Read The Infected Trilogy Page 4

  Maria asked the cook to make green chicken enchiladas, rice and beans for dinner and he happily obliged. I think we could all get used to this treatment.

  “Hey guys, I wanted to let you know a little about the estate,” Maria stated. “There’s a study, a loft, a game room, a home theater and in the basement is an indoor pool. The game room has every game system imaginable and also has a pool table and a ping pong table. It’s going to be real hard for you to get bored here.”

  “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Chris and Zeke yelled in unison.

  Maria erupted in laughter and shook her head yes.

  “I figured I could take you for a tour of the grounds this morning if you don’t mind,” Maria said.

  So we did. We hopped on the golf cart and Maria drove us through the acreage. First we drove up to the mini golf course. It had about 8 holes. I’ll probably be spending some time here, I thought. Next we drove past the baseball diamond. Bre will be spending some time here for sure. Then we headed around to the other side of the property that had an extensively large pool complete with a diving board, slide and lots of toys. Next to it was a very large, covered hot tub. Everyone seemed very happy about that. There was a tiny pool room next to that.

  Around the corner were two tennis courts. I could only assume at this point that these were active people! Nearby was a small structure that we stopped at. Maria grabbed her keys and unlocked the doors.

  “You boys should be happy about this room,” Maria said excitedly.

  It was a full gym. It had televisions in each corner and water stations all over the place. It was complete with showers. Man, these people have it all.

  The tour was over. Maria told us to treat her home as our home and use anything we wish, but to put it back the way we got it. The boys stayed in the gym of course. Maria, Bre and I went back to the house. Breanne and I wanted to explore the inside of the house better and Maria gave us the ok. She told us to go into any room, except for any that were locked.

  So our tour began. First we explored the downstairs. There were the rooms we’ve already seen and down the hall were several more we hadn’t. The first room we came to was the game room. Maria was right; there was every game system you ever wanted in there with thousands of games. There was a large screen TV in every corner of the room! One of the doors inside led us to the loft where there was pool and ping pong tables. The next room was the study. I was in love. Bre and I love reading and it looked like these people owned every collection possible. There were classic books like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and The Secret Garden, just to name a few. Then there was a section of newer mystery novels. This was set up just like a school library. Next we went down the hall and found a door that was locked. Must be important stuff in there, we decided. Curiosity did get the best of me but I decided to leave it alone for the time being. At the end of the corridor was a door that led down a long flight of stairs. We were in the basement. The first room we came across was the home theater.

  “Maria didn’t show this to us when we were watching movies last night. I wonder if it’s broken?” I asked Zoe.

  “Actually it’s not. I wanted to save it for today,” Maria interrupted, startling us.

  “Oh that’s cool. Well I do hereby declare that tonight be movie night!” Bre said in her best old accent.

  “Come see over here. This is the best part of the house,” Maria giddily stated.

  Around the corner was a massive indoor heated pool. Words could not express our fondness! Bre and I ran up to our rooms to change so we could take a dip. There was nothing better than a heated pool in January! We swam for a good couple of hours and then began to feel the pangs of hunger. We ran upstairs, showered and headed to the dining area for lunch. They were serving quesadillas with pico de gallo, one of my favorites.

  “Hey Maria, you said this place has a state of the art security system. Do you mind showing us how it works?” Zeke questioned.

  “Yeah, I can take you right after lunch. You all are free to join us if you want,” Maria answered.

  After lunch we followed Maria down the hall to the locked door. Inside were about 20 cameras with infrared sensors. Some of the screens were shots of cars going down Westwood street.

  “Can’t be too safe,” The tech said.

  “I guess not,” Chris retorted.

  “When my family had this built they did all of this because when someone is thought to have money, people will try to break in and steal. Everything that is recorded on these cameras is sent to a hard drive at another location so that there is no chance of the footage being destroyed. My family worked hard for the money they have and the thought of someone taking what they worked for frightened them. It also gave them peace of mind while they slept.”

  “Well that certainly benefits us now with all this zombie hype,” I replied.

  “I feel a lot safer having this in place,” Chris stated.

  “Let me show you something even better than this,” Maria said.

  She led us up the windy staircase and then at the end of the hall was what appeared to be an attic ladder. She climbed up the ladder, inserted her key in a tiny hole at the top and took us to the roof top deck.

  “If all else fails we can watch from up here. If someone is inside, this is a safe place.”

  “How cool!!!” Exclaimed Chris.

  “What a great view,” added Bre.

  I was beginning to feel very safe here and I was very excited to live here.


  Chapter 7


  We were entertained for weeks with no interruptions. We got to eat whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We had tons of stuff to do. I had tons of books to read and I was content. It almost made me feel like nothing else was going on in the world. We were happy in our own little world at Westwood Manor. Chris kept busy in the game room and the gym. Zoe spent some time in the gym and the study, but she spent most of her time on the golf course. Zeke made himself attached to Maria. Well, I think it is mutual. They were officially a couple now. Although I think it’s a crazy time for anyone to start any type of relationship, I can’t say I’m not happy for them. They are so cute together and actually well suited. I personally think they are in love, just haven’t said it yet. I could see a wedding in the future for them.

  Today was the day to get the moving truck and head to Fresno to get more of Chris and Zeke’s belongings. I was leery of leaving the house because the world couldn’t have possibly gotten any better since we segregated ourselves. Me, Maria and Zeke rode in Maria’s Suburban while Zoe drove the rental truck with Chris. Zoe made sure to give each of us a gun. She said we needed it to be safe.

  The ride didn’t take long because the weather was fair and the highways were empty, that was at least until we entered Fresno city limits. There weren’t a lot of cars driving around like normal, but there were tons of people walking. Some were walking with limps, some were running. Something was strange about this place. We waited at the light to turn onto Fresno street and Maria was suddenly met face to face at her window with a creature. You couldn’t call it a human because it barely resembled one. Maria screamed at the top of her lungs as the thing was scratching at her car window while making the most gruesome faces. It drooled blood. I was curious seeing it this close.

  “Maria, calm down!!!” Zeke shouted. “Just calm down baby. It can’t get you through the window.”

  I took the time to study it. Its face was a pale color with green and blue. Its eyes were sunken and had black all around them. This one looked like it had chunks taken out of its skull. There is no way this was a live human being. It reminded me of what the old man told me at the convenience store that day. The creature was moaning and groaning and was still trying to get into the vehicle.

  Suddenly Maria forcefully stepped on the gas and hightailed it out of there. She desired to get away from
those things as quickly as she could. We drove for a long while, not nearly stopping at red lights. Not many people were driving around, just mainly the walking dead were around, I thought. We had to drive for several miles through this madness before we got even close to Zeke’s house. We began to drive by a Costco store and there appeared to be a riot. People had ambushed the store and were taking out of there whatever they pleased. Security guards were lying by the entrance being trampled. I couldn’t tell from that distance whether they were dead or alive. The world has gone to hell in a hand basket.

  Chapter 8


  Fresno was a mad house. People were looting, shooting and following their own rules. I can’t believe things have changed so much in 3 weeks. I couldn’t even drive without running into one of these things. I probably ran over 4 of them just on Fresno street alone. Authorities were nowhere to be found. Where was our protection? Oh that’s right, my protection is my glock at my side.

  I was happy to finally arrive at Zeke’s house. He lived in an average house in an average neighborhood. It didn’t take him long to gather up everything he needed. He had a lot of it packed before we picked him up apparently. Loading his stuff was a piece of cake.

  “Hey Zoe,” Chris started, “Can you help me with this box?”

  I spotted a figure in the distance. It was moving rather quickly. Better safe than sorry, I grabbed my glock from my side and cocked it really quickly. Next thing I know it was lunging at my brother’s neck! I didn’t hesitate to point my gun at its head and attempt to blow its face off. BOOM. Chris ducked out of fear. I was on target. I dropped that thing like a hot cake.

  Everyone came running to see what happened. Shaking, Chris finally stood back up and looked behind him to see what happened. The sight was ghastly. The thing lay there twitching until it finally died. We quickly finished loading his stuff and got the heck out of there.

  Next we had to go to mom’s house to get Chris’ stuff. We dodged those things as much as we could but there was no way of getting around without hitting one of them. I tried my best but I probably hit at least 8 of them. Bre was following me in Maria’s Suburban because she was too shook up to drive. We needed to get the heck out of Fresno.

  We arrived at the house. It was eerily still. It didn’t feel like mom’s house anymore. I told everyone to stay in the car while I searched the perimeter. After a good check I gave the green light to exit the car. I entered the house, gun in hand. Fresno is crazy and I ain’t taking any chances. The house was clear so I motioned for the rest of them to come in. Chris took a good hour to pack the rest of his belongings.

  I went to make sure there weren’t any other boxes in Chris’ room and I found him sobbing on the floor looking at a picture of our mother. My god, I couldn’t do it anymore. I finally let loose. Tears streamed down my face in such a fast way that there was no containing it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Chris and I wept on the floor together for a good 20 minutes.

  “Chris, we’ve gotta pull it together. We need to go. Everyone is waiting on us.”

  The ride home was quiet. Chris and I weren’t interested in talking about it. We got back to the manor safe, but not sound. Chris seemed shook up about one of those demons almost getting him and the fact that mom was now one of them. Emotionally exhausted, I went straight to bed.

  Chapter 9


  The next morning was beautiful. Birds were chirping and it was a crisp, sunny, 50 degrees. Porterville was known for its easy winters and early spring times. Trees were already blooming. It hasn’t rained in weeks and the air was stuffy as usual. News casts warned of the bad air quality and advised that the sensitive population stay indoors today. Good thing that wasn’t an issue for me, but Maria was a different story. She has pretty bad asthma and carries an inhaler wherever she goes.

  She didn’t seem to be doing well this morning. She woke up coughing and taking her inhaler. She rested as much as she could when coughing wasn’t waking her up. She said she didn’t feel well and should probably see a doctor. While everyone else played, I played nurse. I was always told I had a mothering quality to me. I think I just don’t like to see people in pain or in need of something. I spent my morning coddling her and doing whatever I could to make her feel better.

  “I feel like I have a fever. My ears are burning. Can you go get the thermometer out of the cupboard in my bathroom please?” Maria politely asked.

  So I did. Her temperature was 104.6. I gave her some ibuprofen and Tylenol and waited to see if the temperature was going to go down. The medication lowered it slightly but didn’t do much of a difference. 3 hours later her temp was still at 101.3. After much insistence, I decided to force her butt to go to the emergency room.

  The drive there was uneventful. When we arrived, we were greeted with a security guard and nurse that administered the “z” breathalyzer test. We were in the clear so they let us enter. We sat there for 3 hours before they even called her back. That was totally typical of our emergency room. By that time her fever was back up to over 103. Doctors and nurses did everything they could to take her temperature down. A chest x-ray revealed she had a mild case of pneumonia so they prescribed her some antibiotics, inhalers and sent her home.

  I spent the next two days taking care of her. I didn’t have to constantly care for her though, Zeke kind of took over. That evening as I was bringing her soup I overheard the sweetest conversation.

  “Baby, you’ve gotta get better. Listen, you are the most sweetest, kindest, loving and beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I need you to get better. Can you do that for me?” Zeke confessed as he tenderly brushed the hair out of Maria’s eyes.

  “I’m trying. I want to feel better.”

  “You know I love you, don’t you?” Zeke declared.

  “Oh my god, I have no idea you felt that way!” Maria gushed. “I love you too!”

  “So you’ve gotta get better baby. I need you.”

  I peeked around the corner to see Zeke gently grab Maria’s hair and pull her into a meaningful kiss.

  After a few more days of being bedridden Zeke took her to the doctor to do a re-check on the pneumonia. She still had it and it was worse. The antibiotics weren’t helping. She was ordered some stronger antibiotics and another week of bed rest. The rest did her some good. She started to get better after just a few days. Life started to get back to normal at the manor.

  One evening after Maria got better, Zeke made arrangements for a candlelight dinner for her and him in the gazebo. The maid and cook did their best to make it the most romantic night ever. My assignment was to keep Maria busy for a few hours so he could surprise her. I did take a sneak peek at one point though.

  The walkway was lined with white bags with candles lit up inside. The gazebo had torch lights lit up all around. There was a large bunch of flowers waiting at the entry way for her. The fine china was set out with an antique lantern lit in the middle of the table. The setting was romantic and beautiful. Zeke asked Maria to put on a nice outfit as they were going on a date. Maria emerged from her bedroom an hour later looking like a million bucks.

  She was wearing a beautiful knee length little black dress adorned with rhinestones. Her accessories were blinged out too. Her hair was silky, curled at the ends, with a beautiful black flower on the left side of her head. It was a real classic look. She wore shimmery black stilettos and really did look like a million bucks from head to toe. Zeke’s face when he seen her arrive was priceless. You could tell he was absolutely, madly in love with her. He took her hand and walked her down the lit up pathway to their destiny.

  The rest of us spied though the window as they had their romantic 3 course meal. Once they finished dessert Zeke stood up, grabbed her hand and knelt down on one knee. He said some things we couldn’t hear and pulled a little black box out of his pocket. Maria jumped in the air 4 times
, grabbed her face and cried. We assumed she said yes because a long intense kiss followed.

  We all cried.

  20 minutes later they emerged from the yard, gleaming and full of joy. They announced their upcoming wedding and we all shouted for joy. This was turning into a good night.

  I can’t say that I am not leery of starting a relationship in such uncertain times, but I can say that when you find love, it doesn’t matter what time it is. Love conquers all and it will find you.

  Zeke and Maria decided on a small ceremony with close friends and family. They wanted to have the wedding right here in the back yard at the site of the proposal. They set the day for a month from now.

  Invitations were sent, plans were made. It wasn’t going to be an elaborate ceremony. They only wanted their close friends and family to share their beautiful moment under the stars.

  The day finally came. The sun was setting, the yard was decorated, and everyone was in place. Zeke had Chris as his best man and they stood there together waiting for the woman of his dreams to enter into their destiny.

  I stood there with them as the proud maid of honor. Our clothes were simple. We wore black as a symbol of their never ending love. The music began and out of the door came the most beautiful Latino bride that I’ve ever seen.

  Gasps could be heard all over the place. Maria wore a beautiful white, floor length gown that hugged her curves in all the right places. The dress was adorned with lace, pearls and sparkling stones. She wore a beautiful veil tucked in the top of her curls. Her sparkly white stilettos peaked out from under her dress as she slowly walked down the aisle.