Read The Infected Trilogy Page 7



  We were all shocked to find out that Maria was caged up in the back yard this whole time. Zeke had obviously fallen off his rocker. He knew she would be a hazard to us. Why would he risk us? What was his motivation? People simply amazed me.

  Zeke slowly started to wake up. He saw Zoe and shielded his face. She yanked him up by his arm and sat him in a chair.

  “Don’t ever try that again Zeke or I promise you’ll regret it,” Zoe angrily commanded.

  We gave him some time to gather his senses and then he was flooded with questions.

  “What were you thinking Zeke?” Chris asked.

  “Yeah, don’t you know you are putting us all in danger?” I added.

  “You’re an idiot. Did you know that?” Zoe more or less declared, not asked.

  “Why did you lie to us? Why do you have my cousin locked up out, o, out here?” Gabby stammered.

  Zeke was very obviously overwhelmed by all the questions. With a sigh he stated, “I didn’t want to take her there because they are just going to kill her. I figured if I locked her up out here, she can’t get to us and she can’t hurt us. Maybe I could keep her until they find a cure,” he bellowed pitifully at the end.

  Gabby approached her cousin in law, “Zeke, are you listening to yourself? She’s my cousin and I love her as much as you do but you can’t keep her locked up in there. She needs to go to the clinic. Whether you realize it or not she is putting us all in danger. This is supposed to be a safe house and she would have never wanted you to do something like this with her,” she pleaded.

  “This isn’t a safe house! It’s her house!” He shouted. His eyes were frantically moving like a lunatic.

  “Oh, yeah? Well what does this note that she left say?” Gabby pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Zeke.

  We all gathered around him to read the note. This is what it said:

  This is my last request. I ask that as you all live in the home I’ve given you, that you would treat it as I would. I didn’t turn any of you away and I ask that you take precautions but not to turn anyone else away without good reason. I want my home to be a safe house and for all of you to do whatever you can to keep it that way at least until It is all over. Please keep up the room-mate voting system and do your best to keep up the house because this is the house I grew up in. I want my home to be a home where people can live and feel safe. Please do this for me. I love you all.

  Xoxoxoxo Maria

  I wasn’t expecting that. I couldn’t believe she left a letter with Gabby. Maybe she felt like Gabby would enforce what she wanted. Zeke burst out in tears and all eyes were suddenly on him.

  I know we all wanted to tell him, ‘see, I told you so,’ but no one did. We had a moment of silence and I know that is because everyone wanted to be careful in how we proceeded with this. He took a few more minutes to gather himself and then gave this speech:

  “I know I went against our vote. I know I lied to you all. I can’t ever expect you to ever trust me again. I know that I put us all in danger. I’m sorry. How would you feel if you just got married to the woman of your dreams and then you suddenly had to give her up? I thought we were going to be married forever. I thought we were going to be safe here. I never imagined in a million years that I would fall this hard in love with someone and then lose her just weeks later. When she got bit I wanted to die. I still don’t want to live if living means being without her. I just couldn’t take her to the clinic knowing they were just going to kill her. I still can’t do it. I want her to get cured. I need her to get cured. I can’t live without her. Can any of you blame me for this? What would you have done?”

  Audible sobs erupted throughout the gazebo. It was heartbreaking to watch that emotional confession. Can any of us really say that we wouldn’t have been tempted to do the very same thing that he did? I knew in my heart it would have been a temptation to me but I also know I would have ultimately done the right thing. There is no way I was selfish enough to keep a zombie locked up, risking everyone’s lives, just because I couldn’t let go of a loved one.

  I boldly spoke what was on my mind. I told him everything that I was just thinking. He didn’t like the “selfish” comment but I call it like I see it. If he doesn’t like it maybe he should go with her somewhere else. I was tired of the lies and bad decisions. Zoe was fed up with his excuses too.

  “I would never, and I mean never, risk everyone I care about to save one person that I love. Bre was right, you ARE selfish. Something needs to be done and needs to be done now. Let’s just take a break and maybe get some tea, clear our minds and discuss our options here,” I righteously insisted.

  Zoe took Zeke into the house to make sure he didn’t unleash the beast that was our dear friend and the rest of us stayed in the gazebo to think. It was a beautiful starry night although it was a bit chilly for my taste and my fuzzy, pink flannel pajamas just weren’t keeping me warm enough. I ran inside to change and brought back some hot tea to share with the others.

  It took us a while to gain our thoughts. I finally brought Zoe back outside so we could have a group discussion.

  “Ok everyone, let’s get busy. I am tired. I want to go to bed and I just want this all over with,” I stated.

  Chris was the first to reply, “There’s nothing we can do here but take her to the clinic. She should have gone there in the first place.”

  “I agree with that but we have a much bigger issue here. She’s turned now. How in the heck are we getting her out of here without getting hurt?” I asked.

  “Well we might just have to rely on the great training of the fire department!” Zoe said sarcastically.

  “I know you were being sarcastic but we might just have to do it that way.” Chris retorted. “Or we could just open the fence and let her out. We are taking a chance in other zombies getting in but this way the only one at risk is Zeke. And he created this mess so he needs to fix it!”

  “That’s a good point,” Bre replied. Then Zeke glared at Chris.

  “But do we need to put him at risk?” Questioned Jose. “Isn’t there another way around this? What if we just terminate her? I know it sounds mean but she isn’t Maria anymore. She is one of them.”

  “Really, Jose?” Gabby gasped in shock.

  “What else can we do? If we just let her loose then we are unleashing her on the public. She either needs to be taken to a clinic or she needs to be terminated,” he replied.

  “Stop being idiots,” insulted Zoe. “I’ll bag her up and I’ll take her down there myself. I know it’s not my mess, but I’ll clean it up.”

  So it was up to Zoe to formulate a plan. She was brave about the situation but I know deep down she was afraid. After all, she’s never apprehended a zombie before. Plans were made for the afternoon. Every one retired to their bedrooms and no one came out until after noon.

  Zoe approached me about backing her up until she got Maria secured into the car. She handed me a gun and asked me to keep watch. We locked the doors to the house as a security measure and Zoe asked me to keep my distance once we reached the shed.

  The sounds coming from the shed were ungodly. It sounded like fingernails on a chalk board mixed with evil screeches and moans. There lies the undead, I thought. Zoe amazed me with her bravery. She approached the shed with her gun, a gunny sack and some rope.

  She quickly unlocked the shed and stood there with her gun loaded and ready to go. The door to the shed started to slowly open. Out stepped Maria, the zombie. She was pale and tattered. She certainly looked like a dead version of herself. The sight made me want to cry. Her eyes were sunken and black and her hair was bloody and matted. Her clothes were tattered and torn. I remembered when she wore that outfit just 2 weeks ago. Her face was gruesome.

  Maria began to stumble out of the shed, walking with a kind of limp. Ex
tending her arms out in front of her she moaned and walked towards Zoe in a frightening way. Zoe quickly ran behind her and tackled her to the ground. With gloved hands, she grabbed Maria’s wrists and forcefully tied them behind her back. She jumped to her feet and grabbed the bag. She then proceeded to try to place the bag over Maria’s head.

  I stood there stunned and ready to use my gun if the moment called for it. Zoe was a savage! I couldn’t believe she tied her up so fast and with such force. The technique looked a lot of what I’ve seen police do. I decided it all must have come from her school training.

  Zoe quickly and carefully tried to slip the bag over Maria’s head. Maria lay there with her ghastly face moaning and trying to bite Zoe’s fingers off. Zoe slipped. She almost landed her pinky right into Maria’s bite. She swiftly retracted her hand and in one movement completed the task. Then she tied up her feet so that she could not get away.

  Zoe grabbed Maria by the back of what was left of her shirt and began to escort her though the yard by her shoulders. I followed closely behind with my gun held high in both hands, just in case. We finally reached the gate and we heard a loud scream behind us.

  “MARIA! I LOVE YOU BABY! I’M SORRY. YOU KNOW IT’S NOT MY FAULT BABY. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU,” Zeke psychotically screeched from his bedroom window. It was true, he was mad.


  “OOOH, BURRRRRN. IDIOT!” He yelled back and then followed through with some obscenities.

  “Zoe, just ignore him. He’s just crazy. Let’s get her in the Suburban and be done with it all,” I pleaded.



  Zeke had pushed me past my limit. I wanted to swear at him but I couldn’t make myself do it. I decided he would just get the beating of a lifetime when I returned. Bre helped me drag the ‘Thing that was once Maria’ and lay her in the back of the Suburban. I thought it was ironic that I would be given a gift from the government for turning in my friend. The thought sickened me.

  I fired up Maria’s Suburban and we were on our way. We started off on Westwood Street. I made it to the light at Henderson Ave and she started to moan and move around. I decided to run the light so I could get to the clinic faster. Fear was finally kicking in and I wasn’t about to be turned because of Zeke’s mental illness. Picking him up from Fresno was, I decided, the worst decision of my life.

  I sped down Henderson Ave for about 3 miles until I reached North Villa Street. Just then I see her bag head fall over the first row of back seats. I gunned it so I could get to the Putnam Ave “Z” clinic more quickly. This was really getting scary. Next I hear a BUMP. I look in my rear view to see her climb another set of seats. She must be able to smell me, I thought.

  Suddenly she was directly behind me. I pulled the car over in a screeching halt, grabbed my glock and frantically turned around. I was face to face with a zombie that was trying to eat me through a gunny sack. My first instinct was to fire my weapon. And I did; Right into Maria’s face.

  Maria was dead. How was I going to explain this to everyone? What was crazy ole Zeke going to say? Ugh, I was going to have to clean up this car.

  I struggled to lay her limp body in the very back of the vehicle because I was sure Zeke was going to want to bury her. Otherwise I would have just left her on the street. I dreaded telling them the whole way home. I played the situation over and over in my head. I fantasized about the different ways of wording what I had to say. I could see the manor in the distance and I felt a huge knot tie in my stomach. The only way to describe the feeling was immense dread.

  I picked up my cell and called Bre and asked her to meet me at the gate. She didn’t hesitate to meet me as I asked.



  Zoe wasn’t herself. She had something big to tell me and I knew it wasn’t good. When I approached her she stepped out of the vehicle and turned her head to throw up. This is big, I thought. Appearing very green, Zoe lifted her head and cautiously approached me.

  “Listen Bre,” she started. “I have something big to tell you and I need your help with breaking it to the group. I am sick over the whole thing and I just can’t face them right now. I need you to tell them for me please. I seriously can’t do it.”

  “Sure, what happened?” I asked.

  She recanted the afternoon’s events to me and asked me again to tell the group. She could hardly speak so I knew she wouldn’t be able to do it herself. I think it’s best if I tell them anyway because Zeke seems a bit off his rocker right now anyway.

  “Just go take a drive Zoe and clear your head. Give me like an hour, ok?” I insisted.

  As I walked down the well manicured walk way to the manor I tried to figure out what to say. I decided to heck with it and would not try to sugar coat it for them. I called a house meeting and everyone met me in the dining area. Gabby and Jose sported a look of dread on their faces as they met me. Zeke looked beyond terrified. I had a feeling he was going to be a problem. It was a good thing I had my gun at my side. If he nutted up, I would have to scare him with it.

  “I called this meeting together because I have something important to say to you. I met with Zoe outside the gate. She went to drop Maria off at the clinic and it didn’t go as planned. She did everything she could to keep the situation from getting worse but sometimes there are things you can’t avoid. Even though we tied Maria up as the video showed, she still managed to climb over the seats of the Suburban. Zoe almost wrecked trying to protect herself because she was face to face with her. Somehow Maria managed to get her hands loose and Zoe’s first reaction was to shoot. She feels really bad about the whole thing and she could barely talk so I sent her away for a while. Listen, Maria wasn’t herself so it wasn’t a cold blooded murder thing. It was self defense. Maria is gone and I am very sorry.”

  Gabby burst out in tears and Jose held her. Zeke, looking pale, walked away. Chris asked how his sister was. He was worried that his sister was taking it too hard. We all knew Zoe could handle herself but there was a place inside of her that is soft.


  I drove for an hour with a corpse in the rear of the car. The drive was nice and peaceful other than that. I tried to ignore the fact that her dead body was back there. I left home and headed up highway 190 to Springville. The road to Springville was windy and surrounded by woods. It seemed to take forever to get there. I stopped at a little burger shack that is known for its strawberry milkshakes. I sat inside and devoured the whole thing in 5 long swigs. It was a beautiful evening. Springville was a small town and was very quiet. It had an old school kind of charm to it. I could smell the sweet apple blossoms from the shady porch of the hamburger shop.

  I jumped back in the car and headed back to the manor. I hoped things had calmed down by the time I got back there. I certainly felt more relaxed. It was late and I went straight in to bed.


  It took until the next day before Zeke came out of his room. It was breakfast time and he actually joined us to eat. He scooped a large serving of hash browns on his plate and then a scoop of scrambled eggs. It was nice seeing him have an appetite again. The aroma of Arabian coffee filled the room as cook brought us out a freshly brewed pot. Zeke poured himself a glass and just sat there.

  “Listen guys, I want to apologize for my behavior lately. I haven’t been myself. I am really grieving the loss of my wife so I am asking that you just bear with me a while. But I want you to know I am doing my best to get through this. And Zoe, I don’t blame you and I apologize for screaming at you yesterday. That was really immature of me and it won’t happen again. I am sorry for hitting you too. A man should never hit a woman. I was raised that a man who hits a woman is lower than dirt. It won’t happen again and I hope you all can accept my apology,” Zeke confessed.

  Hugs were shared all around the room except where Zoe was con
cerned. She wasn’t the type to hug but she gave him a polite nod. After breakfast everyone went off to do their own thing and Zeke went to his room.

  Later that afternoon we went to find a place to bury Maria. The maid was able to obtain a coffin for us and we found a nice flowery area at the back of the yard to bury her.

  We spent a good portion of the day digging the hole and getting ready to have a small service. It was an emotional day for us all. I know everyone else was wondering the same as I was, if she would be the only one of us we were going to have to bury.

  The service was short, sweet, and to the point. We all wept as we spoke of our fondest moments with her. Zeke’s speech was the most moving of all.

  “Maria, my bride, I didn’t think that just weeks after making you mine that I would have to say goodbye. In the short time I was with you, I’ve been changed. I will never again be the man I started out to be. My life if forever changed because of you and your love. You are my everything. You are my moon, my stars, my life,” he sobbed. “I don’t know what I am going to do without you by my side. I already miss you so much.” He fell to his knees and bellowed out a cry that all of California could hear. “Until we meet again my love.”

  He laid a single red rose on her freshly dug grave and sat there in mourning of his beautiful wife. We left him to have his moment with her.

  He didn’t come in the house until the evening. He sat there most of the day speaking to the ground. I decided that was probably the best thing for him since he needed the closure. When he came in, he went straight to bed. The emotions of the day must have been too much for him.

  Zeke hardly spoke to anyone for the next few weeks. He had a little conversation every now and then with Chris but would retire back to his bedroom shortly after.

  One morning he came out of the room in his workout clothes. He and Chris spent the next few weeks in the gym together and Zeke’s evenings were spent at Maria’s graveside. Chris reported that Zeke was determined to bulk up because he was going to ‘fight this battle’. He wanted to hunt zombies in revenge of his beautiful wife.