Read The Irreversible Reckoning Page 58



  The kiss he planted on my lips was as gentle as his whisper.

  “You must wake now, my love.”

  He held my chin between his thumb and forefinger and gently parted my lips with his tongue. As he kissed me, that warm tickling sensation flowed through every inch of my body, and before I had even fully awoken, I was kissing him back, moving my lips against his lips and finding his tongue with mine.

  “They will be coming to take you back soon.” He told me, and my eyes, blurry from sleep, looked up at him so that I could find where his hands were rested. He was propped up over top of me on his fists, so at first, when I tried to grasp his hands, I had to settle for grasping his wrists, but then, he flattened his hands, and I linked my fingers with his.

  “I don’t want to go.” I told him, so softly that he had to dip his head down next to my mouth to hear me.

  “I know, my love.” He kissed me again, “But it will be time for our ‘monthly congress’ soon…” I smiled and laughed sleepily, “So we will have three days together.”

  “I wish I could stay with you.”

  “And soon, you will. Soon, when we leave here, we will be together as we would have been outside of this place.” He nestled his forehead against mine and kissed me one last time, “I got you something.”

  “What?” I asked softly.

  “Well, I did not get it myself. I had one of James’s men procure it for me in Estersea. You must be very careful who sees you wearing it, because if the wrong person sees, he will tell the Warden, and the Warden will know that we have our allies amongst his men. I asked for it weeks ago, when I began to notice that you were very tense. I thought that the years spent in this place were beginning to catch up to you, and I knew that I needed to act, to remind you of the world we left behind. It arrived just now while you were sleeping. I wanted you to have something after all you have endured these past few weeks.”

  “Am I going to cry?”

  “I certainly hope not, but you may.”

  He handed me a small box, and I knew, immediately, that it was a ring. My heart surged upwards, and my eyes filled with tears as I opened the box to find a silver band, at the top of which was a small pearl surrounded by small diamonds. A soft gasp escaped me as I pulled the ring from the box and started to slide it on my finger.

  “Wait a second, you have to do this.” I told him, and he chuckled softly and took the ring from me. I held my hand out to him and he slid it onto my finger before kissing each of my fingers in turn.

  “I am sorry that it has taken me this long to give you a ring. You are my wife, and you deserved a ring from the moment we said our vows. Do you remember that?”

  “Of course I do.” I whispered, as the tears began to leak from my eyes, “Despite all that had just happened, it was one of the happiest nights of my life, Adam. Well, those were some of the happiest moments, I should say. The night was still rather terrible.”

  “Yes.” He replied with a laugh, “It was.”

  “This is so beautiful, Adam.” I breathed as I held out my hand to look at the ring, “I love it so much, and this will go right up there with the night we said our vows as one of the happiest moments of my life, truly. God, it is so beautiful!” I said, and I cried a little harder, “I wish I could wear it all the time.”

  “Well, luckily, I thought of that, as well, and I had my guard friend also get a chain.” He pulled it out of the bottom of the box, “It is a rare metal found in the caves far to the south. It is known as ‘chameleon gold’ because it matches skin tone. Here, let me see the ring.”

  Reluctantly, I took it off, and he slid the ring onto the shimmering gold chain, and then clasped the chain behind my head.

  “Look in the mirror.” He had my hand mirror on the bedside table, and when I looked into it, I saw that the chain was completely invisible around my neck.

  “How does it do that?” I asked, shocked, as I turned my head from side to side and found that no matter the lighting, there was no sign of the chain around my neck.

  “One of nature’s mysteries. Now you do not have to keep it hidden in your cell when you are out and about.” He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head, “Now I will be with you even when you are not with me.”

  My eyes welled with tears again, and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

  “I love it, Adam. I love it so much that I am already thinking how devastated I would be if something happened to it.”

  “Do not think such things already. Allow yourself to be happy. Do not let yourself worry, not now, when your heart is so moved.”

  “You’re right.” I told him, and I looked at the door, “How much time do you think we have?”

  “About twenty minutes.”

  “Perfect.” I told him, and I tackled him backwards so his back was pressed into the mattress, “Nineteen more than I need.”

  He laughed raucously and only stopped once I had thrown my clothes off in a hurry and sat straddling him, completely naked. Then, his eyes glazed over, and his hands crept up my flat stomach to grasp both of my breasts. The chain hung down perfectly between them, looking like it was dangling there in midair, but he was not looking at the ring, even though it looked like it was denying basic physics. Instead, he began to gently roll his fingers over my nipples, massaging them with his thumbs, squeezing them in the crook between his thumb and forefinger, and as he massaged me, my hips began to rock back and forth against him as he grew harder for me. My head tilted back, and I breathed in slowly and deeply as my fingers unbuttoned his shirt. How after so many years he managed to stay so perfectly fit, even though he was kept locked away in a room alone, I didn’t know. How after seeing his body so many times, I was still so wildly aroused by the ridges of his abs and the bulges of his arm muscles and the rocky terrain of his back, I didn’t know. Stereotypes would tell us that the reason why he was still aroused by the sight of me was because he was a hot-blooded man, and as long as there were breasts and a place to ‘sheath his sword,’ if I may be vulgar (and I may, because these are my transmissions), then of course he was aroused. But I knew how his mind processed the sight of my body, how the sight of my full, ripe breasts made his hands tingle with the sensation of having them rested in his palms, how the toned muscles of my stomach made him want to press his palm into it, how the curves of my hips made him want to hold on to each side of me, and how the smooth curve of my butt made him want to grab with both hands and squeeze. Perhaps it was a part of that stereotype about men just wanting anything with breasts and a vagina, but perhaps it wasn’t. I know for Adam, his eyes were tied directly to the need to touch me, so as I unbuttoned his pants and slid myself down onto him (because he was already standing completely erect, even though I had only been perched on top of him for a few minutes), his hands squeezed my breasts hard before moving down to wrap around behind me and grab hold of my butt.

  “Oh, my love…” He breathed as my upper body tilted backwards and my breasts heaved towards the ceiling. I bucked my hips slowly, pushing him deeper and deeper into me, adjusting until I felt him brushing against my spot. Feeling him there elicited a soft moan from me of pleasure, certainly, but also of surprise.

  “There you are.” He told me, “Tilt back. Good. Do you feel it?”

  I nodded, moaning a little louder.

  He sat up and flicked his tongue slowly over my right nipple before kissing his way over to my left and flicking that one, too. My moans started as my hips thrust harder and my hands grasped two fistfuls of the bed sheets. As my body began to tingle all over with the need to come, a long, drawn out, moaning, “Ohhhhhhhh,” escaped me. The release was perfect, ascending to its most intense peak slowly, which made me breathe in and gasp out his name and squeeze the sheets harder, and I trickled back down just as slowly, my body trembling as I laid down on him, my sweating skin pressing to his sweating skin. His heart thudded against mine so hard that
I felt the vibrations through my entire body, and I knew that he could feel mine beating just as hard against him.

  The door opened just as I sat up slightly so I could kiss him, and one of the Lord of War’s dedicated guards got the view of a lifetime. His eyes bugged, his gasp was so sharp that it was almost comical, but did he turn away? Of course not. I was in such a state of shock that I just stared back at him, my eyes wide and my mouth agape, but Adam was alert enough for the two of us. He flipped me over so my back was on the bed, grabbed the throw blanket, and wrapped me up in it, shielding me from the gaze of the men in our doorway and giving them a full view of him, which made me chuckle heartily, believe me.

  “Does your Master not teach you to knock, you fucking imbeciles!?” Adam snapped, and I gasped, because I so rarely heard such vulgar language from him. “I do apologize for my coarse language, my love, but really. Close the door so that she can get dressed! By the One God, what bloody simpletons.”

  They closed the door, but not before I heard one of them mutter, “Her tits!” and another exclaim, “I know, and his… it’s a fucking monster!”

  “Did that just happen?” I asked him as he nestled his head against mine and kissed me one last time.

  “It seems we have gained more fans.”

  “Well, our sex life gained legendary status after the stunt we pulled in the prison of Shadow Village. I am not sure if you have heard them say it, but there is a popular expression amongst the common-folk in General Population: ‘Hung like Rexprimus,’ and I never shared this with you because I knew that a) I would have to explain to you what ‘hung’ meant in this context, and b) because I knew that it would bring you such pleasure to know that they have made a common saying out of their admiration for your massive appendage.”

  Once again, I had him practically rolling with laughter. Not to sound arrogant (though many will tell you that I always sound arrogant and have never cared to excuse it before), but I truly was the only person who could make him laugh like that, for whatever reason. Sometimes, when I made a mental list of all the reasons why my men loved me, I put my sense of humor almost at the top of the list, because if there was one thing that I was able to do to them, and they were able to do to me, it was to make them laugh despite how dark and humorless our lives became. It was a trait I valued in myself, and it was a trait I valued in them, and when Adam’s kisses on my lips were interrupted by his laughs, I could not help but smile proudly.

  “Well, goodnight to you and your monster.” I told him, “Tell him your wife said, ‘Job well done, and I will see you in a week or two for another round.’”

  “I will let him know. He misses you already.”

  “And she,” I framed my lower anatomy by making my hands into a “V” shapes, “…misses you already, as well.” I told him. “Your monster, your tongue, your fingers… She misses them all.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Elohimson… Keep up that talk, and I will have you against that door so they cannot barge in and interrupt us.”

  “Oh, what is that?” I asked, looking down between my legs, “She says, ‘Put your monster where her mouth is, Mr. Elohimson,’” I said, and he would have laughed at the cleverness of it had he not rushed forward, pulled the blanket I had wrapped around myself off, and pressed my back to the door.

  “I cannot believe that personifying our genitals has had this effect on us both…” I breathed, and he chuckled even as he sucked my neck, “But by the One God, my husband, I will not question it.”

  He turned me around so my back was to him and rooted one of his knees between my legs so they were spread for him, and then, checking with two fingers to make sure I was still ready, he pushed himself into me hard with a low growl in his throat followed by a grunt.

  Hilariously, the boys outside knocked, and one said, “Mr. and Mrs. Elohimson?” and I laughed until he gave one particularly well-aimed thrust right into my spot again. Then I was moaning his name out, breathing out the two syllables one at a time; they were punctuated in between with another sharp inhalation. One of his arms was draped around my middle, holding me to him so he could keep thrusting into me so perfectly, and the other was holding one of my shoulders, pulling backwards so my breasts were thrust forward and pressed into the smooth, cold wood of his cell’s door. My head tilted back so it was rested against his shoulder, and his hand came around to my neck, cupped under my chin, and turned my head back so his mouth could take mine forcefully, so his tongue could chase and wrestle my tongue as our lips moved as hard and fast together as our hips were moving.

  The spontaneity, intensity, and weirdness of it made him come faster than he had ever come before, and before I could tell him that it was alright that I hadn’t come, too, he turned me to him, dropped to his knees in front of me, and finished me off with his tongue and his fingers. The moan I let out was closer to a scream, and the banging on the door grew more insistent. I collapsed forward, my small body draped over his shoulder, and after a second or two of recuperation, he lifted me up. It startled me, so I yelped playfully and whacked his back.

  “My stars, man, you lift me like I am full of feathers.”

  “By the One God, woman, it is because to me, you are about as heavy as you would be if you were full of feathers.”

  He flipped me off of his shoulder onto the bed, and I giggled as my body plopped onto the plushy comforter and sunk in. I rose onto my knees, threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the mouth again, because truly, that night, I could not get enough of him.

  “I want you one hundred times tonight, Adam.” I told him, “I want you to make me come over and over again, until the sun comes up.”

  He exhaled slowly, trying to grasp for some semblance of control, but when I talked like that, I made it nearly impossible, I knew, and I loved it. I loved watching the great King of Pangaea buckle just at my words. I loved knowing the effect I had on him.

  “You are…” He kissed me, “…insatiable, my beauty…” He kissed me again, “…and I would love nothing more…” He gave me a very light nibble right where my shoulder met my neck, and I giggled again, “…than to give you pleasure all night long…” His mouth came to my ear, “And when we leave this place,” He whispered, “…on our very first night of freedom, I will.” His tongue flicked under my earlobe and pulled it into his mouth where he sucked it very gently, “But until then…” His hand came around behind me, and he smacked me only somewhat lightly on my butt, which caused me to yelp in surprise again but then laugh, “I must get you dressed and return you to the General Population, lest we wish to attract the attention of our friend, the Warden, so you must somehow stop being so…” His lips pressed to my neck, “unbelievably…” They pressed to my chest, “…sensual…” They enclosed over one of my breasts and sucked gently, “…and beautiful…” His tongue pushed my nipple in, but then his lips sucked it hard, and yet another moan escaped me, “…and perfect. Alright?”

  I ran my fingers into his hair and gripped two handfuls gently as he kissed his way back up to my lips, which he pecked gently.

  “Oh, alright.” I replied with an exaggerated eye roll and sigh, to which he chuckled. The knocks on the door came again.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Elohimson, we are coming in whether you are ready or not. Play-time is over.” An older male voice, one that was more firm, less afraid, said.

  “She is getting dressed!” Adam shouted back, “Just five more minutes.”

  “And for your information, play-time is never over.” I replied as I pulled the pants of my prison uniform up and readjusted my bra. Adam had pulled his pants back on but was still shirtless, and as the door opened, I looked him up and down, watching as he fastened his belt and biting my lower lip because I wanted to bite him.

  “Mmm!” I exclaimed, “And by the way, Mister, if you want to spank my ‘bum,’ as you like to say, can you please do it before I have an orgasm? Because when you do it after, it just makes me begin to ascend that peak again, and then we get in
terrupted, and it is just not fair.”

  “Oh, you liked that, did you?” He asked, “I shall have to remember.”

  The guard who had spoken gruffly took me by the elbow and began to pull me away, but I broke away, kissed Adam one last time, and held him until they had to lift me and carry me away. My hands stayed locked with his until the very last moment, and he kissed them over and over again. Even as they broke our grasp and carried me from the room, I was smiling brightly, and he was grinning his slight, bright-eyed grin, too.

  By the one God, or by the Gods, and oh, my stars and heavens and hells, I loved that man. With every inch of my being, with every scrap of my heart, I loved him.

  I always felt those random tidal swells of love for them when a terrible threat was imminent. Soon, it would rear its head, I knew.