Read The Honour of Savelli: A Romance Page 3



  I started at the man's words, and my rage and despair may be imagined,when I saw that he proposed to bind me, a noble, like any thief! Fromthis I hoped to escape by bringing on death, and, on a sudden, hit theguard next to me on the face, with all my force. Down he went like anox, and I made a rush to the tent door, little doubting that I shouldbe cut down, and put out of my misery. But they were too quick. I wasone, and they were many. In a hand turn I was tripped up, my wristssecurely fastened behind my back, and any further resistance on mypart impossible. The man whom I felled, scrambled up, and attempted tobrain me with the butt of his pike as I went down; but Braccio struckhim senseless with the hilt of his sword, and this time he lay in ahuddled heap, quiet enough.

  I besought Braccio to give me my parole, swearing on the faith of agentleman, on the honour of a Savelli, that I would not attemptescape, and would go with him quietly, if I were but free from theignominy of the cords that bound me.

  "Shut the cage door, keep your bird," he laughed brutally, "I have toanswer for you to-morrow, and I weigh the faith of a gentleman, andthe honour--God save the mark--of a Savelli, as _that_," he snappedhis fingers, "when it comes to a consideration of BraccioFortebraccio's head. So your knighthood must even go as you are, withmy love-knots on you. Here, two of you, take charge of this tent, andsee after Arnulf there--I never thought his skull so thin--march!"

  And in this manner was I led out, two men in front of me, two behind,one on either hand, all with their weapons ready, whilst the provosthimself brought up the rear, with his drawn sword in one hand and alighted torch in the other. Not that light was needed, for the moonhad risen, and was in its full. I believe, however, that Braccio heldthe torch, so that the additional light might the more clearly showwho his prisoner was, and I hung down my head as, with quick steps, wemarched to the military prison.

  "_Qui vive la_," the challenge rang out crisply, and on the instantthe provost replied, "France and Tremouille."

  "Pass on," and the sentry, one of Bucicault's arquebusiers, looked atus curiously as we went by. And now, to add to my shame, we met, faceto face, a group of late revellers returning to the camp.

  "_Diable!_" called out a gay voice, "our respectable provost is atwork I see. What have you got there, Braccio?"

  I shuddered, for I recognised Bellegarde, a young noble of the FrancheCompte, who had come to seek glory in the Italian war.

  "Close up, men--another of my strayed lambs brought back to the fold,Viscompte--pardon me--it is late, and I must hurry on."

  But Bellegarde was merry with wine. "Not till you have drunk ourhealth," he laughed, barring the way with his drawn rapier, as headded, "Lowenthal here has a skin of wine from the Rhineland, have apull at it, man, and let us see the prisoner."

  "_Blitzen!_ Der brisoner first, he will hang pefore der herr brovost,"and the half-drunk Lanzknecht thrust his wine-skin towards me.

  "Gentlemen--gentlemen! have you a care! See here, Viscompte," andBraccio whispered to Bellegarde.

  "My God!" said the latter; and then hastily, "Come on, Lowenthal! Letthem go."

  "Let der brisoner drink. Would you debrife a boor man of his liquor?"replied Lowenthal, and to hide my face, I seized the skin, and raisedit to my lips. Even Braccio held the torch away, and Von Lowenthalfailed to recognise me in the half-light. My throat was red-hot withthirst, and sick as I was with shame, I drank greedily, and handed thewine-skin back to the German.

  "_Blitzen!_" he said, giving it a shake, "you drink like an honestman. Now, herr brovost, a health to Germany, in honest German wine.What! No! Then drink to der halter, man, and Lowenthal will knightyou," swaying to and fro, he attempted to draw his sword.

  Matters were at a crisis, for Braccio was not to be trifled with anylonger. At this juncture, Bellegarde and the others with him againintervened, and dragged Von Lowenthal away. The provost instantlypressed forwards with a hurried good-night. We did not go so fast,however, as not to perceive, from the noises behind us, that theLanzknecht had subsided to earth, and was apparently abandoned there,with his wine-skin, by his companions. The sound of his voice, engagedin a drunken monologue, reached us.

  "Der rascal Braccio, der knight of der noose und halter. I will gifhim der accolade. I----" But we lost the rest as we hurried on, theguards smiling to themselves, and Braccio very ill-tempered.

  In a few paces we passed D'Alegres' headquarters, and through an openwindow, I saw half-a-dozen of my late companions playing at dice, andheard Hawkwood's bass calling the mains. A few steps more brought usto our point, a fortified wing of the Villa Accolti itself, andBraccio, thrusting me into a strong room, turned the key of the door,and with a gruff order, which I did not catch, walked away. Now,indeed, was I in a distressful state, and the agony of my mind sogreat, that I heeded not the pain of the cords, but paced up and downlike any caged animal. I fully recognised that I was the victim of adeeply laid plot on the part of D'Entrangues, and saw clearly that Iwas completely in his hands. It was a stroke of genius on his part,not to interfere in any way to save his creature, the wretched Tarbes.That hasty order of D'Alegres had removed the only danger of hisscheme being laid bare. I tried to think out some plan of action; butto no purpose, for my mind was altogether confused and bewildered, andI was incapable of thought. The room in which I was confined was bareof all furniture, not even a camp-stool. There was only one window,and that, iron-grated, was set high up, near the ceiling. Themoonlight straggled through the grating in long white ribbons, anddimly showed up the walls around me. Hour after hour passed away. Icould hear the occasional barking of dogs, the distant cries of thesentinels as they called to one another, and the sound of the guardbeing relieved at my door. Then the moon sank and the morning came.From sheer weariness I threw myself on the floor, and fell into atroubled sleep, from which I was aroused by the cords biting into myflesh. This, and the constrained position in which my arms were held,gave me torture. I attempted by shouting to attract the attention ofthe sentinel over me; but though I heard the clod tramping up anddown, I received no answer.

  At length, about the sixth hour, I made another effort to get some oneto hear me. I fortunately chose a moment when the guards were beingvisited. After a short discussion outside, an under-officer enteredthe cell. I begged him to free me from the cords, pointing out thatescape was impossible, swearing that I would not attempt it, and endedby offering him five crowns for the good office. He hesitated atfirst, but either pity for my condition, or the bait of the crownsmoved the man, for he freed me with a touch of his dagger, and foranother five crowns I obtained from him the promise of procuring forme a change of attire from my tent. I had, hidden in a belt, wornunder my shirt, thirty crowns, and this I reached with somedifficulty, owing to the stiffness of my arms, and paid him the money.I specially begged he would get for me a pair of Spanish leatherboots, that were lying in my quarters, for the sole of one of my_contigie_ had come off during the struggle of last night. The honestfellow promised to do his best, and shortly returned with the articlesI wanted, and in addition brought me some food and a cup of wine, forwhich he refused all payment, saying that I had treated him generouslyenough. To eat was out of the question, but the wine was grateful,and, after drinking it, I devoted myself to putting my attire inorder. And here I may mention an odd circumstance, to wit, that mygold cross of St. Lazare, which I wore pinned to my breast at thesupper, had by some chance remained intact, despite the struggle I hadgone through, and was still hanging in its place by a shred of theribbon. I carefully unfastened it, and placed it for security in mybelt. To me it seemed an omen of fortune, this lost little tag ofhonour which clung to me. I succeeded indifferently well in arrangingmy dress, and so passed a full hour. Heavens! when I recall thatnight, although more was to befall me, I do not think I ever enduredsuch misery; nor has the noiseless file of time ever been able toeradicate the memory of those hours.

  At about noon B
raccio entered the cell. He raged beyond measure atfinding me loosed of my bonds, and insisted at first on securing meagain. I shrewdly suspected, however, that Messer Braccio was a trifleafraid of the consequences of his violence the night before, and thathis furious language was in this case but bluster. I showed a boldfront therefore, and the under-officer putting in a word for me, theprovost gave in with apparent reluctance. He informed me that myaffair was to be dealt with by the duke in person, and that I shouldmake ready to go with him. I replied that I was prepared to go atonce, and without more ado was escorted to the main building of thevilla. I could see that a considerable crowd was collected, and fromthe litters and riding-horses that were being led to and fro,perceived that some ladies had heard the news, and were come togratify their curiosity at my expense, and see such trial as I was toundergo. I was led into the great hall, which was full of people, andin the gallery above the dais saw, amongst other ladies, the Duchessede la Tremouille, and by her side Madame d'Entrangues. The latter kepther eyes down, and fanned herself with a fan of peacock feathers,which, even at that moment, I was able to recognise as my gift. On thedais was a table with seats set about it, which were as yet empty. Atthe steps of the dais stood D'Entrangues, and beside him a small mancloaked in a sad-coloured mantle, with a keen, cleanly-shaven face,and watchful eyes. He held in his hand a small packet, and surveyed mewith no little interest. D'Entrangues did not meet my look, and hishang-dog face was turned towards the doorway immediately opposite tohim. In a moment or so that door was opened, and the duke entered,talking earnestly with a cavalier of a most gracious and distinguishedpresence. Tremouille himself was a small, slightly-built man, offeatures in no way remarkable; but redeemed in some part by the alertintelligence of his glance. In early life he had met with an accidentwhich left him lame ever after. Yet he was a good horseman and of aconstitution that nothing could tire. As for his companion, his facewas then strange to me; but in after times when I was admitted to hisintimacy and honoured with his friendship, I came to know him as greatbeyond all men; and this I do not say in gratitude for the debt I owehim; but simply to add my humble testimony to that of others, hiscompanions-in-arms, and equals in station, who with one consent allowhim to be the glory of his age, and of knighthood. Immediately behindTremouille came D'Alegres and Trevulzio, who had raised himself to hispresent high position, and was a most capable soldier. These four tooktheir seats at the table, and the numerous and brilliant staff ofofficers who accompanied them ranged themselves behind. From themanner in which the stranger took his seat, I gathered, and I was notmistaken, that he was there as one of my judges, and for the moment Iwondered who he was. That he was of the highest rank was clear fromhis aspect and bearing, and from the fact that he wore round hisneck the collar of the Holy Ghost. The proceedings of this publiccourt-martial began at once. It is needless to set them down in fulldetail. D'Entrangues stated his case, D'Alegres briefly set forth theaction taken by him, and Visconti and Hawkwood testified to havingfound their property in my possession, under the circumstances alreadyexplained. I will do them the justice to say that they did so withevident and genuine reluctance. Tremouille, who had doubtless heardall this before, listened patiently to the end, and then asked me whatI had to say. What could I say? I looked at the faces around me andsaw no sympathy. I looked up at the gallery where the ladies sat, andcaught a whisper:

  "I do not care--I know it is false; he is not guilty."

  The words gave me courage. The charge was false. As false as hell.Then I found tongue. I asked if it were possible that I, a noble,whose career had hitherto been blameless, could have suddenly becomeso vile as to sink to common theft? I pointed out my long years ofservice, and called D'Alegres and Trevulzio, under whose banners I hadserved, to witness if they had ever known me sully my honour.

  "It is known, M. di Savelli, that you are hard put for money," saidTremouille.

  I admitted the fact, and also admitted that at the time I stood thereI owed money lost at play; but that the sum did not amount to morethan fifty crowns, and there was twice that amount due to me from themilitary chest. I then went on to point out how unlikely it was that,even if I had stolen the jewels, I should have hoarded them up and notturned them into money, for which I allowed I was pressed, and woundup by saying I was the victim of a conspiracy, and that I was preparedto assert my honour, man to man, against D'Entrangues, or any otherwho would take up his cause.

  "What say you, my lord of Bayard?" and Tremouille turned to thestranger who sat beside him. Even whilst waiting for his answer, andon the cross with anxiety as I was, I could not help looking with thegreatest interest at the man. This then was the celebrated Pierre duTerrail, the noblest knight in Christendom. Vague rumours that he wasabout to join the army of Tremouille, with a high command, hadreached us. But we had merely looked upon them as rumours. And now hehad come, apparently suddenly, and without warning. I felt sure thathe brought war with him, but had no more time to think, for heanswered--"A fair offer--M. d'Entrangues can do no less than accept."

  But Trevulzio then cut in, pointing out, that practically the case wasproved. That to allow me the ordeal by combat would upset all thecourse of military discipline, under which he thought the mattershould be decided. Even if the ordeal of battle was allowed, and Iwon, it would not prove my innocence in the face of the damningevidence against me.

  "If there is any shadow of doubt, your excellency," and D'Entranguesadvanced to the table, "this will clear it up. Messer Vieri, kindlyhand that package to the duke."

  The man whom he addressed, who was no other than he whom I hadremarked, on entering the justice room as D'Entrangues' companion,stepped forward and placed the packet before Tremouille, who opened itamidst a dead silence.

  "Messer Vieri, how did you obtain this?" asked Tremouille.

  "The matter is simple, excellency," replied the banker, "but first mayI ask if madame the duchess recognises the trinket?"

  The circlet was handed to the duchess, who said in a low voice--

  "It is mine: it was stolen from me a month ago--on the seventh ofMarch."

  "On the eighth of March a packet was delivered to me at my house ofbusiness by one Tarbes, calling himself servant to the Cavaliere diSavelli. He did not know the contents of the parcel; but it was sentto me for safe keeping by his master, so he said. I gave him a receiptfor it. I myself did not know what the nature of the packet was untilto-day; but hearing the charges preferred against the cavaliere, Iopened the case and at once recognised madame's circlet, which I havethe pleasure to restore."

  "How did you come to hear these charges against the Cavaliere diSavelli?" asked Bayard.

  "I was informed of them by the knight, Messer d'Entrangues."

  "That is to say, M. d'Entrangues must have known that the jewels werepledged to you. Is this not odd?"

  It was a straw of hope that floated to me, and I could scarcelybreathe. D'Entrangues, however, replied boldly, "I was told of thematter by one Tarbes, a servant to M. di Savelli."

  "You forget to add," I burst out, "that he was a creature of yours,whom I employed on your recommendation."

  D'Entrangues made no reply, and Bayard said, "M. d'Entrangues appearsto have usurped the functions of the provost and played catchpole.Could we not see this Tarbes?"

  "Call Tarbes," said the duke.

  Braccio came forward and explained that he had been dealt withsummarily, under the orders of the lieutenant-general.

  "Mine!" said D'Alegres in astonishment.

  "Yes, excellency, he was the prisoner whom your excellency ordered meto hang last night."

  "A pity," remarked the duke, and Trevulzio, between whom and D'Alegresthere was little love, smiled.

  "I suppose you have nothing to say to this?" said Tremouille to me.

  "I was not in the camp on the seventh."

  "Where were you?"

  But this question I could not answer for I caught Madame d'Entrangues'eye imploring me to silence. I looked back at the duke, and as I did
so felt that Bayard had followed my glance, and that his eyes wereresting on madame's face. He glanced down almost as soon as I did andturned to me, and there was a grave encouragement in his look fromwhich I took heart. To me it was a great thing to show I was not at ornear the camp on the seventh; and yet if I did so I would ruin awoman's name. It had been a harmless frolic, I swear this, as I know Iwill come to judgment before a higher tribunal than that of man; andyet had I spoken there would have been but one construction. I hatedD'Entrangues, too, and this would have struck at a vital part. For asecond I hesitated, and looked up once more at madame. She was pale asdeath.

  I looked at Bayard, and his glance seemed to penetrate my thoughts.

  "I cannot say!"

  There was a sound of a gasping sigh, and a heavy fall. The peacock fanfluttered slowly down from the gallery to my feet, and lay there withits hundred eyes staring at me.

  "This ruins you," exclaimed D'Alegres.

  "Think again before you reply," said the duke: "I will give you time."

  "I thank your excellency; but I have no further answer."

  Tremouille shrugged his shoulders with a disappointed air, and droppedhis chin between his clasped hands, his elbows resting on the table, afavourite position of his. Whilst he was thus considering, Bayard waswhispering earnestly to Trevulzio, and the old soldier seemed toassent, and his hard face almost softened as he looked at me. Theythen turned their gaze on D'Entrangues, and Trevulzio, with a shake ofhis head, noted something briefly on a slip of paper and passed it onto D'Alegres. The lieutenant-general looked surprised; but after amoment nodded assent, and in his turn passed the paper on to the duke,saying "I agree." Tremouille read the paper slowly, and then theyconsulted together in low tones.

  And now, in a few brief words I heard my sentence, and it was carriedout at once. Braccio himself hacked off my spurs, my sword was broughtin and solemnly broken, and I was warned to leave the camp within anhour, on pain of being hanged as a thief. Such property as I had wasdeclared confiscate, and the men of my _condotta_ were to be enrolled,by force if necessary, under another banner. How I went through it allI do not know. I cannot say how I passed down that great hall with theeyes of all fixed on me, a dishonoured man, an outcast, and a leper.One thing, however, did happen. Whilst the sentence was being carriedout, Tremouille sat apparently absorbed in thought. When the provostbroke my sword he rose to leave the room, and as he passedD'Entrangues the duke stopped.

  "Monsieur," he said, "you have mistaken your vocation. His majestydoes not desire his officers to be thief-hunters. For such talents asyours you will doubtless find room elsewhere, and I have to tell youthat the king--my master--regrets he has no further need of yourservices."