Read The Intergalactic Peddler-Volume 1 Page 6

  Chapter 6 – The Marriage Proposal

  Connie sat at the new kitchen table and talked to Ronnie about how his sister Janet and the girls were going to cope with the sudden loss of their home and friends. Ronnie said he had always wanted Janet to move away from the planet Quantum, but not this way. As they talked, the computer announced that a radio message was waiting for Ronnie. Ronnie stood up, walked to the ready room and sat down in the copilot’s seat. He smiled at his sister Janet who was sitting in the pilot’s seat and seemed to have fallen asleep. He listened to the message stored on the computers message system, then keyed the mike and waited for his friend Timms to answer. Ronnie noticed out of the corner of his eye that Connie had stepped into the ready room. When Connie realized Ronnie was on the radio she started to leave. Ronnie motioned for her to sit down in the chair behind him. When she had seated herself in a chair behind Janet, he explained that his friend Timms had some information about the Federation to pass on to him. He told Connie that she probably would want to listen in on the conversation.

  When Timms answered to the radio, Ronnie exchanged pleasantries for a moment. Then he asked Timms if it was all right for his crew (Connie and Janet) to listen in on the conversation. Connie heard Timms ask Ronnie if this Connie was the same woman the Federation had been looking for. Ronnie explained to Timms that this Connie was the same person. Timms then asked how Connie was doing after the violent rape she had endured? Ronnie laughed, and then explained that the rape charges stemmed from the jilted boyfriends anger, and not from Connie.

  Janet was now staring at her brother with looks that could kill. Ronnie smiled at Janet, but she did not smile back. As they talked, Timms slowly got to the point of his radio call. Timms explained that the Federation had decided the two cops, Connie, and the new travel vessel they were commanding were involved in a string of events that had destroyed three other new travel computer systems the Federation had just purchased. There seemed to be a problem with the teleportation systems. It seemed that the new travel vessels and the occupants would simply blink out of existence whenever the operator tried to engage the ship-to-ship teleport systems. Timms also told Ronnie that the Federation had no idea that Connie was still alive, and that he was surprised to hear she was doing well. Then he said, “I assume the cops are dead?”

  Ronnie acknowledged that they had in fact died in a horrible accident. Timms laughed aloud, the laugh came deep from his belly and the sound made Connie giggle. Connie quickly put her fingers over her lips to stifle the sound. Ronnie asked why the Federation had hunted him down on the planet Quantum. Timms explained that the IFTT had dropped the rape charges and only wanted to discuss the accident with him. They simply wanted to ask if he had any communications with the cops, and to ask if he had seen what happened. They just wanted to close the books on the incident. Ronnie asked Timms if he thought The Empress should contact the Federation and talk to them. Timms said it would be the best thing to do; that simple act might keep The Empress on the good side of the Federation. Ronnie said he would take care of that later today. Timms said he had to run; spoke a kind word to Connie and Janet, then cleared the channel.

  Ronnie hung up the microphone, looked to Connie, and found she was crying. Ronnie put his hand on her arm and asked, “Why the tears?” Connie started to talk, choked a little, started over and said she would miss her friends on Earth terribly, but did not really want to confess to the Federation that she was aboard The Empress. She said that it might be a little hard to explain how she was safely aboard this vessel and both cops were dead. Ronnie assured her it would be very difficult to explain. Ronnie said he did not really want to spend any time in the Federation penal system if possible. Connie point-blank asked Ronnie a question that felt to him like an act of desperation. “Ronnie, will you allow me to stay aboard The Empress until I can figure out where I can live out my days?” Ronnie did not have to think long over his answer, and tried hard to reassure Connie that she was welcome aboard The Empress. Connie looked at Ronnie and finally asked, “Exactly what are you saying Ronnie.” Ronnie could contain himself no longer and turn his comment into a question that Connie could not possibly mistake. “Connie, I have fallen in love with you and would like to one day marry you and live out my days with you. Connie, would you please stay here with me on The Empress, until we have time to test our ability to live as husband and wife. You do not have to give me an answer about marrying me just yet, but please consider it.”

  Connie sat quietly, but now the tears were dripping off her chin. She squeezed Ronnie’s hand and said, “Ronnie, I do not have to think very hard about your question. I will stay with you and will consider your offer about marriage. I fell in love with you long before I arrived here on The Empress, so the decision is not difficult.” There was a small snicker behind them and Ronnie turned to see the faces of Frederica, Monica standing behind them. Connie looked at Ronnie and said, “Ronnie, I don’t think you need to tell your family about our relationship, I think they already know.”

  It was then that Frederica asked her mother why Ronnie did not propose on his knees as they did in the movies. Ronnie stood up from the console, held out his hand for Connie to take, gently pulled her to her feet, kneeled down in front of her and asked the question again. “Connie, will you marry me?” He remained on his knees and waited for her answer. She put her hands on his shoulder and said, “Ronnie I love you and I will marry you. I plan to turn you into respectable chapman.” Ronnie stood up and kissed Connie, not once, but three times. Then he looked down at Frederica and asked if he had done her proud. She smiled and then began to blush. Ronnie kneeled down to her and asked why she had blushed; did his marriage proposal embarrass her? She put her arms around Ronnie’s neck and said, “This means I will have cousins to play with; right?” Ronnie quickly looked at Connie and said, “Frederica, let’s not rush things, here. Connie has just agreed to marry me, let’s not put babies in her belly just yet.” Janet stood up, kissed Ronnie on the cheek, reached out her hand, then smiled and winked to Connie. As Janet escorted the girls to the kitchen to prepare lunch, Connie put her arms around Ronnie and just hugged him for a moment. Ronnie leaned down and kissed her.

  As they stood, Ronnie said that they should sit down and call the Federation. Connie asked what he was going to tell them about her. Ronnie said he was going to let the Federation consider her dead along with the Federation cops unless she had another idea or suggestion. Connie said she would like to let it stay that way. She touched Ronnie’s hand and asked him, “Would you mind if when we marry, I not only change my last name to yours, but also acquire a new first name?” Ronnie asked her why, and she said she might be able to work around the Federation if she changed her name and they registered her new name on the planet Quantum when they married there. Ronnie asked what his Fiancée might want her name to be once they were married. Connie thought a moment and then said, “Angela Irene Yutaka.” Ronnie just stared at her a moment and then asked, “I understand the last name of course, but help me with the first and middle names, please.” Connie began the explanation. She said, “Of course your last name Yutaka means fisherman. Angela was my mother’s first name. The middle name of Irene will always remind me of The Empress. The name Irene I chose from the Empress Irene, the Empress of Athens Greece. Whenever someone speaks my middle name, I will always remember the love I found here on The Empress.” Ronnie smiled and said, “You must have thought about this for a second of two. How did you come up with all these great names so quickly?” Connie shrugged her shoulders and said, “I am a quick study; did you not notice?” Ronnie assured her that he certainly had noticed.

  Ronnie and Connie sat down at the control console and prepared themselves to make the call to the Federation. Connie was to say nothing, keep perfectly still, not giggle or make any sound. Ronnie told Connie they would work up papers for her identification later, but for now she did not exist, she was dead. Connie took hold of Ronnie’s hand, moved it to her breast a
nd asked if that felt dead to him. Ronnie blushed, and Connie began to giggle about his red cheeks. Ronnie put his finger on her lips and said “Connie, shut up” as he input the radio frequencies of the Federation into the Super 11 transceiver.

  It was only a few moments and someone at the Federation headquarters was answering Ronnie’s call. He quickly explained that he needed to talk to someone in charge of the investigation over the two Federation officers that died trying to board The Empress a few days ago. The female operator quickly transferred his call to the proper officer, General Williams.

  When Ronnie began speaking to the man, he explained that a customer had told him that the IFTT wanted to talk to him about a teleportation accident. Ronnie flatly denied knowing that the two officers had attempted to teleport to his vessel. He explained (lied) that he had talked to the officers on the radio and they requested permission to board, but simply took off and never told him they were leaving. Ronnie said he was a little pissed over them not telling him they had changed their minds, but simply figured they had an emergency somewhere.

  General Williams then talked to Ronnie about the charges made against him over raping the woman, named Connie. Ronnie explained that the only rape done was Connie raping him, and he certainly did not rape her, that he had in fact fallen in love with her. The general said the charges would not hold up in court anyway, because Connie had been with the officers when they attempted to teleport onto The Empress, and all had died. Ronnie quickly acted stunned, shocked, and heartbroken over her death. Ronnie asked if Connie had any relatives that he should contact and express his condolences. The general said that Connie’s boyfriend, if that was what he really was, had said Connie had no living family left that he knew of. The general said he needed to get this case file closed, and said that he now understood what had happened and would make the court records show that he had dismissed all charges and arrest warrants issued against The Empress. Ronnie asked if the Federation would issue a death certificate for Connie. The officer said he would see to it, and would forward a copy to The Empress if Ronnie wanted one. Ronnie gave the officer the radio frequency for The Empress and thanked him for talking with him.

  When Ronnie had cleared the radio channel, he hung up the microphone and said aloud that he loved lying. Connie did not like lying to anyone, but understood that Ronnie disliked the Federation. The Federation no longer stood for the good of the people, it now stood for the good of the wealthy and the politicians, but Ronnie also realized he needed to say what the Federation wanted to hear. Ronnie asked about Connie’s parents. He asked why her old boyfriend had told the Federation that she had no living family. Connie looked Ronnie in the eyes and said, “I assume that to be just another way he tried to control my life and destiny. He is nothing but a useless, self centered, lying bastard. He gets off trying to control the lives of those who mistakenly let themselves think he is their friend.”

  Ronnie began talking with Connie about his sister Janet and her daughters. He needed to decide if he should allow them to return to their home or not. Connie looked Ronnie right in the eyes and said, “My friend, you have no right to decide anything about where Janet lives. Janet alone has the right to decide where her children live. You have to talk with Janet and let her make her own decisions about where to raise her girls.” Ronnie was instantly angry, stood up and slammed the chart he had in his hand to the floor.

  Just as quickly as Ronnie had lost his temper, he sat back into his chair and calmed himself. Connie was right and he knew it, but he was afraid to have his family living on the planet with all the violence and home invasions. Ronnie stood up and told Connie that she was right and then held out his hand for Connie to join him. When Connie stood up she had tears in her eyes, and Ronnie took her in his arms and said he was sorry for getting angry about her comments. She snuggled up close to Ronnie and said she was just overly moody today, because her period had started. Ronnie hugged her and said, “Then we will play nice until you feel better.” Connie kissed his lips and said that when she felt better, she would let him play really nice if he wanted. Ronnie smiled and said they should wait until the wedding because his nieces needed a good role model. Connie giggled and explained that they should begin planning the wedding in the very near future, before her finger began to blister. Ronnie had walked almost to the kitchen before he realized what she had said, turned towards her, smiled and shook his head. Connie just laughed at him as she followed along to the living area where Janet and the girls were hanging out.

  Ronnie sat down with Connie, Janet, and the girls, and began explaining what the Federation had said and that they were no longer looking for them. The situation was resolved and probably Janet and the girls would have been safe in their own home. Ronnie then got to the point of this meeting. Ronnie looked at Janet and said, “Janet you know how much I hate having you live on Quantum. I asked Connie if I had the right to move you and the girls to a safer place to live, and she let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I had no right to decide where you live and raise the girls.”

  Janet looked to Connie, winked, then began explaining to her brother that she and the girls had many friends on the planet Quantum and they did not want to move away to an unfamiliar planet and have to restart their lives all over again. Janet told her brother that she had met someone and would like to get married if the man would have her, and the girls. Frederica said, “Bill is very nice and always spends time with us and takes us places.” Ronnie smiled and said he was happy for them and would shut up about them moving. Janet explained that they were very safe in their home. She said, “I knew someone was on our porch before you every touched the doorknob.” Ronnie asked how she knew, and Janet explained they had a neighborhood watch system that worked, and her phone had range twice then hung up, then rang twice again, warning her she had a visitor. She explained that she was very capable of shooting the eyes out of anyone who actually entered the house. Ronnie only had a few words to say, “Let’s fix supper, and I will take you all home so you can sleep in your own beds tonight.” Janet walked to Ronnie, hugged him and said, “If you take us home now, you and Connie can eat supper with us and spend the night.” Frederica said, “But you two will sleep in different rooms, until you are married.” Ronnie looked at Frederica and said, “Agreed.”

  As Connie walked towards the kitchen, Ronnie stopped her and put his arms around her waist. He asked her if she would listen to an idea he had and then give him her opinion. She looked nervous, but Ronnie quickly began explaining. He wanted to have a wedding on the planet of Quantum, with his sister Janet and the girls present. Ronnie told Connie he wished they could have the wedding on Earth but that probably could not happen. Connie instantly responded to Ronnie’s comment about an Earth wedding, by saying her past life was no longer part of her present life, and a wedding on Quantum would be perfect. Ronnie said he would arrange the date and time, and then would consult her to help him work out all the details.

  Ronnie saw Janet stop Connie in the entry to the kitchen and the two giggled together for a moment, then went their separate ways. Ronnie went to the control console and returned to the inventory control program, insuring that his shopping list was accurate before placing his order with the planet Keemus. Ronnie giggled at the inventory withdrawal sheet on the clipboard he was using to insure the inventory quantities physically matched the computers quantities. Connie had crossed out the withdrawn quantities number of the tampon listing twice, telling Ronnie that Connie had went to the medical supply cabinet more than once. Ronnie tripled the minimum quantity before reorder number to insure The Empress had adequate inventory for its newest crewmember, and his customers.