Read The Highwayman Page 2

  The band in position stood resolute

  To attack the guards as the passed the rise

  Quick and efficient their aim was to kill

  The first of the band to achieve a kill

  Did so with an arrow through the rain

  Liam reined his stead and galloped down the rise

  Crashing into the soldiers flank to steal

  Life from a young man standing resolute

  Defending the wagon of the kings gold

  The band missed a cart depart with the gold

  Within this one, more steal waiting to kill

  The Doors flew open, the band fought resolute

  To survive, but as their blood mixed with rain

  Liam tossed his weapon away in hopes to steal

  Away, and above his head did hands rise

  The spring of twenty-five, a trial did rise

  Though years of plunder, no store house of gold

  Liam sentenced to death, for all he did steal

  The roll was given for all he did kill

  On that beautiful day, a hint of rain

  Liam joined the ranks, the hanging resolute

  If war gives Rise to the desire to kill

  If the sparkle of Gold, drives you to rain

  Blood and Steal, prey, stay strong and resolute

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