Read The Hidden Rose Page 64

  Chapter 18

  “Sam what the hell is going on?” Jason asked.

  “You tell me General, or better yet maybe General Strong could tell you. I'm assuming I'm on speaker.” I waited for conformation. “General Strong just when did you plan on telling us the whole story of why that communication center is so important? Was it going to be before we were over run, or were you going to wait until after, so you could blame it on bad intelligence from us?”

  “I don't have any idea what you're talking about Captain. What you're suggesting is treason,” General Strong said.

  “Yes, General, it is, but no more treasonous than what your nephew tried, the big difference is your nephew had no idea what I'm capable of, General while you may believe you know what The White Rose is capable of, in reality you have no idea.” I paused to let my words sink in. “General Talbot we need at least a dozen divisions of Army and Marines divided among the bases in our quadrant, along with their heavy ground equipment. We're going to need air support, but not until we give the word. General Long is on his way back there, and we're hoping you and Colonel Andrews will be returning soon since we will need Colonel Andrews company and no one can lead them as well as he can. You might want to tell him he'll need a new second though Lieutenant Smith is now a recon unit commander,” I said.

  “Sam if your suspicions are correct and I have no reason to doubt they are, I don't have the authority to get you what you're asking for. Can you give me an idea how long before it would be to late?” Jason asked.

  “General if The White Rose appears like she did on that last mission what Sam is asking for wouldn't be necessary, but with how soon it's been since the last time she showed herself I don't think it would be wise to hope she'll show again now until it's time for her to show the world who she really is,” Chris said.

  “I understand Major Jacobs, I'll do what I can, but as I told Captain Waters I don't have the authority,” Jason said.

  “What are you saying Major Jacobs?” General Strong asked. “What is this White Rose you're talking about?”

  “The White Rose isn't a what, General, she is a who, and believe me when I say you don't want to meet her in the mood she would be in right now as far as you're concerned, chances are she wouldn't kill you, but she could easily make you wish she would,” Chris said.

  Even Chris seemed to believe in The White Rose Mac told me about. I wasn't going to argue with him, I didn't think it would do any good even if I tried. The way they were talking they made it sound like I was supposed to be this superhero from children's stories, and for some reason that bothered me more than anything else.

  “General Talbot I have one request if you can't manage to get us the support I've requested. When we get through this I request you accept my resignation as an active duty Air Force officer and allow me to return home. I'm willing to work with the training facility in training special forces personnel as an adviser, but I can no longer stomach fighting in a war I don't understand,” I said.

  “I can agree to that Sam. I'll do what I can about getting you the support you've requested. Kenny and I will be returning as soon as General Long gets here,” Jason said.

  I needed to lay down, or at least have a few minutes to myself. Jason had already said what I knew he would, and I knew we wouldn't be able to count on General Strong for support. His ego was bruised beyond repair and I was the cause. As it stood now he wouldn't care who got killed as long as I was one of them, and he would withhold any support he thought he could just to insure I failed.

  “You feel like you don't have a choice?” Chris asked.

  “What choice do I have Chris? Do you really think I can sit by and watch all these men die just to hide who we both know I am? I hate to ask this of you again, but when this is over will you help me like you did last time?” I asked.

  “You know I'll do anything I can for you Sam. How long will you hide from the others?” he asked.

  “As long as I can without risking their lives. You do realize each time you taste my blood you become stronger as a vampire, stronger than any vampire before you,” I said.

  “This will be the last time until we can be together won't it?” he asked.

  “Even you won't remember who I am this time, it has to be that way. I hoped that by leaving you the memories I could go back into hiding, but as long as even one person remembers I'll never be able to hide,” I said.

  “We will meet again won't we?” he asked.

  “We are destined for each other Chris, of course we'll meet again, but the next time we meet all either of us will know are the stories of each other, we won't even remember working as close together as we have. How old is Kathy now anyway?” I asked.

  “She'll be one next month,” he said.

  “It won't be long my love then we will be able to be together always,” I said.

  “What should I tell everyone?” he asked.

  “I have someone I must see, when I return it will be the last time until we are together,” I said ignoring his question.

  I knew what he wanted me to say, but I also knew that to say anything would be to let the world know about me now, and that I couldn't do. He stood there looking at me as I drew in the magic I would need to do what needed to be done. The symbol of The White Rose and the White Lotus appeared on all who were under my protection. Any who did not wear the symbol were marked according to the house of magic they belonged and I was standing in front of General Strong.

  “You need to learn who you should fear General, and who you should not fear. The White Rose will not be yours to embrace just as all who wear the Rose or the Lotus of magic will bring no harm to one another because of me. You shall never know the taste of friendship, or love, the remainder of your days in this life. As my love spoke to you you should have listened. He knows my power and a day comes when you will seek death and not find it until you call to me seeking my forgiveness, on that day will I be merciful and allow you to rest from this world where neither love nor friendship will be a companion to you,” I said. “The battle brewing is at an end General Talbot, you will honor your word to Captain Waters, or though you wear my symbol now you will be banished from my sight forever more.”

  “I gave my word mistress I will not take it back. I beg mistress will Captain Waters return one day?” he asked.

  I felt him look up at me and was again back at base in my quarters.

  “Chris my love. I think you'll find there is no longer need to risk mens lives to do what no longer needs to be done. The airstrips are gone, the communications center is no more. The enemy is no longer in mass. It is time for all who know me to forget who I am,” I said.

  “What about General Strong?” Chris asked.

  I felt Chris kissing my neck and then the pricks as his teeth sank in. The magic flowed and and I felt dizzy and found I was laying on the bed staring at nothing and not having any idea how I had gotten there.

  “Captain Waters General Talbot wishes to see you when you can find the strength to pull yourself out of bed,” Jason's Lieutenant said.

  “Just how long have I been laying here Lieutenant? What happened with the battle plans?” I asked.

  I looked over where I thought he was standing and saw only empty room. The door while not locked was closed, and I didn't remember hearing it either open or close. How much time had passed since Jason's Lieutenant told me Jason wanted to talk to me and I responded with my questions. I knew I was again anemic and it would take several days before I would feel healthy again.

  “Captain? It's good to see you awake. Whatever it was that hit you so hard seems to have come back again, it doesn't seem quite as bad this time though,” Mac said.

  “How long Mac?” I asked.

  “Captain Larson came by to see if you were okay and found you laying on the floor. You've been in and out for the last couple days,” he said.

  “General Talbot wants to see me I take it?” I asked.

  “He wants you to get over w
hatever it is that's laying you out like this. I think he wants to send you home,” he said.

  “What would the rest of the team think about that? What would you all think if I went home and didn't come back?” I asked.

  “I'd feel better about that than what happened last time White Rose was broken up. Sir, I'm sure all of us only want the best for you,” he said.

  “Thank you Mac. So you know I asked they allow me to resign my commission and go back home. I don't know what's happening that's causing these last couple spells that have put me on my back for a few days, but I have a feeling if I stay here they'll continue, I'm afraid if that happens one of these times I might not recover,” I said.

  I sat there almost afraid to move but knowing Jason wanted to talk to me as soon as possible.

  “Is he available Lieutenant?” I asked entering the HQ.

  “He asked when you had the strength to get here he wanted to see you regardless of anything else he might be doing. I doubt he would mind if you just walk in,” the Lieutenant said.

  “Thank you Lieutenant, I want to apologize for how I've treated you most of the time. I should have been nicer, I hope you'll forgive me,” I said.

  I opened the door to Jason's office and stepped in. Someone was sitting with their back to the door and rather than say anything I just stood there.

  “Come in Captain Waters,” Jason said.

  “You wanted to see me sir?” I asked.

  “Please have a seat,” Jason said.

  I took the empty chair sitting at attention.

  “Relax Captain, I know you just got out of bed,” Jason said.

  “General I was wondering if you've given any thought to my last request?” I asked.

  “I have. Sam, I was hoping maybe I could get you to reconsider, but after hearing from the doctors I'm not sure that would be a good idea. I wish I had another officer that can do what you can, but I'm beginning think your staying here might be the worst thing not only for you, but for everyone on this base. I asked General Wentworth to come talk to you about becoming an instructor with special forces training. I guess I'm hoping maybe you can teach others to do what you can,” he said.

  “Sir, I... I'm not sure staying active duty is something that would be right for me any longer. I wouldn't mind helping General Wentworth on occasion, but I'm not sure I could teach fulltime, and trying to teach someone to see things the way I do... sir, I'm not sure that's even possible,” I said.

  “Sam the only reason we're even talking about this is because the doctors don't believe your heath will improve if you remain here. I know you want to resign that maybe you should. I doubt your attitude with commanders that seem incompetent to you is likely to change, thus either getting you in trouble you can't find a way out of, or something even worse,” Jason said.

  “I don't have a problem with commanders who are willing to objectively listen to differing ideas. What I have a problem with is commanders who are so egotistical they would rather get the men under them killed than listen to someone else, especially if that someone else happens to be a junior officer that looks like a kid. General I believe my record in combat speaks for my ability as a commander, and even more so for my ability to find a way out of a tough situation,” I said.

  “You see what I mean about him Eric? You've seen Captain Waters record, even the parts that most people wouldn't be allowed to see. If you think you can handle him I'll sign the orders now,” Jason said.

  I turned and looked at the person sitting next to me for the first time. I had known they wore stars on their shoulders, but hadn't really noticed how many stars, and since they never moved in the time since I entered I hadn't noticed the name on their uniform either.

  “Jason I believe Captain Waters is just the person we need to train special forces personnel. I know being his commander can't have been easy because of his independent nature, but I also know you let Captain Waters get away with as much as you have because you didn't want to break his spirit. When you have a prize stallion the last thing you want to do is geld it and destroy its value, and I can see Captain Waters is the best at what he can do. I want to try getting that in everyone that comes through our training,” he turned to me with what seemed surprise at both my size and youth. “Captain Waters, I'm asking you to give me one year of your time. I know you only have a few months before you can opt out whether or not we agree. I'm not asking you to renew your commission contract, I'm simply asking that you give teaching survival training for special forces one year, if you still want to resign your commission after that I'll reluctantly accept,” General Wentworth said.

  I looked at Jason and knew he expected me to refuse the offer. I think everyone that knew me would have expected I would refuse the offer.

  “General Wentworth, I need some time to think your offer over. Since I enlisted in the Air Force it seems everyone but me has had my future planned out, and I've been left riding the currents trying to understand. This time I need to be the one making the decision. I know the opportunity you're offering is one I should be excited about, but there isn't a lot anymore that excites me about the military I serve in. I think I need time to think,” I said.

  I knew my time on the front lines was at an end, but did I want to try teaching others how to risk their lives the way I had? That was the whole problem, I saw it as rushing in where fools didn't dare tread. Was there another way I should be looking at it? The men I would be teaching would be some of the best trained in the world. They would be able to go almost anywhere and survive.

  “General Wentworth, I have a question. Would I be teaching those men to kill or would I simply be teaching them to survive?” I asked.

  “Part of survival is knowing how to kill Captain,” General Wentworth said.

  “I understand that sir, but killing for survival isn't the same as killing just because someone is called an enemy for wearing a different uniform. Sir, if I'll be teaching them to survive, I think I can do that. If however you just want me to teach them the most effective way to kill, I'm sorry sir, I can't. Every time I've killed someone while here it has been in an attempt to save more lives than would be lost if I didn't kill,” I said.

  “And yet Captain from what I've seen from your file you draw more enemy fire than any company on this or any other front line base we have,” he said.

  “The enemy considers me the most dangerous commander they have ever faced sir. I think it has more to do with the fact they have lost more command officers to mine and my mens crossbows than to anyone else on the front line. Sir when we go out it terrifies them because they never know what I will do other than all I can to cause as much confusion as possible in their ranks. The fastest way to confuse the ranks is remove the head, thus the commanding officers. They also know I don't take prisoners, and that mostly because I don't have the men to spar to keep watch on them,” I said.

  “So you kill only out of necessity? If they didn't try penning you in, you wouldn't even kill the officers?” he asked.

  “If you attempt to cage even the most peaceful animal it will attack those trying to cage it,” I said.

  “So what your saying is you can teach how to survive even the most harsh situation, how to keep from being caged, but you won't teach how to fight offensively?” he asked.

  “Sir I can teach how to make plans of engagement if the engagement is defensive only, I believe in fighting defensively, not offensively, and I've never planned out an offensive strategy. I do understand the importance of a strong offense, but I also believe more can be accomplish with a good defensive plan then the best offensive plan,” I said.

  “Captain do you know what happened here the other day? From the reports I've heard and seen this base and almost every other base on this part of the front line should have been decimated,” General Wentworth said.

  “General all I remember is seeing massive enemy build up and troop numbers that could have easily over run this base and several others along this part of the front.
The infrared satellite photos I saw were confirmed by one of our company commanders who had been out scouting for signs of enemy build up. I came up with a possible plan, more like a desperation plan, that would have stalled any plans they had if we were lucky, giving us more time to prepare for the attack they were preparing for. I felt ill and went to my quarters to get a little rest, and woke up a short time ago to everyone telling me whatever battle there might have been was over,” I said.

  “Captain that would have been three days ago. You have no memory of the last three days?”he asked.

  “I think I remember the Lieutenant in the outer office telling me General Talbot wanted to see me when I felt up to it. The strange thing about that is I don't even know if it's real or dream. I rolled over and found myself alone in my quarters,” I said.

  I looked at Jason not really sure he knew. The way he avoided my look though told me he was well aware of the incident.

  “Captain, you aren't the only one wondering if something like coming to the training base is a wise thing, but I know you have at least a months worth of leave available to you. Take that leave go home relax get well and in a month come see me on the training base and I'm willing to work something out then, I would hate to see you not stay for at least twenty years and retire, I think you have a lot to offer,” General Wentworth said.

  I looked at Jason again and knew my time here was over. Even if I took the time off and wanted to come back it wasn't going to happen. I didn't want to teach, I loved planning missions and loved the men I worked with.

  “Sir I would like to tell my men in private, I don't want them thinking I cared so little I didn't even say goodbye,” I said.

  “Sam the next transport back to the states isn't for a couple days. White Rose has been deactivated and the men will be assigned to other companies. I'm willing to take any suggestions you might have for those assignments into account, I know those men mean a lot to you,” Jason said.

  “Thank you sir, but I'm not sure I would hope they go to Colonel Wright, or Major Jacobs. If I could sir I would like Sargent Denvers to stay with me, we've been together since our special forces training,” I said.

  “I'm sorry Captain, but it will be hard enough convincing the brass to accept you as an instructor, and Sargent Denvers, while an extraordinary special forces soldier, is still needed here, your health is the big reason they're willing let you transfer,” Jason said.

  “Thank you General for being honest on that, it does make it easier to know what I'll do when the time comes,” I said.

  “I was afraid you might make the choice is sounds like you're making,” Jason said.

  “Sir I'll teach your survival classes until my contract option is up. After that I'm willing to help if you really need me, but I will be returning to civilian life, and only available as a civilian contractor, I will no longer be an instructor with a regular teaching schedule,” I told General Wentworth.