Read The Honour of Savelli: A Romance Page 15



  I should mention that before retiring I had obtained from the landlorda good-sized lanthorn, which I had carefully filled with oil, andtrimmed under my own eyes. Holding this in my hand I ascended theladder leading to the chamber, or rather loft I was to occupy, and ongaining my point I placed it on the floor, near the opening by whichthe ladder led into the room, and so directed the light that its glarepassed downwards, and up to the entrance of the stables, leaving thesides of the stables in darkness, although my own room was brightenough. This was a precautionary measure, as it would discover any oneattempting to come in by the stable entrance, which had no door, andwould enable me at any time to see to rush down quickly to the aid ofJacopo, should he need it. I debated a short while as to whether Ishould undress for the night; but so little did I like the looks ofthe place, which was more like a house of call for bravos thananything I had seen, that I did nothing beyond removing my boots, andflinging myself as I was on the vile truckle-bed in the room, I placedmy drawn sword by my side, and sought to sleep, struggling resolutelyto get this, despite the legions of inhabitants the bed contained, whowith one accord sallied forth to feast upon me. But sleep I wasdetermined to have, as I had work for to-morrow, and knowing Jacopo toown sharp eyes and quick ears felt no scruple about getting my rest,determining however, to make it up the next day to my knave for hisvigil, which I was sure would be faithfully kept. Finally, despite theattacks of my enemies, I dropped off into a light slumber, whichlasted for two or three hours, when I was startled by hearing a shrillwhistle, the clash of swords, the kicking and plunging of the horses,and Jacopo's voice shouting out my name. I woke up at once, with allmy wits about me, and on the instant ran down the ladder, sword inhand, parrying more by accident than design, a cut that was made at meby some one as I descended.

  As I touched ground, two men darted out of the door, and ran acrossthe half-ruined yard in front of the stables. A third, whom Irecognised as Jacopo, was about to follow, but I held him back by theshoulder, having no mind to run risks around dark corners whilst I hadmy letter to deliver. Jacopo yielded to me very unwillingly, and inanswer to my hurried inquiry, gave me an account of the affair whichhad been as brief as it was noisy.

  "When your worship retired," said he, "leaving the lanthorn to so toconveniently light up the stable entrance, I had another look at thehorses, and then settled myself down on that heap of straw yonder, myback to the wall, and my sword in my right hand. So an hour, or may betwo, passed, and then I heard voices outside, and some one swearing atthe light. Oh ho! says I to myself, there's a night-hawk about, and Iremained on the alert, not thinking it worth while to give tonguethen. After a while the voices dropped away--and, excellency, I amsorry, but I must have slipped off into a doze, and beshrew me! if Idid not dream I was aboard that cursed ship again, and being made toplay pea-in-the-drum once more. I therefore made haste to awaken, andas I opened my eyes heard a crackling noise outside. I rose slowly andcrept towards the entrance, and just as I reached within three feet ofit a handful of pebbles was thrown in, and one of the horses started abit. The stones were clearly flung from outside to see if any one wasawake; but of course I made no sign, and the next minute two menappeared at the open entrance. I gave a whistle to rouse your honour,and went at them at once--and your excellency knows the rest. I thinkhowever I touched one--see there!"

  He held the point of his blade to the light, and placed the end of hisfinger on a stain on the sword.

  "Three inches at least," he exclaimed, and with a satisfied air,stooped down to clean his finger on the straw at his feet. I thankedthe good fellow for his zeal and the fidelity he had shown.

  "As for that, excellency," he said, "there is no need to praise me,for I expect to be made a cavaliere when your worship wins back thelordships of the Savelli!"

  "You are brave enough for a cavaliere," I laughed, "the point howeverfor you at present is sleep. Go up to my room and get what you can. Ihave done for to-night, and will watch the horses. It was after themthat our visitors came."

  But to this he would not consent on any account, nor was I so anxiousto go back to that bed, so bringing down the light from above, wepassed the rest of the night close to the horses. In the intervals ofdozing Jacopo related to me, twice over, in the minutest detail, thestory of the hanging of the two old men and six old women which he hadseen at Tor di Nona, and finally sank off into sleep. I did not makeany attempt to arouse him, and kept on the watch myself until thelanthorn burned with a sickly glare, and the crowing of a cock told usthe morning was begun. In a few minutes it was light enough to see,and Jacopo rising, shook himself like a dog, and stepping up to thelanthorn extinguished it; after which, with much whistling, he sethimself to water the animals, give them their morning feed, and groomthem.

  Leaving him thus engaged, I strolled out into the courtyard, wherethere was already a figure or two moving, and stepping through a gapin the ruined wall, climbed up a portion of the slope of Monte Pincio,following a narrow lane, on each side of which was a half-desertedgarden, and bending my steps to where, from amidst a clump of trees, Icould hear the song of a _caponera d'edera_ or blackcap, who was infull tune. Attracted by the music of the bird, I went on until I heardthe plashing of water, and found myself at the basin of a desertedfountain, which was hemmed in with vines and creepers, and from whicha thin stream of water was pouring, and bubbling down the hillside inthe direction of S. Trinita di Monte. The basin was made of greystone, cracked with age in many places, and from these fissuressprouted masses of white serpyllum, the flowers in full bloom. In thecentre of the basin was a much damaged figure of Ceres, and from herhorn a stream of water fell with a melodious splashing, which, mingledwith the song of the bird, had a pleasing effect upon my ear. I tookadvantage of the solitude of the spot to enjoy the luxury of a bath,and when I had dressed again, climbed a few feet higher, and facinground ran my eye idly over the view. Through the grey mist rising overthe houses and vineyards, the Tiber lay, like a yellow snake at rest;one could see no motion of the waters. Near the Ripetta, long spiralsof dark smoke curling up to the sky marked the quarters of thecharcoal-burners, and the sunrise, which was behind me, cast a gloryon the colossal statue of the archangel Michael, where it stood on thegloomy keep of St. Angelo, like a triumphant god alighting upon earth.A dark rolling mist, bright at the top with the sunlight, blue-greybeneath, covered the city below me; but I could make out the octagonaldome of the hospital of San Spirito, the vast walls of the Vatican,then in course of construction, and the dark stretch of cork treesthat filled the Valle dell' Inferno, beyond the Vatican hill. MonteMario was all alight, and I could distinctly make out the VillaMellini on its summit. There were landmarks that even a stranger, suchas myself, who had the barest knowledge of the place, could not miss;and as I watched the heaving mist below me, I saw a sudden flash fromthe bastion of St. Angelo, and a moment after the boom of the morninggun reached my ears. I did not wait to observe more of the scene, butretraced my steps to the albergo, where I found that Jacopo hadordered a little table to be put out into the portico, and on this mybreakfast was set. As I attacked this, Jacopo asked the order of theday, and I informed him that when he had breakfasted we should settlewith the host and seek other lodgings, after I had attended to thebusiness I had with Monsignore d'Amboise.

  My henchman was also anxious to know if I meant to take any steps withregard to the attempt at robbery last night. I was well enoughinclined, but determined to let the matter rest until my business wasdone, and for the present said I would remain content with thesatisfaction that we had saved our steeds and throats. By the time Ifinished breakfast, Jacopo, who had already taken a meal, had saddledthe horses, and was holding them ready for our departure. I summonedmine host, but at first could obtain no view of him. Finally on mythreat to depart without settling my score, he appeared with his armbound up in a sling. As he was unwounded the evening before, I
made nodoubt but that he was one of the two who had visited us last night,but said nothing, merely remarking, as I paid my account, that thelove of horseflesh frequently brought people into trouble. He did notseem to appreciate the remark, and scowled at me, at which I bade himbegone, and to thank his stars that his house was not pulled about hisears. He did not attempt any reply, but slunk off, and inwardlyresolving to clear out this nest of scorpions from Rome at the firstchance, I rode out of the gate, followed by Jacopo, and we directedour way towards the Ponte S. Angelo. I had not the least idea wherehis eminence of Rouen was staying; but made certain it would besomewhere in the Borgo, and that once I had reached the papal quarter,I should find no difficulty in my search for D'Amboise, and indelivering to him Machiavelli's letter.

  As I went on, I began to feel nervous in spite of myself, as to whatthe results of my interview with the cardinal would be, and whether itwould end in the further employment, which the Secretary haddistinctly said it would. I had no reason to doubt, however, and itwas with a hopeful mind that I trotted up the Lungo Tavere, and wasbrought to a halt by a gruesome spectacle at Tor di Nona. There was acrowd assembled, watching an execution, and Jacopo, sidling up to me,remarked as he pointed to a body swinging in the air--

  "What room there would be for Messer Braccio Fortebraccio here,signore--see that pear, of the kind he loves, growing there? _Barta!_But there is another one----" and, even as he spoke, another wretchwas hoisted into the air, and then another and another. I did not stopto look; but Jacopo stayed behind, overtaking me at a gallop as Ireached the Piazza di S. Angelo.

  "It is the doctor of St. John's on the Lateran, and three of hisbravos, signore. It is said he was accustomed to spend his evenings incutting purses and throats; but, as ill luck would have it, meddledwith one of Giulia Bella's friends, and no money could buy anindulgence for that."

  "If true he is well served, and there are others of his kidney whom wecould spare with equal pleasure."

  "Mine host of our inn, excellency, for instance. But the gibbet at Tordi Nona does not always bear fruit like this. I mind early one----"

  At this moment, however, I set spurs to my horse and lost the rest,being afraid that Jacopo intended to retail to me the story of the oldmen and women who had been hanged as a morning's diversion by CesareBorgia, and as he had twice delivered himself of this to me as we satup last night, I was in no mood to hear it again for the third time.Near the statues of Peter and Paul, on the bridge, was a guard-house,occupied at the time by a detachment of Spanish infantry, and to thesemen I addressed myself, inquiring where the cardinal of Rouen wasstaying. I was told, at once, that his eminence was lodging in the newpalace of Cardinal Corneto, opposite the Scorsa Cavalli, and that mybest way was to turn to the left on crossing the bridge, and then tothe right at the junction of the Borgo San Spirito and the Borgo SanMichele.

  Bestowing my thanks and a largesse on the men for their kindness, Iwent on at a gallop, congratulating myself on the ease with which thedifficulty was solved, and in a few minutes had crossed the PiazzaScorsa Cavalli, and was before the residence of the cardinal. At thetime I speak of, it was not quite finished, but still habitable, andhad been rented by Monsignore d'Amboise, as being conveniently nearthe Vatican.

  On entering the courtyard, I dismounted, and giving my horse to Jacopoto hold, ascended the steps, and boldly announced myself as an urgentmessenger who had business with his eminence. I was ushered by a pageinto a reception room, and early as the hour was, there were aconsiderable number of people already in attendance, awaiting themorning levee. Here I was left to cool my heels for a little time, thespruce page informing me that the cardinal was engaged at breakfast,but that he would tell him of my coming, and asked my name. Ihesitated for a moment, but decided to keep the name of Donati which Ihad assumed, and gave that, adding that I was the bearer of an urgentdespatch to the cardinal, which I must deliver with my own hands. Theyoung man then left me, as I have said, and taking a good positionnear the entrance door to the adjoining room, I leaned back againstthe wall, and awaited my summons. The reception room was of nobleproportions, oblong in shape, the ceiling being supported by twopillars of veined marble, which, although they diminished the size ofthe chamber, had a good effect. The marble flooring, arranged in apatchwork of black and white, was bare of all furniture, and as theroom gradually filled, the constant moving of feet, the sound of whichrang sharply on the stone, made it appear as if a lot of masons'hammers were at work. I let my eyes wander over the groups as theystood or moved about, wondering, if by chance I should see anyone Iknew; but they were all strangers to me, mostly Frenchmen, with a fairsprinkling of priests amongst them. They were one and all trying tojostle past each other, so as to gain as close a position as possibleto the entrance door, near to which I stood; and as I watched thiswith some little amusement, I heard a whisper in my ear, and glancinground beheld a man standing near me in a doctor's robe, holding aheavily bound missal in his hand. I saw in a moment it was Corte, andhe whispered in a low voice:

  "Well met again, signore, remember your promise."

  "I do, and the promise I made to the juggler will not be forgotten tothe doctor. Is it wise, however, if you wish to remain unknown, for usto be seen speaking here?"

  "Not very, but I wanted a word with you. Do not look round at present,but near the pillar to your right are two men, one dressed half incloth of gold, and they are more interested in you than you think. Ioverheard a snatch of conversation--they are moving this way. By yourleave, signore," raising his voice, he attempted to push by me, andcatching the hint his last words had thrown out, I answered loudly,"First come, first served, learned doctor, and you must bide yourturn."

  "I am a man of peace, and therefore yield." Corte moved off, and I wasfree to look around me. I saw that Corte's little piece of acting, towhich I had risen, was due to the fact that the man in the cloth ofgold and his companion were edging nearer to us, and at the time werebarely six feet off. Besting my hand lightly on the hilt of my sword Ilooked the two full in the face, but could make nothing of them. Theone who wore a jerkin of gold cloth met my look for an instant, andthen dropped his eyes, a faint flush rising to his cheek. I saw thathe was a young man of a singularly handsome countenance. A shortneatly curled moustache fell over his upper lip and mouth, but therewas no sign of a beard on the small and rounded chin, which wascleanly shaven. On his right cheek he wore a black patch, placed as ifto hide the scar of a wound, although his complexion was as delicateas if the sun had never touched it. In his ears he wore earrings, anaffectation of female adornment hateful to me, and the fingers of hissmall right hand, which he held ungloved, were covered with rings. Thehilt of his rapier too, peeping from under the folds of his gay cloak,was crested with jewels, and altogether it seemed as if I could havenothing to fear from this painted lily, who looked more fitted tothrum a lute in a lady's bower than have aught to do with the stir ofthe times. I therefore loosed my glance from him with some contempt,and turned to his companion, who was robed as an abbe, and evidentlyin a sour middle age. His features were bolder than those of hiscompanion, but distinctly those of the canaille, and there was nothingin them in any way remarkable.

  Nevertheless I thought it well to be on the watch, knowing that adagger thrust is easily sent home, and there was the certainty, too,that the fact of my coming to Rome with a letter was known to theMedici plotters in Florence, and evidently it was their object tofrustrate its delivery. What puzzled me, however, was that the lookthe young man directed to me was not unfriendly, and it struck me thatif I could only hear his voice it might give me some clue to arecognition. The two had come a little between me and the door, and Iwas just about to contest the place with a view of forcing their handsif possible, when the door was flung open and the same page who hadtaken my name appeared and called out--

  "Signor Donati, his eminence awaits you."

  As the door opened there was a general movement towards it. But thecry of the page in a moment arrested the crowd, tur
ning the look ofanticipation on the faces of all to one of disappointment, and a loudmurmuring arose against my being so favored. I lost not a second instepping forward, and in doing so purposely brushed against the youngman near to me, turning round as I did so with a somewhat brusque "Byyour leave, sir." I fully expected that he would resent my rudenessand make some speech, but he merely bowed his head with a courteousinclination, showing a set of small and even teeth as he smiled underhis blonde moustache. I was a little put out by the failure of myplan, but the next instant the door closed behind me, and at any ratethe letter to the cardinal was safe, and my task was as good asaccomplished.

  I followed the page therefore with an equal mind, and lifting acurtain, which fell in heavy folds at the end of the passage, where acouple of gorgeous lackeys stood, he called out "Messer Donati," andthen stepped aside to let me pass. I entered the room with a firmstep, and saw before me a large, but plainly-furnished apartment. In alounge chair near a small table, on which was set out a light repast,was a man whom I at once guessed to be the cardinal. He wore a purplerobe, and the barettina or small skull cap, which covered the tonsureon his head, allowed his short grey hair, which curled naturally, tobe seen around it. Under the cap I saw a square resolute face withkeen black eyes, and a full but kindly mouth. He was just putting downa glass of vernaccia as I came in, and I caught the purple glitter ofthe sapphire ring he wore in token of his rank, as he set down theglass. He was not alone, for, leaning against the window and caressingthe head of an enormous wolf-hound, was a splendidly-dressed cavalier,who looked up as I came in, and I saw at once it was Bayard. I kept myeyes away from him, however, and advancing straight towards thecardinal, placed the letter before him without a word.

  D'Amboise looked at the seals carefully, and then taking a smalljade-hilted knife from the table, ripped open the envelope, and ranhis eye quickly over the letter. As he did so not a muscle of his facemoved to show how the contents stirred him, and when he had finishedhe held it out at arm's length, saying--

  "My dear Bayard, what do you think of this?"

  Bayard made a step forward to take the letter, and in doing this oureyes met, and he frankly held out his hand. I could hardly believe itwhen I saw it extended towards me. My breath came thick and fast, andthe whole room swam around. The man was the soul of honour, thenoblest knight in Christendom; he had seen my trial, nay, he had beenone of my judges, and he offered me his hand! He must hold meguiltless, I felt. "My lord!" I rather gasped than spoke as I took hisgrasp, but seeing my emotion, he put in--

  "Sit down, cavaliere. His eminence will forgive me for disposing of aseat in his house--we are more than old friends." He placed his handon my shoulder and forced me to a seat, whilst D'Amboise, stillholding the letter in his hand, looked at us with a puzzled air.

  "St. Dennis!" he exclaimed. "What does this mean, Bayard?"

  "It means, your eminence, that this is a gallant gentleman who hasbeen most basely used; but pardon me--the letter."

  He took the letter from the cardinal's hands and read it quickly,whilst I sat still, with emotions in my heart I cannot describe, andD'Amboise glanced from one to another with a half-amused, half-curiouslook on his keen face. Bayard finished his perusal in a few seconds,and laying the letter on the table said, "Nothing could be better. Weshould be prepared for action, although there is yet plenty of time. Iwonder how in the world the Florentine got wind of this?"

  "Oh, he has long ears. We shall, however, want a good sword, and ifall that the secretary writes is true, we have got it in your friendthe Cavaliere Donati. In fact Machiavelli suggests him for the task."

  "My name, your eminence, is not Donati," I here put in, "but Savelli.When misfortune overtook me, I changed my name; but I see no reasonfor hiding the truth from you."

  "Quite right," said D'Amboise, "but Savelli! Is this the Savelli ofthe Arezzo affair, Bayard?"

  Bayard nodded assent, and the cardinal continued, turning to me."Then, sir, I have heard your story, and you have more friends thanyou think. But of this, later on. Were you not at Fornovo?"

  "Yes," I replied, wondering what the cardinal's speech meant.

  "_Ciel!_ I made out your patent of St. Lazare myself. What could havemade Tremouille act as he did I do not know, and he is as obstinate asa mule. Bayard, I know all about this gentleman, and your testimony tohis worth convinces me that what I have heard is correct. I couldnever believe the story myself."

  "My lords, you may doubt; but the world----"

  "Will yet come round to you, cavaliere," said Bayard, and added, "Youreminence could not have a better sword for your purpose than that ofM. di Savelli here, provided he will accept the task."

  "I will accept anything from you, my lords," I said.

  "Good," said D'Amboise, "now let me tell you how you stand. Actingdoubtless in the advice of friends, Madame d'Entrangues wrote to me afull account of the affair, which ended so badly for you, andexplained fully her husband's treachery. This she begged me to forwardto Tremouille with a view of getting your sentence altered. As youhave just been made aware, I have some knowledge of you, and it was athousand pities to see a sword, which had served France well, turnedaway. I laid the matter before the duke, but he replied to say hecould take no action. The duchess, who is my cousin, has also used herinfluence but to no purpose, for Tremouille stirs his porridge withhis own hand, and does not care if it burn or not, as long as he stirsit himself. We could get the king's pardon for you, and as a lastresource that might be done, for I like as little to be thwarted asHis Grace of Tremouille; but that will raise you up a strong enemy inthe duke, and it will not kill the story--you see."

  "I do, your eminence. How can I thank you?"

  "I do not want your thanks, cavaliere; but France wants your sword.Your only way is to do a signal service for France, and after this thematter is easy. Tremouille is generous, and it would want but a littlepressure to make him rescind his sentence apparently of his ownaccord, provided you could do what I have said. Strange how fateworks!"

  I remained silent, and D'Amboise went on: "Such a service it ispossible for you to do, and I will put it in your way. I cannot atpresent give you details as they have to be discussed with thesecretary, who will shortly be in Rome. This much, however, I can tellyou; get together a few good men, you doubtless can lay your hands onthem, and be ready. You will no doubt want funds, but they will bearranged for. In the meantime you may consider yourself as attached tomy suite--a moment," he continued as I was about to pour out mythanks, "you had better for the present call yourself Donati. I knowsomething of the history of Roman families, and your name would notsmell well to the Chigi and Colonna, and remember the Tiber is verydeep."

  He touched a small handbell as he concluded, and the page appeared."Defaure," he said, "send the Abbe Le Clere and my gentlemen to me;after that you will please inform the steward that apartments are tobe prepared at once for M. Donati, who is here." The page bowed andvanished, and as I rose to await the coming of the suite, the cardinalwent on with a smile, "Messieurs in the ante-room are doubtlessgetting impatient; we must make haste to receive them." As he saidthese words a grey-haired priest entered, bearing on a cushion thescarlet hat of a prince of the church, and following him, half-a-dozengentlemen, and grooms of the chamber. The cardinal rose, and leaningon the arm of Bayard, walked slowly towards the door. Le Clerc borethe hat immediately before him, and the rest of us formed a queuebehind. As we came to the door it was flung open by two lackeys in ablue and silver livery, who shouted out--

  "My Lord Cardinal--way--way."

  We passed into the room where the people were arranged in two rows,and D'Amboise walked down the line, bowing to one, exchanging a wordor two with another, until he came opposite Corte. The doctor droppedto his knee, and presenting his book, solicited the cardinal'sinfluence to obtain for him an audience with the Pope, to whom hedesired to dedicate his work.

  "_Perte!_" said the cardinal. "Why not go to his eminence ofStrigonia--books are more in his li
ne than--well, we shall see--weshall see."

  He passed on, and the next group that caught his eye was that of theyoung stranger in the cloth of gold and his companion.

  As the cardinal approached, the young man drew a letter from his vest,and presented it with a low bow.

  D'Amboise tore it open and glanced over the contents. "_Diable!_" heexclaimed, "from Madame de la Tremouille herself. See here, Bayard,the Duchess writes, introducing her friend the Chevalier St.Armande--I know not the house."

  "We are of Picardy, your eminence."

  The voice was singularly sweet and soft, and a strange and undefinableresemblance in its tones to some other voice I had heard struck me,but I could not fix upon anything.

  "The Duchess says you are anxious to serve; would it not have beeneasier to send you to the Duke?"

  St. Armande looked round with a heightened colour, and then replied,speaking in the same low, soft tones:

  "If your eminence will kindly read the letter, you will perceive thatmy desire was to see something of the court of Rome before joining theduke."

  D'Amboise glanced at the letter again, and an odd smile passed overhis face.

  "I see," he added, "the postscript--My dear Chevalier, Madame de laTremouille's requests are commands to me. If you will do me the honourof joining my suite, I shall be delighted. Permit me to introduce youto the Cavaliere Donati, who is also a new friend."

  I bowed and extended my hand, and St. Armande placed his within mine.It was small and delicate as a woman's, and as I clasped it for amoment, it felt as chill and cold as death.