Read The Intergalactic Peddler-Volume 1 Page 13

  Chapter 11 – Influenza Strikes The Empress

  The next time that Angela saw Ronnie, he was at the control console, talking to someone on the Super 11 radio. When the first call was complete, he began the next one. This time Angela sat down in the copilot’s chair, leaned back and listened to both sides of the conversation. Suddenly, Angela was very concerned and sat upright in her chair, intently listening to the conversation between Ronnie and her doctor. She now wondered why Ronnie was talking to her doctor without talking to her first. She felt a warm rush of adrenaline flood through her veins, and her face flushed. Her husband was sneaking around behind her back, and that pissed her off to no end. As she listened, she realized that Ronnie was discussing the flu that was going around the cosmos with her doctor. Angela realized that Ronnie was ill and was afraid he had exposed Angela and their unborn child to the flu. The doctor said that he would like to have Angela close to the hospital for the next few days. If she came down with the flu, he could monitor her fever until the virus ran its course. That way, they could be certain the fever would never get so high that it would injure the baby. Angela emotions now ranged from anger at her husband, to concern for their child. Ronnie said that he would call the doctor tomorrow and discuss things then. As Ronnie cleared the channel, Angela said, “Ronnie talk to me and talk to me right now my husband. I am very angry with you for not discussing this with me in advance of this call.”

  Ronnie did not seem to care if his wife was angry or not, as he was very worried and needed information from the doctor, very quickly. Ronnie just looked at Angela and said, “Angela I was exposed somewhere to this deadly flu virus that is going around, I am suddenly very sick and do not have time to concern myself with your anger. The only concerns I have at this moment is for the health of you and our child. I will talk to you in a few minutes about all this, but right now, we need to jump to an orbit around Quantum and remain there until we are all three safe from this flu epidemic. Please help me prepare The Empress for immediate travel.”

  Angela quickly moved from the ready room to the inventory locker bay to help Ronnie close all the floor access doors. Angela could see that Ronnie was sweating very heavily and knew he was much too sick to be working this hard, but she also needed his help getting the heavy doors closed. If she had to close them herself, she would have to use the overhead hoists and that would use up valuable time that Ronnie did not think they had.

  When the vessel was ready for travel, Ronnie returned to the control console and input the flight coordinates for the planet Quantum. When Angela stepped into the ready room, Ronnie asked her to sit in the copilot’s chair and listen carefully to him and the computer. With Angela seated, Ronnie began explaining the situation to the computer, instructed the computer to override all security password protocols and use only voice commands from him and Angela. He instructed the computer to assume Angela as skipper of The Empress if he was unable to make decisions, and to consider her voice commands as the “rule.” He then made certain the computer would not allow Angela to make any mistakes, and to guide her in her decisions if she asked for his help.

  When Ronnie asked the computer if his instructions were acceptable, the computer responded with three chirps. Ronnie engaged the travel computers guidance system and Angela felt the tiny movement as The Empress moved towards Quantum. Ronnie leaned his head back against the headrest of his seat, and then said, “I am sorry for being short with you my friend, but I needed to get us underway to safety quickly. I am feeling very ill and did not want you left out here at the Open Market and not be able to get to safety. As we stand now, the computer will take us to a stable orbit around Quantum. I have already notified Quantum’s Director of Operations of our situation. They may or may not allow us to teleport to the hospital on the surface, but the doctor is willing to come aboard The Empress to assist you and our child through this flu virus if you come down with it. You may not get the virus, as your doctor said he vaccinated your when you had your first visit with him, but nothing is certain. The vaccine should also protect the unborn child in your belly from this flu. The computer will work out all the details and teleport the doctor back and forth and do all the things you request it to do if I am too sick to help you. I also had the flu vaccination, but for some reason it did not work with me.”

  “The doctor is concerned that the virus may have mutated and our vaccination will not be effective safeguarding you and our child. The doctor says I should be just fine in a few days, but you and this child’s safety are a concern for me. Your body may be able to fight the virus, but the child could be lost if proper measures are not taken to keep your temperature down. I have contacted our customers, and the appointment in four days is on hold until we are prepared to travel once again.” Ronnie spoke to Angela again, “Angela, I must go to my room and lie down. The computer can relay any questions you have to me. You need to stay here at the control console and talk to the Quantum’s Director of Operations when he has placed The Empress into proper orbit. All systems will be automatic and the computer on The Empress will take care of all housekeeping chores. All you will need to do is communicate with the humans. The computer can put you in touch with the doctor and instruct you on the operation of the radio if you should need help. Ronnie stood up and headed to his room.”

  Within minutes, the Director of Operations came on the radio and Angela quickly discussed the situation with him. He told Angela that if she needed anything from him, The Empress’s computer could connect her instantly to his radio. He explained that The Empress was now in quarantine and no one could teleport to or from the vessel without his consent. He explained that her doctor would be teleported to The Empress if needed, as he had already had the virus and was immune. We will enable your computer to teleport medicines and any needed supplies to The Empress, and your doctor can make those arrangements by calling me. The Director of Operations then discussed with Angela the things to watch for in her and Ronnie’s bodies and to call her doctor immediately after they completed this conversation. Angela promised that she would do that immediately. She thanked the Director of Operations and then cleared the channel.

  The computer quickly connected her to her doctor, and when he spoke to her the first words out of his mouth were, Angela do you have the flu? Angela assured him she had no symptoms of any kind and felt as well as any woman with morning sickness would feel. She said, “Its Ronnie I am worried about,” and the doctor began asking her all the questions about how he was doing. Angela had the computer begin checking Ronnie’s condition and it soon displayed a list of Ronnie’s vitals on the monitor in front of her. The list had things that made her chuckle; his last poop was even on the monitor. Angela read the list off to the doctor and she said he would teleport up some medicine. He asked her if she had ever given someone an injection and she said, “Heavens no.” The doctor said she would need to give two to Ronnie and he carefully explained how to do it. He told her that Ronnie’s life might depend on her being strong for him, so give him the medicines exactly as your computer instructs you. The doctor explained that he had just sent the computer instructions and the teleported medicine would be delivered into the cargo bay in a few minutes.

  Ten minutes later the computer spoke to Angela and explained that the medicine from the IFTT had arrived and was waiting in the cargo bay. The computer told her to wait for the green light over the door to the cargo bay to turn green, and then she could enter. She quickly stood at the door and waited, the green light came on, then the computer said, “Angela you may now enter the cargo bay.” She quickly spotted the package inside the yellow circle, picked it up and walked back into the living area. The door closed behind her, and she quickly entered Ronnie’s bedroom.

  Ronnie had not even taken his flight suit off; he was just lying on the top of the bed. Angela took his clothes off and got him under the covers. She realized that even though he was sweating, he was also chilled. She opened the package, remembering she had to administ
er two injections and felt a panic attack coming on. Angela quickly spoke to the computer and said she needed him to talk to her, she was about to panic. The computer began talking, explaining how to prepare the injections. When everything was ready, Angela said to the computer, “I cannot do this; I cannot stick a needle into my husband’s body.” The computer kept talking to her, told her to roll Ronnie over, that she would put both injections into his butt muscles. Angela did what she knew she had to do, and prepared Ronnie for the lifesaving medicine, but at the last moment was unable to inject the medicine. Then she heard the sounds a deep male voice, speaking softly to her, speaking her mother’s comfort song, but the computer had changed some of the words. Then the computer spoke to Angela and said, “My friend, you need to help the one whose child you carry in your belly. Be strong and this medicine will destroy the flu virus that could take Ronnie’s life. Be strong my friend.”

  Angela stood up, rubbed two spots with the alcohol pads, held the needle one inch above Ronnie’s skin, gently but firmly inserted the needle, and pushed the medicine into his muscle. She dropped the first syringe into the trashcan beside her and injected the second syringe of medicine. When she had rolled Ronnie back over on his back, she asked the computer if the doctor had told him of anything else that she needed to do. The computer said she had done very well, now the medicine needed to work.

  She got a pan of cool water and began wiping Ronnie’s sweat-drenched body, trying to keep him as cool as possible without causing him to shiver again. Angela spoke to the computer and asked, “Computer, my friend, can you tell me what Ronnie’s temperature is right now?” The computer said that Ronnie had a one-hundred and three degree fever. The computer told Angela that her doctor had just sent a computer-generated message. The doctor had asked if you had administered the injections without any problems. Angela asked what he had told the doctor, and the computer said, “I explained that you had properly administered the injections, and had done very well with your task.” Angela smiled, then said, “Thank you my friend for comforting me, I needed your emotional support to do a task that badly frightened me.”

  Two hours later, as Angela was sleeping in the copilot’s chair, she heard the sound of her doctors voice speaking to her over the radio. She quickly answered the radio and talked to the doctor; assuring him, she was fine, but had simply fallen asleep in the copilot’s seat. She needed to check on Ronnie. The computer spoke to her and said she should remain seated. He displayed the picture of Ronnie sleeping in his bed. The computer rolled Ronnie’s vitals along the side of the screen; then zoomed onto Ronnie’s face. He was now dry and looked to have a better color.

  The computer sent Ronnie’s vitals to the doctor. The doctor said Ronnie was doing very well, but Angela needed to wake him and try to get some water and maybe some soup broth into him. The computer said that Ronnie had gotten up twice and used the restroom. The doctor said the lab analysis of his urine was okay, and he would check back in a few hours.

  Angela cleared the channel, and then spoke to the computer again. “Computer, how long did I sleep?” The computer responded, “Angela you slept for about nine hours while I monitored Ronnie and you to be sure you both were doing okay.” Angela said, “Thank you computer, I needed the sleep and I am sure baby was tired out, as she was getting cranky.” Angela stood up to tend to Ronnie, and realized that she had called the baby, she. Angela stood still for second, thinking, and then said, “Computer did you ever tell me that this child in my belly was a girl?” The computer responded, “Yes, Angela I am afraid I mentioned the child’s sex to you once. I hope I did not tell you something you did not want to know.” Angela smiled, “Computer, I am very happy to know this child is a female, but have you told Ronnie this news yet?” “No Angela, only you know of this information.” Angela, said, “Computer, do you think we could keep a secret from Ronnie about the baby’s sex until the time of her birth? I realize it is not proper protocol to keep information from the skipper of this vessel, but this one time I would like to keep a secret from my husband.” The computer responded, “Yes Angela, that information can remain a secret until the birth, or until you slip and tell him.”

  Angela laughed aloud as she walked to Ronnie’s room. When she stepped into Ronnie’s bedroom, she realized he was awake and had raised his head up on his pillow. She spoke to him, and then said, “I am glad to see you are feeling better my husband. Could you use some water and maybe some soup?” Ronnie said, “Thanks, I am very thirsty but too tired to get out of bed just yet.” Angela told him the doctor wanted him to stay in bed for another twenty-four hours. The virus attacks the nervous system and he does not want you up just yet. Ronnie said that he was going to have to get up shortly and use the restroom. Angela walked to his bed, offered her hand and helped him to the bathroom. He sat down and Angela left the door open and sat in a chair just outside the door where she could talk to him to be sure he was okay. When he returned to bed, she fed him water and soup, freshly made, by the food replicator.

  Angela let the computer monitor Ronnie, and left him alone for a while to rest. The computer said he would notify Angela when Ronnie was awake so she could offer him water and soup each time he woke. Angela wanted to get back to sorting the goods they had purchased. She at least wanted to sort the items for their customer, knowing that Ronnie was going to feel like crap for a few days. The computer helped her scan the barcode on each item, then put the item where it belonged. There were two of the heavy pneumatic motors, and Angela used the overhead hoists to get the motors into the tubs she was packing. The computer spoke to her, said she had done well for today and said her baby needed water, food, and rest. The computer said he would help her finish the job in about two hours tomorrow morning and then she would be done with the hard physical work. The rest of the goods were items for their own inventory and were lightweight items, easily placed into the proper bins, and drawers.

  Angela was very physically tired and she realized the computer was right about one thing, she and her child both needed food and rest. When she walked into the living quarters, she went straight in to check on Ronnie. He had been alone now for over two hours, and Angela felt bad forgetting to check on him every hour as she had planned. When she walked into the bedroom, Ronnie was sitting on the edge of the bed, with a cup of coffee and a bowl of soup. Angela began to cry instantly. She said, “Ronnie I am so sorry you had to get your own coffee and food, I did not mean to leave alone so long.” She sat down on the chair beside his bed and wiped her eyes dry.

  The computer spoke and said, “I am sorry Angela, but Ronnie and I talked and he wanted to let you work, and get his own meal. He is feeling much better now.” Ronnie said, “Thanks computer, but I can explain to my loving wife that I am feeling better now, and that sometimes we males are better off not being tended to when we are healing.” He smiled at Angela, returned his attention to his soup, then turned to her and said, “Thank you for the wonderful care and the medicine while I was too sick to care for myself. I love you; you do understand that, don’t you. I love you more than anyone I have ever loved in my life.”

  Angela sat quietly, fighting her tears, knowing that her husband needed a smile right now, not tears. She began telling Ronnie about all the radio messages; everyone seemed worried about him. Angela said, “Husband, I knew you had a lot of friends, but when they heard you were very ill, they all were ready to do anything they could to help you. There must be over a hundred radio messages stored in the computer’s message system, all wishing you a speedy recovery.” Ronnie said he would try to reply to all of them when he felt better. He had finished his soup and coffee and asked Angela if she would do one favor for him before she left him. He asked, “Would you stand close by the shower while I wash myself. I stink horribly, but get weak when I stand.” Angela said she would help him, and stood very close to him while he quickly washed his body, then brushed his teeth. While he put on the clean pajamas she found for him, she quickly changed his beddin
g. When he crawled back into bed, he said, “Thanks, for helping me with the shower.” As Angela walked to the kitchen to feed herself and her child, she felt an incredible burden lifted off her shoulders. She had been so afraid when Ronnie had come down with the flu, and now he was on the mend and she felt as if her life might be okay now. She had twice discussed with the computer the possibility that Ronnie might not live, and they had discussed a contingency plan in case of such an occurrence. She loved Ronnie so very much that she was not sure her life was worth living if her husband died, but she knew that she also loved this tiny child growing in her belly, and she would be strong for her child if something happened to her man.

  Angela was also very concerned about getting the flu. She was certain she could survive the flu herself, but what if her child perished, and she aborted this late in the pregnancy, the thought scared the crap out of her. The incubation period for this strain of the flu was three days, so she should be coming down with it if she was going to get it. Angela calmed herself; reminding herself that she could immediately call her doctor if she felt any of the symptoms of the flu, he could certainly help her.

  As it turned out, Angela and Ronnie had no reason to concern themselves with Angela or the baby getting the flu. Her doctor said that either Angela had already had this strain of the flu, or the vaccination had protected them. Three weeks after Ronnie’s bout with the flu, Angela still had not come down with any symptoms, and her doctor said she never would. That was a good thing to hear, because Ronnie and Angela wanted to invite Janet and the girls to The Empress to spend a week with them. The reason that Ronnie and Angela were now visiting their doctor was because Angela had suddenly begun putting on a lot of weight, and her tummy was bulging.

  Ronnie knew she was not over eating or eating improperly, because the computer had monitored her food intake and said she should not be gaining more than a few ounces each week. Her doctor had asked her to come to his office so he could give her an ultrasound, and see if maybe she had twins growing in her belly. When the ultrasound was complete, the doctor explained that Angela seemed perfectly healthy, and had only one baby growing inside her. He told her to continue to monitor her calorie intake, and monitor her weight gain. Angela was concerned that the child in her belly was very large, and she would not be able to deliver it. The doctor reassured her that the child was the correct size, and that only her belly was too large. The doctor told them to quit being worrywarts, have their guests visit them on The Empress, take their vacation to the Deoblo 12, and enjoy themselves. The doctor wrote down the name, and the channel frequency of a friend of his on the Planet Deoblo 12, and said if they had any problems during the vacation, to contact the doctor and he would take the very best care of them.