Read The Hunted (Blood Series Book 0) Page 10

Chapter 7


  She had never seen anything like it. The windows overlooked the Monterey Bay, and though the sun had set, it was not completely dark and she could see the waves crashing on the beach and the lights of little cities all around the bay twinkling. A window seat full of comfy cushions was below the window.

  To the right was a fireplace, with a roaring fire licking the wood in its grate. A gorgeous bouquet of at least two-dozen lavender roses adorned the mantel above it. The smell of roses in the room was delicious.

  To the left was a queen-sized canopied bed. The comforter was pulled back, beckoning sleepy guests. A mint was placed on each pillow and the entire bed was covered in lavender rose petals - real rose petals, not silk petals. At the foot of the bed were two folded, big, fluffy bathrobes and slippers on the floor.

  In the center of the room was a small table set for two. A stand up champagne bucket stood next to it and silver-domed covers were over both plates. Somewhere, she didn’t know where, there must have been a small stereo, for there were violins playing softly in the background.

  And if this was not enough to make any girl swoon, there must have been a gazillion candles lit in the room. Even the bathroom was completely lit with candles and next to the gigantic bath tub was a huge glass bowl of more lavender rose petals, presumably to be put in the water, if one so opted to have a bath. Yet, another champagne bucket was placed near the tub.

  She was stunned speechless. She turned to Devon and hugged him. He closed the door behind them with one hand. He returned her hug, but she didn’t release, and when he pulled her away, he saw that she was crying. He panicked and pulled her back to him and held her.

  “What’s wrong, Darby, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean t…” he said.

  She interrupted him with, “Sorry? Oh my God, I’ve never seen anything so romantic. It’s like being in a fairytale – I...I... don’t deserve this – you, any of this. You are so, so, so handsome and this day has been...this room...beyond words...I just...Oh my God.” She shook her head and blubbered. “I just don’t deserve you, I mean, look at me, then look at you...I,” and it was then that she went into a full, hard sob.

  He grabbed her gently and pulled her over to the window seat and made her sit there so he could sit next to her. With his hands on her shoulders he said, “You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. You do deserve this and more and for as long as I breathe you will have this. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen - inside and out. I will spend the rest of my life telling you that, if you’ll have me.”

  “But you can have your pick of women, beautiful, gorgeous women. They are everywhere! Why would you want me?”

  “Because, Darby, you are the one I love. When I look around I don’t see any other women anymore; you have taken their place. You are the only one I see. The only one I want to see. You are a part of me now. I can’t go back, ever. You’ve spoiled me. No other woman can stand in your place. It’s you or nothing.”

  She kissed him gently. The wetness from her tears she could now see on his face. It sparkled in the candlelight. She raised her hands to both his temples and slipped her fingers into his hair, like two combs sweeping back his hair behind his ears. His hair was so soft and fine. The candlelight brought out highlights in it she hadn’t noticed before. In this light, up close, the highlights almost looked iridescent. And then there were those eyes...She trembled looking into them, like it was the very first time. They seemed to have no end - soulful and kind. She leaned in and kissed each cheek. She pulled back just so she could see his eyes again and said in a whisper, “I love you too, Devon!” She leaned back in to kiss him again. His lips, so soft and inviting, had raised her body temperature about 50 degrees. She pulled away and stood, shedding the hot cashmere sweater. He too stood up and took off his sweater. Now in a better position, his hands on her shoulders moved to her waist and he pulled her to him. Her knees just about buckled and the kissing was becoming more urgent. In an attempt to breathe, she started kissing his neck. He leaned his head back, enjoying the feel of her sensuous lips bombarding his neck. She found her mouth at the small indentation at the base of his throat. She kissed it and ran her tongue up to his Adam’s apple and kissed it. That’s when she heard that almost inaudible groan again. His hands pulled her harder to his body as if he couldn’t get close enough to her and she leaned her head up to meet his mouth again. Their kisses and the tension in their bodies were escalating. She knew what his hands and lips were telling her. She didn’t have to read his mind to know. She also knew that you only get one first time, so she was going to do it right.

  She pulled away from his grip at her waist. He looked disappointed and confused, until he saw her unbuttoning his shirt – slowly and meticulously. She didn’t look at his face as she did this. She pulled his shirttails out of his pants and laid her hands on his stomach. Ever so slowly, she slid them up to his chest and then out to his shoulders, removing his shirt and letting it drop to the floor. With her hands on his chest she pushed him backward, leading him to the rose petal-covered bed. He sat down utterly astonished by her. She got on her knees and took off his shoes and socks. Then she rose before him, now watching him watching her. She took her shoes off by stepping on the heel of one with the other; then using her toes on the back of the other shoe, she pushed them under the bed so that she could stand between his legs. His hands came to her waist and she pulled her shirt up over her head, staring at him every second she could, and letting him see her become more vulnerable with every piece of clothing that she dropped to the floor.

  She leaned down and grabbed his waist and pulled him up so he was standing next to her. They were seeing each other for the first time, in body, mind, and soul, offering themselves to each other. They were not touching but she could feel his warm breath on her shoulder, as she was sure that he could feel her breath on his chest. She reached down, unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, and did a little wiggle dance that all girls do to get out of their pants; they fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them. She looked up in his eyes and she could see the love there that he had confessed to and she knew this was right and perfect. She reached down, grazing his lower abdomen with her fingertips, and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. She didn’t need to see what she was doing; all she needed was to see his love there in his eyes.

  She reached backwards and unhooked her bra and let the shoulder straps fall free, watching him watch her as she let it fall to the ground. With skin touching skin, every inch of her seemed to be hypersensitive. The tiniest of touches made her tremble. There wasn’t an inch of his body that wasn’t that of a god. He was beautiful and he loved her. How can anything be any better than two souls becoming one? She reached down and let her panties drop and stepped out of them, completely and utterly naked, standing there in front of him vulnerable, but knowing that the union from this vulnerability would be theirs and theirs alone for all of time. His love was worth it! Their love was worth it! At that moment, when he touched her, she knew there would be no other love for her, but his forever more. It was perfect.