Read The Hillbrow Election, 1987 Page 5

elections were done and we had won, so there work was completed. Telkom though was quick in removing the Party's lines and re-installed the Agencies phones.

  It took us just over two weeks to complete the clean-up, and we could all get back to our normal existence.

  A celebratory party was arranged in a side hall at the Johannesburg City Hall, this was for all the National Party winning candidates and their campaign managers. But first we all had to sit on the stage in the main hall, while the top leaders made their stupid victory speeches. This I found embarrassing, my pride was still intact to some extent. I really wasn’t too keen on being seen and photographed with these people, and dreaded having to shake hands with them. Why did I go? The food was going to be good; the booze only of the best, and it was for free!

  I managed to avoid Mr. "P", Mr. "F" and the other important bull-shitters. Fortunately there were many people to fit on the stage, so I found a seat in the back row of the five rows, and sat very low in my chair. On checking the papers the next morning I found that I had been successful, in only one photograph could you see only my hair sticking out from behind an old hag’s smiling countenance.

  Out of the blue, a few weeks later, Trevor and I received an invitation to join the Mayor of Johannesburg for dinner at his parlour. We were intrigued, what was this about? On arrival the Mayor, who was also a National Party bigwig, introduced us to Colonel Steel of the South African Police. We were the only four people at this dinner, and the conversation was very political, with a distinct leaning towards what our hosts considered National Security.

  Later, more invitations to dinners and functions followed. Trevor and I at first enjoyed this special attention, the excellent food and aged whiskey. Soon though we became apprehensive of our sudden popularity, we noticed that many of the people we were introduced to were connected to National Security Organizations, be it police, be it military. Also our main host at these functions had become Colonel Steel, our contact with the Mayor had become a “Hello, how are you doing?” connection.

  We went out of our way to find out more about our new friend, Colonel Steel. We were in for a shock, even though he did hold the rank of Colonel in the police, he was actually a very high-up operative within BOSS, the Bureau Of State Security. BOSS was infamous for spying on any person perceived to be an enemy of the state, that is to say the National Party, and arranging for assassinations when they deemed it necessary. Trevor and I realized we were in a spot of bother. It became clear that Colonel Steel and his connections were fishing to see if we were possible candidates to join their organization, as spies or informers. This was due to our perceived positions in, and our connections with the greater Hillbrow community.

  During some serious discussions Trevor and I decided that we did not want anything to do with these people, it could be downright dangerous to our health and lives. Unless they were prepared to donate an Aston Martin with ejector seat, machine guns and rockets to us each, we wanted out. We started turning down invitations on the excuse that we had prior arrangements or family commitments.

  Colonel Steel must have decided that we were not fit for recruitment after our 4th or 5th refused invitation, as we did not hear from him again. We celebrated with finishing a bottle of cheap whiskey, one we could afford, and some meat pies from Trevor’s café. It was a close shave!

  While Trevor and I were busy avoiding becoming spies, some other developments were taking place as a result of our election victory. The PFP would not accept their loss and were doing a full private investigation into our conduct during the campaign. I am sure that if any election is investigated as thorough, a few pimples would be exposed. The PFP did find some in our campaign and laid charges of Electoral Fraud against us. This initiated a very long investigation by the South African Police. All of us, except our illegal immigrants who had suddenly disappeared, were hauled in a number of times for questioning. At first we were not over concerned as we were of the belief that we had not done anything that was seriously wrong.

  Soon we realized that we were getting no support from the National Party and its leaders, this had become a Witch hunt. The PFP was sore because of their loss, and the National Party was sore as their leadership didn’t want the responsibility of Hillbrow. After months of investigation a number of us were charged under the Electoral Act.

  First Leon was hauled to court, then Trevor, Vic, I and the others that had been sworn in as Commissioners of Oaths.

  Leon was charged with offenses similar to the ones we faced later, but he had done something else that we were not aware off. He had arranged for two of his close friends from his university days to be registered as voters in Hillbrow, under false addresses as they were not residents, so they could vote for him. After a lengthy trial Leon was found guilty and sentenced to two years imprisonment, with parole after 8 months, if he behaved while incarcerated.

  A by-election was held for Hillbrow shortly afterwards, to find a replacement Member of Parliament. This election was contested between two unknown candidates from the PFP and National Party. The citizens of Hillbrow had lost their appetite for politics and the voter turnout was minute. The PFP won by a landslide.

  The rest of us went on trial afterwards, appearing separately. Some did put up a defence, which turned out expensive and basically to no avail. My own case lasted about an hour, on my lawyer friend Stavros Palos’ advice I pleaded guilty to 30 charges, of which I was thus found guilty. All these charges were related to me signing the postal and special vote affidavits without the applicant being in my presence when signing, as is required by law. The prosecution agreed that during their investigation it was found that nobody was prejudiced by my signature, as all the documentation was valid otherwise, my sentence was not severe. I had to pay a fine of R10 per charge, in total R300. The unfortunate side of this is that I now have a criminal record.

  In the early 1990’s, when the National Party was negotiating with the ANC to end Apartheid, they offered all who had criminal records due to political activity amnesty on request, and their records would be cleared.

  I applied, but argued that if those who had to serve prison sentences could get released from prison without completing their sentences, then those of us who paid fines were entitled to getting some of the money paid as fines refunded.

  Obviously the then Minister of Justice, a Mr. "C", disagreed and I did not get a cent refunded, nor was my name cleared! I made a very fundamental error in my application, I asked a politician to part with money! We all know that when it comes to money and politicians, politicians believe that money can only flow in one direction, towards them! You can ask politicians for favours, and if there is money involved to fill their pockets, the favour will certainly be granted.

  And so an unimportant election that made world headlines came to an end. All that remained was for the “Learned People” at Universities and Institutions across the world to theorize about the results! More than twenty years later, and they are still theorizing, getting it wrong! They are looking for a Lion, but the biting was actually done by a Flea.

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  Pleasure and Pain of Women

  Pleasuring Through Life Merrily

  The President’s Daughter

  Work Performance

  My Pleasure, Ladies!

  Your Pleasure, Ladies!

  More Pleasure, Ladies!

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