Read The Hundredth Chance Page 11



  It was among the horses that Maud at length saw Jake Bolton in his trueelement. They were all plainly very dear to his heart. He introducedthem as friends. His pockets were stuffed with sugar which both she andBunny helped to distribute, and not till dusk came upon them did theyrealize the lateness of the hour.

  It was at the last minute that Jake suddenly summoned a little man whowas lounging in the gateway. "Here, Sam! I've been telling the ladyabout your tumble and how they put you together again. It interestedher."

  Sam approached with a sheepish grin. "I thought I was a goner," hesaid. "But Mr. Bolton--" he looked at Jake and his grin widened--"he'sone of the Never-say-die sort. And the Yankee doctor, well, he was aregular knock-out, he was. Mended me as clean--well, there, youwouldn't never have known I'd had a smash."

  One eye wandered down to Bunny in his long chair as he spoke; but hediscreetly refrained from comment, and it was Bunny who eagerly broke inwith: "What happened to you? Was it your spine? Let's hear!"

  Sam was only too willing to oblige. He settled down to his story like ahorse into its stride, and for nearly a quarter of an hour Maud stoodlistening to the account of the miracle which, according to Sam Vickers,the great American doctor had performed.

  Bunny drank it all in with feverish avidity. Maud did not like to watchhis face. The look it wore went to her heart.

  She did not want to glance at Jake either though after a time she feltimpelled to do so. His eyes were fixed upon Bunny, but on the instantthey came straight to hers as if she had spoken. She avoided theminstinctively, but she felt them none the less, as though a dazzlingsearchlight had suddenly and mercilessly been turned upon her, piercingstraight to her soul.

  It was soon after this that he quietly intervened to put an end to Sam'sreminiscences. It was growing late, and they ought to be moving.

  Maud agreed; Bunny protested, and was calmly overruled by Jake. Theystarted back through a pearly greyness of dusk that heralded the risingof the moon. They spoke but little as they went. Bunny seemed suddenlytired, and it did not apparently occur to either of his companions toattempt to make conversation.

  Only, as they descended the winding road that led down to Fairharbourand a sudden clamour of church-bells arose through the evening mist,Jake glanced again at the girl who was walking rather wearily by Bunny'sside, and said, "Wouldn't you like to go to Church now? I'll see to theyoungster."

  She shook her head. "Thank you very much; I don't think so."

  "Oh, go on, Maud!" exclaimed Bunny, emerging from his reverie. "I don'twant you if Jake will stay. I'd sooner have Jake. He doesn't fuss likeyou."

  "I'll get him to bed," Jake went on, as if he had not spoken. "You cantrust me to do that, you know. I won't let him talk too much either.Say, Miss Brian, it's a good offer; you'd better close with it."

  She heard the smile in the words; and because of it she found she couldnot refuse. "But I don't like to give you so much trouble," she said.

  "You give me pleasure," he answered simply.

  At the gate of the churchyard he stopped. "I'll say good-bye," he said."But don't hurry back! I shall stay as long as I am wanted."

  She knew that she could rely upon him in that respect as upon no oneelse in the world. She gave him her hand with another low word ofthanks.

  "May I walk to the door with you?" he said, and drew Bunny's chair toone side.

  It would have been churlish to refuse. She suffered him in silence.

  The church was on an eminence that overlooked the harbour. Reaching theporch, the whole wide view of open sea lay spread before them, floodedin moonlight. The clanging bells above them had sunk to stillness. Apeace that seemed unearthly wrapped them round. They stood for themoment quite alone, gazing out to the far, dim sky-line.

  And suddenly Maud heard the beating of her heart in the silence, and wasconscious of an overwhelming sense of doom.

  With an effort that seemed to tear at the very foundations of her being,she turned and walked down a narrow path between the tombstones. Hefollowed her till in breathless agitation she turned again.

  "Mr. Bolton!"

  Her voice was no more than a whisper. She was thankful that her facewas in shadow.

  He stood silently, his eyes, alert and bright, fixed intently upon her.

  "I must ask you," she said, "--I must beg you--to regard what I said theother day as final. If I am friendly with you, I want you to understandthat it is solely for Bunny's sake--no other reason."

  "That is understood," said Jake.

  She drew the quick breath of one seeking relief. "Then you will forgetthat--that impossible notion? You will let me forget it too?"

  "I shan't remind you of it," said Jake.

  "And you will forget it yourself?" she insisted.

  He lowered his eyes suddenly, and it was as if a light had unexpectedlygone out. She waited in the dark with a beating heart.

  And then with a great clash the bells broke out overhead and furtherspeech became impossible. Jake wheeled without warning, and walkedaway.

  She stood and watched him go, still with that sense of coming fate uponher. Her heart was leaping wildly like a chained thing seeking toescape.

  As for Jake, he rejoined Bunny and squarely resumed the journey back tothe town, without the smallest sign of discomposure.

  He seemed somewhat absent, however, trudging along in almost unbrokensilence; and it was not until he laid the boy down at length in his ownroom that he said, "Now, look here, youngster! If you can't be decentlycivil to your sister, I've done with you. Understand?"

  Bunny turned impulsively and buried his face in Jake's sleeve. "Allright. Don't jaw!" he begged in muffled accents.

  Jake remained unmoved. "I've been wanting to punch your head most ofthe afternoon," he remarked severely.

  "You can do it now if you like," muttered Bunny, burrowing a littledeeper.

  Jake did not respond to the invitation. "Why can't you behave yourselfanyway?" he said.

  He settled Bunny's pillows with a sure hand, and laid him gently backupon them. But Bunny clung to him still.

  "You aren't really savage with me, Jake?" he said.

  "All right. I'm not," said Jake. "But I won't have it all the same;savvy?"

  He put his hand for a moment on Bunny's head and rumpled the dark hair.Bunny's lips quivered unexpectedly.

  "It's so--beastly--being managed always by women," he said.

  "You don't know when you're lucky," said Jake.

  Bunny's emotion passed. He looked at his friend shrewdly. "I supposeyou're in love with her," he remarked after a moment.

  Jake's eyes met his instantly and uncompromisingly. "Well?" he said.

  "Nothing," said Bunny. "Of course she's my sister."

  "And so you think you're entitled to a voice in the matter?" Jake'stone was strictly practical.

  Bunny's fingers slipped into his. "I'm the head of the family, youknow, Jake," he said.

  The man's face softened to a smile. "Yes, I reckon that's so," he said."Well? What has the head of the family to say to the notion?"

  Bunny turned rather red. "You see,--you're not a mister, are you?" hesaid.

  "Not a gentleman, you mean?" suggested Jake.

  Bunny's uneasiness increased. He squeezed Jake's hand very hard insilence.

  "All right, little chap," said Jake. "Don't agitate yourself! I'm notwhat you call a gentleman,--not even a first-class imitation. Let's goon from there! Any other objections?"

  "I don't want to be a cad, Jake!" burst from Bunny. "But you know--youknow--she might have done a lot better for herself. She might havemarried Charlie Burchester."

  "Who?" said Jake.

  "Lord Saltash," explained Bunny. "We thought--everyone thought--fiveyears ago--that they were going to get married. He was awfully keen onher, and she of course
was in love with him. And then there was thatrow with the Cressadys. Lady Cressady got him into a mess, and SirPhilip always was an obnoxious beast. And afterwards Charlie Burchestersheered off and went abroad. He came back after he succeeded, butMaud--she's awfully proud, you know,--she wouldn't look at him, vows shenever will again--though I'm not so sure she won't. He's sure to comeback some day. He's such a rattling good sort, and he's jolly fond ofher."

  "And the rest," said Jake drily.

  "No, really, Jake, he isn't a rotter. He's an awfully nice chap. You'dsay so if you really knew him."

  "I do know him," said Jake.

  "And you don't like him?" Bunny's eyes opened wide in astonishment.

  "Yes, I like him." Jake's tone was enigmatical. "But I shouldn't callhim a marrying man. Anyway, he won't marry your sister, so you can makeup your mind to that! Any other gentlemen in the running?"

  "You couldn't prevent their being married if--if Maud changed her mind,"said Bunny.

  Jake smiled. "Anyone else?" he persisted.

  "No, no one. She never sees anybody now."

  "Except me," said Jake. "And I'm not genteel enough, hey?"

  "You're a brick!" said Bunny with enthusiasm. "But, you know, womendon't see that sort of thing. They only care about whether a man opensthe door for 'em or takes off his glove to shake hands."

  Jake broke into a laugh. "Say, sonny, what a thundering lot you knowabout women!" he said. "Anyway, I conclude I am right in surmising thatyou personally could swallow me as a brother-in-law?"

  Bunny's eyes began to shine. "You're the best fellow I know," he said."If--if it weren't for Lord Saltash, I wouldn't say a word!"

  "Well," said Jake very deliberately, "I refuse to be warned off on hisaccount. That's understood, is it?"

  Bunny hesitated. The red-brown eyes were looking full and unwaveringlyinto his. "I'm not thinking of myself, Jake," he said, with suddenpleading.

  Jake's hand closed squarely upon his. "All right, old chap, I know; andI like you for it. But I'm taking odds. It's ninety-nine to one. If Iwin on the hundredth chance, you'll take it like a sport?"

  Bunny's hand returned his grip with all the strength at his command. Hewas silent for a moment or two; then, impulsively: "I say, Jake," hesaid, "--you--you're such a sport yourself! I think I'll back you afterall."

  "Right O!" said Jake. "You won't be sorry."

  He dismissed the subject then with obvious intention, and Bunny seemedrelieved to let it go. He turned the conversation to Sam Vickers,asking endless questions regarding the American doctor and his miracles.

  "I wish he'd come and have a look at me, Jake," he said wistfully atlength.

  "Thought you didn't like doctors," said Jake.

  "Oh, a man like that is different. I'd put up with a man like that,"said Bunny, with a sigh.

  "You might have to put up with more than you bargained for," said Jake.

  Bunny moved his head wearily on the pillow. "I don't think anythingcould be worse than this," he said.

  "I'm glad to hear you say so," said Jake, with sudden force; and then,pulling himself up as suddenly, "No, we won't get talking on thatsubject. Capper's in America, and you've got to sleep to-night. Butyou keep a stiff upper lip, old chap! I'm in with you from start tofinish. Maybe, some day, we'll work a change."

  "You're no end of a trump!" said Bunny with tears in his eyes.