Read The House on the Borderland Page 6



  It was evening, a week later. My sister sat in the garden, knitting. Iwas walking up and down, reading. My gun leant up against the wall ofthe house; for, since the advent of that strange thing in the gardens, Ihad deemed it wise to take precautions. Yet, through the whole week,there had been nothing to alarm me, either by sight or sound; so that Iwas able to look back, calmly, to the incident; though still with asense of unmitigated wonder and curiosity.

  I was, as I have just said, walking up and down, and somewhat engrossedin my book. Suddenly, I heard a crash, away in the direction of the Pit.With a quick movement, I turned and saw a tremendous column of dustrising high into the evening air.

  My sister had risen to her feet, with a sharp exclamation of surpriseand fright.

  Telling her to stay where she was, I snatched up my gun, and ran towardthe Pit. As I neared it, I heard a dull, rumbling sound, that grewquickly into a roar, split with deeper crashes, and up from the Pitdrove a fresh volume of dust.

  The noise ceased, though the dust still rose, tumultuously.

  I reached the edge, and looked down; but could see nothing save a boilof dust clouds swirling hither and thither. The air was so full of thesmall particles, that they blinded and choked me; and, finally, I had torun out from the smother, to breathe.

  Gradually, the suspended matter sank, and hung in a panoply over themouth of the Pit.

  I could only guess at what had happened.

  That there had been a land-slip of some kind, I had little doubt; butthe cause was beyond my knowledge; and yet, even then, I had halfimaginings; for, already, the thought had come to me, of those fallingrocks, and that Thing in the bottom of the Pit; but, in the firstminutes of confusion, I failed to reach the natural conclusion, to whichthe catastrophe pointed.

  Slowly, the dust subsided, until, presently, I was able to approach theedge, and look down.

  For a while, I peered impotently, trying to see through the reek. Atfirst, it was impossible to make out anything. Then, as I stared, I sawsomething below, to my left, that moved. I looked intently toward it,and, presently, made out another, and then another--three dim shapesthat appeared to be climbing up the side of the Pit. I could see themonly indistinctly. Even as I stared and wondered, I heard a rattle ofstones, somewhere to my right. I glanced across; but could see nothing.I leant forward, and peered over, and down into the Pit, just beneathwhere I stood; and saw no further than a hideous, white swine-face, thathad risen to within a couple of yards of my feet. Below it, I could makeout several others. As the Thing saw me, it gave a sudden, uncouthsqueal, which was answered from all parts of the Pit. At that, a gust ofhorror and fear took me, and, bending down, I discharged my gun rightinto its face. Straightway, the creature disappeared, with a clatter ofloose earth and stones.

  There was a momentary silence, to which, probably, I owe my life; for,during it, I heard a quick patter of many feet, and, turning sharply,saw a troop of the creatures coming toward me, at a run. Instantly, Iraised my gun and fired at the foremost, who plunged head-long, with ahideous howling. Then, I turned to run. More than halfway from the houseto the Pit, I saw my sister--she was coming toward me. I could not seeher face, distinctly, as the dusk had fallen; but there was fear in hervoice as she called to know why I was shooting.

  'Run!' I shouted in reply. 'Run for your life!'

  Without more ado, she turned and fled--picking up her skirts with bothhands. As I followed, I gave a glance behind. The brutes were running ontheir hind legs--at times dropping on all fours.

  I think it must have been the terror in my voice, that spurred Mary torun so; for I feel convinced that she had not, as yet, seen those hellcreatures that pursued.

  On we went, my sister leading.

  Each moment, the nearing sounds of the footsteps, told me that thebrutes were gaining on us, rapidly. Fortunately, I am accustomed tolive, in some ways, an active life. As it was, the strain of the racewas beginning to tell severely upon me.

  Ahead, I could see the back door--luckily it was open. I was somehalf-dozen yards behind Mary, now, and my breath was sobbing in mythroat. Then, something touched my shoulder. I wrenched my head 'round,quickly, and saw one of those monstrous, pallid faces close to mine. Oneof the creatures, having outrun its companions, had almost overtaken me.Even as I turned, it made a fresh grab. With a sudden effort, I sprangto one side, and, swinging my gun by the barrel, brought it crashingdown upon the foul creature's head. The Thing dropped, with an almosthuman groan.

  Even this short delay had been nearly sufficient to bring the rest ofthe brutes down upon me; so that, without an instant's waste of time, Iturned and ran for the door.

  Reaching it, I burst into the passage; then, turning quickly, slammedand bolted the door, just as the first of the creatures rushed againstit, with a sudden shock.

  My sister sat, gasping, in a chair. She seemed in a fainting condition;but I had no time then to spend on her. I had to make sure that all thedoors were fastened. Fortunately, they were. The one leading from mystudy into the gardens, was the last to which I went. I had just hadtime to note that it was secured, when I thought I heard a noiseoutside. I stood perfectly silent, and listened. Yes! Now I coulddistinctly hear a sound of whispering, and something slithered over thepanels, with a rasping, scratchy noise. Evidently, some of the bruteswere feeling with their claw-hands, about the door, to discover whetherthere were any means of ingress.

  That the creatures should so soon have found the door was--to me--aproof of their reasoning capabilities. It assured me that they must notbe regarded, by any means, as mere animals. I had felt something of thisbefore, when that first Thing peered in through my window. Then I hadapplied the term superhuman to it, with an almost instinctive knowledgethat the creature was something different from the brute-beast.Something beyond human; yet in no good sense; but rather as somethingfoul and hostile to the _great_ and _good_ in humanity. In a word, assomething intelligent, and yet inhuman. The very thought of thecreatures filled me with revulsion.

  Now, I bethought me of my sister, and, going to the cupboard, I gotout a flask of brandy, and a wine-glass. Taking these, I went down tothe kitchen, carrying a lighted candle with me. She was not sitting inthe chair, but had fallen out, and was lying upon the floor,face downward.

  Very gently, I turned her over, and raised her head somewhat. Then, Ipoured a little of the brandy between her lips. After a while, sheshivered slightly. A little later, she gave several gasps, and openedher eyes. In a dreamy, unrealizing way, she looked at me. Then her eyesclosed, slowly, and I gave her a little more of the brandy. For, perhapsa minute longer, she lay silent, breathing quickly. All at once, hereyes opened again, and it seemed to me, as I looked, that the pupilswere dilated, as though fear had come with returning consciousness.Then, with a movement so unexpected that I started backward, she sat up.Noticing that she seemed giddy, I put out my hand to steady her. Atthat, she gave a loud scream, and, scrambling to her feet, ran fromthe room.

  For a moment, I stayed there--kneeling and holding the brandy flask. Iwas utterly puzzled and astonished.

  Could she be afraid of me? But no! Why should she? I could onlyconclude that her nerves were badly shaken, and that she was temporarilyunhinged. Upstairs, I heard a door bang, loudly, and I knew that she hadtaken refuge in her room. I put the flask down on the table. Myattention was distracted by a noise in the direction of the back door. Iwent toward it, and listened. It appeared to be shaken, as though someof the creatures struggled with it, silently; but it was far toostrongly constructed and hung to be easily moved.

  Out in the gardens rose a continuous sound. It might have beenmistaken, by a casual listener, for the grunting and squealing of a herdof pigs. But, as I stood there, it came to me that there was sense andmeaning to all those swinish noises. Gradually, I seemed able to tracea semblance in it to human speech--glutinous and sticky, as though eacharticulation were made with difficulty: yet, nevertheless, I wasbecoming
convinced that it was no mere medley of sounds; but a rapidinterchange of ideas.

  By this time, it had grown quite dark in the passages, and from thesecame all the varied cries and groans of which an old house is so fullafter nightfall. It is, no doubt, because things are then quieter, andone has more leisure to hear. Also, there may be something in the theorythat the sudden change of temperature, at sundown, affects the structureof the house, somewhat--causing it to contract and settle, as it were,for the night. However, this is as may be; but, on that night inparticular, I would gladly have been quit of so many eerie noises. Itseemed to me, that each crack and creak was the coming of one of thoseThings along the dark corridors; though I knew in my heart that thiscould not be, for I had seen, myself, that all the doors were secure.

  Gradually, however, these sounds grew on my nerves to such an extentthat, were it only to punish my cowardice, I felt I must make the 'roundof the basement again, and, if anything were there, face it. And then, Iwould go up to my study, for I knew sleep was out of the question, withthe house surrounded by creatures, half beasts, half something else, andentirely unholy.

  Taking the kitchen lamp down from its hook, I made my way from cellarto cellar, and room to room; through pantry and coal-hole--alongpassages, and into the hundred-and-one little blind alleys and hiddennooks that form the basement of the old house. Then, when I knew I hadbeen in every corner and cranny large enough to conceal aught of anysize, I made my way to the stairs.

  With my foot on the first step, I paused. It seemed to me, I heard amovement, apparently from the buttery, which is to the left of thestaircase. It had been one of the first places I searched, and yet, Ifelt certain my ears had not deceived me. My nerves were strung now,and, with hardly any hesitation, I stepped up to the door, holding thelamp above my head. In a glance, I saw that the place was empty, savefor the heavy, stone slabs, supported by brick pillars; and I was aboutto leave it, convinced that I had been mistaken; when, in turning, mylight was flashed back from two bright spots outside the window, andhigh up. For a few moments, I stood there, staring. Then theymoved--revolving slowly, and throwing out alternate scintillations ofgreen and red; at least, so it appeared to me. I knew then that theywere eyes.

  Slowly, I traced the shadowy outline of one of the Things. It appearedto be holding on to the bars of the window, and its attitude suggestedclimbing. I went nearer to the window, and held the light higher. Therewas no need to be afraid of the creature; the bars were strong, andthere was little danger of its being able to move them. And then,suddenly, in spite of the knowledge that the brute could not reach toharm me, I had a return of the horrible sensation of fear, that hadassailed me on that night, a week previously. It was the same feeling ofhelpless, shuddering fright. I realized, dimly, that the creature's eyeswere looking into mine with a steady, compelling stare. I tried to turnaway; but could not. I seemed, now, to see the window through a mist.Then, I thought other eyes came and peered, and yet others; until awhole galaxy of malignant, staring orbs seemed to hold me in thrall.

  My head began to swim, and throb violently. Then, I was aware of afeeling of acute physical pain in my left hand. It grew more severe, andforced, literally forced, my attention. With a tremendous effort, Iglanced down; and, with that, the spell that had held me was broken. Irealized, then, that I had, in my agitation, unconsciously caught holdof the hot lamp-glass, and burnt my hand, badly. I looked up to thewindow, again. The misty appearance had gone, and, now, I saw that itwas crowded with dozens of bestial faces. With a sudden access of rage,I raised the lamp, and hurled it, full at the window. It struck theglass (smashing a pane), and passed between two of the bars, out intothe garden, scattering burning oil as it went. I heard several loudcries of pain, and, as my sight became accustomed to the dark, Idiscovered that the creatures had left the window.

  Pulling myself together, I groped for the door, and, having found it,made my way upstairs, stumbling at each step. I felt dazed, as though Ihad received a blow on the head. At the same time, my hand smartedbadly, and I was full of a nervous, dull rage against those Things.

  Reaching my study, I lit the candles. As they burnt up, their rays werereflected from the rack of firearms on the sidewall. At the sight, Iremembered that I had there a power, which, as I had proved earlier,seemed as fatal to those monsters as to more ordinary animals; and Idetermined I would take the offensive.

  First of all, I bound up my hand; for the pain was fast becomingintolerable. After that, it seemed easier, and I crossed the room, tothe rifle stand. There, I selected a heavy rifle--an old and triedweapon; and, having procured ammunition, I made my way up into one ofthe small towers, with which the house is crowned.

  From there, I found that I could see nothing. The gardens presented adim blur of shadows--a little blacker, perhaps, where the trees stood.That was all, and I knew that it was useless to shoot down into all thatdarkness. The only thing to be done, was to wait for the moon to rise;then, I might be able to do a little execution.

  In the meantime, I sat still, and kept my ears open. The gardens werecomparatively quiet now, and only an occasional grunt or squeal came upto me. I did not like this silence; it made me wonder on what devilrythe creatures were bent. Twice, I left the tower, and took a walkthrough the house; but everything was silent.

  Once, I heard a noise, from the direction of the Pit, as though moreearth had fallen. Following this, and lasting for some fifteen minutes,there was a commotion among the denizens of the gardens. This died away,and, after that all was again quiet.

  About an hour later, the moon's light showed above the distant horizon.From where I sat, I could see it over the trees; but it was not until itrose clear of them, that I could make out any of the details in thegardens below. Even then, I could see none of the brutes; until,happening to crane forward, I saw several of them lying prone, upagainst the wall of the house. What they were doing, I could not makeout. It was, however, a chance too good to be ignored; and, taking aim,I fired at the one directly beneath. There was a shrill scream, and, asthe smoke cleared away, I saw that it had turned on its back, and waswrithing, feebly. Then, it was quiet. The others had disappeared.

  Immediately after this, I heard a loud squeal, in the direction of thePit. It was answered, a hundred times, from every part of the garden.This gave me some notion of the number of the creatures, and I began tofeel that the whole affair was becoming even more serious than Ihad imagined.

  As I sat there, silent and watchful, the thought came to me--Why wasall this? What were these Things? What did it mean? Then my thoughtsflew back to that vision (though, even now, I doubt whether it was avision) of the Plain of Silence. What did that mean? I wondered--Andthat Thing in the arena? Ugh! Lastly, I thought of the house I had seenin that far-away place. That house, so like this in every detail ofexternal structure, that it might have been modeled from it; or thisfrom that. I had never thought of that--

  At this moment, there came another long squeal, from the Pit, followed,a second later, by a couple of shorter ones. At once, the garden wasfilled with answering cries. I stood up, quickly, and looked over theparapet. In the moonlight, it seemed as though the shrubberies werealive. They tossed hither and thither, as though shaken by a strong,irregular wind; while a continuous rustling, and a noise of scamperingfeet, rose up to me. Several times, I saw the moonlight gleam onrunning, white figures among the bushes, and, twice, I fired. The secondtime, my shot was answered by a short squeal of pain.

  A minute later, the gardens lay silent. From the Pit, came a deep,hoarse Babel of swine-talk. At times, angry cries smote the air, andthey would be answered by multitudinous gruntings. It occurred to me,that they were holding some kind of a council, perhaps to discuss theproblem of entering the house. Also, I thought that they seemed muchenraged, probably by my successful shots.

  It occurred to me, that now would be a good time to make a final surveyof our defenses. This, I proceeded to do at once; visiting the whole ofthe basement again, and examining each of the do
ors. Luckily, they areall, like the back one, built of solid, iron-studded oak. Then, I wentupstairs to the study. I was more anxious about this door. It is,palpably, of a more modern make than the others, and, though a stoutpiece of work, it has little of their ponderous strength.

  I must explain here, that there is a small, raised lawn on this side ofthe house, upon which this door opens--the windows of the study beingbarred on this account. All the other entrances--excepting the greatgateway which is never opened--are in the lower storey.