Read The Holy Trinity Trilogy Page 35

  Determined and hungry, he began advancing on me. Backing away from him, I summoned spirit. It wouldn’t kill him, it was his power.

  But it would bind him, maybe long enough for me to get through to him.

  Thankfully, he stilled when he saw the spirit shadows writhing angrily around me. Cocking his head to one side, he blinked at me and confusion came through the bond.


  I nodded. Yes, I’m yours.

  He dropped to his haunches and his posture relaxed. Relieved, I blew out a breath and extinguished my spirit. I walked slowly to him and held out my arms, silently requesting to be picked up. He wrapped his enormous claws around my waist and lifted me onto his knee. I reached for the sides of his scale-covered face and ran my hands along the newly spiked edges of his jaw. His head bowed into my touch and his eyes closed.

  A sense of fondness came through the bond. Protectiveness and possessiveness. He still cared, he just didn’t love me. Love was no longer in his sphere of understanding. He was running on pure instinct; acting as if I were his mate and, therefore, his responsibility.

  Wary of his fangs, I pressed my lips to his. His mouth was much larger than mine, his tongue rougher and much longer. His fangs, his tusks, were sharp as blades and hard to maneuver around.

  Surprisingly, he let me take control of the kiss. For a moment I let myself pretend this creature I shared a soul with was still my Gerik.

  When I pulled away from him, he nuzzled my face with his moist snout and licked the tears off my cheeks. Before my heart shattered completely, I went back to kissing him, back to feeling the fondness he felt for me, hanging on to that last emotion, knowing soon he was going to feel nothing at all.


  It wasn’t long before he’d stopped speaking altogether, and his thoughts turned freakishly basic, circling mostly around hunting. Unlike before, he now brought his kills home, sometimes dead, sometimes half alive, never cooked.

  Like today.

  Gerik burst through the door and swung a deer carcass, half-eaten and drenched in blood, on the floor of our living room. He crouched over it, tearing at the muscle, eating it raw. He watched me over his food; his thoughts filled with the pleasure killing brought him.

  I moved into the kitchen, fighting back my nausea. His eyes tracked my movements. He was always watching me, dissatisfied when I wasn’t close by.

  A deep, rumbling growl erupted from his throat and echoed throughout the cabin. The bond throbbed irritably.

  I stopped moving and sunk to the floor. The bond pulsed with satisfaction and he went back to his meal.

  I could do nothing but wait for him to finish and hope he would allow me to clean up the mess he’d made. When he’d sucked the marrow from the last bone, he stood and came for me.

  Scooping me up, he slung me over his shoulder and carried me into the bedroom. Without releasing me, he lay down and curled his big body around mine, trapping me within his arms and wings. There would be no escaping him. Where I was concerned, he might as well have been a steel cage.

  I had no choice but to sleep.

  And when I woke, he was gone.


  Xan watched Mags, Gunnar and Ritsa encircle Fifi, trapping her in a giant family hug. Loiza was gripping Adriana in a painful-looking squeeze and Kizzy was spitting on her thumb and cleaning dirt off Simionce’s face while Tobar and Maisera stocked Nadya’s backpack full of herbs and magic books. Onyx and Pesha stood alone by the single cargo van they were taking. No one else had come to say good-bye. If he’d needed anymore proof that his once close-knit clan had fallen apart, he certainly had it today.

  “Frate,” Nico yelled, jogging over. “Wait up!”

  Reaching him, Nico slapped him across the back. “You know I’d go, right? If I didn’t have my own responsibilities now.”

  He glanced over at Becki, who stood a few feet away smiling at them. He smiled back, glad to see her happy.

  “Don’t ever leave her, frate,” he muttered. “Fată deserves some peace.”

  Nico stared at him, his expression serious. “You don’t gotta worry about that.”

  Forcing a grin, he crooked a finger at Becki. “Come here, surioară, and say good-bye to me.” He took her in his arms and squeezed the hell out of her.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” she whispered in his ear. “None of it. Not the botched raid, not Shandor’s death, or losing Trinity.”

  Releasing her, he rubbed his knuckles across her cheek. “You take care of that copil, fată.”

  She gave him a sad smile. “You’re coming back, right?”

  No. He wasn’t even sure he was going to survive a full week out there. Not when half his crew was overly emotional females. “Yeah, fată, I’m coming back.”

  Before he could turn away, Nico grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. “You’re a bad fuckin’ liar, Deleanu,” he whispered.

  He swallowed hard and hugged him back.

  “Te iubesc, frate,” Nico whispered.

  “Te ibuesc, frate. Now get the fuck off me before your wife thinks you’re sportin’ a hard-on for me.”

  After their good-byes were said and false promises made, the seven of them piled silently into the van and drove out of camp, through the wards, and away from the only home they’d ever known.

  No one said a word.

  Not one of them glanced back.

  It wasn’t home anymore.


  I found Gerik sitting by the lake, looking to the sky.

  The bulk of him, his wingspan, had grown to the size of a small airplane. He was covered in the same black, overlapping, diamond-shaped scales, from his head, to his serpentine neck, and down to his four thick legs.

  His horns coiled down in spirals around his elongated face, the sharp tips jutted out by his bulging cheek bones. His jaw had curved, ending in an upturned point, still lined in spikes, only bigger, much like the ones that covered the entire length of his tail. His long snout flared repeatedly, releasing thick acrid smoke into the air.

  I searched the bond and found…oh, gods…

  He wants to fly. He wants to feel the wind slide over his body, he wants to see the clouds beneath him and feel the heat of the sun on his back. He knows he is a king in this world and he wants to find his throne – the highest peak – to oversee his kingdom. To rule his kingdom.

  His wings flapped.

  I screamed.


  He leapt into the sky and hovered above camp.

  I was no longer breathing. I’d forgotten how.

  Suddenly, he turned and shot off into the sky until he was only a speck in the sky that quickly faded to nothing.

  I ran screaming into our cabin, the home we’d made together, and kicked over everything in sight, oblivious to the pain that radiated up my legs with each swing. I swiped the dishes off the counter; I yanked books off the shelves and kicked them until their spines broke and their pages were shredded. I smashed candles and crushed the wax beneath my feet. I punched the walls, windows, and cupboards. I repeatedly slapped myself across the face and tried to rip out my hair.

  And I screamed.

  And screamed.

  And screamed.

  I screamed until my voice gave out.

  And then I sobbed until my body ran dry.

  And then my soul began to scream.


  Xan stared at the remains of the hospital.

  The scent of magic in the air was long gone, as was the emergency room entrance sign. He pondered for a moment why someone would have taken an emergency room entrance sign. Decoration?

  “Trinity did this?” Fifi asked. “Are you sure it wasn’t Godzilla?”

  Rolling his eyes, he lit up a cigarette.

  Pesha look downright amazed. “Shit, that’s a lot of power.”

  No kidding.

  Fifi gnawed on her lower lip. “Do you think she’s…different now? Like, evil or som

  “Fuck if I know.” He wouldn’t care even if she were evil. He’d be evil with her. Together they’d travel the countryside destroying every hospital they came across. Maybe Trinity had the emergency room entrance sign, as a trophy of sorts. “Where is everyone?” he asked, just realizing it was only the three of them standing there.

  “Onyx is pouting,” Fifi said, pointing to where Onyx stood, leaning against a red car off in the distance…pouting.

  “What's her problem?”

  Pesha grinned. “Simionce and Adriana are busy getting sweaty in the back of the van.”

  He raised his brow. “And Onyx has a problem with that?”

  Fifi shrugged. “They’ve spent most nights on guard together. I think she might like him.”

  He snorted. Onyx was thirty-one years old, ten years older than Simionce. He clearly remembered her babysitting Simionce.

  Pesha’s grin grew. “Shit happens when you don’t have a lot of options.”


  “I’ll go get her,” he muttered, annoyed that he had to referee the adolescent drama occurring between two adults. “Where’s Nadya?”

  “Siphoning gas,” Fifi said.

  Thank fuck for Nadya. It had been hell getting out of Ohio. They’d run out of bullets trying and she’d been their saving grace. With her magic, she was the sole reason they were still breathing. Not that he’d ever thank her. Not when she wouldn’t shut up. Ever. He’d long since given up hope that she would become mute. God wasn’t listening.

  Things had begun to calm down in Pennsylvania. It had been the opposite when they’d last passed through. Maybe there were no more humans left in the Keystone State? Made sense that the Skin Eaters would follow the food. This left him feeling more than a little hollow. If Trinity wasn’t here, he had no idea where to look next. Not that he would stop looking. But having an entire country to scour made him feel a little bleak.

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, he trudged across the parking lot towards Onyx.

  Leaning up against the car beside her, he asked, “What’s up with you?”

  She shrugged.

  Rolling his eyes, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his smokes, and lit two.

  She took a drag and gave him a grateful smile. But it didn’t look like she’d be talking anytime soon. So he changed tactics.

  “Do you have a hard-on for Simionce, fată?”

  Her mouth fell open and she turned bright red. Well, that answered his question.

  “It wasn’t my fault,” she mumbled, looking at her holey sneakers. “We’ve been on guard almost every night together for weeks now, just shooting the shit. And about a week ago, he kissed me. I didn’t kiss him back. I mean, he’s so young.” She cleared her throat. “But he kept trying. Every night. And he’d been so sweet to me and understanding. So, last night when he tried again, I kissed him back.”

  This wasn’t good. He couldn’t have this bullshit among his crew. They couldn’t afford catfights and hurt feelings. Not when they were only seven against thousands of flesh-hungry asshats.

  “Tell me you didn’t fuck him, fată.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No…but we…did stuff. And now, six hours later, he’s hooking up with Adriana.”

  Did stuff? Did people actually do stuff and not fuck? He tried to think back to a time that he might of “done stuff” that didn’t lead to fucking.

  “Why are you looking at me like that, Deleanu?” she snapped.

  He shook his head, clearing it of his dirty thoughts. “Sorry. I was just trying to figure out what ‘did stuff’ meant.”

  She scowled at him. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t nearly as spectacular as me and you, slick.”

  Spectacular was not the word he would’ve used. Alarming, maybe. Distressing? Tragic? “Fată, I’m pretty sure most people don’t do what we did. If that kind of sex was a regular occurrence, folks would be walking around sportin’ some serious injuries.”

  She didn’t laugh.

  “Xan…I don’t want you to think that I’m into that sort of stuff. I mean, it was good. At least for me it was. I didn’t realize how angry I really was...with Gerik and Trinity...and the whole damn clan. Afterwards, when I went home, in pain and exhausted, I felt different. Better. As if I’d somehow made peace with myself. Looking both embarrassed and ashamed, she looked down. “God, how fucked up am I?”

  Cupping her chin, he tilted her head up. “Listen, Onyx,” he whispered. “I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re pretty fucked up, but I’m the last person who should be judging anyone’s sanity. As far as what happened between us, you don’t gotta justify it. That was just as much me as it was you.”

  Her chin began to quiver. “Thanks, Deleanu,” she whispered hoarsely. “If it wasn’t for you…” She trailed off, swallowing hard.

  “I know fată. Believe me, I know.” Releasing her, he pushed her in the direction of the van. “Go back to the van and sit up front with me. I’ll take care of Simionce.”

  After making sure Onyx was shut in the van and out of earshot, he found Simionce leaning against the back of the van, grinning.

  “You’re nasty,” Fifi was saying.

  Simionce shrugged. “I have needs.”

  Grabbing the little punk by his shirt collar, Xan pulled Simionce forward and then slammed him backwards into the van. “Don’t fuck with Onyx again,” he spat. “Do you have any idea what she’s been through in the past year? She’s barely keeping it together as it is, she doesn’t need some little horn ball messing with her fucking head! Do you want to end up dead, idiot? Cuz I’m gonna tell you right now fata won’t have a problem killing your ass. So stay the fuck out of her pants or you’re gonna find my boot in yours!”

  “Xan! You don’t under—”

  Again, he shoved him into the van, harder this time. “And I don’t want to understand! I don’t need this kind of shit fucking up my crew, sidetracking everyone’s minds and getting me killed because of it!”

  “You don’t get it! I like her, asshole! As in, I really, really like her!”

  He paused. “Then why’d you just nail Adriana?”

  Simionce shrugged. “Onyx and I…we did stuff…but she wouldn’t…you know. And I’ve been trying for a while to…you know…and I got…sorta…frustrated.”

  Christ. This was why people shouldn’t just “do stuff”.

  “So what you’re telling me, frate, is you had a bad case of blue balls and fucked the first piece of ass you found willing?”

  Looking embarrassed, Simionce turned away.

  “Fix it,” he growled. “Fix your fuckin’ mess before shit gets outta hand!”

  Simionce nodded. Satisfied, he shoved him once more and stalked away.

  Fifi jumped in his way. With her arms crossed and hip cocked, she smirked at him.


  “I just never thought I’d see the day.”

  He was sure he didn’t want to hear about whatever day she thought it was.

  “Baby, you’ve always been a good man with a real big heart,” she continued. “But it sure as hell took you long enough to show it.”

  Fuck-ing hell. That was it. He was done being nice.

  “Get in the van,” he growled.

  Giggling like an imbecile, she skipped – fucking skipped – away and jumped in the back of the van. He turned and headed back for the driver’s side door and…grinned.

  She was healing.


  I wasn’t eating. I was barely sleeping. I’d lost all sense of time.

  I took another swig of my pillaged Bacardi and cursed. No matter how drunk I was, the ache in my chest remained. A constant reminder, that without Gerik, I was only half a person.

  I squeezed my eyes closed and several tears slipped down my cheeks.

  “Dance for me, Trinity,” Gerik whispered.

  I sat up in his lap and looked at him. “Huh?”

  He stared down at me. “The way yo
u used to dance for Xan.”

  I jerked in surprise. “How did you know I danced for Xan?”

  “Through your memories.”

  Oh. Damn.

  “Please,” he rasped.

  Embarrassed, I stood up slowly. Unless we’d been at a fire dance, Xan had never asked me to dance for him; it would just happen. I’d be cleaning the trailer, humming and dancing, when Xan would come home. And like everything else that involves Xan, it turned sexual.

  But this was about Gerik.

  I started to move slowly, just a soft sway of my hips with my arms raised above my head. And I twirled and twirled, smiling for him.

  I was in mid turn when Gerik snatched me and pulled me in between his giant thighs.

  I began to move again, every sway of my hips nudging his legs further apart. I grabbed his clawed hands and placed them on my stomach while I lifted my shirt up and over my head. His eyes went black and I giggled.

  I spun around to face him, my bare breasts scant inches from his face. He inhaled sharply and I laughed outright, apprehension forgotten. Bringing my hands to my face, I seductively caressed my cheeks, ran my fingers through my hair, keeping my lowered gaze fixed on Gerik. I ran my palm over my chin and down my neck, then threw my head back and cupped my own breasts. I dropped my own touch to my stomach, lingering on my hipbones. I stared into his eyes as my fingers tiptoed even lower.

  Gerik groaned. I could sense his need, thick and heavy, making me ache just as fiercely for him.

  “Shh,” I whispered, putting a finger to my lips. “I’m not done.”

  With one hand on his shoulder, I unbuttoned my jeans and let them slide off me. I kicked them aside and resumed dancing, this time with my back to him. As I moved, he traced the long, thick scars slashed across my back. I shuddered as the heat of his touch rippled through me, turning my knees to jelly.

  In one swift move, he had pinned me up against the wall.

  “Now,” he groaned, nudging my thighs apart. His rippled stomach slid across my back as he drew himself against me. One of his hands palmed the wall, the other held my hip, and he entered me, slowly and deliberately.

  “I love you, Trinity. I always have and I always will. Never, ever forget that.”