Read The Hidden Rose Page 42

  Chapter 13

  It had only been six months since I had last been home, but it seemed more like six years. Kathy was wearing clothes I knew mom would never approve and didn't seem to care what mom thought, she told me she went over to mom and dads for dinner once a month and it was the only contact she had with them aside from when mom would stop by to bitch about something or other about me not calling.

  Mom still wanted to blame everything on me it seemed, it didn't matter I wasn't there any longer, all that seemed to matter to mom, was she had someone to blame. She never disowned me as her child, but other than blaming me she never acknowledged me as her child either. Her precious church seemed to become more and more important all the time, and dad still didn't have the ability to stand up and say enough.

  “What's going on dad? Why can't you stand up to mom on anything?” I asked.

  “I stand up to your mother more than you might think Sam. If I didn't chances are you wouldn't be considered part of this family any longer,” he said.

  “So your idea of standing up to her is letting her blame me for anything she doesn't like. That really makes me feel like part of the family. I've been getting enough blame for shit I didn't do from my commander lately. Now I find out I'm getting blamed here at home for shit I couldn't possibly have done, or had part in, since I wasn't here. That really makes coming back home easy,” I said.

  “You know your mother is going to blame anyone, but herself, for her problems,” Dad said.

  “And since I'm not here I'm the anybody she's picked is that it? What about you dad are you still bowing to her and her religion simply because you don't want to be alone?” I asked.

  “Do you really think that little of me Sam? Do you really believe I wouldn't do anything I could to protect you and your brother and sisters? I know it seems I give in to her and the church a lot, and I guess I do, but it's always because I want to protect you kids regardless of what happens to me,” he said.

  “I know dad and I know I was out of line saying what I did. It's just I hate seeing those bigots walking on someone I really care about. I guess lately I've been in a pity me mood, since it seems no matter what I do it's wrong,” I said.

  “How long are you here for this time?” he asked.

  “Up to three weeks. They had a plane that needed to be brought back to the base here and asked if I'd be willing to do it,” I said.

  “You still have that special unit you mentioned?” he asked.

  “My recon unit. They took it away from me for a while, but they're letting me have it back.” I looked up and saw dad smile and thought of the last time I had seen him smile like that. “Are you still getting to be the beautiful woman you were last time I was home?”

  “As soon as you left your mother got rid of all those beautiful clothes you bought me. Sam things here have changed for the worse. All I want is to be who I was the last time you were home, and I feel if I do, I won't be able to protect those I love most in this world from something they shouldn't even need protection from,” he said.

  I knew what dad meant since I had been forced by the magic to step back and let someone else lead in that mission at the end. The plan was mine, but the magic stopped me from over seeing it to the end. Even going so far as to putting me to sleep until it was over. Of course I didn't see it as the magic having done it since I didn't believe in magic, but that didn't change that I was asleep until the battle was over.

  “How about if we go shopping again and this time you keep your pretty clothes at Kathy's instead of at home,” I suggested.

  “I doubt Kathy has anymore closet space available. It seems my daughter no one wants to acknowledge has a rather large wardrobe at her place,” he said.

  “If this daughter is so special I'm sure she wouldn't mind you wearing her things, just as I'm also certain if her clothes are to big she wouldn't mind if her big sister altered them to fit you. If I'm not mistaken though, most of that daughters clothes do have a shorter hem than you like,” I said.

  “The hem line would probably be okay with how much shorter I am than she is, but there is no way I could handle wearing her shoes. She seems to think the higher and narrower the heel the better the shoe. I need something a lot shorter and a little broader, so I don't fall and break my neck,” he said.

  “You really are welcome to anything I have, and if the shoes are the only problem I have no problem taking you shopping for shoes more to your liking. I know Kathy would be delighted to alter anything in that closet to fit you. I do have one condition though, if you want to wear my clothes, you'll have to be my mom, instead of my dad,” I said.

  The call saying the plane was ready to go back came after I had been home for two weeks and had taken dad who both Kathy and I started referring to as mom shopping several times to get shoes to wear with each of the dresses she liked from the ones I had at Kathy's.

  I knew I wouldn't get a chance to tell everyone I had to leave again, but I wanted to be sure to let mom and Kathy know, and I felt the best way was to take them out for a nice dinner. I called to make reservations and Chris answered sending me into a panic. I couldn't be Samantha and knew that was who he would want me to be. I wanted so much to just be who he knew I was, but I was afraid if I did I wouldn't be able to be who I needed to be again.

  “Chris I hope you understand I'm Samuel not Samantha,” I said.

  “I understand you'll be whoever you have to be for now Sam. That doesn't mean I don't want to see you,” he said.

  “The last I heard you were out on recon,” I said.

  “The recon team I had got back the day after you left. I was really hoping to talk with you and let you know that it wasn't my choice we hadn't been able to talk since getting back from that mission. I tried to tell Jason you did what you had to do, but I don't know those stories any more than you do,” he said.

  “It seems someone who knows who I am and knows the stories did get to him. I'm supposed to have my recon team back when I get back and this time without having it attached to a company. I'll be independent answering to Jason the same as any of the company commanders do. For some reason he still won't put me in for promotion, but that doesn't matter as long as I don't have to answer to someone who is bound and determined to get me and my men killed just to prove themselves,” I said.

  “Sam just an FYI for here. Whether you're Samuel or Samantha you'll never need reservations to eat here and you'll never see a bill. I know who you are and since I own this place, you'll always be welcome here as family,” he said.

  I picked mom up as soon as she was off work and headed for Kathy's. I loved mom so much for having been there when I was growing up. If it hadn't been for her I knew everything would have been different, and not in a good way.

  “What's wrong Sam?” Mom asked when I picked her up.

  “Nothing is wrong mom, can't I take two of my favorite women to dinner without something being wrong?” I asked.

  “You have to go back to work don't you?” she asked.

  “Our reservations are for seven o'clock so you won't have a lot of time to get ready,” I said.

  “So now you don't want to tell me what's wrong? Sam I can't help if you won't trust me,” she said.

  “I promise, nothing is wrong, at least nothing I can define. To answer your question, yes, it's time for me to head back. I was hoping for a little more time, but as long as I'm active duty I'm at the beck and call of those over me,” I said.

  Mom didn't take long at all to get ready, and when Kathy and Brent got home both mom and I told them they needed to get changed since we had dinner reservation at seven o'clock. Brent was in and out of the bedroom so fast I couldn't help wondering if he had bothered to take a shower.

  “Kathy should be ready shortly. Sam I know she wants to talk to you, and has wanted to since you got home,” Brent said.

  I slid in the bedroom and sat on the bed watching as she put on her make-up. I was sure she hadn't been aware I was there when she start
ed talking to herself trying to come up with the best way of telling me what it was she wanted to say.

  “I want to thank you for what you did Kathy,” I said.

  She swung around staring at me as though she wanted to kill me. “How long have you been sitting there?” she demanded.

  “Long enough to know you still don't have a clue how to say whatever it is you want to say,” I said.

  “Sam, there is so much I want to tell you, but I know now isn't the time. I'm just afraid when the time is right I still won't know how to say it,” she said.

  “I've always found the best way to say something is to just say it. Whatever it is will either make sense or it won't,” I said.

  “I'm a witch. I'm more than just a witch though, I'm the head of my coven,” she said.

  “If that's what you want Kathy I'm happy for you,” I said.

  “You don't understand Sam. I'm the last witch to have only elemental magic who will be coven leader for a very long time,” she said.

  “Okay, I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing, since I don't believe in magic. Is there really more than one kind of magic? I'm sure you believe there is, but you know it doesn't matter to me, as long as you don't hurt anyone,” I said.

  “I know there isn't a god, I can thank witchcraft for that knowledge. At least there isn't a god the way the religions of the world teach,” she said.

  “Is that why you don't have a problem with mom coming over so she can be herself?” I asked.

  “Sam there is a lot more to it than that, all my sisters are witches too, and one of them will follow me as coven leader. She's the most powerful witch in generations if not ever,” she said.

  “Kathy I think I know what you're trying to say and I'll tell you just like I've told everyone else, I'm not this White Rose everyone is looking for. I don't have any magic aside from being able to allow someone to be who they are. Why can't anyone just let me be me? Is that so difficult. Would it be so awful if I was Samantha?” I asked.

  “You are Samantha. I know right now you can't be, but I also know one day that's all you will be,” she said.

  She stood up and walked over to me holding out her hand to assist me in getting to my feet. As soon as I was standing she wrapped her arms around me giving me a big hug.

  “I know you're leaving in the morning and even when you do come back I won't see you again until you're ready to be Samantha. I just want you to know I love you and will do all I can if you ever need me,” she said.

  I wanted to cry, but as Samuel I couldn't, just as I couldn't be with the one person I wanted to be with more than anything. I hugged Kathy fearing I might break her ribs and saw her smile knowing no matter what when the time was right I would be who I had been born to be.

  “Captain Waters, it's so nice to have you back again. Your table is ready if all of your party is here,” the maître d said.

  “We're all here, this time we all came in the same car,” I said.

  Again we weren't given a menu, but no one said anything this time. I knew Chris would make something special just for us, just as I knew why he would. He loved me as much as I loved him, but we both knew our love was something we couldn't express as long as we were in the military, besides he was married to the woman who would give birth to my daughters.

  I didn't say anything about having to leave in the morning and chances were I wouldn't have another chance to get home until I was no longer active duty. I knew Chris got home often and I was glad he had the chance to do so.

  The dinner was wonderful the dessert decedent and more than any of us could eat.

  I saw Chris standing where he could watch without it being obvious, and wondered just how much longer it would be.

  “Captain the plane is waiting on the ready line,” the guard said when I checked in at the flight center.

  “Am I going to need to make any stops other than for fuel?” I asked.

  “No sir, you shouldn't need to and in flight refueling has already been arranged. We do have another crew that will be going with to help since it's such a long flight,” they said.

  “Are they already out there Sargent?” I asked.

  “We're just waiting for the other pilot sir, a Captain Smith. We just received word he is at the main gate and should be here within fifteen minutes,” they said.

  “The cargo is all secured?” I asked. “Tell me other than Captain Smith is everything ready once I'm on board?”

  “Yes sir other than Captain Smith everything is ready to go,” they said.

  “Good. When Captain Smith gets here tell him to get his gear stowed and make himself comfy because I have no intention of waiting more than twenty minutes before I'm taxiing for takeoff,” I said.

  I headed out to the plane and started doing a quick walk around to make sure nothing had been missed, I got back to the cargo ramp and saw someone running across the ready line toward us. Rather than delay to see who it was I ran up the ramp and started checking the tie downs for the cargo. I found a couple tie downs I didn't like and pointed them out making sure that since I was ranking officer on the aircraft it was done the way I wanted not half-ass like it was.

  Up in the cockpit I climbed in the pilot seat and started going through the preflight getting ready for engine start.

  As soon as the person I spotted running across the ready line was on the ramp I ordered the ramp secured and radioed for clearance to taxi out to the runway.

  “Sargent just what the hell are you doing raising that ramp while I'm still on it?” I heard Captain Smith say.

  “Following orders sir,” the Sargent said.

  “This is my bird Sargent, you get your orders from me,” Captain Smith said.

  Since I still hadn't received clearance to taxi I unstrapped and walked back out to the cargo bay.

  “Not on this flight he doesn't Captain, and if you'd been two minutes later getting here you would have been left to find another way over. Now get your gear stowed and get comfy, because we are just waiting for clearance, and as soon as I get that we'll be leaving,” I said.

  “Just who the hell do you think you are Captain to come on my airplane and start giving orders?” Captain Smith asked.

  “Nobody special, nobody special at all. I do have to wonder though Captain Smith if you have any idea just how much time in grade I have compared to you. I can't help but wonder how much combat experience you have in comparison to me. I wonder Captain Smith just which one of us these men feel it would be safer to listen to? Sargent if Captain Smith gives you any more shit you have my consent to tie him to his seat for the remainder of the flight,” I said.

  “I'm sorry Captain, but you have me at an unfair advantage. You know who I am, but I have no clue who you are,” Captain Smith said.

  “You don't know who I am? I'm disappointed I was sure my reputation would have proceeded me. So there is no mistake Captain Smith, my name is Captain Samuel Waters, White Rose recon commander. I can be either your best friend or your worst nightmare, it's up to you,” I said.

  “I thought they threw you in jail for insubordination,” Captain Smith said.

  “No, not that I'm aware of anyway. I have been denied promotion because I once told a General to shut the fuck up, but I've never been thrown in jail for insubordination,” I said.

  The look on the Sargent's face at the mention of my name told me everything I needed to know, the crew on this plane had heard stories about who I am, my big question now was what those stories were. I heard the tower give us clearance to taxi as I reached the cockpit again.

  “Do you know how to taxi this thing Lieutenant?” I asked.

  He gave me a dirty look and started taxiing out toward the runway. I got buckled back in and took the controls.

  “If you think about what I said Lieutenant, you'll understand why I asked if you knew how to taxi,” I said.

  As soon as we reached the runway we gained permission to turn onto the runway. I waited since something sounde
d and felt wrong and the tower asked if something was wrong.

  “Negative control I just had a feeling I needed to wait,” I said.

  I turned onto the runway and they gave me clearance to take off. I started powering up and heard it again.

  “Control we are aborting takeoff there is something wrong with the number two engine,” I said.

  I taxied back to the ready line and the crew chief met me as I came out of the cockpit.

  “Is there something wrong sir?” he asked.

  “Yes there is Sargent the number two engine sounded wrong when I started powering up for takeoff. If they can't find what's wrong with it I want it replaced, or this bird isn't going anywhere.”

  “Yes sir, I'll look into it right away sir,” he said.

  “Captain I don't mean to counter you, but I didn't hear anything wrong with that engine,” the Lieutenant co-piloting said.

  “That's why you're a co-pilot, and I'm a pilot, Lieutenant. There is something wrong with that engine. I don't know what just that something is wrong and it wouldn't have lasted with how long our flight is,” I said.

  I watched as they pulled the cowling off the engine and saw something fall to the ground. The mechanics didn't see it fall, but the crew chief did and ran over to pick up whatever it was. He turned it over several times in his hand and I realized just what it was, and took off running.

  “Sargent I have to ask you not to handle that in that fashion please.” I reached out for it catching it as it left his hand. “I want everyone out of here now, and an MP unit isolating this bird so that no one can just come and go. I want a list of everyone that has been within fifty yards of this plane in the last two weeks as well,” I demanded.

  I had my gun drawn and anyone that even thought of walking toward the plane had it pointed at them.

  “Captain, have you lost your mind? I don't think you have any idea what you're asking for here,” someone from the ground crew said.

  “I know exactly what I'm asking for. Now if there is anyone here that wants to find out if they have what it takes to beat a special forces combat vet, here's your chance, because the next person that takes a step toward that plane will have a forty-five slug in them, and I will tell you now, if they aren't dead it's because I chose not to kill them. I don't miss and you can ask anyone that knows me about that,” I said.

  A dozen MP's showed up within ten minutes of the time I said I wanted them there.

  “Captain, I understand there is a situation here,” an MP Major said.

  “Major no one goes near that plane without top secret clearance until it has been gone over with an extra fine tooth comb, when I've receive the all clear, and only then, can the crew of the aircraft again board it,” I said.

  “On whose authority Captain. I'm afraid you only being a Captain you don't have the authority to give that kind of order,” the Major said.

  “How about on the authority of General Jason Talbot. Does he have the authority to give orders like that Major?” I asked.

  “I'm sorry Captain, but General Talbot isn't on this base, and the last I heard he wasn't even state side,” the Major said.

  “You're right Major, he more than likely isn't state side, but I can get him to back any orders I think appropriate if you want to push. For the record Major, I happen to be Captain Samuel Waters, and I have no doubt this little trinket was left for me, if I hadn't heard the number two engine miss when I was powering up for take off, none of us that were on that plane would be here right now. Instead, you'd likely be picking up the pieces of us you could find with a teaspoon,” I said.

  As he recognized what it was I held out in my hand he started giving orders to secure the area and no one was to get within fifty yards without proper clearance.

  “I'm sorry Captain I had no idea. I'm sure the base commander will want to talk with you, but I assure you everything you've asked for will be followed through on, and if possible made available,” he said.

  “Thank you Major. Before I deal with General Randolph I need to contact General Talbot and let him know I'll be a little late getting back to base, since it appears someone seems to want me dead, and I may need to find an alternate means of transportation. I also need to find out if, since Major Jacobs is here he wants him to take over the investigation,” I said.

  I was escorted to the MP's office and told I could use their phone to contact General Talbot. Since I had no idea how to call him. the office clerk got General Talbot's assistant for me.”

  “Lieutenant Leonard, may I help you?” Jason's Lieutenant asked.

  “I doubt it Leonard, let me talk to Jason,” I said.

  “Captain that's no way to address the General. He's in a meeting and can't be disturbed,” he said.

  “Leonard I really do suggest you let Jason know I'm on the phone and need to talk to him. If you don't you might as well start packing your bags and learning to shoot that M-16 you have sitting across the office from you,” I said.

  “You don't scare me Captain Waters,” he said.

  I heard General Talbot say something and then take the phone.

  “Sam, I thought you'd be in the air by now,” General Talbot said.

  “We had a small problem, it seems someone is trying to kill someone who was on the aircraft, but didn't really know what they were doing and created a short in one of the engines. General, I may be a few days late getting back, I aborted takeoff at the last minute and when I had a maintenance crew start looking for a problem I heard in one of the engines a detonator cap fell out on the ground. I ordered the plane secured and asked for a list of all personnel who have been anywhere near the aircraft since I got it here. Sir, you may want to start looking at people there since I have no idea when or where the bomb was put on this aircraft. All I know for sure is if I had taken off and that detonator hit the cowling, chances of survival would have been so close to zero for everyone on board...” I trailed off.

  “Major Jacobs is there on leave now. I'll have him take over there and as soon as you can I want you on a plane here. Sam we have a situation that requires your skills. I've had every company and recon commander tell me the situation is hopeless. I'm hoping you can give me better news,” Jason said.

  “I understand sir. I'll inform General Randolph of the situation here and see if they have something else headed that way I can use. Will you be contacting Major Jacobs, or would you rather I have General Randolph contact him and fill him in on the situation?” I asked.

  “I want you on your way here as quickly as possible Captain, I do understand the need to let Arnold know what's going on, on his base, and since you need to talk to him about a ride here anyway I'll let you fill him in on Major Jacobs taking over the investigation for you,” Jason said.

  Ten minutes after I talked to Jason I was standing in General Randolph's office waiting for him to decide he wanted to know what happened.

  “Captain Waters my pilots fly in and out of here every day with no mishaps. Two weeks ago you turned this base upside down with your arrival and just when we're getting everything back to normal, you take an aircraft out to the runway and abort takeoff at the last minute, again turning this base into a nightmare. Now you're telling me you need one of the fastest aircraft I have, and need to bump a senior officer just so you can get back to your duty station. On top of that Major Jacobs, who causes almost as much confusion as you do, will be conducting an investigation, and I'm likely as not to be cut out of the loop about that investigation,” General Randolph said.

  “Sir, I'm here as a curtsy to keep you informed. I have been ordered to return to my duty station as quickly as possible, since they have a situation that my men and I are qualified to handle, and if what General Talbot said is true, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, there are lives depending on my timely return. If you want to contact General Talbot and tell him of the inconvenience to you and your base simply because I'm trying to follow orders,” I said.

  “Until I verify those or
ders Captain you won't be on that plane,” he said.

  “General I hope you'll work on getting them verified quickly since if I miss that plane you will be furnishing me with an aircraft to get me there, and are likely to get called on the carpet as well,” I said.

  I saluted and did an about face marching out of his office ignoring his attempts to stop me.

  “General Long I didn't expect to see you here,” I said.

  One of the last people I expected to see, and one of the last I wanted to see since he was part of the reason I didn't have my own command yet.

  “Captain Waters. I thought by now you'd have Major clusters on your shoulders. So what brings you to this neck of the woods?” General Long asked.

  “I live here when I'm not over there fixing someones fuck up sir. You know why there aren't Major clusters on my shoulders, since you're a major part of the reason. Right now I'm trying to get back there and running into problems getting a ride. I was supposed to be taking that C-130 back, but had to abort takeoff at the last minute due to some mechanical problems,” I said.

  “I'd offer you a ride, but I doubt you'd feel comfortable with those I'm escorting over,” General Long said.

  “That's your bird that just came in?” I asked.

  “It is,” he said.

  “Tell your pilot he's flying second seat to me then. I have orders to get back as soon as possible, they have a situation that requires me and my unit, and there isn't a bird here that can get me there as fast as yours can,” I said.

  “I'm sorry Captain, but to accommodate you I'd need to leave someone behind,” he said.

  “General Long I could make a phone call and take the option out of your hands, and I will if I must. I know that bird has in flight refueling capabilities which means we won't need to stop even for fuel and the sooner I get there the more lives I can save,” I said.

  “I guess I could leave a junior officer without it causing to much fuss. When did you want to leave Captain?” he asked.

  “As soon as the bird is refueled and ready to go,” I said.

  I waited while General Long talked with General Randolph hoping Chris would get there before we were ready to leave.

  “Captain I just got a call from Major Jacobs saying he wouldn't be able to get here for a couple hours. He was hoping you would still be here when he gets here, but said he does understand if you aren't,” The company clerk for General Randolph said.

  There was no way after telling General Long what I had I could justify waiting around a couple hours for Chris to get there. I filled the MP Major in on everything I knew, so he would be able to brief Chris so he wasn't starting from scratch.

  “Are you ready Captain? I think I've found a way around leaving anyone behind since I'll need everyone once we get there,” General Long said.

  “Thank you General, if it wasn't important I wouldn't have asked you for the ride,” I said.

  “I hear that C-130 being guarded was the plane you were supposed to have been on. If what I was able to see is the problem, I doubt it was just a mechanical problem that's left you stranded here,” he said.

  “I think someone didn't want me being able to get back, so much so they figured killing a dozen innocent men was acceptable losses,” I said.

  “You mean that plane was sabotaged?” he asked.

  “I mean whoever it was that rigged the charges was good enough I didn't see them on my preflight, but sloppy enough they caused a miss in one of the engines that I heard when I was powering up for takeoff. I have no doubt whoever placed the explosives on that plane did so to kill me,” I said.

  “Are you really that good at what you do Captain?”

  “Do you really have to ask General. Wasn't it your companies that were trapped behind enemy lines? Did you forget already it was my recon unit that got everyone of your men home safe?” I asked.

  “No. I don't think I'll ever forget that Captain. Just like I'll never forget how hard I made it for you to do your job,” he said.

  I walked out to the plane with General Long and almost started laughing when he told his pilot a full bird Colonel he would be flying co-pilot to me a lowly Captain, and a kid to boot.

  “You must be someone special Captain, to have the General do what he just did, the Colonel said.”

  “Special forces, yes, Colonel. As for special in any other way I have no idea. I guess General Long might think I am, since I saved his life and the lives of most of his company about a year ago,” I said.

  “You're Captain Waters then?” he asked.

  “At your service Colonel,” I said.

  “The General talks about you all the time. I never would have guessed other than you do look like a kid not long out of high school,” he said.

  “I'm not much more than a kid fresh out of high school. I enlisted in the Air Force right after I graduated high school, was chosen for OCS right out of basic training, and picked for special forces right out of OCS. I received my Captains bars after special forces training, and the first mission I got after forming my White Rose recon unit was to rescue General Long and his men, that was about a year ago, but feels like ten life times ago,” I said.

  “Did you really tell him to shut the fuck up?” he asked.

  “In just those words. He made my job ten times harder than it needed to be, and since I was the ranking officer not wounded, I didn't feel I needed to answer to him about what I was doing or why, and I didn't need him countering every order I gave,” I said.

  “You're probably the only person to have told him to shut up since he was a Captain, about twenty years ago,” he said.

  I got clearance from the tower for takeoff and started powering up and got a look from the Colonel that said he didn't like what I was doing. I felt the power of the engines and let the bird do what only she could. Within moments we were in the air and banking to the left to gain our heading that would take me back to the war.

  We reached altitude and I looked over at the man sitting next to me.

  “I take it we're in a bit of a hurry?” he asked.

  “We are Colonel we should be coming to our last refuel before heading over the water in about two hours. Because of time constraints we won't be landing again until we get to my duty base, so if anyone gives you a bad time about requesting a tanker just give them the code message Wild Rose burning,” I said.

  “You special forces guys are a strange bunch,” he said.

  I raised my eyebrow and smiled pushing my seat back and closing my eyes. When I opened my eyes again I heard my co-pilot arguing that we didn't have time to land, but needed a tanker with enough fuel to get us across the ocean.

  “Colonel allow me.” He gave me a look that said he didn't think I'd do any better than he was doing. “This is sierra gulf 10, code Wild Rose Burning. We'll rendezvous tanker for five hundred pounds at charlie charlie tango,” I said.

  “Roger sierra gulf 10, Wild Rose Burning for five hundred at charlie charlie tango,” the tower replied.

  “What the hell was that all about?” the Colonel asked.

  “That was the prearranged refuel for the C-130 I was supposed to be on. They'll contact our next refuel and let them know about the change and if you'll remember to use the code Wild Rose burning we shouldn't have problems like this again,” I said.

  Our next top off went much smoother since I was awake from the start. We landed twelve hours after we took off, and all I wanted was to find my bed and get some sleep.

  “Captain the General wants to see you,” Jason's Lieutenant told me on my way from the air strip to my quarters.

  “Lieutenant why don't you go pretend you haven't seen me, or better yet go play in the mine field and do the entire base a favor,” I said.

  I headed for my quarters knowing Jason would be waiting for me there. Sometimes I hate how everyone seems to know what I will do even before I do.

  “Chris said whoever it was that placed those explosives knew what they were doing, but got careless
with the charge on the number two engine, or you wouldn't be here,” Jason said when I entered my quarters.

  “I could have told you that sir. After seeing that detonator fall out from the number two engine I spotted additional charges on all the other engines and one on the tail section that looked to be the primary,” I said.

  “Do you ever miss anything Sam?” Jason asked.

  “I missed them with my walk around preflight. I had a good idea what I was looking for once I saw the detonator,” I said.

  “I imagine you're tired,” Jason said.

  “I could do with a couple weeks sleep, but you wouldn't have told me to get here as quick as possible if you intended to let me get any. So let me get cleaned up and I'll see you in the situation room in twenty minutes,” I said.

  “Fifteen would work better. I couldn't get you all your men back, but Chris said you could pick from his men for this mission. They already know you, and I doubt any of them would dare not listen to you if for no other reason than what Chris might do to them if they didn't,” Jason said.

  He left letting me have a few moments to myself. I didn't have time for a shower so I changed into a fresh uniform and headed for the mess tent to grab something quick I could munch on while learning the detail of the mission.

  “Mac, do you have any idea where Curtis is?” I asked.

  “I think he's in line for thirds sir,” Mac said.

  “Why don't you find him and meet me in the situation tent in five minutes,” I said.

  I had an idea what this was about since there were only two units that were called on in a trapped behind enemy lines situation and mine was first on that short list.

  I entered the tent and was met by General Talbot, General Long and all the company commanders of our division, with the exception of Chris and a couple others who were out in the field.

  “Captain, I'm sure you know most of these people, but I'm not sure you know some of them that came in with General Long,” Jason said.

  I looked around and noticed more polished brass then I cared to ever see. I stood there not sure what to do, and Mac and Curtis walked in, both in dress uniform. Obviously they were both in on whatever was taking place here, and I knew I didn't want any part of the whole thing.

  “Captain we've all been privy to what you've accomplished and wish there were more we could do to show our appreciation,” General Long said when I didn't move.

  “A party... I'm sorry sir, you called me back for a party? I understand the men in this division have worked hard, many of them giving all they had to insure the best intelligence and safety of the regular army, but to base a party around me is wrong sir, and to have called me back under the guise of an emergency just to show me an honor seems asinine beyond words. If you wanted to honor me why didn't you just let me have another week at home with my family?” I asked.

  “I told you he would take it well General,” Mac said to General Talbot just loud enough I over heard his words.

  “And to think you two were in on this. Was Chris in on this as well?” I asked.

  “You mean Major Jacobs?” General Long asked.

  “Yes General, I mean Major Jacobs,” I said.

  “He's the one who rigged the charges on the C-130 to give us time to get there and pick you up,” General Long said.

  Lieutenant Leonard, came in with a very concerned look on his face, and headed straight for Jason. They talked for a few minutes and Jason turned white and looked over at me.

  “That'll be all Lieutenant, I think we can handle it from here,” Jason said.

  He waited for Leonard to leave the tent and turned to me, a sick look on his face.

  “Gentlemen I hate to break up this party, but something has just come up which I need to talk to Captain Waters about alone.” He turned to Mac. “Sargent will you see these gentlemen at made comfortable, I'm sure Captain Waters will have some things he needs to go over with both of you when you get back,” Jason said.

  I wasn't sure what the conversation was that took place between Lieutenant Leonard and Jason, but I did know my men and I would be going to work and as always it was going to be something unpleasant.

  “Sam, Colonel Wright just radioed in. He's pinned down and close to being overrun. I don't have anyone else with the skills necessary, or the men with the knowledge,” Jason said.

  “I don't know what I can do Jason. For the past six months the men from my recon have been working with other companies. I don't have any idea where Chuck is, let alone what he's facing, and if it's as bad as your expression indicated I doubt my little band of misfits would be able to do much other than get ourselves killed too,” I said.

  He walked over to the map table and started pointing out where Chuck was pinned according to his latest report. I noticed he had some aerial recon photos and noticed the layout of the area. A single house in a grove, and from the look of the enemy placements they weren't going after Chuck unless he had taken refuge in the house.

  “Jason, is Chuck held up in this house?” I asked.

  “From what Leon said he reported he's in forest, and didn't say anything about any buildings. You know something?” he asked.

  “Look at the enemy placements. I doubt they even know or care he's there. Their going after something in that house,” I said.

  “I guess I'm not seeing what you are Sam, but I doubt anyone, but you could see what you're seeing,” Jason said.

  “How much of Rose company is here, and can I have them for this?” I asked.

  “You can have what you need to fill out your unit. Sam, Rose Company is Chris', and I doubt he'd appreciate me letting you take them into something like this, besides his second is in command now, and I know Captain Martinez won't want to let you have them.”

  “Abe Martinez? Why would Chris have chosen that ass as his second, that doesn't make sense unless he wasn't given a choice,” I said.

  “He didn't, and he wasn't. He seemed about as upset about Captain Martinez as you do. I didn't see anything in Martinez's file that would indicate why either of you dislike the man. I've found him to be competent, if not the friendliest of men,” he said.

  “Jason you could order Martinez to let me have Rose company, but if he comes with I'll just take what I need to fill out White Rose recon,” I said.

  “You aren't going to tell me why you and Chris dislike him?” he asked.

  “It isn't that we dislike him as a person, per se. It's more we don't trust him as an officer in charge of anything important. He isn't trust worthy. His personnel records show him as a competent soldier, and as a soldier taking orders he is, but as an officer who may find himself in command during a bad situation he is a complete incompetent. Chris knows that part because I told him, and told him what records to look at to find proof,” I said.

  “And what records are those? Sam I'm not going to allow you to assume command of Rose company without knowing why their present CO isn't worthy of that command,” he said.

  “I'm sure if you do a little digging you can find out, but to get you started I'd start looking at the briefing statements of those he went through special forces training with. He shouldn't have been special forces. Hell he shouldn't be an officer for that matter,” I said.

  Jason said he would let me know about Rose company before I was ready to go, but since Martinez out ranked me and liked me about as much as I seemed to like him chances weren't good.

  Mac and Curtis showed up as Jason left, I hoped to check out the files I suggested he look at, or to call Chris and ask him if he minded me taking Rose company if it would mean I had more time to find the last of the men from elsewhere to fill out The White Rose reconnaissance squad again.

  “Sir!” Mac said when he and Curtis returned.

  “Who wasn't I able to get back?” I asked.

  “That would be Swede and Skippy, sir,” Mac said.

  “Sir, Swede was killed about a week ago and Skippy was wounded and may not make it,” Curtis said.

>   Both men had gone to Colonel Wright's Charlie company when Jason broke up my White Rose unit. Both men were irreplaceable as far I was concerned, but I felt that way about everyone of my men.

  “We need replacements if General Talbot doesn't allow me to take Rose company minus the idiot they have in command until Major Jacobs gets back. I'm hoping you can give me some names to replace them,” I said.

  “Sir, the only men I can imagine capable of replacing them are both in Rose company, and I know Major Jacobs would hate to lose them as much as you hated having The White Rose torn apart. He's as protective of his men as you are, sir,” Mac said.

  Every man in Rose company had been hand picked other than Martinez and I knew the only way he was part of Rose company was Chris hadn't been given a choice.

  “Have the men ready to move out in two hours, and Mac that includes the two men from Rose company you think are able to replace Swede and Skippy,” I said.

  Both men turned around and headed for the barracks all of my men shared. I saw Mac turn off toward the Rose company barracks and knew it would be just me and my twelve man unit that would be going in to save Colonel Wright who if he would listen wouldn't need saving.

  I knew Chuck would relinquish command to me once my unit and I got there, the thing is I didn't know if he would be willing to listen to me before we got there. I headed for the communication tent. I had to find out the situation from the source.

  “Chicken little, this is mother hen over,” I said. “Chuck this is Sam tell me what your situation is. I want to know just what it is my men and I are getting into.”

  “Sam, I don't know how to say this. From what my patrols are telling me we're surrounded by enough enemy that fighting we'd be facing a hundred to one odds. Right now we're doing all we can just to avoid them, but the door out is blocked so we can't get back. The strange thing is they don't seem at all interested in us. It's almost like they think you're out here somewhere and we're small potatoes, not worthy of a second thought,” Chuck said.

  “Chuck there is a house about one click to your east if I understand your location correctly. From the aerials I've seen it looks to me like that's the enemies target. Is there any chance of you finding out what's there?” I asked.

  “I know the house you mean, but I can't see that being of any real concern to them, it seems to just be a family that didn't want to leave when they over ran the area,” he said.

  “What about airdrops is there any chance of my men and I dropping in that way?” I asked.

  “Sam I wouldn't suggest it. Jason has tried dropping supplies in for us they've beaten us to the drops every time,” he said.

  “Can you hold out with what you have for a few more days?” I asked.

  “I've had three men killed, but otherwise we're good, but if you're going to take longer then that getting here we might be in more trouble,” he said.

  “I understand Chuck. My suggestion is no unnecessary patrols. Hole in and wait I should be there in a couple days three at most, and if Jason is willing to give me the help I've asked for we should have enough in the way of supplies to cause a lot of trouble and still get everyone out,” I said.

  “You do know if they hear this they'll be waiting for you?” he asked.

  “I'm counting on it Chuck. I know they think I'm the prize of all prizes for some reason, and the fact they've never been able to trap me and those I've been there to protect only serves to heighten their dream of getting me,” I said.

  We signed out and I returned to the situation tent, to look at the maps again.

  I started marking everything I had gained from talking to Chuck trying to figure out the best route in.