Read The Honour of Savelli: A Romance Page 9



  I had looked upon death before; I had seen the plague strike down itsvictims in an hour; I had been in the hell of a sacked town, when men,women, and children, were given to the sword. On the breach at ArxSismundea, dead, dying and wounded, were piled breast high, when westormed our way, through the fog of battle, into Malatesta'sstronghold. Stricken down at San Miniato, I saw, in the dim night, thedeath hunters at their fearful trade, and heard the dull blows oftheir daggers, as they murdered some helpless wretch, sometimes forthe prize of a tag of gold lace, sometimes for the sheer pleasure ofslaughter. Lying unable to move, by good luck concealed in a hollow,amidst grass which stood a yard high, I saw a man killed not ten feetfrom me. He rose to his elbow as the fiends approached, and called forwater. But it was not water he got. How he struggled! He cried formercy, and I can still see the wretches as they held him down. Afoul-looking hag placed her knees on his chest, she looked towards thesky for a moment, as if invoking a spirit to a sacrifice, and themoonlight shone on a face that was hardly human. Then she stoopeddown, and with a relentless hand, plunged the knife she held into hervictim's throat. But all this, which should have hardened my heart,did not affect me as the scene I had just quitted. After all, what Ihad passed through was done when the blood was high with excitement.Here, however, was another thing. I had watched the end of a beingbeautiful and pure, who was born to adorn life, and yet what was herstory? Fallen into the hands of an incarnate devil, outraged, and thencast forth blinded, to die like a reptile! It was too horrible! SurelyGod must have slept whilst this was done. Surely the after life oughtto be to her, in an inverse proportion to her sufferings on earth. Butwhy any such infliction on one so helpless? Mystery of mysteries, andI cannot solve it. And yet she was able to forgive. At the last shecould condone. What were my wrongs to those she had endured? After allI had health, strength, and the world was wide. Why waste my time inrunning after the morbid shadow of revenge? If I got it, would itsatisfy? Would it heal my wounds! Thinking in this way, I called tomind a sermon of the Prior of St. Mark's--I heard when last inFlorence. I came in the suite of Paolo Vitelli ag Citta del Castello,and at the time Savonarola had left the Duomo, and was preaching atSt. Mark's. His subject was forgiveness, and his text, "Vengeance ismine, saith the Lord," came back to me with a vivid force. I rose frommy seat and paced the room, my whole soul was on the cross; I had allbut resolved to forego my scheme of revenge, when I heard a knock atthe door. At first I did not answer, but it was repeated.

  "Come in," I cried, and Ceci entered. In the state in which I was in,I had half a mind to bid him begone there and then, and onlycontrolled myself with an effort. I could see however that, in hisway, he had formed a friendly feeling towards me, and remembering myplans, forced myself to greet him with civility, and offering him aseat began the conversation.

  "That was a strange finish to the Gonfaloniere's speech," I said, inallusion to the death of the man at the hands of the mob.

  "He was a fool, and deserved to die."

  "Do you know his name?"

  Ceci hesitated for a moment, and I saw he was lying when he said "No."

  "I gather," I added, "that you are of the Bigi, the party that favoursthe return of the Medici."

  "Signore, I spoke words in my excitement that may well be buried. Anold tongue like mine should have known to be still; but it is not thatI have come to speak of. Do you know we have a death in the house?"

  "That would be no new thing to you."

  "True," he said, stroking his white beard, "they die here like rats intheir holes."

  "I suppose so; but as a matter of fact I did know there was a death,and a very sad one. I know Mathew Corte, but how have you found out sosoon?"

  "It is simple. I came back but a few minutes ago, and although it waslate, thought I might call for the rent of the room Corte occupies, ashe has not paid anything as yet. When I came in, Corte simply pointedto the body of his daughter, that was all the reply I got. She wasvery ill when she came; I wonder indeed she lived so long. Of course Idid not press him, and if it is a loss, Messer Nobili is rich enoughto bear this. But it is dreadful the way these people owe."

  I winced a little, thinking of my own diminished purse, and Cecicontinued: "I thought I would come and see you as I went down. It ison my way. The body must be removed to-morrow."

  "You will find some difficulty in persuading him to give it aChristian burial."

  "How! Is he a heretic, or a pagan--if so!"

  "I did not say that. I believe the man to be mad."

  "I will see him to-morrow," said Ceci. "I think he will yield toreason. Poor child! She might have been saved."


  "Yes, when they first came, I begged Corte to let me call the DoctorMaffeo. He would not however listen to the idea. Then I told him whatto do, being a family man, who has had children to look after. Allgone into the world now, and never even a message for Bernabo Ceci."

  "I thought the case hopeless when I saw it."

  "When you saw it, perhaps; but, signore, not at first. See! the sun isnot in the Lion, and medicines should have been freely given. I wouldhave placed the diaphragm of a sheep on her chest, had her bled, andadministered theriaca of Venice; if that failed, there is bezoar."

  "Messer Ceci, you are as learned as a doctor yourself."

  "I have had experience, signore," he answered, as he rose to go. "Yes,do I not know? The life of my poor wife was saved twice by thistreatment, and on the third occasion, if it were not for the poisonwhich originated internally within her, as Messer Maffeo stated in alearned discourse he read to the Academy, she would have been savedagain. A good night, Signor Donati, and peace to dreams--remember, itshould have been as I said--either theriaca or bezoar--or bothcombined--a good night!"

  He went out, and down the stairs, with the step of a young man, and Imarvelled at the contradictory nature, which could show the kindnessit had towards affliction, and at the same time coldly plan to removea fellow-creature from the world, as one removes a bud from a tree,with a touch of the knife. But Ceci's words had also reminded me againof Corte's need. I stood at the door listening until his footstepsdied away, and knew he was gone for the night. Then I pulled out mypurse, and looked at its contents; there were two gold crowns left,and a few pauls. I hesitated for a little; but the need of the manupstairs was greater than mine. Drawing off my boots so that there maybe no sound, I stole up softly, like a thief, and gained the landingof Corte's room. The door was partly open, and I stood before it for ashort while, half afraid to enter. Plucking up heart, I crept ingently. The dead girl lay with her hands crossed on her bosom, stillas if cut out of marble, and on her face was fixed a sad little smile.Corte sat on a stool near the table; his head was buried between hishands, and he had given way to silent despair. The dog lay asleep in acorner. I meant to have proffered the gold I had with me, as a loan toCorte; but I did not dare to address him in his grief. So placing thecoins quietly on the table in such a manner that when he raised hishead he must see them, I withdrew as noiselessly as I came, andreached my room without attracting any attention. It was not until thesmall hours of the morning that I sought my couch, for my mind keptworking on the thoughts which agitated me after witnessing the deathof Corte's daughter. At the same time, I was able to see that thisconsideration of the suffering of others was of the greatest benefitto me. It took me out of myself. It showed me that my own were not theonly sorrows in the world, and that there might yet be others who hadreached a deep of misery as far below that of Corte, as his was belowmine. This led me on to consider my own position, and I began to thinkthere was some mysterious power that was preventing me carrying out myplan of reprisal against D'Entrangues. I had come to Florence red-hoton his track. At our very first meeting he had won the hazard, and thelong illness that followed gave him chance to put a distance betweenus; then my resources diminished whilst yet nothing was done; thencam
e the doubts as to whether I was justified in my action; andfinally, and not least, there was in me a haunting desire to seeAngiola, as I called her to myself, once again. I was pulled bydifferent strings. There was that I called conscience, urging me togive up my schemes of revenge; there was the wild animal in me,telling me to go on; there was a feeling towards a woman, which I hadhonestly never experienced before, which, despite my struggles againstits apparently hopeless folly, was entirely overmastering me, until Idid not know which way to turn, and to escape from it all decided toleave Florence at once; and then altered my mind again, when I thoughtof the plot I wished to thwart, and determined to make a last effortto do this, and, if possible, to see Angiola once more before I left.At last I went to sleep, waking very late in the morning. So sound wasmy slumber, that when I awoke I thought at first that the events ofthe night were nothing more than a dream; but they soon forcedthemselves on me in their reality, and the fact was emphasised, by thesight of the odd pauls, which were now my all, lying on the table. Igathered these up, and proceeded in search of Ceci to ask if he hadmade any arrangements for the burial; but he was nowhere to be found;and, as I could not bring myself to see Corte then, I resolved tobreakfast on fresh air, a diet which however wholesome, was, I found,certainly not satisfying. I went to the Oricellari Gardens, which wereat that time the property of the Rucellai. Here, within the citywalls, one found a forest, and under the shade of the huge trees, amore miserable being than myself could have spent pleasant hours, andperhaps gained contentment of mind by observing the beauties ofnature. It was here that, after the death of Il Magnifico, thePlatonic Academy moved its sittings. But the gentlemen who composed itdiscussed their philosophy with a good dinner, and even theunfortunate who wishes to gain peace of mind in sylvan shades, shouldhave a full belt. This fact obtruded itself more and more strongly onme, and I could obtain little relief by the expedient of tightening mysword-belt by a hole or so. Therefore, in despair, I left the beautiesof nature to be so good as to look after themselves, and disbursed ahalf-paul in something to eat; after which I felt able to face theprospect of future starvation with a more serene mind. On return to mylodging I found Ceci was not yet come back, and still thinking itwould be an intrusion to make inquiry after Corte, disposed of my timeby repairing my attire as best I might, and watching the pigeons onthe eaves of the roof opposite my window, with a little envy in myheart at their simple happiness, and a doubt if, after all, man was sofortunate in possessing a soul, and being cast after the image of hisMaker. If our faith is to be believed there is nothing for man butheaven or hell, and perhaps the worst form of hell-torment would be tobe born again in the lowest form of a dumb brute, with the faculty offully appreciating all that the highest of mankind can. Picture tooneself a Raphael, who has slipped into the abyss, and is sent back toearth again, an obscene animal, with all the grasp of the beautiful hehad in life. I do not know any punishment that would be more cruel.On the other hand, there has never appeared to me any definiterealisation of the joys of heaven. It is no doubt their vagueness thatis their charm. Be these things as they may, all speculation into thefuture is useless, and I have found my comfort in a simple faith inour religion, which has served me through this life, and will, Itrust, do the same office in the next.

  Thus reflecting, I passed the day quietly, and in the afternoon Cecicame to tell me all was ready for the burial. He gave me to understandthat Corte had listened to reason in the matter of a priest, althoughI never knew what arguments he had used to effect this. The funeralwas much as other pauper burials, and when it was over we walked backtogether. On our return a man accosted Ceci, who, he said, was hisnephew, and they went off together on some business. Had I only knownwhat I was to be indebted to this gentleman for, shortly, I shouldhave observed him with greater attention. As it happened I gave himbut a passing glance, catching a glimpse of a pale face, with strong,clear-cut features, and keen, bright eyes. Corte and I were now alone,and, respecting his grief, I said no word, nor did he speak, as wethreaded our way back. Near St. Mark's, Corte suddenly seized my hand,raised it to his lips, and then turning, fled down a side street andwas lost to view. I attempted to follow, fearing that sorrow hadtotally unhinged his mind, already a little off its balance, and thathe would come to injury. My attempt however was without avail, and Ireturned home to disprove the proverb which falsely says that he whosleeps, dines.

  The next day I was again favoured with a visit from Ceci, and aftersome allusion to the funeral, he once more broached the subject onwhich he had sounded me before, and asked for a definite reply. I gaveit to him without hesitation.

  "Messer Ceci," I said, "whatever my condition may be, you are in errorif you think I am a bravo. In short your proposal is an insult, andyou owe it to my consideration for your years that I do not fling youout of the room. I have promised you secrecy, and therefore cannot doas I would, and that is, lay the matter before the Signory; but I tellyou plainly that if I can I will upset your plan, and now you hadbetter leave me."

  I had by this thrown everything into the fire; but it was not possibleto control myself longer. As for Ceci, he sat for a moment, his eyesstaring out of his head with rage, and his white beard fairlybristling. He rose from his seat.

  "So, Signor' Donati, this is your answer, is it? Look to yourself,most noble excellency, for those I serve have a long reach. There is,however, another thing we have to settle before I go. I shall beobliged by your paying me the sum of three crowns for rent, and otherservices due to the excellent Messer Nobili."

  I was overcome with shame, for I had not the money.

  "You can take this furniture," I said, "it will pay my dues."

  Ceci smiled grimly.

  "I do not wish to be hard on you, and you know the punishment fordebt. I will take the furniture back for two pieces, although it hasdeteriorated by wear and tear to the value of a florin, and you willstill owe one piece. See, signore," and he suddenly changed his tone,"pocket your pride, as many a better man than you has done to fill hispurse. It is but a stroke of your sword we want, and here are ten goldcrowns."

  "Begone!" I cried in a rage, and starting up laid my hand on my sword.Ceci instantly drew a dagger from his girdle and faced me with thehighest courage. We stood before each other for a second, and thenwith a laugh he put back his poniard.

  "I will give you time," he said. "A whole week--and now leave you tocool. Adieu, most noble excellency!"