Read The Hidden Rose Page 54

  Chapter 15

  “What is it you want Captain? I hope you plan on letting us get some rest,” Major Chestnut said.

  “The only men who haven't had a nights rest Major are my men, and they seem to be just fine. I was thinking of filling you in on the next leg of our mission, but if you're to much of a pansy, I'm sure I can arrange a detail to get you back to base, while everyone else does the job they're here to do,” I said.

  “And what job is that Captain?” Major Chestnut asked.

  “The job of proving why I lead by example rather than orders. The job of keeping the enemy from encroaching on our forces thinking their superior numbers give them a decided advantage,” I said.

  “And just what is that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  “It simply means this company is the hammer to Rose and Charlie companies anvil. It's time to let the enemy know our special forces companies are something their superior numbers can't overcome,” I said.

  “You're going to get us all killed. This has to be your crazy idea, I've read about some of the bullshit you've pulled putting mens lives in jeopardy for no good reason,” he said.

  “Really Major did you happen to notice the death tolls of those crazy ideas? Did you happen to notice it was the enemy that upped the ante leaving me little other choice? Major it's not me who assigns my unit to the tasks we get, tasks it seems no one else is qualified for since it seems everyone else is to busy worrying about numbers rather than just doing their job. I never asked for this war, and when I enlisted I did so in the Air Force in the hopes of avoiding the conflict, while still serving the country I love. If you want to learn what being a special forces commander really means then shut up and listen, or I'll pull together a squad and you and that squad can head back to base,” I said.

  I pulled out my map and laid it out so the command team could all gather around it to see what the remainder of the mission was all about.

  “This is where we are?” the Lieutenant asked.

  “Yes Lieutenant it is, and over here is where Rose company is, and Charlie company should be joining them some time today. Between us and them are five battalions of enemy forces, at the moment focusing on Rose company since Major Jacobs is intentionally forcing them to deal with him and his company so they aren't looking for us. The intent is for us to move in here behind the enemy and as soon as we receive word Charlie company has joined with Rose company for us to hit hard and fast right in the middle of the enemy forces driving a wedge splitting the enemy into two parts,” I said.

  “Wouldn't that make them even more dangerous, ma'am?” the Lieutenant asked.

  “Not if we do it right it won't. When we strike we do it fast, and with a furry the enemy isn't use to. We aren't looking for prisoners we're looking to demoralize their ranks. We target their officers, the higher ranking the higher priority they are as targets. Once we're through to Major Jacobs we complete a triangle wedge formation with us forming one side of the triangle Rose company forming one side and Charlie company filing in the middle,” I said.

  “Why would Charlie company fill in the middle ma'am?” the Lieutenant asked.

  “Because Charlie company is the only company without at least a Captain in command. Now if Major Chestnut wants to come along once we've broken through to join with Major Jacobs, I'll turn Eagle company back over to him and take command of Charlie company and Eagle company will form up the middle of the triangle,” I said.

  “Captain you've lost your mind. You're determined to get everyone of these men killed,” Major Chestnut said.

  “Major do you have any idea why the enemy did what they did with you here?” I asked.

  “They attacked us because it's your unit and they knew it,” he said.

  “Yes, but do you know why they backed off?” I asked.

  “I haven't got a clue,” he said.

  “They back off because they knew I wasn't in the field yet. They knew someone else was leading my unit, and they were fed information that both Major Jacobs and I were heading out. They concentrated on Major Jacobs because they were lead to believe we would be together. They don't know I'm here not with Major Jacobs, and the beauty of this plan is that they'll not be expecting us to hit them from behind. Since Major Jacobs will have two companies acting as an anvil it will make going through the middle, their weakest and most heavily populated point the best point for us to hit. My men and I will take the lead and you and your men will follow in our wake,” I said.

  “You really believe this will work, that the enemy is foolish enough to fall for another one of your tricks,” Major Chestnut asked.

  “Do you know why they fear me and my unit more than any other special forces unit?” I asked.

  “I imagine it is because you're insane, so they never know what you'll do next,” he said.

  “Insane? Perhaps. They never knew what I would do next, for the same reason you think I'm insane. You all believe war can be civil and I don't. I hate war, there is nothing civil about it. The whole purpose of war is to kill someone because they won't believe the way you do. War is the bully that thinks everyone else is weaker just because you're bigger. I don't like bullies, to me bullies are easily dissuaded by showing them how silly they look bullying someone willing to fight back,” I said.

  “It would be worth it to tag along, if for no other reason than to watch as the great Captain Waters gets herself and her men killed just to prove she knows more about battle tactics than anyone else,” Major Chestnut said.

  I had him, and he didn't even know it.

  “Major until we meet up with Major Jacobs this whole company does things my way, if that's going to be a problem for you, again you're free to take a contingent of men and head back to base. If you follow the route we came in, it will be clear of enemy troops since they will be focusing on what Major Jacobs and I have set up for them,” I said.

  “If he's going along with this, he's as crazy as you are,” Major Chestnut said.

  “Major are you in or out?” I asked.

  “I thought I already said I was in, nothing would make me happier than watching you make a mistake like this,” he said.

  I went over a few more details and noticed all the command team looked to me rather than Major Chestnut. They were terrified, but they didn't want to call it quits, they all wanted to believe in me. I called my men together and along with those from Eagle company I knew I could count on, making sure I had Sargent's Collins and Cooper together with my men.

  “Collins, Cooper, you two will be over the scouting parties for Eagle company, you'll need at least one scout out front and three down each side with at least one more pulling up the rear. You need to rotate your scouts so you have fresh men in those positions at all times. I would suggest between two and four hour intervals, the choice is yours. Prove to me you can handle it, and when we get back the men I got from Rose company can return and you'll become part of White Rose,” I said.

  After they left I turned to my men and saw they had the same look I had seen so many times, a look that said if I was sure, they would make it happen.

  We set out and came on the rear guard of the enemy camped against Chris and held back waiting for word that Charlie company was in position. The morning after we arrived we got our conformation everything was set and I looked at my men and knew if none of the men from Eagle company joined us this was likely to be one of the shortest offensives in history and things likely wouldn't go well for the men of Eagle company coming in behind us. With twelve men we wouldn't be able to make an opening wide enough to get everyone through, and there were enough of the men in Eagle company I respected I didn't want to see anything happen to them.

  I knew talking to Major Chestnut I'd get laughed at since he would take it I simply wanted him and his men to bail me out of a situation I walked into.

  “Lieutenant, tell me how many of the men of Eagle company can I count on without Major Chestnut giving orders?” I asked.

  “All the men doin
g sentry duty ma'am. Ma'am I do agree with Major Chestnut that this plan sounds crazy, but I've talked to enough of the other men on base to know you wouldn't risk something like this unless you thought it would save more lives than it will take. Let me know when you're ready and I'll have the men you can trust from the company wherever it is you want us,” he said.

  “Have them join me and my unit in half an hour Lieutenant, but don't let Major Chestnut know anything if at all possible. We have to open a path wide enough for Eagle company to get through and I can't do that with just my men,” I said.

  “What weapons will we be using ma'am?” he asked.

  “Crossbows until we're out of bolts then whatever we have. I want every man fighting to have double supply of ammo for their firearms and at least four quivers as full as possible of crossbow bolts. I'm hoping to be at least three quarters of the way through the enemy before they realize they're taking heaver fire from the rear than from the front, I said.”

  The men from Eagle company numbered more than I anticipated, and Lieutenant Williams said there were more of the company that wanted to join as well, but held back to get the rest of the company moving when the word was given.

  Curtis radioed Chris letting him know we were in position and he needed to cut the fire in the middle to just enough to hold the enemy from over running him up the middle.

  I gave the word as soon as Curtis let me know everything on the other side of the enemy was set. I made sure to let the men know the primary targets were officers at least as long as we were clearing the path with crossbows. Once we were out of bolts and using firearms they had a go to shoot anyone in an enemy uniform.

  We hit the line fast and hard, I knew the officers would be holding toward the back and knew we would be going through crossbow bolts as fast as we could cock them. With my men I knew that was fast and was pleasantly surprised to find the men from Eagle company weren't much slower.

  As soon as we were into the enemy fifty yards I gave Lieutenant Williams the okay to have the remainder of Eagle company start moving. It took us four hours to make it through the enemy to Chris and another hour for the tail end of Eagle company to finally make it into base camp.

  “Major Jacobs I wish to report Captain Waters...” Major Chestnut started.

  “Jerry when this is over and we're back at base if you want to file a report against Captain Waters I have no doubt General Talbot will be more than willing to listen to you, but right now I don't have the time or patience to listen. I need you and your men to fill in the middle of our lines and if you can't handle helping then I can guarantee you when we get back you will do so in shackles,” Chris said.

  “Just tell me what you need sir,” Major Chestnut said.

  My men and I joined with Charlie company as soon as we were through the enemy lines, and were working on opening the middle of the line even more.

  “You know that man really doesn't like you Sam,” Chris said.

  “He doesn't like that a woman knows more about war than he does, nor does he like that most of his men trust me better than him,” I replied.

  “If that were a reason to hate you there wouldn't be an officer on base that liked you,” Chris said.

  “You mean there is aside from you. Chris we both know there isn't an officer on base, who if in trouble, wouldn't want me and my unit to be the ones coming to bail them out. And other than you everyone of them would be willing to turn over command of their companies to me until they were back where they're safe,” I said.

  “Believe me dear, even I would turn over my company to you if you had to come bail me out. So what's the plan now that we've split them in two? He asked.”

  “How the hell should I know? I'm making this up as we go along. I was kind of hoping they would be ready to talk by now,” I said.

  “Ma'am Delta company is on the horn wanting to know where we want them,” Curtis said.

  “Henry what the hell are you doing out here?” I asked.

  “We heard you and Chris were killing all the enemy and decided we wanted in on the fun. Besides, we heard you might need more ammo since you've reduced the enemies numbers so you're only shooting them two at a time rather then five at a time,” Henry said.

  “Henry we could really use someone that knows what they're doing in the middle, the only thing Major Chestnut seems interested in is seeing me fail, even to the point of holding his company out of the fight just to watch it happen,” I said.

  “Is Chris there with you?” Henry asked.

  “What do you need Henry?” Chris asked.

  “Orders from Jason, Sam is to take command of all companies and to coordinate all companies to the success of this mission, in essence if the enemy is willing to negotiate with her whatever deal she makes is fine by the Pentagon,” Henry said.

  “You have that in writing Henry?” I asked.

  “I should be there in an hour with the orders. Sam, Jason has demanded a promotion for you and wants to move you up to company commander. He even said when the orders come through you can pick whatever company you want,” Henry said.

  Promotion, like that was going to happen. Jason could demand most anything he wanted and get it, but he could demand a promotion for me all he wanted and it would never happen, at least not as long as I wasn't The White Rose, and then it wouldn't matter, because I would do whatever my people needed to be safe and it wouldn't matter what anyone said about rank.

  Henry true to his word was there inside an hour and did indeed have orders signed by General Talbot giving me command of the operation. Major Chestnut even seeing the orders refused to acknowledge me as the operation commander, and when I told him if he couldn't follow simple orders he might as well head back to base he laughed in my face.

  “Lieutenant Williams please place Major Chestnut under arrest and see he is taken back to base where he can talk to General Talbot personally. I already have signed statements from both Major Jacobs and Colonel Abbott detailing Major Chestnuts attitude and lack of cooperation in this mission. Lieutenant I want two men you trust implicitly to see Major Chestnut back to base,” I said.

  “Yes ma'am, I'll have Sargent's Collins and Cooper take care of it ma'am. Ma'am should they bring back any supplies when they return?” he asked.

  “We may need some food stuffs Lieutenant, but I do expect this to be over in the next couple days,” I said.

  “Major Chestnut, you are under arrest sir, for dereliction of duty and failure to follow orders. I hate having to commit two of my best men to taking you back to base, but since I don't trust you, or any of the men in Eagle company loyal to you, I don't have much choice. I can no longer deal with you here where those men loyal to you have access to you,” I said.

  Collins grabbed for Major Chestnuts left arm and got hit for the trouble.

  “Major if you insist on resisting, I think you'll find I do have ways of insuring your complacency. You can be assured General Talbot will receive a full account of what has been transpiring here and your failure to follow his orders. Even your congressional ties won't be able to protect you from a court-martial this time,” I said.

  “You have no idea who you're fucking with Captain,” Major Chestnut said.

  I lost it totally. This man thought he could run things simply because of who his father was. He was now going to find out who The White Rose is and just how little she cared for those who thought to ride rough shod over others simply because of an accident of birth.

  “Major there isn't a single person on this field who would dare threaten me as you just have. To try making believe you are someone of import simply because your father is a Senator means nothing to me. I am The White Rose, and control more power than the entire Senate. You sir have dishonored your men, your country, and most of all the name of your family. The only thing keeping me from destroying you with a single thought is that my time is not yet at hand, but if you continue in this fashion you will feel the full strength of The White Rose,” I said.

; “And I'm supposed to be scared now because you claim to be a white rose? Come now Captain, at least I have connections that are real,” Major Chestnut said.

  The White Rose insignia appeared on everyone of my men and the men in Chris' company. Three quarters of the men in Henry's company also bore the insignia, as did half of the men in Major Chestnut's Eagle company. I reached out and without trying grabbed his left arm twisting it between his shoulder blades and grabbing his right hand doing the same.

  “Major I want you to look around at all the men here. Do you see the insignia they wear on either the right or left side of their face? That insignia says they have sworn allegiance to me. It means they are either of elemental or blood magic and acknowledge that as The White Rose I am the source of that magic. Do you really want to continue challenging me?” I hissed.

  I looked at Sargent Collins and Cooper and let them take this ass out of my sight.

  This battle was over I was more than The White Rose, I was also The White Lotus, or The Lotus Blossom. The battle came to a complete stop as the symbol of who I am fully showed in the sky above me.

  “Ma'am the enemy wants to talk terms,” Curtis said.

  “Tell them they are free to go, I just want this over with, without any more blood being spilled,” I said.

  I knew what I had done I also knew within a week no one would remember any of it until I was The White Rose.

  “Sam dare I ask what he said?” Chris asked.

  “Chris I never want you to fear me. When I am fully the White Rose I hope you will be standing next to me as my equal, as my husband. I really had no idea there were so many who had sworn allegiance to me from the base,” I said.

  “Sam those here are only a few of those who have sworn that allegiance. I don't think you fully understand who you are yet, or what you will be capable of once you've received your full power. I know what happened here will become a memory that none here will quite be able to grasp at least not until the day you take on your full power openly. That's the nature of the magic you control right now it controls you more than you it,” Chris said.

  Those words scared me more than anything else he could have said. The magic I had been born to controlled me more than I controlled it. If that were true the magic had a mind of its own and I may never gain control over it. I needed to talk to grandmother. She seemed to know more about who I am than anyone, like she had been there the day the stories about me were first told.

  “Ma'am General Tao wishes to speak with you,” Curtis said.

  “Come General. I imagine you have come to talk terms?” I asked.

  “The terms given are acceptable Mistress, I come to see the story of old for myself. Long ago an old woman tell me of the Lotus Blossom and one day I will meet her and share words. A long time I have wait, and now I see The Lotus Blossom is real, but not yet open full. To know you are real is enough for my old eyes Mistress I will wait for the day you are make known to the world,” General Tao said.

  “You have sworn allegiance to me General Tao? Is this the reason you sought to make peace this day?” I asked.

  “I cannot fight against those who serve the Mistress of the Lotus. I do not understand the full meaning of the symbol, but that the Lotus is there is plain to all who serve the Lotus Blossom,” he said.

  “I am also The White Rose General. The White Rose and The White Lotus are one, they are joined in me. I serve the magic and in turn the magic serves me. A bond of mutual dignity and respect, to protect our world against forces that seek our destruction,” I said.

  The battle was over, but the war was a long way from over. We all knew this single battle wouldn't make much difference in the end, but Major Chestnut would find his connections couldn't save him this time. For him it would have been better had he not gotten involved in special forces.

  It was a long trek back to base and I knew my time as Samantha was over for the remainder of the time I served in this war and several years after. By the time I would remember I was Samantha again it would be time for The White Rose to reveal herself to the world, this time in such a way hiding again wouldn't be possible.

  “You look sad Sam,” Chris said.

  “Do you love me Chris? Do you love me more than you fear me?” I asked.

  “I've loved you since before we met, and when we met I had a good idea who you are. I have no reason to fear you, no one here has reason except perhaps Jerry, and any fear he has is well deserved,” he said.

  This is the last time I will be Samantha until time for me to let the world know who I am. Chris it won't be long after I become Samantha again you'll complete me as The White Rose. Please I beg you don't forget me between now and then. Love Irene and our daughters, but please remember me,” I said.

  “How could I ever forget you?” he asked.

  “Before I lay down tonight I will cast a spell that will make everyone even me forget. Tomorrow when everyone wakes they'll remember me as Samuel a special forces Captain that is very good at getting soldiers trapped behind enemy lines, out of the situation they find themselves,” I said.

  “I don't understand Sam, why on earth would you do that? I thought this was your coming out to the world,” he said.

  “There is only one problem Chris. Look at my teeth, I'm not a vampire yet. I was born to elemental magic, but as The White Rose I am able to use all magic elemental and blood,” I said.

  “So you have to be a vampire before you can let the world know who you are?” he asked.

  I loved this man so much there was one last thing I needed from him before I cast the spell that would make everyone forget.

  “Chris I have one last thing to ask of you before tonight is over. I want you to taste my blood while I am working magic,” I said.

  “Is that possible Sam?” he asked.

  “I certainly hope it is because without your blood magic mixed with my elemental magic I can't complete the spell I need to work tonight,” I said.

  “Even I'll forget won't I?” he asked.

  “I don't know. I know that you'll never forget the smell or taste of my blood. I know that when the time is right you'll know me again, and then there won't be anything in the way of us being together,” I said.

  “You're the only woman I will ever promise that anything you ask of me I'll do. Sam you are my life,” he said.

  “And you are mine Chris,” I said.

  We arrived at base just as the sun started over the horizon in its fall to evening. I headed for my quarters wanting a little time alone before Chris joined me for the last bit of magic I would remember I was capable of until the time for The White Rose to be made public. Chris and Henry were going to deal with the problem of Major Chestnut, my men were more than tired and headed for the chow hall saying they needed some real food before going to their barracks and getting some much needed sleep.