Read The Interview_New York & Los Angeles Page 9

  “I’m going to head back to the apartment. I have to do some work for Everything Laurel.”

  “Are you going to continue doing that column for the rest of your life?” she asked.

  I stopped and cocked my head at her.

  “What’s wrong with my column?” I asked.

  “Nothing. I just thought you’d want to do bigger things.”

  I took in a deep breath and refused to engage, because if I did, that would be the end of our relationship, mother or not.

  “I like what I do,” I simply spoke. “I’ll see you guys Saturday night.”

  “What are you going to be doing the next couple of days that you can’t spend time with us?” she asked.

  “I’m going to try and get that interview, so I can get back to Seattle.”

  “I see. Well, your father, Alfie, and I are having dinner at the Plaza Hotel before the performance. Can you at least join us?”

  “I don’t know, Mom.” I sighed. “I’ll have to let you know.”

  “Whatever, Laurel. I’ll let your father know,” she spoke as she climbed into a cab.

  “Go ahead and let him know. I don’t really care,” I mumbled to myself.


  I spent the next two days going to museums, spending some time in Central Park, and pampering myself with a mani/pedi and a massage. My time spent alone was well worth it. As I was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hands and looking out the window, there was a knock on the door. Getting up, I was surprised when I answered it and my dad was standing there.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

  “Dad, what are you doing here?”

  “I think we need to have a little talk. May I come in?”

  “Of course.”

  He stepped inside and took a look around.

  “Not bad.” He nodded his head. “But you could have stayed at the Plaza or the Waldorf. I would have paid for your suite.”

  “I can afford to pay for my own suite, Dad. I was just in a hotel for a few days in California and I wanted something that felt a little more like home.”

  “I can understand that. Your mother said that you might not be joining us for dinner. Is that true?”

  I looked at him as I brought my mug up to my lips.

  “I think I’ll just meet you guys at the ballet.”

  “Laurel.” He paced around the room. “We barely see you. In fact, I haven’t seen you since Wednesday night. The least you can do is have dinner with your family.”

  I wasn’t in the mood to stand there and listen to his lectures. All I’d have to do was get through dinner and the ballet and then I was family free for a long time.

  “You’re right, Dad. I’ll be there.”

  “That’s my girl.” He smiled as he kissed my forehead.


  I got through dinner. My mother was too focused on Bella and how excited she was to see her baby girl perform. It was all she talked about. She also went on to sing the praises of Bella’s boyfriend, Thaddeus, Mr. Wall Street hotshot. A man who couldn’t be bothered to meet us for dinner before the ballet because he was stuck in some meeting. I’d bet my life on it he was stuck in something and it certainly wasn’t a meeting. The guy was a huge flirt and I didn’t like him. He seemed like a shady motherfucker to me.

  We arrived at the Metropolitan Opera House and stood in the lobby while my parents mingled with some friends that they saw. Sipping on my wine and chatting with Alfie, I scanned the crowd.

  “Sis, are you okay?” Alfie asked as he handed me a napkin.

  “I’m fine,” I replied as I wiped the wine that spattered out of my mouth.

  He was here. Sexy godly man. The man from the plane. The man I fucked. The man I couldn’t stop thinking about since Wednesday. He was standing next to a beautiful woman. Long brown hair, high cheekbones, perfectly shaped almond eyes and a body that any woman would kill for. My heart sank down into my belly. He had a girlfriend or worse, a wife! Shit. Fucking douchebag. If there’s one thing I didn’t do, it was have sex with another woman’s man. DAMN IT! I balled my fist.

  “Something is clearly going on with you, Laurel,” Alfie spoke. “Who are you staring at? You look like you’re ready to fight.”

  “See that man over there? The hot and sexy one in the black tux? Brownish-blond hair?”

  “Yeah.” He stared at him.

  “He and I had a thing at the airport when we got off the plane. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend,” I spoke through gritted teeth.

  “I’m sure half the guys you have sex with have girlfriends. You just don’t know it.” He smirked as he brought his glass up to his lips.

  I smacked his chest and glared at him.

  “Don’t take it out on me. Wait till the girlfriend isn’t around and go give him a piece of your mind.”

  “Oh, I will.” I stood there and nodded my head.

  “I know you will.” Alfie grinned. “And I hope I’m around to see it.”

  I specifically told him I was flying into New York to see my sister perform in Swan Lake. He didn’t mention that he was also seeing it. Probably because he didn’t want me asking questions about whom he was seeing it with.

  The four of us took our seats, and after a few moments, Thaddeus showed up and took the empty seat next to mine. Great. After sucking up to my parents, he sat down and grabbed my hand.

  “You look amazing, Laurel. It’s good to see you again.”

  I pulled my hand away and gave him a fake smile. It was shortly before intermission and I desperately needed to use the bathroom, so I told Alfie that I’d meet them out in the lobby. When I was finished, I headed to the lobby and saw godly sexy lying cheating bastard standing alone with a drink in his hand. This was my perfect opportunity to let him know what I thought about him.

  “Hey,” I harshly spoke as I walked up to him.

  “Hello there.” He smiled. “I honestly didn’t think I’d see you again.”

  “I’m happy I ran into you because I’m going to tell you exactly what I think of you.” I cocked my head.

  “Okay?” His brow arched.

  “You’re nothing but a cheating bastard and I take back having sex with you. It never happened.”

  He chuckled. “You can’t take back sex. It did indeed happen.” He grinned. “Anyway, what’s this all about?”

  “Oh, you know what this is about, asshole! I despise men like you. And you know what?” I pointed my finger at him. “Karma will bite you in the ass one day. One day you’ll actually love someone, and they’ll hurt you and it’ll break your heart. And when that day comes, I hope you’ll think of me and this conversation.” I turned on my Gucci heels and stomped away. God, it felt good to tell him off.

  After the performance, I went back to my Airbnb. As soon as I stepped inside, my phone rang, and Craig’s face appeared on the screen.

  “Hey there, handsome.” I smiled as I answered.

  “Hi, beautiful. How’s New York treating you?”


  “That bad?”

  “Let’s just say I’m over it. Enough about me and New York. Tell me how your date went.”

  A big smile crossed his lips.

  “It went great. In fact, we’re seeing each other again tomorrow night. I’m cooking dinner for her.”

  “Wow. I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not jealous. To eat one of your meals again would be heaven.”

  He chuckled. “You can come back here to L.A. and I’ll cook for you anytime you want.”

  “Trust me. I’ll be back.” I smiled. “Maddy’s pretty great, isn’t she?”

  “She is. We talked until two a.m. and then I drove her home. We had a good night, Laurel. Thanks again for being such a pain in the ass.” He smiled.

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Pines. Being a pain in the ass is my specialty.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sunday had come and gone. I had breakfast with my parents and Alfie b
efore they hopped on a plane back to Boston. Bella said her goodbyes at the apartment because she was too exhausted to join us.

  “Don’t be a stranger, Laurel.” My mother kissed my cheek. “And next time I see you, I hope to see a dashing and handsome young man on your arm.”

  “I’ll try my best, Mom. I think I’ll quit my job and scour the world to make that happen for you.” I gave a cocky smile.

  “Don’t be sassy. That’s probably the main reason why you’re still single.”

  I clenched my teeth behind my closed smile.

  “Like your mother said, don’t be a stranger. I hate that we barely get to see you. You need to come home for a visit,” my dad spoke as he hugged me. “It’s been far too long.”

  “I know, Dad.”

  “Bye, sis. Thanks again for letting me crash at your Airbnb,” Alfie spoke.

  “You’re welcome. Have a safe flight home and remember what we talked about.” I arched my brow.

  They climbed into the limo my father arranged, and when it pulled away from the curb, I let out a deep breath. I glanced at my watch and noticed I had about an hour before I had to check out of the Airbnb. Shit. Now to decide which hotel I was going to stay in. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m more of a wing-it type of girl. I was never good at planning because every time I planned something, it would fall through or didn’t work out how I wanted it to. By winging everything, there was no disappointment in the end.

  I headed back to the Airbnb, took a seat on the couch with my laptop, and began looking up reasonably priced hotels so Eric wouldn’t be too upset with me. But reasonably priced and nice in New York City wasn’t a duo. I typed the address to Coleman Enterprises in the google search bar. It was best to get a hotel near his office, preferably within walking distance to save on cab fare. I knew Eric would appreciate it. The Surrey came up as being one of the closest. It wasn’t cheap but so chic. I grabbed my phone and booked a room. As much as I wanted to stay in one of their suites, Eric would have a heart attack and I didn’t feel like hearing it. But, I was lucky enough to get a city view deluxe room. I grabbed my suitcase and my bag, checked out of my Airbnb, and took a cab to The Surrey. All I wanted was to get this damn interview with Wyatt Coleman over with and get the hell out of New York. I was still salty about Mr. Cheating Douchebag, aka sexy godly man.

  I decided to utilize the spa at the hotel and had arranged for a massage and facial, which took up a good four hours. When I got back to my room, my phone rang, and Eric’s face appeared on the screen. Damn him.

  “Hello, Eric,” I answered.

  “Where are you?”

  “New York. Where are you?”

  “Very funny, Laurel,” he spoke as he tried to check out my room. “That room looks expensive. Which hotel are you at?”

  “The Surrey.”

  “How do you spell that?” he asked as he began typing away on his keyboard.

  I spelled it out for him one letter at a time while rolling my eyes.

  “Jesus Christ, Laurel. What the hell did I tell you?”

  “Calm down. It’s only a block from Coleman Enterprises. I can walk. Any cabs I utilize here in the city, I’ll pay for myself.”

  “You better get that interview tomorrow and get the hell back to Seattle.” He pointed his finger at the screen. “Have you figured out how you’re going to do it yet?”

  “I did,” I lied.

  “Tell me then.”

  “No, Eric. I don’t want to jinx it. And why would you send me here knowing he doesn’t do interviews?”

  “Because I know you can get one. You’re stubborn, ruthless, and don’t take no for an answer.”

  “Thanks. I think.” I furrowed my brows.

  “Just do it and get home. And by the way, the article better be juicer than Craig Pines.”

  “You’re really putting the pressure on me and it’s giving me anxiety.”

  “Please, Laurel.” He rolled his eyes. “You’re the toughest woman I’ve ever known. You thrive under pressure.”

  “Whatever, Eric. I have to go. I need to work on Everything Laurel so I don’t have to worry about it while I’m focusing on Mr. Coleman.”

  “Have a good night and keep me posted.”

  “I will, and just so we’re clear, I’ll call you. Stop calling me!”

  “You seem to forget who the boss is in this relationship.” His eye narrowed at me.

  “Goodbye, Eric.” I ended the call.

  I ordered room service, stared out at the city view, and then worked diligently on Everything Laurel. I thought long and hard about my plan of action for tomorrow and came up with an idea. Just as I was about to go to sleep, my phone rang, and George’s face appeared.

  “Hey there.” I smiled as I answered his call.

  “Are you in bed already?”

  “It’s eleven o’clock here.”

  “Shit. That’s right. I forgot about the time difference. How’s it going?”

  “I ran into the guy from the plane last night at the ballet.”

  “Seriously? Did you talk to him?”

  “I did. He was with a woman. I told him exactly what I thought of him.”

  “Shit, Laurel. What did he say?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t give him a chance to say anything. I said what I had to and walked away.”

  “Damn. I wish I could have been there. I love seeing you in fierce action like that.” He laughed.

  “He’s an asshole and I can’t wait to get out of this city and come home.”

  “Aw, I’m sorry. I miss you. When do you think you’ll be back?”

  “Hopefully, I can hop on a plane Tuesday. I will get that interview with Mr. Coleman tomorrow.”

  “That’s my girl. Go get him, make him talk, and get your ass back here. I miss having you at the office.”

  “I miss you too.” I yawned.

  “Get some rest. Call me tomorrow and let me know how it goes.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, I dressed in my sexiest dress, threw some curls at the ends of my hair, and put on my makeup as if I was going out for the evening. Putting on some sunglasses and throwing my stiletto heels in a bag, I walked to Coleman Enterprises. Before I reached the double glass doors, I changed from my flats to my heels. Once I was inside, I looked on the directory for Coleman Enterprises.

  “Which floor?” a handsome older gentleman asked as he smiled at me.

  “Twentieth, please.”

  I stood there, calm and confident as the elevator doors opened to the twentieth floor on which I was greeted by a young female with overly dramatic black hair.

  “May I help you?”

  “I’m looking for Mr. Coleman’s office.”

  “I’m sorry, but Mr. Coleman isn’t available.”

  “I didn’t expect he was.” I smiled. “I actually need to speak with his secretary, not him.”

  “Oh. Take this hallway down to the end and make a left. You’ll see Tamara sitting at her desk.”

  “Thank you.”

  As soon as I made a left at the end of the hallway, I found his secretary, approximately early forties, blonde hair secured in a tight bun, and red lips that were blinding, sitting behind her desk typing away at her computer.

  “Excuse me,” I spoke in a soft voice.

  “Yes.” She looked up at me.

  “I need to speak with Mr. Coleman. Is he in there?” I pointed to his office.

  “Mr. Coleman is unavailable. May I ask who you are?”

  “That’s not important.” I waved my hand. “What’s important is that I need to speak with him right away.”

  “I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible.”

  “Anything’s possible.” I graciously smiled. “Listen, Tamara. You seem like a nice woman, and very stylish, may I add. I know you’re doing your job and you’re doing it very well, but see, I have a problem. I need to speak to Mr. Colem
an about a personal matter, an encounter that happened a couple of nights ago without my consent. Now, you can let me see him so the two of us can discuss it like mature adults, or I can call the police and totally make it public. Your call.” I smiled.

  Nervously, she cleared her throat and got up from her seat.

  “May I tell him your name?”

  “He didn’t get my name when the encounter happened.”

  Her eyes looked frightened and I felt bad, but I had no other choice. Once I got to talk to him, I would clear things up with Tamara.

  “What the hell is going—” He stopped dead in the doorway.

  “Oh hell no! No. No. No.”

  The corners of his mouth curved up into a strong smile as he stared at me.

  “Come into my office. You have some explaining to do,” he spoke. “Tamara, it’s okay. You may go back to your desk.”

  “Of course, Mr. Coleman.”

  Fuck my life. Sexy godly man was none other than Wyatt Coleman.

  “Have a seat.” He gestured.

  “I’ll stand. Thank you.” I cocked my head at him as my heart pounded out of my chest.

  “I asked you to sit down.” His voice was commanding.

  “And I told you that I prefer to stand.” I crossed my arms.

  “Fine.” He threw his hands up in the air. “Now that you’re here, would you like to tell me why you’re stalking me?”

  A rip-roaring laugh escaped me. Was he serious? Stalking him?

  “You think I’m—” I pointed to myself. “I’m—stalking you?” I laughed.

  “Yes. And why is that so damn funny? First of all, you show up at the ballet on Saturday night and tell me off like some kind of psychopath and now you’re lying to my secretary to get my attention. I know why you’re doing this.” He pointed his finger at me. “It’s because we had sex at the airport.”

  My jaw dropped as I stood there and listened to him spew his bullshit.

  “First of all, who the hell do you think you are? I specifically told you on the airplane that I was attending the ballet to see my sister perform. How the hell did I know you were going to be there? Did you say that you’d be there as well? No. You didn’t. And second of all, sex with you wasn’t all that, mister.” I totally lied through my teeth. “Certainly not worth stalking you over. Gee, you are so stuck on yourself.” I placed my hands on my hips.