Read The Infected Trilogy Page 11

  She cautiously removed the blockade that she had placed at the bottom of the door to let us in. She motioned for the child to go to the back of the building for safety, I’m sure.

  “Hey, thanks for letting us in. Are you ok in here? You look shook up,” I carefully approached her.

  “I, I, I’m ok. Do you need something? You really should lock the door. They might come back,” she smiled nervously.

  The second that Brian locked the door she had an instant look of relief on her face. Fear gripped this child and I’m not sure how long she has been stuck in this store.

  “Sweety, how long have you been stuck in here?” Aunt Brooke asked in a mothering way.

  “Um, I’m not sure. It’s been a while,” she volunteered.

  “Oh honey, can we help you get somewhere safe?” Aunt Brooke pitifully smiled.

  “Well, I really don’t have anywhere else to go. I figured we would just stay here until it wasn’t safe anymore. You know, there is food and a bathroom here so we could survive here for a while,”

  “Do you have any family?” I interjected.

  The young lady cried. She cried so hard that it brought Aunt Brooke to tears. She held the girl and comforted her until Brian noticed an object moving in the darkness. He cocked his gun and pointed it to the corner of the room and a child came out.

  “Mister, please don’t shoot me!” cried the child.

  Brian lowered his gun at the same time as his jaw lowered. This is the first child we had come across since all of the craziness began. We all stood there in stunned silence as we watched him approach us.

  He was young, really young although I couldn’t pin-point an age for him. He looked a lot like his sister in many ways but a younger, male version. He had her same large brown eyes.

  “Oh my goodness, sweety! Who is this child with you?” Aunt Brooke asked in earnest.

  “Yeah, that’s my little brother,” she stated.

  “And you two have been locked up in here together? Where are your parents?” I flooded them with questions.

  The girl took a seat on the filthy floor of the convenience store and we all followed. Her brother climbed in her lap and clung onto her for dear life. She grabbed a Mountain Dew from beside her and took a long swig. “Do you want the long or the short version?” She asked.

  “We have time, let’s hear the long version,” I replied.

  “So, we were at home with my parents and I heard my mother screaming so I went in to check on her,” she paused, tears welling up in her eyes. She spoke through her tears, “It was my dad. He turned into one of them. He was eating her. I grabbed Rudy and we ran as fast as we could. We ended up here at the store. There was nobody here so we locked ourselves in,” she confessed.

  “We’ve been here a while,” she continued. “We have nowhere else to go. All of the rest of my family lives in L.A. and there was no way for us to get there. It’s not even safe here in Terra Bella so I know it’s not safer in L.A. I figured me and Rudy could be safe here for a while.”

  “Oh, honey,” Aunt Brooke gushed. “Why don’t you guys come and stay with us? We have a big property that has been designated a safe house. It has a state of the art security system and Rudy would love the tree house we just built in the back yard. We could take care of you guys as long as you need.”

  “Selena,” the young child spoke, “I want to go.”

  Selena looked hesitant at the stranger’s offer but nodded her head in agreement.

  “How old are you two?” Aunt Brooke asked.

  “I’m 16 and he is 8,” Selena offered.

  “Well listen, I’m going to pull the car around to the entrance. I’m going to back up directly to the doors. I want you two to climb in through the back hatch and lock the doors. The rest of us are going to load up as many supplies as we can and then we will get gas. Ok?” Brian asked.

  So we did just that. We loaded up everything that we could into the Suburban. The back was filled with ready to eat food. We had chips, candy, soda’s and cans of soup. Next we raided the lighters and matches and anything else that would be of use to us. We would have to come back to get the rest of it.

  We filled up the tank and headed on our way to the manor.

  “Listen sweety, once we get there I’m going to need your clothing sizes and a list of any toiletries you will need and we will make sure you get it. Ok?” Aunt Brooke was such a mother.

  We arrived back at the manor, two more people in tow. I called the family together and introduced our newest tenants. Not a single person disagreed on their residency. We all felt bad for the two of them.

  Seth on the other hand looked as though he had seen an angel. He was definitely smitten by the young girl’s charming looks. Selena quickly excused herself and her brother to their rooms so they could shower. I couldn’t guess when the last time was either of them had bathed.

  Selena was impressed with the home and Rudy was more than impressed with the tree house. He and Chris hit it off instantly. I could see that they would be spending a lot of time together. Selena couldn’t pull Rudy out of the tree house.

  Nick studied the young lady with an eerie curiosity. I couldn’t figure out the look on his face. Was it bewilderment or was it lust? He was much too old for her and I decided that if he didn’t stop staring at her that I was going to make him regret it. I fantasized about kicking him where the sun doesn’t shine, over and over.

  The group gathered to discuss where to get the two of them the supplies they needed as well as getting some supplies that we each personally needed as well as for the needs of the house. It was decided that we would hit up the abandoned dollar store on Henderson Street. Zoe, Nick and Chang would get those items while the rest of us stayed at the manor to watch over things.



  The next morning we got up at the crack of dawn. 3am didn’t come easily for me and I certainly wasn’t a morning person. Chang, Nick and I ate a small breakfast and loaded up in the Suburban and attached the horse trailer. I figured if we were going to steal we had better do it right.

  There was no living thing in sight at this time of morning, although there was plenty of walking dead roaming the streets. Chang rolled down his window to shoot some for fun. We approached the front door to the dollar store and Chang motioned for us to move aside.

  I’m not sure what he did but he managed to get the glass doors opened without a problem. There was no alarm and the door easily stayed open for us. I backed up the trailer to the front door and commanded Nick to be a lookout. He stood there with his gun adorned, waiting for a surprise attack.

  It took us 2 hours but we got everything we needed from the store. We completely filled the large horse trailer with every toiletry they had, every cleaning supply they had, all of their medication and all of the food.

  We didn’t take everything from the store but we wiped a lot of it out. On the way back to the manor we discussed coming right back to gather the rest of what we couldn’t grab the first time and to hit up the boutique clothing store next door.

  It took no time for all of us to unload the trailer into the grass at the manor and we headed back for more stuff. Nick decided to stay behind this time so we took Kyle with us.

  It didn’t take us long to gather up what we needed. We mostly grabbed tools and other odd and end things we didn’t manage to get the first time.

  Chang was able to get into the clothing store just as easily. We completely wiped that place out in a manner of 30 minutes since we were able to shut the door.

  We started to leave, full trailer in tow and Kyle suddenly stopped us.

  “Stop right there!” He commanded.

  He quickly jumped out of the Suburban and ran to an ATM machine. He punched in a code and the door opened.

  “Grab a laundry basket and come here!”
He frantically motioned to us.

  Chang grabbed a basket and quickly ran to Kyle’s aid. I wasn’t sure what he was doing but I knew it wasn’t good. The men filled up the laundry basket as fast as they could and came back to fill up 2 more baskets. The back seat of the Suburban was filled with 20 dollar bills and we needed to get out of there fast!

  Kyle admitted he was one of the guys that stocked ATM’s. He knew how to get in and out without being noticed.

  I sped back to the manor just before daylight completely set in. This time we were met with tons of questions as to where we got all of the money. None of the men with me commented.

  “You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to take care of your family. I want no judgment from any of you, just be thankful that we have the things we need,” I snapped.



  Looting wasn’t my idea of what was right but we needed to take care of our family. I felt bad that we had to go that route, but at the same time I was relieved to have the items we needed and would need in the future.

  We were stocked with plenty of food and toiletries. I couldn’t see us needing anything for quite some time. We would still hunt to maintain our supply but now we weren’t in desperate need for anything.

  We also had a few thousand more dollars to add to the house fund. We were taken care of for a while. Chang’s family also gave him some money to build more tree houses under the stipulation that he build one on the property for them if they were under circumstances to need a place to go. The group agreed to their terms and the building plans were drawn.

  While the men worked, I spent my time thinking. I was really worried that something was going to happen to Aunt Brooke for escaping. I felt the strong need to call together a house meeting to discuss what we were going to do if something like that were to happen. Zeke did not participate, I’m sure he was just being antisocial today. He had good days and bad days since Maria’s passing.

  “Aunt Brooke, what do you think is going to happen now? Do you really think they are going to come after you?” I asked without hesitation. I could see the fear in everyone’s eyes and knew that was the thought on their minds too.

  “I don’t know. I guess it comes down to how much of a threat I am to them. It all depends on how worried they are about their secret coming out,” she replied.

  “Well we all know how this is going to play out. We need to keep you safe here at the manor and not let anyone know that you are here,” Zoe sternly stated.

  “We need to get to the bottom of this. First we need to find out if there is a cure. And if there is a cure, we need to find out why they aren’t releasing it. There seems to be some reason why they are withholding something that will cure the sick. It’s kind of a bold statement if you think about it,” Brian’s brilliance shown through as he spoke. He winked at me and gave me that amazing smile that sent electricity through my body. I shyly smiled back at him.

  Interrupting our moment, Zeke frantically ran into the room and turned the TV on. Flashing on the screen was Aunt Brooke’s face and the words WANTED scrolled all across the bottom.

  The newscast reported her as being a terrorist. Her supposed crime was the murder of a public official and embezzlement. The government was offering $20,000.00 for her body, dead or alive. They reported her for being near Terra Bella, California but seemingly headed towards Los Angeles. They claimed she could be anywhere in Tulare county and had stolen multiple vehicles to get wherever she was going.

  “THAT’S ALL LIES!!!” Aunt Brooke seethed through clenched teeth.

  “I guess they do want you badly enough,” Kyle sighed.

  “What am I going to do? Everyone will be out looking for me since there is a huge reward for my head! I won’t be able to run for long,” she frightfully replied.

  “Then you stay here mom. There’s nothing you can do besides stay here. You aren’t safe anywhere else. Nobody knows you are here,” Chris added.

  “You know what I should do? They want me dead anyway, I should let out their little secret! There’s gotta be some way that I can do a video broadcast and explain my side of the story. It won’t matter if I get caught, I’m a dead woman anyway and people need to know the truth!” Aunt Brooke firmly stated.

  “I can help you with that,” Brian paused, unsure of his self at that moment. “I mean there are ways to post an anonymous blog on the internet. I know how to do that. I could help you do it if you want. Don’t ask me how I know, but I do,” he rambled.

  “Really? You would do that for me? Let’s do it!” Aunt Brooke ecstatically replied.

  Selena and Rudy stayed silent and watched our interactions.

  Brian spent the entire week setting up a system that scrambled our I.P. address so Aunt Brooke could post anonymously. We borrowed one of the unused security cameras and set it up in the basement and got ready for Aunt Brooke’s first webcast. Apparently she wanted to make a string of webisodes. I didn’t mind sharing Brian with the greater cause but I also missed him being at my side.

  Who was I to tell Aunt Brooke no? I knew it was risky but she was a grown woman and understood all of the repercussions to her decision. Apparently she thought it was more important to keep the public informed than it was to consider her own safety. She figured she was a dead woman anyway. Zoe and I decided that she should not leave the house for any reason until this issue was resolved.

  Aunt Brooke spent her time caring for the newest members of the family. Selena was becoming well accustomed to the home and its members and Rudy was having the time of his life playing in the tree house with Chris. I personally liked them both and decided that picking them up was the best thing we could have ever done for them.

  Kyle and Nick took a break and went back to the gas station where we found them to fill up barrels of gas and to gather the rest of what we couldn’t get the first time. They also managed to fill up the back of the Suburban with beer.

  I wasn’t completely opposed to drinking; I just didn’t want anyone drinking around Rudy. For some reason I felt very protective of him. I looked at him as though he was my little brother. I made it known what the rules were for drinking and I got a little flack for it, but I didn’t care. It was my job to take care of everyone in the house, not just some of them.

  Rudy was quickly becoming bored. The guys went out and stole some toys for him. He was riding his new bike around the property in no time. He was definitely changed from the way we found him a few weeks ago.

  He was a bit melancholy at times though and I could only attribute that to him missing his parents. Selena did much to soothe him and could calm him when no one else could.

  Selena on the other hand was doing very well. She missed her parents greatly but she was also thankful we rescued her from the ‘dungeon of demons’ as she called it.

  She spent a lot of her days trying to help Aunt Brooke with her broadcasts and was quickly getting to know Seth. They were close to the same age and he doted on her every desire. If she even mentioned wanting some iced tea, he ran to get it for her. I think she was loving all of his attention. The feeling was mutual though and I think something was building between the two of them. I was going to have to keep a close eye on the situation.

  When Selena wasn’t helping with the broadcast, she was helping in the kitchen, taking care of her little brother or spending time with Seth in the game room. Selena was a big help to the house and did more than her fair share of the cooking and cleaning. She was an asset to the home, not a liability as Nick once referred to her as.

  Nick was becoming more and more of a jerk. Nobody liked being around him because of his attitude. We couldn’t ask him to do anything to benefit the house without being met with some kind of snide remark. He thought his only job was to build tree houses. He did mention to Seth that he was thinking about leaving. I certainly wouldn’t mind if he did. He was sarcastic an
d rude and was not a joy to be around.

  After dealing with his attitude a few more weeks I finally asked him what he was doing here. He replied with anger, of course, and said he was helping the house and that I should be more grateful for his help. I didn’t respond to that but I kept imagining kicking him again where the sun doesn’t shine.

  The next few days were spent getting ready for Aunt Brooke’s first broad cast. She had the entire scenario written out and knew exactly what she would wear.

  The morning of October 1st would be her first broadcast, and that was only a few days away.



  It was the morning of October 1st. The house was busy when I awoke. I quickly threw on some clothes and headed downstairs for some breakfast. Selena woke up early and made everyone oatmeal. I really liked this girl. She was very family orientated and didn’t fall apart easily. She reminded me of my own strength. Her parent’s death didn’t cause her to be weak, it made her stronger. She was a born leader and her personality was a perk to everyone around her.

  Breakfast was finished and everyone headed to the basement for mom’s first webisode. Selena primped mom while Chris ran the camera.

  Mom was wearing a navy blue silk blouse, navy blue skinny jeans and white 3 inch heels. Her hair was curled and she had on a shimmering white scarf that complemented the blue in her eyes.

  Her chair sat up against the plain grey wall of the basement. She sat there with her legs crossed, seemingly full of confidence.

  Chris gave her a nod and she started her speech.

  “My name is Brooke Johnson. I am currently wanted for embezzlement and murdering a government official. I am here today to tell you my side of the story.

  “I was working at a clinic as a nurse in Fresno, California when the virus outbreak happened. I was bitten by someone who was infected and found myself to be sick as well. I had all the signs of the “Z” virus and lost control of my thoughts. I had no idea what happened but apparently I was out of it for months. I was taken into one of the infected clinics where I was given experimental drugs.