Read The Interview_New York & Los Angeles Page 4

  “I hope you don’t mind that I did that.” He lightly smiled as he broke our kiss.

  “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I wouldn’t mind if you kept going,” I replied as my lips pressed against his.

  He bent down, picked me up with his strong muscular arms, and carried me to his bedroom, where he gently laid me on his bed, our lips still locked together. The heat coursing through my veins and the skin that trembled under his fingers as they lightly roamed up my thigh was unbearable. I was hot for Craig Pines and I couldn’t wait until he was buried deep inside me.

  He broke our passionate kiss as his tongue slid across the flesh of my neck. My breath became bated as my heart pounded with excitement. He lifted himself off me and slowly took down the straps of my sundress, pulling it from my body and tossing it on the floor as he stood at the end of the bed and stared at me in nothing but my bra and panties. I sat up on my elbows and watched as he stripped out of his clothes and was left standing in nothing but his gray boxers. His body was solid. His abs were defined and the sexy V-line he sported was the best one I’d ever seen on any guy I’d ever slept with. I swallowed hard as he took down his boxers, revealing his perfect God-given package. He leaned over as his fingers gripped the sides of my panties and he slowly took them down, exposing my freshly shaven pussy that desperately wanted him. His tongue slid up my thigh, slowly and seductively, making its way up to my slick opening. Gripping the comforter, I arched my back and let out a pleasing moan as his mouth explored me from the inside out. His hands roamed up my sides until they met my breasts. Pulling my bra cups down, he took my hardened peaks between his thumbs and forefingers, delicately rubbing them and sending my body into overdrive. Several moans escaped me while his tongue slid up my torso and he let go of one breast and dipped his finger inside me.

  “Oh my God.” I threw my head back.

  “Do you want more?” he spoke in a low voice.

  “Yes. God, yes!” I exclaimed.

  “Then you’re going to have to come for me first.”

  “Trust me. Keep doing what you’re doing and that won’t be a problem.”

  He hovered over me with a smile and pressed his lips against mine. His finger continued to explore me while his thumb circled my clit, sending my body into one hell of an orgasm. While I was basking in the glory of the pleasure Craig gave me, he removed my bra, slipped on a condom, and before I knew it, he was inside me, moving in and out at a slow and steady pace. He rolled over onto his back and pulled me on top of him. I quickly sat up and rode his cock as if my life depended on it while his hands groped my breasts. The buildup was coming and bigger than the last one. His moans heightened as did mine while he placed his hands on my hips, holding me down and moaning while we both came at the same time. I was breathless as I collapsed on top of him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Once we both regained a normal heartrate and our breathing slowed, I rolled off him as he extended his arm and I snuggled into him.

  “Wow.” I smiled as my lips pressed against his firm and muscular chest.

  He chuckled as he softly stroked my hair.

  “Damn, Laurel. That was amazing. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He lifted his arm and climbed out of bed to dispose of the condom.

  He climbed back into bed, but not before grabbing our glasses and filling them with wine. As he handed me my drink, I sat up, covering myself with the sheet and taking the glass from his hand.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  “You’re welcome. When are you going back to Seattle?”

  “I have a couple more days here,” I spoke as I brought the glass up to my lips.

  “Good. I was thinking that maybe you’d want to take the boat out with me tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that.” I bashfully smiled. “I thought you didn’t bring women on your boat.”

  “Like I said before, I normally don’t. But there have been a couple who have been here over the past years.”

  “Girlfriends?” I arched my brow.

  “It wasn’t anything but sex,” he replied.

  “I like your style, Mr. Pines.” I grinned.

  “Let me ask you something, Laurel.” His eye narrowed at me.

  “Ask away.” I took a sip of my wine.

  “Why are you single?”

  “Who says I am?” I smirked.

  “I hope to God you’re joking because we just had sex and I don’t have sex with women who are in relationships.”

  “Relax. I’m not in a relationship.”

  “So, I’ll ask you again. Why is a woman like you single?”

  Chapter Seven

  He was just as curious as to why I was single as I was to his reasons.

  “Tell me why you’re single first and then I’ll tell you why I am,” I spoke.

  He sighed as he grabbed the wine bottle from the nightstand and refilled my glass.

  “I’m single because I choose to be, and that’s all you need to know.”

  “Okay, then. Me too.”

  “See, the difference is that what you tell me will stay in this bedroom. What I tell you will end up in an article that millions of people will read.”

  “I already told you that the article will be a day in the life. I won’t write anything personal,” I spoke. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “I don’t know you very well, Laurel,” he spoke in a serious tone. “So, I can’t really answer that.”

  “You certainly didn’t feel that way when you just fucked me,” I spoke with irritation.

  I threw back the covers, and as I started to climb out of bed, Craig grabbed my hand with a firm grip.

  “Don’t,” he spoke in a firm tone. “You need to understand where I’m coming from. You came here, to me, to get an interview on why I’m still single. Do you think just because we had sex I forgot about that?”

  “No,” I softly spoke.

  “Did you have sex with me hoping to get a story?” he asked as he let go of my hand.

  “Of course not. I had sex with you because you’re hot and I was horny. It’s what I do. I have casual sex all the time. No strings, no emotions, nothing. Just sex.”

  “Then we’re not so different,” he spoke. “You obviously have your reasons and so do I. Let’s leave it at that. Now climb back in here.” He held out his arm.

  “I really should get back to the hotel. I’ll need a change of clothes for tomorrow.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll drive you back and you can pack a small bag. Then we’ll come back here and set sail first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He smiled.

  “Why aren’t you working tomorrow?” I narrowed my eye at him.

  “You wanted a day in the life, so I’m giving it to you. Besides spending a majority of my time at the restaurant, I like to spend what little free days I have on the water.”

  We both got dressed and headed to the hotel. After packing my swimsuit and a change of clothes, we went back to Craig’s boat where we had round two of sex and then drifted off into a relaxing sleep. Well, he did. It took me a while because I couldn’t stop thinking about how he told me “life happened.” I needed to know the story behind that, and I was going to find out one way or another.

  The next morning, I awoke, and when I rolled over, my arm hit the empty spot next to me. Opening my eyes, I noticed Craig wasn’t there. I climbed out of bed, slipped into my short black satin robe, and headed to the kitchen area, where I could smell the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and food cooking.

  “Good morning.” Craig smiled as he turned and looked at me.

  “Good morning. What is that wonderful smell besides fresh brewed coffee?”

  “I’m making us some breakfast before we head out. I hope you like eggs benedict.”

  “I do. It’s one of my favorite breakfast foods.” I grinned.

  “Help yourself to some coffee while I plate this.”

  I walked over to the coffee pot and poured
myself a cup, leaning against the counter and sipping it while I stared at how sexy Craig was plating our breakfast. I could hear my phone ringing from my purse, so I walked over and pulled it out, noticing it was George calling.

  “Hello, handsome,” I answered, and Craig glanced over at me.

  “Hello, sunshine. How’s Cali treating you?”

  “Very well, thank you. What’s up?”

  “Not much. Just checking in to see how the interview is going. Eric told me you needed a couple of extra days.”

  “Oh, you know.”

  “You can’t talk, can you?”

  “Not right now. I’m a little busy. Mr. Pines and I are just about to have breakfast.”

  “You slept with him?”

  “That would be a yes from me. So, I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”

  “I want every last delicious detail! You better call me when you’re free.”

  “Will do.” I ended the call.

  “May I ask who you’re calling handsome?” Craig’s brow arched as he set our plates down on the table.

  “That was my best friend George.” I smiled as I took a seat.

  “Your best friend is a guy?”

  “Yes.” I smiled as I picked up my fork.

  “Is he gay or something?” he asked.

  “No. He has a girlfriend. Why?”

  “Just curious. How long have the two of you known each other?”

  “Since college. He was there for me when I caught my best friend and my boyfriend at the time fucking in my dorm room. We met in the parking lot when I was loading some boxes in my car.”

  “And the two of you never—”

  “Had sex? No. We’re best friends and that’s it. He’s like a brother to me. So, if we did have sex, that would just be weird.” I smirked.

  “You’re single because you don’t trust men. Am I right?” he asked.

  “You’re partially right. By the way, this is delicious. I could totally get used to this.”

  Craig let out a chuckle. “Thank you. I’m happy you’re enjoying it. I’m only partially right?”

  “Yes. I don’t trust men and you can thank my father for that.” I pointed at him with my fork.

  “Why?” He gave me a confused look.

  “I already told you he cheats on my mother,” I spoke as I picked up my coffee cup.

  “And you also told me that your mother sleeps with the pool boy.” He smirked.

  “True. But, in her defense, she does it because my father is too busy with work and fucking his secretaries to give her any attention.”

  “So, she knows he cheats?” His brow raised.

  “Yep. But he doesn’t know she knows.”

  “Am I to assume he doesn’t know about the pool boy either?” he asked.

  “No. He doesn’t. Actually, it’s just the pool boy in the summer, but her tennis coach all year round.”

  “Oh. Okay, then.” He smirked before taking a sip of his coffee.

  “I told you my family was dysfunctional.”

  I got up from the table, grabbed our empty plates, and took them over to the sink.

  “So, what’s the other reason you’re single?” he asked.

  “I don’t believe that relationships can ever last. Eventually, everything fades away.”

  “Your parents are still married.”

  “Right. And look at how they behave. It’s disgusting.”

  “I don’t understand why they don’t get divorced,” Craig spoke as he helped me wash the dishes.

  “Because there’s too much at stake. Too much money and too many properties. Neither one of them love each other anymore, but they’re too damn selfish to do anything about it. Plus, they love being known as Boston’s most influential and perfect couple.”

  “What about your siblings? How do they feel?”

  “Alfie is following right into my dad’s shoes and Bella is off in her own world with her dancing. The three of us never really talked about it. My dad is Alfie’s hero and Bella acts like nothing’s wrong.”

  Craig finished drying the last dish and set the towel neatly on the counter.

  “Shall we set sail?” He smiled.

  “Let’s go.” I grinned.

  Chapter Eight

  It was a beautiful day; calm, clear, and picturesque. I stood on the deck with my hands planted on the railing, staring out at the vast blue ocean water.

  “I can see why your best friend is a guy,” Craig spoke as he walked up next to me.

  “Why is that?” I turned to him with a smile as he rested his elbows against the rail.

  “You’re easy to talk to, and sometimes a guy needs someone of the opposite sex to tell things that he can’t tell his male friends because they wouldn’t understand.”

  “Like what?” I asked in confusion.

  “There’s this woman that comes into the restaurant every Saturday and Sunday night. She makes a reservation and asks to be seated at the same table for two. She’s been doing it for months.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “I haven’t got a clue.” He sighed.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I’m not sure.” He turned his head and looked at me.

  “Is she pretty?”

  “She’s very pretty.”

  I nudged his shoulder with mine.

  “Why don’t you talk to her?”

  “Nah. I can’t.” He gave a small smile.

  “Sure, you can. It’s easy. You talk to me.”

  “You really don’t give me a choice. Do you?” A smirk crossed his lips.

  “No. I guess I don’t.” I smiled. “What’s her name?”

  “Maddy. I only know that because I was up at the hostess desk one night when she walked in.”

  “And no one’s ever met her for dinner?”

  “No. She always eats alone. How about taking the jet ski out?” he asked as he abruptly changed the subject.

  “Sounds fun. Let’s do it.” I grinned.

  Something told me that Craig had a special interest in this Maddy woman but was too afraid for one reason or another to talk to her. Mental note to myself, find out what Craig Pines is hiding.

  He climbed on the jet ski first, then I took my place behind him, wrapping my arms securely around his waist. We took off, flying across the water as the wind swept over our faces. Sheer terror overtook me for a moment as he sped up and the sting in my eyes from the saltwater nearly blinded me. Why the hell didn’t I listen to him when he told me to wear my sunglasses? That’s right, I was afraid of them flying off my face. I’d spent $300 on those couture sunglasses that framed my face to perfection and I wasn’t about to let them sink down to the bottom of the ocean.

  “You okay?” he yelled back at me with the slight turn of his head.

  “I’m fine.”

  Fine if you love your pelvis banging against the damn seat to the point where sex could potentially be out of the question.

  “Hold on tight,” he spoke as he made a sharp turn, tipping the jet ski on its side.

  I held on for dear life and said a couple prayers in case this was the moment I would die. He slowed down as we approached the boat. I wasn’t a very religious person, but once the jet ski came to a complete standstill, I made the sign of the cross and let out a deep breath. I climbed off and onto the deck, collapsing into the chair on the sundeck. Craig stood over me as he dried himself off with a towel and a smirk across his face.

  “Isn’t it the best feeling in the world?” he asked.

  “It sure is. It doesn’t get any better than knowing you’re on the verge of death,” I sarcastically spoke.

  He chuckled as he took the seat next to me.

  “How about you come to the restaurant for dinner tomorrow night. I won’t be able to see you until then. I have something to do in the morning.” His voice lowered as he stared out into the water.

  There was something that told me whatever it was he had to do, it was personal, and he didn
’t want me knowing, which piqued my curiosity even more. The more time I spent with Craig Pines, the more mysterious he became.

  The day on the open water was well spent, and when it was time to dock, it was time for me to head back to the hotel. As much as my bruised and aching pelvis wanted to stay, I couldn’t. I had to work on Everything Laurel and get it in to Eric by tomorrow morning or his face would be plastered all over my phone and his voice would penetrate my ears.

  “I know you have to go. Let me drop you off. I’m going to head over to the restaurant and check up on things.”

  “I’m sure they’re doing fine without you.” I grinned as I poked his chest. “But you can still drive me to my hotel.”

  When Craig pulled up to the Four Seasons, I reached over and placed my hand on his.

  “Thanks for today. It was a lot of fun.” I smiled.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll put your name down for tomorrow night at six o’clock.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  I gave him a tender smile as I opened the door and headed into the lobby. As I exited the elevator and walked down the hallway to my room, my phone rang, and Eric’s lovely face appeared on the screen. Rolling my eyes, I answered it.

  “What’s up, Eric?” I smiled as I swiped the keycard to my room.

  “What’s going on with Everything Laurel? Why don’t I have it in my inbox? I need what you have to submit by Monday.”

  “Calm down. It’s almost done. I’m finishing it now.”

  “Really, because it looks like you just got back from someplace.” His brows furrowed.

  “I was with Craig.”

  “I hope you got the interview because you need to move on. You’ve been in California too long already.”

  “I’ve only been here two days. Relax. I’m getting it. I’m in for the rest of the night, and as soon as I finish up Everything Laurel, I’m working on the article.”

  “So why is the guy still single?” he asked.

  Shit. Why did he have to put me on the spot?

  “Because he hasn’t found the right woman yet. It happens, Eric. He’s picky.”

  “I need more than that.” He pointed at me.