Read The Hidden Rose Page 57

  Chapter 16

  I worked hard getting back on my feet, and still had no idea what happened that laid me out so completely I wasn't fit for much of anything for so long. I wasn't sick, at least other than a little anemia the doctors couldn't find anything. I felt fine other than being so tired, and the anemia could account for that. So what happened that stopped me so completely.

  The classes Jason wanted me to teach started and I almost felt like my old self again. There were two companies on base neither of which I had work with in the past. The commanders of both companies didn't show for the classes, but did send the remainder of their command staff, which I guessed was better than nothing. I felt like I was the youngest person there and back in high school, only this time I was the teacher.

  “Gentlemen I'm not sure what you were told about this, but I'm here to help you understand what it is White Rose recon and I have done in the past, and hopefully help you learn to avoid situations that would need my unit to come in and show you how to get out of a bad situation. I've been assured that even your commanders will have to take these classes. In front of you is a scenario of one of the past operations White Rose was called on to help with. You'll find the scenario stops at the point which we were called in. what I want from each of you is to come up with a way of preventing as much loss of life as possible, and still be able to get everyone back to their respective bases,” I said.

  “Excuse me Captain, but you expect us to come up with a plan before you tell us what you did? I don't think that would be a fair test,” one of the five Lieutenants in the room said.

  “This isn't a test Lieutenant, this is my way of finding out what you're capabilities are in thinking of solutions. I can tell you that every situation is unique to itself, if you become grounded in by the book solutions you'll find yourself in trouble very quickly. We are dealing with an enemy that can read, and does pay attention to how you deal with the situations they present. If you want to beat them you have to be able to come up with something they don't expect, something that isn't in the book. I'm not saying don't use the book, but when you do use it, use it as guidelines, not fast rules. Become unpredictable, if your special forces training was anything like mine the first rule is create as much confusion in the enemy ranks as possible. The more confusion they have the harder it is for them to organize an effective attack,” I said.

  “So this is so you have an idea what we can come up with only? What tools do we have to work with in our solution? Can we use our whole company or are we limited to a twelve man team like yours?” someone else asked.

  “The tools you can use are what you take with you. The size of your force is not more than a company, but not less then a six man team. Let the scenario help you decide how big your force will be. If you have to jump in a smaller force will have a better chance of avoiding being killed, or captured by the enemy before they're on the ground. Remember gentlemen this is to see if you can manage to prevent yourselves from falling into the same kind of situations as the companies White Rose had to help, I believe if you can get yourselves out of these situations you have a much better chance of avoiding getting into these kinds of situations in the first place,” I said.

  “Excuse me sir, but word is that White Rose was the unit that had to be rescued a few days ago,” someone else said.

  “You'll get the chance to meet the rest of White Rose recon over the next few days. Perhaps they would be the better choice to answer that since I was commanding Eagle company at the time, while Major Chestnut who was Eagle companies commander was commanding White Rose. I don't know all the particulars of what happened until Eagle company and White Rose joined up,” I said.

  “But isn't it true sir, that it was Major Chestnut and his following the book that got White Rose in trouble in the first place?” the first Lieutenant asked.

  “Like I said Lieutenant, I don't know what happened until after Eagle company under my command joined up with White Rose. After we joined up I took command of both White Rose and Eagle company, since Major Chestnut was wounded, I offered Major Chestnut safe passage back to base and he opted instead to stay with Eagle company and White Rose in completing the mission,” I said.

  These men were more interested in something I had no part in simply because it took place with my unit even though I wasn't in command, or even there at the time.

  “If the only questions you have pertain to that one mission I suggest you get started on coming up with battle plans for carrying out the mission sitting before you,” I said.

  I walked to the back of the room and started going through all the old maps and intelligence reports we had from the mission I was using. I had no doubt it would take hours for any of them to come up with anything resembling a plan that might be possible.

  “You busy Captain?” I looked up and noticed Colonel Andrews who should have been taking this class looking at the maps I had in front of me.

  “What can I do for you Colonel?” I asked.

  “These look like old maps,” he said.

  “They are, as are the intelligence reports I have here. I'm using them for teaching purposes,” I said.

  “I know I'm supposed to be in this class you're teaching, but with my experience vs your experience don't you think it would be smarter to have me teaching rather than you?” he asked.

  “I don't know Colonel. Each of these maps and intelligence reports are from missions my recon unit and I completed. If you wish I have no problem with you doing what I have all these men doing, then we can see if maybe you should be teaching this class rather than me teaching it,” I said.

  “You're serious? Just what is the assignment these men are working on?” he asked.

  “I've given them all the information I had available for the mission. What they are doing is coming up with a plan for completing that mission with the lowest cost of lives possible, using only the tools and equipment they can take with or have air dropped safely to them. Basically trying to do what I did. Colonel I hope to learn as much as I share from my own experiences,” I said.

  “It sounds like quite the challenge you've set for them. The thing is Captain from everything I've seen and read about the missions you've handled including your final test mission from special forces training, you totally ignore the rules of engagement,” he said.

  “Tell me Colonel, those rules are supposed to make war a little more civilized aren't they? That being the case why is it that war isn't civilized? I haven't been involved in a conflict yet that was civilized, so why would anyone follow rules that try to make something civil, that by its very nature is uncivil?” I asked.

  “A good question. May I ask a question in return? What to you constitutes civility? To me it is coming to an agreement that is mutually acceptable to both parties,” he said.

  “To get both parties to agree doesn't necessarily mean the agreement is mutually acceptable. It could simply be one side feels they can no longer fight against the other, and hoping for a better deal by continuing to fight is hopeless, since the deals tend to get worse not better over time,” I said.

  “You are a strategist aren't you? I'll do your little assignment, but first what are the rules of engagement?” he asked.

  “I already answered that, but for the sake of argument I'll state the objective again. Come up with a plan that protects the most lives and still accomplishes the mission goal as stated. Remember this is a mission my unit has done, that I planned out. From the time we arrived at our target starting point until the mission was completed we had between zero and fifteen wounded on our side, and the enemy suffered between ten and twenty killed to obtain the objective,” I said.

  “And I assume the mission reports aren't in here so I could cheat and use you own tactics in my solution,” he said.

  “What we did isn't in there, so whatever you come up with will be assumed to be your own tactics, if they match mine, I would have no problem letting General Talbot know this training is likely something you don't ne
ed. If your plan doesn't match mine, but I can see the merits, I'll also be willing to let him know I don't feel this training would be of benefit, and I might use your solution in future missions, or at least find a way of incorporating them as much as possible,” I said.

  He took the packet and joined everyone in the room on working on a solution to the mission in the packet.

  I needed to get out and stretch looking over the maps was starting to drive me crazy.

  “So how's your first day as an instructor going?” Jason asked.

  “It's going I guess. I'm not doing a lot of instructing today, mostly just evaluating what I need to go over to help them grasp the concept of what it is to command in a clutch situation. I was thinking of running a few miles, if you want to join me I wouldn't mind the company,” I said.

  “I quit running a long time ago. I noticed Kenny stopped by, but I haven't seen him leave yet,” Jason said.

  “He's in there doing the assignment I asked everyone to do. How much of a stickler is he for following the book?” I asked.

  “He's almost as unconventional as you and Chris,” Jason said.

  “So you have three companies that can pretty much get themselves out of a jam?” I asked.

  “If you mean Kenny, six months ago I would have said no. Now after he has seen how both you and Chris do things, yea I guess I have three companies that can pretty much handle whatever I need from them. I still wish they were as good at coming up with a plan as you are, but then again, I have no idea if they could handle a small squad like yours,” he said.

  “Well Jason I really did want to get some running in. I think it will help build me back into shape if you ever need me for something besides trying to teach people how to think on their feet,” I said.

  I headed for the far side of the base hoping I'd be able to handle a run that far now. I did feel a lot stronger and from what the doctor said this morning my blood looked much better as well.

  I noticed almost everyone was sitting around not really doing anything when I walked back in the room I was using for a classroom.

  “I take it you've all finished the assignment,” I said.

  I picked up one of the folders opening it to the assignment, and noticed there wasn't anything about a way of accomplishing the scenario I assigned. I looked at the name on the folder.

  “Lieutenant Griffin, why don't you tell us all what you've come up with for a solution,” I said.

  I saw the Lieutenant turn red, a look of wanting to blend into the woodwork showing in his stance.

  “Sir, I was hoping to talk with you before... I haven't got one yet sir,” he said.

  “I see. Has anyone here come up with a plan yet?” I asked.

  Eagle company second in command Captain Howard stepped forward.

  “Captain Howard, would you mind showing us what you've come up with for getting them out?” I asked.

  I pulled down a couple roll maps and gave Captain Howard the floor.

  He started in by saying air dropping in was the best way he could see of getting in, but since the companies had been out of communication for so long he would want to take a full company in, just in case there were things the aerial photos hadn't shown.

  I let him go through his plan then started asking him questions, like how he planned on getting an entire company in one drop and explaining why a full company was a bad idea at least at this point. He wanted to wait and make the supply drop the following day, for each of his by the book ideas for the mission I pointed out just why it wouldn't work.

  “Will you tell us what you did Captain?” Captain Howard asked.

  “I'll tell you what Captain Waters did, Captain Howard. The first thing he did on seeing the maps and intelligence reports, was say shit, or something of that nature. Since that mission I've started taking that as a good sign that he and his men would somehow be able to pull it off. That mission was the first mission Captain Waters did with his new unit. When it came to a plan he insisted on a night time drop to hide his men as much as possible,” Jason said, coming in the room.

  “I don't mean to argue sir, but from these maps a night drop would be suicide,” Captain Howard said.

  “That's what I thought as well, but apparently there is something we missed that Captain Waters didn't. Because he and his men did jump in at night,” Jason said.

  “Everything I had for making my decision is there to help you. If there is a question of what I saw no one else seems to be able to see perhaps I can go over it so you can see it in the future,” I said.

  I had the same maps blown up on the table and had everyone gather around them and started pointing out the details that made it look like a suicide operation to do a night drop. As they each looked closer at the bigger map they were able to see the area wasn't nearly as dangerous as it seemed, especially, when adding in the intelligence reports of the time.

  “Gentlemen feel free to look at the maps here on the table and if you want rewrite your plans for the other missions in the folders you have. You will receive the full mission report for this mission tomorrow. I don't expect any of you to come up with a plan as quickly as I did, but I hope these exercises will help you gain a new perspective in making mission plans that will help you should you ever find yourself cut off or trapped by your enemy. Ideally though I hope these exercises will help you avoid such a situation from the start. It's always easier to avoid a mess then find a way out of one,” I said.

  I knew Jason had come to see what was going on, and didn't seem in the least surprised I was using my own missions as examples. After everyone was dismissed however he asked both me and Colonel Andrews to accompany him back to the battle planning room.

  “General is there some reason you've brought us both here?” Colonel Andrews asked.

  “Kenny I need you and your company for a mission, I was hoping maybe Sam could help you with the planning, his skills are the best I've seen and if he wasn't recovering I would be sending him and his unit on this assignment,” Jason said.

  He showed us what he had and said the assignment still wasn't a sure go because there were a couple Marine companies much closer and they were thinking of giving the assignment to them instead.

  I looked over the maps and saw the aerials of both our troop placements and the enemy troops the photos were able to pickup. For the Marine companies to get there they would need to go straight through a heavy encampment of enemy troops which meant high causalities on both sides, if they did things the same way they always seemed to. The one thing I had learned about the Marines, was if they needed to get somewhere they always took the most direct route regardless of what stood in the way.

  “General if I might. If these Marine companies are the ones who might get the nod, I would suggest planning on sending out a rescue for them, and that rescue would need to leave about the same time they do if it's to bring any of them home,” I said.

  “Are you saying the Marines can't handle this, Sam?” he asked.

  “Not at all sir, if there were a battalion of Marines I don't have any doubt they could, but according to this it's a company, and a small company at best. If they follow standard procedure for the Marines as soon as they start moving the enemy will know and could consolidate an ambush that would effectively pin those Marines down before they reached the midway point toward the objective,” I said.

  Both Jason and Kenny looked at what I was saying and started laughing.

  “Kenny, now do you see why I wanted Sam here?” Jason asked.

  “He is good. I completely missed that, but then again I don't do the kind of rescue missions Sam does,” Colonel Andrews said.

  “Sir if command wants the Marines to do this they would be better off calling on the company you have marked here as Sherly company. They're in a much better position and wouldn't send up near the red flags to the enemy,” I said.

  “But?” Jason asked.

  “But, if we were to send in a recon unit, not necessarily mine, we could air
drop in take care of business and be picked back up by chopper and the enemy would likely be none the wiser,” I said.

  “Your talking about a long hike to get in there,” Colonel Andrews said looking at the maps trying to see what I was talking about.

  “No sir. See here this small clearing. It's big enough to get one maybe two choppers in to make the drop and pickup. The closest enemy posts are at least five clicks away and even they are small outposts. If we bring in some fighters to strafe the area and start the Marines moving say over here where they would have a better defensive position anyway, that should draw the attention of the enemy away from where our real target is,” I said pointing out everything on the maps.

  “I thought you never went by the book Captain,” Colonel Andrews looked at me smiling that he did see the sanity of what I was proposing. “General I have to concur with Captain Waters, it does make more sense, as well as saving the most lives. I could put together a recon unit and take care of this in about two hours on the ground, an hour there another back and the mission is complete inside five hours outside.”

  “Like I said the decision still hasn't been made yet, but if you're both in agreement I'll pass this plan along and see if maybe the brass making the decision won't go along. I might need one of you to do some explaining so they can see just what it is you're talking about,” Jason said.

  “Since it was Captain Waters that came up with the plan General, it might be best if he's the one explaining it and answering any questions they might have,” Kenny said.

  “Sir with all respect if Colonel Andrews is the one going on the mission...” I started.

  “I agree with Kenny on this Sam. Besides, if we ever hope to get you those Major clusters the brass is going to have to be shown you have what it takes to command,” Jason cut me off. “I want both of you there since if they go for it Kenny, it will be your baby, but since Sam did come up with the plan, I agree he would be the best able to explain the whys and wherefores of the plan,” Jason said.

  Just what I wanted, it wasn't bad enough dealing with all the brass I had to here, now they wanted me dealing with the brass that made the decisions of who got what missions.

  “We leave in one hour I want both of you ready, and no Sam you won't be doing the piloting this time. I don't even want you near the cockpit,” Jason said.

  I hated letting someone else pilot an airplane I was in. if I had the controls I knew everything would be fine, but as a passenger I was dependent on someone else to make the tough decisions if there were any problems.

  I let Mac and Curtis know they were going to have to take over the classes for a day or two and packed my duffel with a couple sets of dress blues and a couple sets of fatigues. I wasn't looking forward to this trip and knew if these brain dead idiots that kept sending men into situations where they would be out numbered twenty, or even one hundred to one, said something that made no sense to me, I was likely as not to come back a Lieutenant, rather than show I deserved to be wearing Major clusters on my shoulders.


  “Sam I expected to see Major clusters on your pretty shoulders not Captains bars. Didn't Chris tell you?” Jason asked.

  “I'm sorry Jason, but until I see the orders saying I've been promoted to Major I'll stick with the rank I know,” I said.