Read The Imagi Page 1


  By K. H. Blackmoore

  Copyright 2012 K. H. Blackmoore

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  This is the tale of the Imagi as recorded by the Chronicler Kraven in the years of Travel in the Time of Peace.


  The Imagi began with the birth of The Boy to Ancient parents, those who called themselves human, in the years Before in the Time of Chaos.  When the Ancients, called human, where without a leader, having many, and bound to the Planet Sorrows, then called Earth.  Now it was the time of Discovery when the Ancients first began to know and study the Gifts of the Mind.  Governments often took Those Gifted, for safety it was said, though many feared and hated those Gifted, the Government’s true wish was to claim Those Gifted for themselves.  Many reasons there were for this claiming, though mainly Those Gifted were trained and focused in the dread art of Killing, for no Government was safe in the time of Chaos.

  And so it was that when The Boy was born, his Ancient Parents did not submit him to be tested for the gifts.  For they were of an Ancient faith, which held not with the Gifts but persecuted Those Gifted as evil.

  Now many tales have been told of the first sign The Boy gave of his Gifts, but only this one, recorded by the hands of the Chronicler Kraven, is true.  For the Gifts, though they may be detected at any age, only manifest themselves when the body passes form a child to that of an adult.  Yet so great was The Boy’s power that such was not true of him.

  Now at the age of six, when the Ancient children were oft allowed to play together, The Boy was taken by his Ancient Parents to a field where many objects of strange designs were placed that children might use them.  Now at this field were many children, one of whom was wont to take his joy from the pain of others.  And on that day, while the Ancient Parents conversed with others like them, The Boy was found playing on one of the objects by the child who loved the pain of others.  This child struck The Boy from the object, causing him to fall to the ground.  But The Boy, being of a gentle nature, did not cry or fuss, simply moving to another strange object.  This lack of objection angered the child who loved the pain of others.  So he followed The Boy, striking him again.  Yet still The Boy did not resist the child that loved others pain.  Striking him repeatedly, at last the child who loved the pain of others at last caused The Boy to cry.  Laughing the child struck a final blow, and the pain the Boy felt was changed to anger, and his first Gift was realized.

  So powerful was this Gift, the Gift of Projection, the Gift which allowed one to put his thoughts into another’s mind, to hear the thoughts of others, and even to control the actions of others, if present in the strongest form.  This was the First Gift The Boy manifested, in form so powerful that all those around, for the range of many miles, Felt the anger The Boy felt.  And they felt the blow The Boy struck at the child who loved the pain of others.  A blow, untrained, untested, yet so powerful that the child was driven unconscious.

  Now the effect of this blow was twofold.  The first effect came from the Ancient Order the Ancient Parents proscribed to.  They, in their chosen ignorance, decided that any Gift was evil and a Gift as powerful as The Boy’s must be destroyed immediately.  They demanded that the Ancient Parents destroy The Boy themselves or turn him over to another to accomplish this foul act.  These demands were not unheard of, and were often met by the members of the Ancient Order.  Yet the Ancient Parents of The Boy, being of those few who in that age loved their child in truth and not just in word, fled with him before the Ancient Order had time to realize that it had been spurned.

  The second effect, as grievous as the first had been, was worse.  For now the Governments realized that a Gift with greater power than any in existence was unclaimed and each Government desired that The Boy belong to them, so that that Government could prevail over its brothers.  This was manifested in the sending of their Most Powerful Gifted from each of the many Governments to obtain The Boy at any cost.

  For the love of their young son, The Ancient Parents fled across the face of the planet called Sorrows.  Yet bound as the Ancients were, unable to pass much further than the Great Shield, the planet contained no refuge to hide.  For The Boy continued to Send all thoughts and emotions to any within a great distance, being untrained.  This drew the Hunters of both the Ancient Orders and the Governments.  For several revolutions of the Great Shield the Ancient Parents were able to evade the Hunters.  Yet The Boy could not be hide for long in any place, and the Hunters grew ever closer.

  It was in this time of need that a Mentor arose.  One of the Hunters, of a lesser Government, the Mentor was not deaf to the headings of reason, which the Ancients called Conscience.  It was the Mentor which found The Boy and the Ancient Parents as they stood at bay, trapped by Hunters from the Ancient Order, who defeated the Hunters and gave those Hunters false memories.  Memories of the death of The Boy and The Ancient Parents, with the Mentors’ Gifts and the false news of death, at last gave The Boy and the Ancient Parents a chance to hide.

  Thus began the years of training, which The Boy learned to hide his thoughts so that no one felt them, to project those thoughts to one or many, to control another’s mind or give that mind false memories or thoughts.  And as The Boy learned, a second Gift awoke, that of reading minds, which The Boy also had in great power.  Thus it was, that at last The Boy learned to fight mind to mind, to shield or break another’s mind shield, to control ones opponent, for to kill mind to mind required more power than any possessed even The Boy.  So it was that The Boy grew into The Young Man.

  Now it was during the years of training that the They first appeared.  The They first came to the Great Shield of the planet called Sorrows, where the great ship was set in orbit.  A lesser ship came down to the planet called Sorrows and flew through the skies.  Much panic among the Ancients was caused by this, though they did not turn their great weapons on the lesser ship.  Instead a great many Governments sent Air Ships to watch the lesser ship as it flew here and there.

  Tragedy was born that day, though the end was Imagi.  For an Air Ship approached upon the lesser ship and an energy struck it from the sky.  The remains had not yet touched upon the earth before the great weapons of the Ancients were opened and the lesser ship was destroyed.  The Greater ship also sustained a great deal of damage, though it left the orbit of the Great Shield and escaped into the space the Ancients could not follow. 

  Now the planet called Sorrows was in chaos.  Governments rose and fell only to rise again.  Every Ancient was against his neighbor, and many religious Orders sought to slay any who saw or believed about They.  For many of the Orders thought that the Ancients alone existed in reason.

  It was during this time that a leader arose who united the Governments and brought a measure of order, though no one could reason with the Ancient Orders.  This leader knew that the They would return for retribution, so prepare the planet he did.

  Both the Ancient Parents perished in the chaos, though the Mentor and The Young Man escaped.  Neither revealed that they possessed Gifts, and lived as those without, humbly and quietly.  So the years past until The Young Man became a Man of twenty.

  Now the They returned in the twentieth year of the life of the Man.  They set their great ships in the far reaches of space and sent many lesser ships and greater ships to destroy the planet called Sorrows.  Thus began the Great Battle in which many Ancients and They died.  For the They were not want to go to war with each other as the Ancients did, though their numbers were far greater, their weapons were not as great nor did They know the many ways to kill.  So the
Great Battle raged for a week and a half, for the They would come down to the planet called Sorrows in great numbers and destroy all in their path until a great many They were destroyed upon which time They returned to the great ships the Ancients could not reach.  Though the Ancients destroyed many for each Ancient that died, the numbers of the They were simply too great.

  So it came to pass that on the eleventh day the They brought their great ships down to the planet called Sorrows, to destroy all with their numbers alone.  And the Ancients were afraid, for they could not replace those who fell in battle and no longer could resist such an attack but would be destroyed utterly.

  Now at last, as the They entered the atmosphere, the Man attempted what no Ancient had done before, and cast out his mind and touched the mind of a They.  Now the mind he touched was not as an Ancient mind, and the Man could not comprehend what he saw and heard there.

  But the Man could confuse the mind of the They so that the They erred and struck another They with the weapons of that They’s lesser ship.  Now encouraged the Man cast out to the far reaches of his