Read The Hidden Rose Page 77

  Chapter 29

  Chuck got the star on his shoulders and was made base commander when General Wentworth retired. When he arrived he gave me a call asking if there was any chance we might get together for dinner or something. I started laughing at the way he fumbled trying to find the words he wanted.

  “Chuck I would love to show you around if you don't remember from the last time you were here,” I said.

  “I'd like that, but Jason said something about if your twin sister was available, she would be the best for showing me around. Sam I've never been on this base other than a layover on my way somewhere else,” he said.

  “I take it you're in your office. How about if I come by and pick you up and we go out to dinner. As for my twin sister, I don't have one, I do have two sisters both older than me, but still to young for an old fart like you,” I said.

  “It will likely be a couple hours before I can get away,” he said.

  “That's fine Chuck it'll take at least that long for Samantha to get ready to leave to come get you,” I said.

  “Whose Samantha?” he asked.

  “The twin sister I don't have,” I said.

  “You mean your Samantha? Sam I'm not really sure it would be a good idea for you to come on base dressed as a woman,” he said.

  “I'll see you in a couple hours Chuck, then we can go to dinner and you can tell me how thankful you are I suggested you for base commander here, rather than letting you retire to a life of ease,” I said.

  “You recommended me... let me guess the star I have on my shoulders now was your idea too,” he said.

  “So which was it that got you to accept the command?” I asked.

  “The star and the offer of base commander are what kept me from retiring. I've spent the last three years on the front lines, and it wasn't looking good for ever getting the star or getting off the front lines, unless I retired. From what I heard they offered you Lt Colonel status and base command if you'd be willing to come back,” he said.

  “Oh they offered, but what do you think the chances of Washington going along were? We both know even if the medical problems hadn't happened I was never going to advance beyond Captain until things in Washington change, I've stepped on to many toes,” I said.

  “You always were good at stepping on toes. You and your band of misfits were the best though,” he said.

  I promised to be there to take him out to dinner regardless of his concern, there were things I wanted to talk to him about and dinner was the perfect time to do so.

  I looked through my closet and found a dress I thought appropriate for taking a General out to dinner along with the proper shoes and set them on the bed.

  The guards at the gate didn't bother looking at the person in the car as much as they did the sticker on the bumper, and the sticker on the bumper of my car was valid. I slipped on the dress and as usual my body seemed to fill out in all the right places, giving me the curves that seemed to drive men wild. My hair even as a man was longer than military regulation allowed, but shorter than I like as Samantha. Tonight however the shorter hair seemed appropriate, and fell into a pixie style without me having to do much of anything.

  I still hadn't gotten around to getting my ears pierced, but I did have plenty of clip-on earrings that look like pierced. I wanted to see if perhaps I could impress this man who had once been my commanding officer and was now going to be base commander of the base I worked at on occasion.

  Makeup I went light on, I had always been a firm believer in using no more than necessary to keep someones eyes where they belonged.

  “You look rather fancy.” Kathy said when I opened the door on my way out to the car.

  “What are you doing here? I was just on my way out to pick up an old friend on base,” I said.

  “It wouldn't happen to be Chris would it?” she asked.

  “Whose Chris? The person I'm picking up was my old company commander and is now base commander here. I need to use my car since it has the sticker to get me on base and my car isn't big enough for more than two people unless you want to be cramped up like you were after my escape from the hospital in DC,” I said.

  “Not really, besides I just stopped by to see if maybe you could watch the kids so Brent and I could have a date tomorrow night,” she said.

  “Unless they need me on base for something I'm available. What time did you plan on dropping them off, or am I supposed to come to your place?” I asked.

  “We were hoping you could come over about six, or seven,” she said.

  “Like I said as long as I'm not called out to base for something before then it shouldn't be a problem. Kathy I really do need to get going, but I'll walk you out to your car since it's on the way to mine,” I said.

  “You do understand why we don't want to bring them here?” she asked.

  “Sure you don't trust my neighbors. I don't blame you, I don't trust them either, but most of them are afraid of what I could do to them so leave me alone,” I said.

  I made sure she was safely in her car and on her way before heading for my car. If I was going to be on time I would need to stretch the speed laws and for some reason that didn't seem like a good idea. I opted to be a few minutes late and blame it on being a woman that can't seem to tell time, knowing Chuck would get a laugh out of it.

  I didn't have any trouble getting through the gate, not that I expected any, but was sure Chuck was certain I would have. On my way in to see if he was ready to go however I did get challenged.

  “Excuse me ma'am but who are you?” a Major asked.

  “I'm Samantha Waters, General Wright is expecting me,” I said.

  “General Wright? I'm sorry but I don't know a General Wright,” he said.

  “He's the new base commander, he arrived some time today,” I said.

  “If you don't mind ma'am I'm going to have to go with to verify what you're saying. It's a matter of security due to the nature of many of the operations preformed on base,” he said.

  “Of course Major, the last thing I want is to cause a problem here. You might not let me back on base again,” I said.

  “May I help you ma'am?” the company clerk for the base asked.

  “I'm here to see General Wright,” I said.

  “You must be Samantha Waters. The General has been waiting for you, from what he said you were supposed to have been here almost a half hour ago,” the clerk said.

  “I had a few things come up at the last minute. Do you know if he's ready to go or do I need to wait?” I asked.

  “I assure you ma'am the General said he would never make a lady wait if he could avoid it,” the clerk said.

  “And that's true,” Chuck said coming out of his new office. “Hello Sam it's been a while since the last time we've seen each other,” Chuck said.

  “I don't remember having ever met Chuck, but I'll take your word for it, I seem to keep running into situation were what I remember and what someone else remembers seem very different,” I said.

  “Lieutenant I don't think there's any reason for you to stick around here any longer,” Chuck told his clerk.

  “You know this woman then sir?” the Major asked.

  “You could say that Major, though I'm sure I don't know her as well as a few others do. Major she has a security clearance higher than yours by about four levels,” Chuck said.

  I looked at the floor and smiled since Chuck knew as Samuel just what my security clearance was.

  “Yes sir,” the Major said turning to me. “Ma'am I have to ask and if it offends you I do apologize, but do you know Captain Samuel Waters?”

  “I hope so Major he's my twin brother, though I'm not sure how well he would like being called Captain since he's been out of the military for almost a year,” I said.

  “I'll keep that in mind ma'am,” the Major said.

  Chuck said he had a few things he still needed to tend to and five minutes later we were on our way to dinner.

  “So you're Sam's twin sis
ter huh?” he asked.

  “You could say that. You'd be wrong but you could still say it,” I said.

  “And yet you're the one who said it to that Major,” he said.

  “It was easier than trying to explain. You already know the truth therefore why I told you what I did. Chuck I don't remember ever being Samantha so you would have seen me as Samantha, but I still knew you would know who I was as Samantha,” I said.

  “I knew because I've seen who you really are, I've seen what you can do even now before you take on the mantle of your full identity. I don't know why you hide who you are, but I know it's only a matter of time. I only hope when the time comes I can be considered a friend,” he said.

  “So when will your wife be joining you here?” I asked.

  “Next week. Sam I was kind of hoping you could help me find a house here. I have a feeling once Mae gets here we won't be moving again,” he said.

  “I can do that. A word of warning though there are some religious fanatics around here and if you give them a chance they'll stop by all the time. It's better to make it known from the start they aren't welcome,” I said.

  “Chris said something about that too. He said something about because he chose to join the Army rather than go on a mission for some religion or other his family disowned him,” Chuck said.

  “I wouldn't be surprised, I take it he's from around here as well,” I said.

  “Major Jacobs, are you going to tell me you don't remember him? Sam you two were tight back on the front. You were the two people we all counted on knowing what to do in any situation,” Chuck said.

  “I don't remember working with him on any missions. In fact the only mission I remember even running into Rose company was the one he was wounded and left by his second in command,” I said.

  “I see, there do seem to be some rather large holes in your memory then. I guess I should be happy that you remember having been in my Charlie company before getting the nod to start White Rose,” he said.

  “I'm sorry Chuck, but Major Jacobs is really the only one of the company commanders I don't remember having ever met. I know we worked together, but for some reason I don't remember him,” I said.

  We talked about so many things and ever time we hit on a subject were I was the central figure there was a blank for me, it was like the memory of it was just gone, but only if the way Chuck remembered it was with me as Samantha.

  I found it strange because it seemed each of those times it was like Mac telling me the stories about The White Rose he heard growing up. It seemed I was this magical creature that was able to bend everyone to her will. The power something like that would take had to be incredible, to say the least. Was it possible such power really did exist and could be controlled by one person? Wouldn't that kind of power incinerate someone just coming in close contact with it.

  “Chuck I'm sorry if I sound strange about this, but every time you talk about having met me as a woman before now, you make it sound like I'm some character from some stories Mac once told me, stories that I got the name for my reconnaissance unit from. Also, I don't remember any of those times, at least not the way you're tell them. The way I remember them goes back to the training and determination of the men I had under me. We were able to succeed because we were the best and never took unnecessary chances,” I said.

  “Sam your whole military career was built on what seemed unnecessary chances. Most of us went along with your plans because we knew somehow you'd manage to pull them off in a way we couldn't begin to understand,” he said.

  “So you think I relied on magic? Chuck I don't believe in magic any more than I believe in an omniscient god. There is no such thing, if there were it could be proven through logic and science,” I said.

  “Then explain to me how it is you can be sitting here fully female Sam, you are fully female at the moment aren't you? I know for a fact Captain Samuel Waters was fully male, and I also know he wished he hadn't been, that he could have been the woman I see in front of me now,” Chuck said.

  “How do you know that?” I asked.

  “I know because he talked in his sleep. Sam think about it there were only a few people ever allowed to enter your tent or quarters while you slept the whole time you were on the front lines. While you were in my command I made sure it was only those I trusted never to reveal what you might say to anyone other than myself,” he said.

  “And you didn't have a problem with me wishing I were female?” I asked.

  “When I first learned about it I was concerned. Enough so that I sat down and hoped you might say more and you did. Tell me when did Mac tell you the stories of The White Rose?” he asked.

  “When I was first putting the unit together, why?” I asked.

  “I ask simply because you already knew the stories then. The first time I heard you talking in your sleep about being a woman it was as if I was listening to my mother telling me the stories about The White Rose I grew up with,” he said.

  “I never heard those stories until Mac told them to me, so how could I have been telling them in my sleep?” I asked.

  “I don't think you were telling them in your sleep. I think you were living them in your dreams,” he said.

  “So you think I'm this White Rose from children's stories?” I asked.

  “I don't know if you are or not, what I do know is there is a lot more to you than even you know right now. If you are The White Rose, I know there's a reason you're hiding it from the world, if you even know you're The White Rose. I know you say you don't believe in magic, but that doesn't make it not exist, and to those who do believe it's still very real. Science may not be able to prove magic exists simply because science doesn't have the ability to understand how it exists at this time,” he said.

  “Next you're going to tell me this omniscient god thing might be real as well,” I said.

  “No that I would never do since I know there is no god that can meet that description,” he said.

  “How do you know that Chuck? How can you believe in magic but not god?” I asked.

  “How can you not believe in magic or god? I believe in magic because I've seen it. I don't believe in god because there is no such thing. The concept of god came from the need of those without magic hoping to one day be more than they were. If you knew the stories of life I learned growing up you would know that it was those with magic that encouraged the belief of gods, among those without magic,” he said.

  “And which am I Chuck? Do you really think I would intentionally deceive even myself into believing neither god or magic exist? Neither are provable, thus neither exist,” I said.

  “I don't know Sam. I know if you are who many hope you are, you are in a way even a god among those who believe in magic. To the mortals I can only imagine your more a devil than anything since you're everything their religion tells them can't be,” he said.

  “And just who do you think I am? I'm not asking who you think a lot of other people think, or hope I am. I'm asking you who you Chuck Wright think I am?” I asked.

  “A friend. Sam right now at this moment I hope you're a friend, nothing more, nothing less. I hope that's a good enough answer,” he said.

  “It'll do for now. Chuck, I really at this point have no idea who I am. There are times I don't mind being Samuel, but most of the time I would much prefer being Samantha. I know that doesn't make much sense, but it's the best I can do for now,” I said.

  “I hope you don't lose either part of yourself Sam. I think you are at your best when both sides are working in harmony with each other,” he said.

  I reached across the table and took his hand something as Samuel I wouldn't have even thought of doing.

  Over the next year a routine developed of Chuck calling just to talk. The first couple times he called while I was at work I accepted the calls not realizing they were strictly personal. I tried to tell him that unless he was calling me because he needed my help in training the men going through his courses calling me at
work was off limits, I needed my job and if he wanted me to continue being available to help it would only happen as long as my job wasn't in danger because he insisted on calling me just to talk.

  The third time he did it I asked Judy to find out if it was business or just to talk and if it was to talk to please let him know I wasn't available. I don't know how much longer he tried calling me at work without it being about business since Judy seemed intrigued by the idea it was okay to ask such questions.

  I'd helped him find a nice house in a nice neighborhood, where his wife and kids wouldn't have to worry about the religious fanatics coming by all the time.

  “Sam do you know a Kathy Nielsen?” Mae asked.

  “Yes, why do you ask?” I asked.

  “I've never met her, but would really like to,” she said.

  “She doesn't live far from here. Let me know when and I'll introduce you to her,” I said.

  “Whenever would be a good time. I'm sure she's very busy, and since I never expected to meet anyone who knew her...” Mae said.

  “She's my oldest sister. If you want to meet her anytime is good for me that's good for you,” I said.

  “She's your sister? I didn't know she had any brothers,” Mae said.

  “Some times I think she forgets she has brothers too, unless she needs one of us to babysit for her,” I said.

  I could tell Mae really wanted to meet Kathy so told her as close as she lived to her it would be faster and easier to walk then drive. Chuck and Mae had three little girls the oldest about the same age as Kelli.

  I had no idea if Kathy was home since I had no idea what her work schedule was, but I knew if she wasn't Brent would be and I hadn't seen Kelli or Brian in nearly a month.

  “Mae, Kathy has a daughter about the same age as Jody and I know both her and Brent love kids, if you want it wouldn't be any trouble for the kids to come with,” I said.

  “I'm sure Jody would love it I'm not sure about the other two though, I'm sure Chuck wouldn't mind as long as I don't stay gone too long,” she said.

  “It's your choice. For the record I'm not even sure Kathy will be home. I don't know her work schedule, but I'm sure Brent is there,” I said.

  The walk down to Kathy's took all of two minutes and Kathy was just pulling in as we arrived.

  “Sam I didn't see your car,” Kathy said.

  “It's parked at a friends. Kathy I want you to meet Mae Wright she seems to be a fan or something. She wanted to meet you at any rate,” I said.

  “Mae if you'll give me a few minutes to see what damage Brent has let the kids cause,” Kathy said.

  Kelli came running out of the house followed by Brian.

  “I told you it'd be uncle Sam, Kelli,” Brian said.

  I didn't need to know what they were talking about, I was sure by now they had forgotten about me ever dressing and acting like I was their aunt rather than their uncle, yet it seemed Kelli only ever wanted me to be aunt Sam.

  “Uncle Sam aren't you ever going to be aunt Sam again?” Kelli asked me loud enough Mae heard and gave me a look I couldn't begin to guess.

  I took the kids and headed around back, hoping whatever Mae thought wouldn't last long. The last thing I needed was for word of me dressing to get around anymore than it already was.

  “Sam! I heard you had the kids out here,” Brent said joining me.

  “I hope it's alright Brent. A friends wife wanted to meet Kathy and I figured the best way for them to get acquainted was to get the kids out of the way. Let me guess they're in there talking witchcraft and stuff like that. I still find it hard to believe you don't have a problem with Kathy making that kind of stuff so much of your life,” I said,

  “It keeps her happy and that to me is more important than the alternative,” Brent said.

  I loved spending time with Kathy's kids, but only for so long, then I needed to get away to something more adult.

  “Sam I know you aren't use to spending this much time with kids, you must be ready to scream with how often they want to do the same thing over and over again,” Kathy said.

  “Kathy I've got to get out of here before I go crazy,” I said.

  “I'll see Mae gets home. I'm glad you brought her by its been a real pleasure finding out about how things are in other places,” Kathy said.

  “You mean about your witch stuff?” I asked.

  “I know you don't believe Sam, but one day I hope you will,” she said.

  “If you tried forcing it like mom did with her church you can bet I wouldn't ever be willing to listen when you start into it. I'm just glad you don't continue when you know I've had enough,” I said.

  “Sam there aren't many people that scare me when it comes to witchcraft, but you are one of them. I stop because I'm afraid of what you could do if I didn't,” Kathy said.

  “If you're sure you can handle things...” I said.

  “Get out of here Sam. Go have some fun with people your own age,” Kathy said.

  People my own age. I didn't even have a clue where people my age went on Friday nights. I resolved I was going to try some of the bars and clubs in the area, but as yet hadn't. Some of the guys at work had been trying to get me to go out with them, but between work and the military, I as yet hadn't been able. I heard some of them talking about some of the different bars and figured I might as well start somewhere.

  I headed back home and changed into something a little more casual and fixed something to eat. On the way back to the car one of my neighbors was standing just outside my door wondering if there was any chance of talking to me.

  “Carl what do you need?” I asked.

  “I was hoping maybe I could talk to you about setting up some self defense classes, I know nobody around here would dream of giving you a bad time, and, well there are several of the guys that live here that don't get near the respect you do. The only thing that makes sense is someone said you know martial arts and when you were in the military you killed people with your bare hands,” Carl said.

  “I don't recall killing anyone with my bare hands, but I do know a little about martial arts. Carl I was in special forces when I was in the military, I commanded a special forces reconnaissance unit. Look if you really want to talk about this how about we do it over a beer or something. I just spent most of the afternoon with my sisters kids and just want to escape into an adult environment for a while, the problem is I really don't know any of the bars or clubs around here,” I said.

  “Do you care if it's a biker bar?” he asked.

  “What does that mean? Isn't a bar, a bar?” I asked.

  “I don't know. I hang out at the biker bars since I am a biker at heart.”

  I had no idea what difference it made so he directed me to a biker bar and I noticed most of the vehicles outside were motorcycles. I found a parking place and he jumped out quickly as though afraid someone might see he was riding in my car.

  “Nice car there,” someone said sitting over on a motorcycles nearby.

  “Thank you, I kind of like your motorcycle as well,” I said.

  “That wasn't a compliment asshole,” he said.

  “And what makes you think what I said was? I'll tell you what, how about we go inside and if they have a pool table we shoot a game,” I said.

  “I have a better idea. How about you just get back in that little car of yours before you get hurt,” he said.

  I looked at the group of bullies now standing and figured what the hell, I wanted something different from playing with a bunch of kids, and these guys just might be up to the task of taking my mind off the fact I couldn't be myself for the time being.

  “I really should warn you that I do hold a couple different black belts in martial arts. If you'll give me a couple moments to store my forty-five, then we can have whatever fun you want,” I said.

  “A forty-five? Did you hear that boys this little pipsqueak has a forty-five,” the loud mouth said.

  “That gun is bigger than he is,” another on
e said.

  I set the forty-five in the holster I had on the floor of the car under my seat and locked the doors.

  “You gentlemen really might want to reconsider this, I'd really hate to hurt any of you,” I said.

  That drew a laugh from even more of them, until someone I recognized came walking out of the bar.

  “Lance can you believe this little pipsqueak thinks he could hurt us?” the loud mouth asked.

  He looked over at me and I saw he remembered me as well.

  “Bull I wouldn't bet a plug nickel on any of you against him. That boys is one of the best there is. That's Captain Samuel Waters of White Rose reconnaissance,” Lance said.

  “You're kidding, right? From the stories you've told, Captain Waters has to be at least six feet tall and that pipsqueak isn't more than five and a half feet tall. I'll bet he doesn't even weigh as much as Ruby,” the loud mouth said.

  “Believe me Captain Waters seems a whole lot bigger when your life is depending on him doing what only he can,” he turned to me. “Can I buy you a beer or something Captain?” he asked.

  “I'd like that very much Sargent, thank you,” I said.

  “I wouldn't have got that Sargent strip if it wasn't for you sir,” he said.

  “That mission wouldn't have succeeded if it wouldn't have been for you and a few others. You earned that strip and more in my book,” I said.

  “Thank you sir, the offer still stands,” he said.

  “Thank you, I promise I'll call you Lance if you'll call me Sam rather than Captain. I'm no longer in the Air Force and so no longer use that label,” I said.

  “I hope you don't mind the sir part, of all the officers I met you were the only one I ever felt earned that title,” he said.

  We walked in the bar together and at the bar he told them whatever I wanted was on him since if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be there.

  I found a table in a corner that seemed to be by itself and made my way in its direction. There were only two people in the place I knew and I really wanted more than anything just to observe. I didn't know if this was the kind of thing I wanted any part of and I hoped to learn by watching more than participating.

  “It can get awfully lonely sitting by yourself,” a woman said taking the seat across from me.

  “It can, but then I've spent most of my life alone,” I said.

  “I'm Irene, do you have a name?” she asked.

  “Sam, Sam Waters. It's a pleasure to meet you Irene,” I said.

  “I take it you don't hit the bars often, Sam,” she said.

  “I think this might be the second time I've been in a bar around here. I never really understood the attraction,” I said.

  “I heard Lance say something about you saved his life over in the war,” she said.

  “I remember he was a Corporal or something like that when we met. I heard he got his Sargent strip just before coming back home. As for saving his life? His company was trapped behind enemy lines my reconnaissance unit was called in to help get them out,” I said.

  “I take it you did a lot of that then,” she said.

  “If my unit was available we were usually the first called in for that kind of operation,” I said.

  “So if that's the case why did they ever let you come home?” she asked.

  “I had some medical issues at the end of my last two missions. Because they couldn't figure out what the problem was I became to much of a risk,” I said.

  “Did they give your unit to someone else?” she asked.

  “No. when they shipped me back home my men were reassigned to other units,” I said.

  “My ex is a company commander. Maybe if he would have shown as much care for me and our kids he wouldn't be my ex,” she said.

  “I'm sure he loved you very much, but I know how hard it can be trying to stay in touch when every minute is spent just trying to stay alive,” I said.

  “He loved me, I imagine he still does in his own way. I think I still love him too, but I knew from the start I wasn't his dream wife. That place is saved for someone else, someone I think I met once a few years ago, back just before we got married,” she said.

  “I don't think I follow,” I said.

  “He told me I was like a dozen red roses, but the way he looked at that woman I wondered what color roses she was to him. One night I found out. I was his red rose, but she was his white rose. He saw her as pure and innocent, a flower so perfect my red rose seemed wilted by comparison,” she said.

  We talked a little longer and she said she wanted to dance. So I took her out on the little dance floor they had and did my best to try dancing with her. It felt so strange because as Samantha I loved dancing and I didn't worry about how I looked dancing, but I wasn't Samantha, I was Samuel and dancing felt awkward.

  Something about Irene seemed familiar, but I was sure I had never met her before. Toward the end of the night she came back over where I was sitting and asked if I could give her a ride since the people she had come with had already left. I agreed and watched as she went over to someone else and handed them her car keys.

  I'm not sure how I knew what it was she told them, but the pieces all fit together, for her to have asked them to take her car she had a ride, and would get her car the next day. The people she had given her car keys to left not giving a second thought to any of what was happening, as though this kind of thing happened regularly.

  “I'm ready to go any time you are Sam,” she said.

  The way she said my name I wondered just what she was thinking. I wondered if she suspected who I wanted to be more than anything.

  I didn't say anything just finished the coke I had and headed for the door to leave.

  “You don't drink much do you?” she asked.

  “Why do you ask?” I asked.

  “It's just you had one beer when you first arrived and the rest of the night all you drank was coke,” she said.

  “I guess the bar tender told you that?” I asked.

  “He didn't have to. With how many cokes you drank if there was anything else in them you wouldn't be walking so straight,” she said.

  “I'm special forces trained, alcohol doesn't affect me like it does most,” I said.

  “So you had more than just a single beer?” she asked.

  “No, if I had I wouldn't be driving, but I doubt you would even notice I had anything to drink even if I had been drinking steadily all night,” I said.

  “You sound just like my ex he could drink all night long and you'd never guess it to watch him. So they teach you that in special forces training?” she asked.

  “No I guess not. I'm not sure it's something that can be taught,” I said.

  She insisted I come in when we reached her home. I wasn't sure I should, but knew for some reason I needed to.

  She offered to let me sleep in her bed, or there was the couch. She wanted me to meet her girls, but refused to wake them. What was so important that I felt the need to stay, when all I really wanted was to go home and try getting some sleep before my morning run.

  I agreed to taking the couch rather than her bed. The last thing I needed was to wake everyone simply because I couldn't sleep. I lay on the couch and drifted into the dreams that had been so much a part of my life.


  “Mommy can we come too. Please,” Kathy begged.

  “Not this time honey. I know you can run fast, but I don't think you're ready and when I'm out on my run I forget about everything else,” I said.

  “Maybe when we're bigger?” Kathy asked.

  “Absolutely when you are bigger,” I said.