Read The Induna's Wife Page 12



  I was now left alone, and having lain hidden a few days--for that_impi_, though it made good search all around my hiding-place, failed tofind me--I began to travel southward again. And as I travelled Ithought how once before I had fled from our people nationless and anoutcast, all for the sake of a woman, as I told you in that former talewhen I won the King's Assegai; and now a second time I thus fled--asecond time a woman had been the cause of my undoing; and yet it mightbe otherwise, for I was not an old man then, and who may tell what timeholds in store?

  And now, _Nkose_, I must leap over a great deal that happened during myflight, for if I were to dwell upon everything, and all I went through,and the peoples I fell in among--how some entertained me friendly andwell, and how from others--being but one man and alone--I had to fly asfast and as far as from Umzilikazi's hunting dogs; how too, from othersagain, who, seeming friendly, yet plotted against me the diresttreachery, from which I escaped as by a flash of time--all this, I say,were I to dwell upon, I should never get to my story, which being boundup with the fate of mighty nations and peoples, is the tale, _Nkose_,which you would desire to hear rather than the escapes and wanderings ofone man.

  Two moons had reached their full, and had died again, and by then itseemed to me that once more I was coming among my own people, for Iheard our tongue spoken in all its fulness; and the kraals were even asour kraals, with the ringed fence and domed huts, and the women at workin the corn lands wore their hair gathered up in the _impiti_, orreddened cone, even as our women wear it. Now I judged it time to enterin among them; and one day, feeling hungry, I stopped at a small kraal--one of several--and gave greeting. None but women were there at thetime, but presently from the other kraals men came hurrying, all armed.These were young and unringed, and seeing before them a _kehla_, and aman of my warrior aspect, their bearing, which had seemed somewhathostile, became respectful, and they gave me greeting deferentially; andpresently the women brought me _tywala_ and ears of green corn roasted,for they might not open the milk-sacks, the heads of the houses beingabsent.

  Now, desiring information, I found a way of asking as to the head ofthis group of kraals, whereat I saw surprise and some suspicion in theirfaces as they exchanged glances, for taking me for an induna of highimport, they could little understand my ignorance on that point. Theyanswered that it was the country of Nomapela, who was absent on anexpedition into the territory of the Amaswazi, wherein he was acting asthe chastising right arm of the King; but that, from day to day, theyhad been expecting his return.

  "Then I will await the return of Nomapela, my children," I answered.

  "We hear you, father," they said. And then I was shown to a hut andprovided with entertainment, yet I knew that these young men were allsuspicious of me, for I myself had come from the direction of the Swazicountry, and might well be one of that people.

  But not long had I to wait, for presently runners came in, and soonafterwards, great dust clouds, arising from the valley in the hillsthrough which I myself had come, announced the arrival of the _impi_.But before it, streaming out through the defile, like a torrent when therain is falling among the hills, came a great herd of cattle. _Whau_!it was a goodly sight to see the beasts as they poured onwards, thecrashing of horns, as great bulls would now and then turn to fight eachother as they ran; the lowing of cows, with calves racing at theirsides, the gleam of the sun on the black and red and white and spottedhides, the forest of horns and the rolling eyes, and the trampling, andthe dust-clouds, and the dark, leaping figures of the young men who,with shouts, and flourishing their shields, kept the herd from strayingtoo far on either side. And then the _impi_, a full regiment strong,marching behind, the glitter of spear-points and the flash of shields asthey advanced in column, singing a song of war--_Whau_! that was agoodly sight, and my eyes kindled as, with head thrown back, I watchedit, feeling as though I were indeed among my own people once more,instead of among the children of Dingane, that mighty Elephant whosetread shaketh the earth at his great kraal Nkunkundhlovu.["Nkunkundhlovu" means "the rumble of the Elephant."] And from thatgreat place I knew I could not now be many days distant.

  As I watched, the _impi_ halted, squatting on the plain a littledistance off. Several men detached themselves from it and came to thekraal, foremost among them being Nomapela, the chief. He gave megreeting, and bade me sit with them, while bowls of _tywala_ were handedround, and food. But these men also were gazing at me curiously,knowing not what to make of me, for they seemed to divine I was not oneof themselves, and also that I was a man of standing and authority.This they could readily see, for the habit of commanding men will soonstamp upon the very countenance of him who exercises it a look ofcommand; and the face of the man who practically commanded the whole ofUmzilikazi's army was likely to bear that stamp. So they knew not whatto think, and could not ask direct.

  "Do you fare our way, brother?" said Nomapela presently, while we atetogether.

  "I seek speech with the King," I answered, "and would fain travel inyour company, ye who return conquerors."

  These half-dozen men were all ringed and chiefs. Nomapela I knew byname as an induna of Dingane, and now I thought more than one of theothers were known to me by sight. One indeed seemed to think the sameas regards myself, for him had I seen eyeing me from time to time, asthough he were trying to recollect me. Then, as he turned, displaying acertain scar upon his shoulder, I remembered him well--remembered thescar, too. It was a broad scar, as though the point of his shoulder hadbeen sliced nearly off, and that then the weapon, turning, had burieditself in a deep straight cut. Indeed, I ought to remember it, for itwas I who had inflicted it, and that with the very spear I held in myhand.

  Often during our march did I find this chief looking thus at me. Atlast he said quietly:

  "The way from the North is far, brother, is it not?"

  I assented, and he went on:

  "Is the Black Bull of the North growing old and weak that he sends to_konza_ to the Elephant who trumpets at Nkunkundhlovu?"

  "No older and no weaker than the day his horns gored back the Elephant,yonder at Inkume," I answered, betrayed for the moment into speaking upfor my nation. "And I think on that day thou, too, didst feel thegoring of those horns, Mfulwana," I added with a half-laugh as I glancedmeaningly at the scar upon his shoulder.

  "_Whau_! That was a great fight, induna of the Black Bull," heanswered; and then, we being somewhat apart from the rest, we fought thebattle of the Three Rifts over again--in words this time--I and thiswarrior, whom I had wounded there, and I found that my name and deeds atthat place were well known in Zulu-land. Yes, and even how I had metand striven with Mhlangana the brother of Dingane, shield to shield andface to face; but I already knew how that Great One had travelled intothe Dark Unknown, for two bulls cannot rule in one kraal.

  In due time we came to the White Umfolosi, which was but a short marchfrom Nkunkundhlovu, and were met on the river-bank by many who had cometo gaze on the returning _impi_, and to amuse themselves watching thecattle and the women captives as they crossed the stream. Muchwhispering, too, did I perceive as regarded myself, for I was the onlyone of that _impi_ not in war-gear, and the plainness of my attire andmy head-ring unadorned with plumes drew every eye to me, all at firstdeeming me a captive, until they saw that I carried arms, and then theyknew not what to make of it.

  And now, _Nkose_, as we came in sight of Nkunkundhlovu, I gazed uponthis great place with more than curious eyes. I had seen, when a boy,Tshaka's great kraal, Dukuza, but this one was even more magnificent.As we looked upon it from the opposite heights, I noticed that the_isigodhlo_ alone occupied fully a quarter of the space within the ringfences, and before this was the King's cattle kraal. Then the immensenumber of huts, many rows deep, between the ring fences, _hau_! itseemed to me that at least twenty thousand warriors might easily havebeen housed there. And the great space in the centre, _hau_! so greatwas
it that I thought our own great kraal, Kwa'zingwenya, would findroom to stand within that huge circle alone, could it be placed there.But one thing was curious, and that was a stockade of upright logs,which encircled the outside fence, leaving a broad space between,through which an _impi_ might march in columns.

  We arrived at about mid-day, and as we filed in through the lower gateour _impi_ began to sing a triumph-song in honour of the King:

  "Ruler of the World, thy people turn to thee! Father of nations, thy children creep beneath thy shadow! Pursuer of the disobedient, thy scourges return to thee red; Red with the blood of those who have fallen beneath thy glance. Thy glance withers, O Stabber of the Sun; O Divider of the Stars. Before it nations are consumed and creep away to die!"

  Thus sang they in praise of Dingane, and two regiments within the centrespace, drawn up under arms, took up the song, strophe by strophe!clashing together their war shields as they sang.

  Now, as we entered, the King himself came forth from the _isigodhlo_,preceded by the _izimbonga_, running and roaring, and trumpeting andhissing, as they shouted aloud the royal titles--and so long, indeed,were these, and so many, that I thought they would last until sundown.But at length they desisted, and the thunder of the "_Bayete_!" went upwith a roar as from the voice of one, as every warrior tossed aloft hisunarmed right hand, hailing the King.

  I had seen this all my life when Umzilikazi appeared in state; but,somehow, here it seemed to impress me as it had never before done. Thevastness of this great place, Nkunkundhlovu, "The Rumble of theElephant," the perfect order and splendid array of the regiments underarms, and, above all, the knowledge that here was the fountain-head ofthe pure-blooded race of Zulu--the parent stock, the ruler and eater-upof all nations, feared even by the white people, of whom just then wewere more than beginning to hear--all this told upon me, and great asour new nation was, it was only great by reason of distance and strategywhen compared with this. And now, _Nkose_, you will understand withwhat curiosity I gazed upon him to whom all nations did _konza_--themighty Dingane, slayer of Tshaka the Terrible, and who now sat in thatGreat One's seat.

  He was a very tall man, in the full strength of middle age, but thatlargeness of limb which peculiarly distinguishes the House ofSenzangakona imparted to him a stoutness of aspect which made his heightappear less than it really was. And his look was right kingly.Straight he walked, with his head thrown back--lord, indeed, of the"People of the Heavens" [The literal meaning of "Amazulu."]--and hiseyes burned like stars, as, without bending his head, his glance sweptdown over the array of warriors there assembled.

  He took his seat upon a wooden chair covered with a leopard-skin robe,which was set at the upper end of the great space, the chief indunassquatting on the ground on either side. The shield-bearer stood behindthe royal chair, holding aloft the great white shield of state, anoffice I had many a time fulfilled in times past for Umzilikazi. Thenhe beckoned Nomapela and the other leaders of the returning _impi_, todraw near and make their report. They crept up, uttering the phrases of_sibonga_, and set forth what had been done. They had gone through thatsection of the Swazi people who had defied the King and made raids upontribes who did _konza_ to the Great Great One, and had carried the torchand the assegai upon their path. None had escaped, save, perhaps, a fewwho had fled to the mountains, having got warning of the approach of theslayers.

  "That they should not have been allowed to do," said Dingane. "Yet inpouring _tywala_ from one bowl to another, a few drops will now and thenperforce be spilled. And what spoil have ye brought?"

  "Much cattle and good, Ruler of the World," answered Nomapela. "Some weleft, for it looked weak and sickly, and we knew it was not the will ofthe King that the remnant of that people should starve."

  "Ye have done well on the whole, my children," said Dingane, who lookedpleased. "And how--what of the women? Were any good enough to bringhither?"

  "_Au_! Are _any_ good enough for the Father of Nations?" quicklyreplied Nomapela. "Yet some we thought too well favoured to feed theblade of the spear, and these we brought."

  "Ha! I will see them, then," said Dingane, somewhat eagerly. "Bringthem hither. The cattle I will inspect some other time. But--hold.Whom have ye there?" he broke off, as his glance now fell upon me, whereI sat among the warriors, conspicuous by the lack of plumes and waradornments. "Is it the chief dog of this tribe of dogs ye haveexterminated? Yet no, for he is armed."

  "He is a stranger, O Elephant, who seeks audience of the Ruler of theWorld," answered Nomapela.

  "He is from the North, Serpent of Wisdom. _Au_! and a great tale shouldhe have to tell," struck in Mfulwana.

  "Ha! From the North? He has the look of one who could wield yon broadspear he holds," said Dingane, with that piercing glance of his fullupon me. Then louder, "Come hither, stranger."

  I understood the ways of kings, _Nkose_, none better; and so, disarming,I crept forward, the words of _bonga_ rolling out thick and fast thewhile. Arriving before the Great Great One, I prostrated myself, andthen, seating myself upon the ground, waited for him to speak. Still hekept silence, and seemed to be looking me through and through; and,_Nkose_, I, who knew little of fear, felt it was no light thing to bethere thus, awaiting the word of this mighty one, at whose frown tribesand peoples fell dead.

  "_Whau_! but I think thou dost understand somewhat of the ways of war?"he said, at last.

  "That do I, indeed, Father of the Nations," I answered.

  "Who art thou, and what is thy name?"

  "I am Untuswa, the son of Ntelani, of the tribe of Umtetwa, BlackElephant," I answered.

  As I said these words, a great exclamation volleyed forth from thewarriors; from all within hearing, that is, for the place was large, andmy words could not reach everybody. The _izinduna_ seated around theKing bent eagerly forward to look at me, and even Dingane himself couldnot avoid something of a start. Nomapela too, and Mfulwana, started andstared, for not even to the latter had I revealed my identity. He knewthat I was a war chief of high rank, and had wounded him in battle, buteven he had not guessed who I really was.

  Now Dingane looked at me all the more eagerly, and I, who knew not whatwas in his mind, thought that it was all even whether death now hadtravelled my way at last, or not. For I had wounded Mhlangana in theside at the battle of the Three Rifts. I myself had seen the bloodflow. I had shed the blood of the royal House of Senzangakona, and werethis known to Dingane, _au_! the place of slaughter would soon knowanother victim.

  "Well, Untuswa, son of Ntelani, thy name is not unknown here, it wouldseem," said the King, with a wave of the hand which took in thosearound. "And now, what is the message wherewith thou art charged?"

  "With no message am I charged, Father of the World," I answered. "Idesire to _konza_ to the lion of Zulu. That is why I am come hither."

  "Ah--ah, Untuswa," said the King softly, putting his head on one side."And what hast thou done, away in the North where a new lion roarsalone--that so mighty a warrior, so brave a leader of men, should seekanother king?"

  "I have a reason, Serpent of Wisdom, but it is not for the ears of all,"I said. "One thing, however. It is to the advantage of the House ofSenzangakona that I thus desire to _konza_ to the Elephant whose treadshaketh the world."

  "Thou art a brave man, Untuswa," said the King, "but I think thousurpassest thyself in coming hither with that tale. However, I willhear it, and that shortly. And now, Nomapela, bring hither thycaptives, for I would see them."

  The women, to the number of a score and a half, were marched up beforethe King, and lay prone on their faces in fear; howbeit some, who wereyoung and pretty, and well rounded, did not fear to look slily throughtheir fingers, calculating their chances of obtaining more or lessascendency within the _isigodhlo_, for Dingane loved women much, thoughhe would never take onto himself wives, lest there should be strife asto the succession.

  "_Whau_! they are an ugly lot," I heard him mutter. "Nevertheless, shewill do--an
d she--and she--and she," pointing at four of them with hisshort-handled assegai. "For the rest, I want them not. You, Nomapelaand Mfulwana, and all who have led the _impi_, can choose two or threeapiece, and if any remain let Untuswa here take them; for it is not meetthat a warrior of his standing should come among us and have no wives."

  We all shouted aloud in praise of the King's generosity, and just thentwo of the women whom Dingane had chosen faltered forth that they hadsmall children with them.

  "Children, have ye?" said Dingane softly. "Then they and ye must part,for my peace cannot be disturbed with screaming. Fear not, my sisters,they shall be well cared for--ah, yes--well cared for." And the womensaid no more, for although they knew what sort of "care" would be metedout to their offspring, they themselves had no desire to travel into theDark Unknown--wherefore they uttered no further word.

  Then the King retired, amid shouts of praise from all there, andI--_Whau_! in but a short space I found myself occupying a fine hutwithin the great kraal of Nkunkundhlovu, the owner of three captiveSwazi girls who had been given me as wives by Dingane, the Great King,and this, at any rate, was better than the stake of impalement atKwa'zingwenya.