.

  “That would get both of us thrown out with a less than honorable discharge,” I said.

  “Don't be so cynical Sam. Everyone who might have a problem with me saying something like that is out bringing in the supplies that were just dropped. From what I've seen of those supplies it looks like you intend to be fighting a major battle,” he said.

  “The objective is that we have enough supplies to support not only those of us here in this camp but also both flanks. I know neither you nor Adam brought enough supplies to fight an extended battle and especially not one the size this one has the potential of becoming,” I said.

  “How many divisions do you think they'll send?” he asked.

  “What do your instincts tell you Chris? You've heard the chatter on the radio and know they want me more than they've ever wanted anyone. They're going to throw everything they can at us. If we can't break out in three days with enough breathing room to get home before they can catch us the supplies we have here now won't be close to enough,” I said.

  “What about The White Rose? Isn't there something she can do?” he asked.

  “The White Rose. Chris listen to yourself. The White Rose is a character from children's stories,” I said.

  “Sam you're The White Rose, everyone here has seen it. You showed Adam, Jason and I before you and your men left on this mission,” Chris said.

  “Chris if as you say I am this White Rose from children's stories why don't I have my own company rather than just a recon unit?” I asked.

  He didn't answer since even he didn't know the stories other than bits and pieces. He hadn't grown up a vampire just as I hadn't grown up learning about witchcraft. Until he had been bitten he knew nothing of the magical world, and like me discounted it as a fiction.

  The big difference was he was now part of the world of magic in such a way any doubt of magics existence was removed, my magic hadn't yet allowed me the knowledge to know it was real. My magic still controlled me rather than me controlling it.

  I changed into a fresh uniform with Chris standing there watching me the whole time. I wanted to smack him but knew in my heart I never could, he was my world, but that was a world of dreams, a world where everything was as it should be.

  “Curtis get on the radio and get Colonel Jackson and Colonel Anderson to bring their men in here, tell them they have three hours before all hell breaks loose and if they aren't here The Rose can't protect them,” I said.

  I saw Chris look at me and smiled, he knew me better than anyone should ever know another person, but then he was my other half.

  “You need something from me Sam, I don't know what it is if you don't tell me,” he said.

  “What Jason wanted you to bring from the states, do you have it with you?” I asked.

  “You said it wasn't time for that yet, but yes I have it in my tent,” he said.

  “Chris it isn't time for The White Rose to let the world know of her existence fully, but if we hope to get out of this alive we need what only she can do, and for that she needs your help,” I said.

  “My help? I don't understand, I can't do anything compared to you Sam,” he said.

  “What did grandmother tell you? Chris only you can give The White Rose what she needs to deal with this, only you can save The White Rose when she is at deaths door. Only our love can make The White Rose what she needs to be,” I said.

  I saw him trying to remember what he had been told when he was changed. “Your Rose is sweet but incomplete, your bite she needs for life complete. Bite once for love, and once for life, her strength to fill that magic not be deplete.”

  “I'm sorry Sam but the poem grandmother told me makes no sense,” he said.

  “Bite once for life, you don't understand, that without your bite life will end. Chris I can't be all that I am without your bite,” I said.

  I stared into his eyes and felt the magic calling me to him my head leaned to one side offering him my neck that he might quench his lust for blood. The pricks like two needles puncturing my skin and the strength flowing from me to him. It isn't time for The White Rose, not yet, but it is time for The Rose, someone there are no stories written down about, and only the oldest of the vampires know anything about.

  I felt Chris' tongue on my neck and the holes his teeth made seal as though they never happened. I felt so tired like I hadn't slept in weeks.

  “Sam it's going to take time to recover. You need to rest and have something to eat, preferably meat.”

  “Chris The Rose needs to handle this now. I need you to help me so people will think I am only old stories again,” I said.

  “Sam you came out to so many...” he started to say.

  “No Chris, I didn't, only a few know who I really am and of all those who know only you know for sure. I ask that you not say or do anything that will let people know the truth about me, not until you give the bite of love,” I said.

  The poem made sense to him now. He was The Rose, the decoy so no one would believe The White Rose was real until she had received the bite of love that only he could give, a bite he never wanted to give to someone he loved.

  “Major Jacobs I don't understand what is going on here,” Colonel Graham demanded.

  “Colonel I don't have a lot of time right now, The White Rose is a story, but I am The Rose, the one in charge now since Captain Waters has fallen ill from exhaustion. There was a small flaw in his plan none of us saw until the last aerial survey was done, so now we're working on getting something put together to handle the unexpected,” Chris said.

  “They are throwing more at us than anyone could anticipate, aren't they Major?” Colonel Graham asked.

  “You could say that Colonel, about double what our highest estimates were and with the battle plan we had there was no way of repelling that big of a force,” Chris said.

  “Sir Colonel Anderson and his men just arrived, he wants to know where you need him,” one of Chris' men said.

  “Scotty, I need him watching the right flank. I want our men in the middle and when Colonel Jackson gets here he can keep the left flank,” Chris said.

  “Yes sir I'll let everyone know,” Scotty said.

  “And what about me and my men Major? What are we supposed to do?” Colonel Graham asked.

  “How many officers do you have?” Chris asked.

  “Besides myself, two,” Colonel Graham said.

  “I want you to divide your men equally between you and your two officers. One of you will report to me one to Colonel Jackson and the other to Colonel Anderson. You and your men will be filling the front line as we send out strike teams to cause as much confusion as possible in the enemy ranks,” Chris said.

  Adam came in just minutes before the enemy struck. He worked on getting his men in place hoping the attack on his flank wouldn't happen until he had everything in place.

  “Lieutenant make sure this line stays secure, I need to go talk to whoever is giving the orders right now,” Adam told his acting second in command.

  “Chris what is going on? What is Anderson doing here? Where's Sam?” Adam asked after entering the command center.

  “Adam, Sam can't handle this one, I guess I should say she's handled as much of it as she can. If you've been paying any attention to the radio you know what we have headed this way,” Chris answered.

  “I heard what's headed at us, and we need Sam more than ever now, but we need her as The White Rose,” Adam said.

  “No Adam, if she shows herself now she'll never be able to hide again. She knows that and offered me what I need to stop this,” Chris said.

bsp; “You bit her? Chris her magic is all we had that gave us a fighting chance. If you killed her Chris...” Adam started.

  “Why would I kill the woman I love more than myself? The woman who will bring balance back to the world of magic. Adam I did bite her, but only at her request,” Chris cut him off.

  “Then what do we do Chris? What chance do we have now?” Adam asked.

  “I need your men to hold the left flank. Colonel Graham is dividing his company so each of us will be able to send out squads to reek havoc behind the battle lines while we keep our main force here defending the camp,” Chris said.

  “It sounds better than anything I can come up with. Just let me know if anything changes,” Adam conceded.

  “Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but General Talbot is on the horn and wants to talk with Captain Waters,” Curtis interrupted.

  “Curtis isn't it? Captain Waters is in my tent sleeping, did the General give any indication what he wanted,” Chris asked.

  “Just to talk to the Captain sir,” Curtis said.

  “You have him on that pack?” Chris asked.

  “Yes sir,” Curtis said.

  “General congratulations. We're a bit busy here right now sir I'm afraid Captain Waters is sleeping and it wouldn't be a good idea to wake him at the moment,” Chris said taking the hand set for the radio.

  “Do you realize you have six divisions baring down on you?” General Talbot asked.

  “Yes sir, we're well aware sir, if you could get us some air support it would be much appreciated sir,” Chris said.

  “I figured that might be the case, so Captain Waters isn't who we thought?” Jason asked.

  “Can we talk about that when this is over sir?” Chris asked.

  “Hang up the phone Chris. Curtis unless it's someone calling to tell us air support is on the way don't disturb us with calls,” I said.

  “Why are you out of bed Sam?” Chris asked.

  “Because you didn't listen to what was said. Chris I gave you all you need to stop this, but only you can do it. Only The Rose can put an end to this without getting us all killed. Reach out with your mind and look at the big picture. It's all there all you have to do is open your mind,” I said.

  I almost fell the exhaustion was so hard to shake. I was needed out here to give hope, but I couldn't keep my eyes open.

  “Sam go back to bed before you fall over. I know what to do, it will just take me longer is all since I'm not use to this,” Chris said.

  I ran my hand along his cheek and felt some of my strength return. He was the one, I knew he would do what the magic asked since he had both kinds of magic in him. Reach out my love reach out and let the magic do what it is meant to do. I thought, hoping he really did understand.

  I felt the magic surge and saw the threads go out to blind all who spun magic for the enemy. I heard the cry as each with magic both of element and blood screamed out at its loss to them. Strike now my love strike while the enemy is lost to the gift they received for good, which they used instead for evil. Strike hard and fast use the skills that belong only to The Rose, but temper your rage with mercy. For in mercy the enemy will learn compassion.

  “Colonel Jackson send out your strike teams. Let them know their targets are the officers of the secondary force. Colonel Anderson send out the strike teams to target only the officers of the second rank. Leon are our strike teams ready? Their targets are all officers and only officers of the first and second wave. Gentlemen the order is given. Colonel Graham your men need to fill the holes of our strike teams,” Chris said.

  I watched as everything came together. Chris was learning to trust the magic, but I saw him struggle with the elemental magic since he had never learned it growing up.

  “Curtis can you see Captain Waters back to his tent and make sure if he tries leaving again he can at least walk,” Chris said.

  Curtis took my arm and lead me back to my tent and assisted in getting me undressed and into bed.