Read The Island Queen Page 11



  "Now, darlin'," said Mrs Lynch to Queen Pauline, as she sat on the sideof her bed looking contemplatively at the floor, "thim rascals'll be inthe Hall in two minits, so take me advice and give them more nor they'vegot."

  "But my object in sending for them is not to add to their punishment,"said the queen.

  "More's the pity, for they need it, an' the Coort was too tinder wi'them intirely. Two weeks! why, two months would do them more good.Anyhow, see that ye give them a fearful blowin' up."

  "I'll do what I can for them," returned Pina, with a pleasant laugh, asshe rose and passed into the Audience Hall, where the prisoners and asmany of the settlers as could find room were already gathered.

  Here a slight change of feeling seemed to have taken place in thepeople. Perhaps the sight of Hugh and Malines--two men who had, up tillthat time, carried matters with rather a high hand--bound, humbled,helpless, and with bits of straw which had been given them as beddingsticking to their garments, induced a touch of pity. At all events,there was none of that riotous demand for vengeance which hadcharacterised them when under the influence of excitement at the trial.Evidently a slight reaction in favour of the culprits had set in, andthe entrance of the queen, therefore, took place in solemn silence, noone knowing why she had sent for the men or what were her intentions.Poor Pauline was much embarrassed by the silence, and by the situation,in which she found herself. Being a girl of mind, and not a mere humanmachine made and content to run always on beaten paths, she had resolvedto try an experiment, and braced herself to the duty.

  It was by no means a new experiment; on the contrary, it was older thanthis world's history, though new to Pauline in the particularcircumstances--being an application of the law of mercy.

  "My friends," said Pina, in a somewhat tremulous voice, which howeverbecame firmer as she proceeded, "this is the first trial that has takenplace in our little colony, and as crime must be firmly repressed--"

  ("Punished, my dear--putt it stronger!" came in a whisper from the sidedoor, where widow Lynch was listening; but, fortunately, none of theaudience heard her.)

  "I feel," continued Pauline, taking no notice of the advice, "that itbecomes me, as your chosen queen, to do what I think will be best forthe interests of the community."

  "Hear, hear!" exclaimed some of the audience; but they gave no furtherexpression to their feelings, being still uncertain as to the queen'sleanings.

  "No doubt," continued Pina, trying, not quite successfully, to swallowthe lump in her throat, "the punishment which you have awarded these menis in strict accordance with your ideas of justice, and, being utterlyignorant of law, I will not presume to doubt the wisdom of yourdecision; nor would I interfere, either by increasing or decreasing thepunishment, did I not feel that this case is peculiar, very peculiar.It is, as I have said, the beginning of crime in our kingdom, and littlebeginnings, you all know, often lead to great results. A small leak maysink a ship. Then, in the second place, this is the first offencecommitted by these men, and first offences require peculiar treatment--"

  ("That's so, my dear--_powerful_ treatment. Give it 'em hot!" inaudiblywhispered the widow.)

  "Turning to that Book," continued Pauline, "which shall be my guide inevery act of life, I find that God `delighteth in mercy.' Can I gowrong in following humbly in His footsteps? I think not. Therefore, Iventure to exercise the privilege of my position, and extend mercy tothese men. The law has been vindicated by their trial and condemnation.I now, in accordance with constitutional right, bestow on them a freepardon."

  This, being rapidly uttered, quite took the people by surprise, andcaused them to burst into a ringing cheer, above which the no longerinaudible voice of the widow was heard to exclaim--

  "Free parding, indeed!" in tones of indignant contempt, as she shut thedoor with a bang and retired in disgust from the scene.

  "I do not know," said the queen, when silence was restored, "on whatparticular officer of my household," (a confused little smile and blushhere), "falls the duty of setting crim--I mean _forgiven_ men free, so Inow order the prime minister to cut their bonds."

  Amid some laughter, Joe readily drew forth an enormous clasp-knife andobeyed this command. Then the queen, stepping forward, held out herhand with a bright smile to Hugh Morris. None but an utterly abandonedwretch could have resisted that. Hugh gave in at once--seized the hand,and not only shook it, but kissed it heartily. So did Malines, and sodid the others, and then they all dispersed--Teddy Malone signalling hisexit with a cheer and a shout to the following effect--

  "Hooroo! boys--she's ivvery inch a quane, an' two or three eighthsover--cut an' dry, ready-made, hot off the irons! We're in luck--eh!boys, aren't we?"

  The latter remark was made, with a hearty slap on the back, to littleBuxley, who, turning at once and grasping Malone in his arms, went infor a vigorous wrestle by way of relieving his feelings.

  Whatever may be thought of this matter by men deep in the learning ofhuman law, we feel bound to put on record that this plan of QueenPauline the First proved a great success, for, from that day forward,Malines and Morris and all the other conspirators became excellentmembers of the community--gave up all ideas of piracy on the high seas,set to work like men to fence in their properties, cultivate theirfarms, prosecute their fisheries, and otherwise to make themselvesuseful. Another result was that Silver Bay Settlement began toflourish.

  Similar results usually happen when men give up quarrelling and take toworking. The schoolroom was soon finished. The queen had her Bibleclasses--plenty of Bibles having been found in the ship--and Dominickeven went the length of venturing to conduct special services onSundays.

  But, strange to say, the more things prospered on the island, the morepensive became the queen, as well as Otto and his brother. It was notso with Dr Marsh, however. Some unknown influence seemed to keep himalways in a hearty frame of mind.

  "I can't help it, Dom," said the queen, as she walked on the white shoreof Silver Bay one evening while the sun was descending in a goldenblaze, "I can't bear to think of them."

  Poor Pauline's mind was running on a cheery bald little old gentleman inJava, and a mild little spectacled old lady, with knitting proclivities,in England, whose chief solace, in a humble way, was an elderly femalecat.

  "Am I _never_ to see them again?" she added, as she sat down on a coralrock, buried her fair face in her hands, and wept.

  Dominick tried to comfort her, but in vain.

  "It's all very well what you say, Dom, but here we are settling down asif we meant to stay for ever. Even Otto talks less than he used toabout Robinson Crusoe, and no ships ever come near us, and the sailorsdon't want to quit the islands, so we can't even use the ship we havegot, and--and--O darling mother! and dear, _dear_ papa!"

  If Queen Pina, who broke down at this point, had only known that, aboutthe time she was speaking, the _dear_ papa was running for his life,covered with mud from head to foot, in the midst of thunder and fire andsmoke, she might have mingled horror with loving emphasis as shementioned his name.

  At the time of which we write, the island of Java, in the MalayArchipelago, was convulsed by one of those tremendous earthquakes whichhave at irregular intervals, from time immemorial, shattered itsmountains, overwhelmed some of its fairest lands, and killed thousandsof its inhabitants. It is not our intention, however, to touch on thissubject more than will suffice to elucidate our tale.

  Deeply interesting is it, at times, to note the intimate connection thatsometimes exists between places and events which seem exceedinglyremote. One would imagine that the eruption of a volcanic mountain inJava could not have much influence on the life or fortunes of peopleliving on an island nearly a thousand miles distant from the same. Yetso it was, in a double sense, too, as we shall see.

  The great shock in Java, which overturned the bald little oldgentlema
n's chair, causing him to spring up and exclaim to his partner,"Hallo, Brooks!" passed through the intervening earth, losing much ofits power on the way, caused Refuge Islands to tremble, and Pauline tolook up suddenly with the exclamation--

  "What's that Dom?"

  "It is marvellously like an earthquake, Pina."

  Strange to say, Brooks in Java made precisely the same remark, at aboutthe same moment, to his senior partner.

  Thereafter old Mr Rigonda, who didn't like earthquakes, said toBrooks--who didn't mind earthquakes, being used to them--

  "I'll start off for England immediately."

  He did start off, even more immediately than he had intended, for theneighbouring volcano, as if angered by his remark, sent up a shock thatshook the surrounding houses to their foundations. The senior partnerrushed out in terror, and was just in time to receive a shower of mudand ashes while he fled away through fire and smoke, as alreadymentioned.

  The volcano went to sleep again for a short time after that littleindication of its power, and you may be sure that old Rigonda did notwait for its reawakening. One of his own ships was on the point ofsailing that very day. He went on board--after cleaning himself--gotBrooks to wind up their business relations in the cabin, and left forEngland with a fair wind.

  And well was it for the bald little old gentleman that he did so, for, afew days later, strange sounds and appearances were in the air and onthe sea. Fine ashes filled the sky, so that noon became like midnight,and everything betokened that something unusually violent must haveoccurred in the land which they had left. Nothing more serious,however, befell our voyager. In due course he reached England, hastenedhome, and, without warning, burst in upon his wife while that dearlittle old lady was in the act of remarking to the middle-aged cat, in avery dolorous tone, that she feared something must have happened to theship, for her darlings could never have been so long of writing if allhad gone well.

  It was while the cat gazed contemplatively at the everlasting socks, asif meditating a reply, that old Rigonda burst in.

  Starting up with amazing activity and a cry of joy, the old lady swepther feline friend from the table--inadvertently, of course--and rushedinto her husband's arms, while the outraged animal sought refuge on topof the bookcase, whence it glared at the happy meeting with feelingsthat may be more easily understood than described. Of course the oldman's joy was turned into grief and anxiety when he heard of thedeparture of his children and was told of their prolonged silence; butwith that we have nothing to do at present.

  We return to Silver Bay, where a sense of insecurity had been aroused inthe community, ever since the tremors of the earth, to which we havejust referred.

  With the slumbering of the Javanese mountains, however, these tremorsand the consequent fears subsided, and were almost forgotten in anothersource of anxiety.

  One morning, while Teddy Malone was walking on the beach of Silver Bay,he observed a small object running and stumbling towards him, as if ingreat haste or fear. Hurrying forward to meet this object he soonperceived that it was little Brown-eyes, of whom he was very fond.

  "What's wrong, me darlint?" he asked, catching the child up and kissingher.

  "Oh, such funny tings me sawd--oder side de rocks," replied Brown-eyes,panting; "come wid me an' see dem. Come kik!"

  "Funny things, eh, mavourneen, what sort of things?"

  "Oh, like beasts. Come kik!"

  "They wasn't sarpints, was they?" said Malone, seating the child on hisshoulder and hastening towards the rocky point which separated SilverBay from the land beyond.

  "No, no--not saa'pints. Long beasts, like mans, only hims not stand andwalk, but lie down and crawl."

  Much impressed with the child's eager manner, the Irishman hurriedtowards the point of rocks, filled with curiosity as to what thecreatures could be.

  "What sort o' hids have they, darlint?" he asked, as he neared thepoint.

  "Hids same as mans, and faces like you, but more uglier, all scratchedover, an' dey try to catch me, but me runned away."

  Teddy Malone's hitherto obtuse faculties were awakened. He stoppedsuddenly, being by that time convinced that he stood unarmed withinspear-throw of savages in ambush. To advance, supposing his conjectureto be right, he knew would be certain death. To turn and fly wouldprobably be the same, for naked savages could easily overtake him evenif unburdened with Brown-eyes, whom, of course, he could not forsake,and he was too far from the settlement to shout an alarm.

  Perspiration burst from poor Teddy's brow, for even delay, he knew,would be fatal, as the savages would suspect him of having discoveredthem.

  Suddenly he put Brown-eyes down on the sand, and, twisting his figureinto a comical position, began to hop like a frog. His device had thedesired effect; Brown-eyes burst into a hearty fit of laughter, forgotfor the moment the "funny beasts," and cried, "Do it agin!"

  The poor man did it again, thinking intensely all the time what heshould do next.

  "Would you like to see me dance, darlint?" he asked suddenly.

  "Oh yis!"

  Thereupon Teddy Malone began to dance an Irish jig to his own whistling,although, being much agitated, he found it no easy matter to whistle intune or time, but that was unimportant. As he danced he took care toback in a homeward direction. The child naturally followed. Thus, byslow degrees, he got beyond what he considered spear-throw, and feelingboldness return with security, he caught the child up and danced withher on his shoulder. Then he set her down, and pretended to chase her.He even went the length of chasing her a little way in the wrongdirection, in order to throw the savages more completely off theirguard. By degrees he got near to the settlement, and there was met byOtto.

  "You seem jolly to-day, Ted," said the boy.

  "Whist, lad," returned the other, without intermitting his exercise."Look as if ye was admirin' me. There's lot of them tattooed monkeys--savages--beyant the pint. They don't know I've found it out. Slink upan' gather the boys, an' look alive. I'll amuse 'em here till you comeback. An' I say, don't forgit to bring me revolver an' cutlash."

  "All right," was Otto's brief reply, as he sauntered slowly up towardsthe bushes. No sooner was he screened by these, however, than he ranlike a hare to the palace.

  "Halloo! Dom, Joe, Hugh--all of you--the savages again! Arm--quick!"

  It needed no urging to hasten the movements of all who heard the boy'svoice. Ever since the first appearance of the savages Dominick and thedoctor had put all the men of the settlement under daily training indrill for an hour or so, that they might be better able to act promptlyand in concert if occasion should again occur. The arms had beencollected, and such of them as were not in use stored in a handyposition, so that in two minutes an armed company was proceeding at arun towards the spot on the shore where Malone was still performing hisantics, to the inexpressible delight of Brown-eyes.

  "Where are the spalpeens?" asked the widow Lynch, who had followed themen.

  "Beyant the rocks, mother," answered Malone, as he received his weaponsfrom Otto and fell into his place in the ranks; "ye'd as well take thechild home, or she'll be sure to follow--she's nigh as wild as yerself."

  The widow was indeed fond of seeing, as she used to say, "all the funthat was goin'," but on this occasion she consented to carry Brown-eyesout of danger while the settlers moved at a quick step towards thepoint.

  Behind that point of rocks a band of savages lay concealed, as Malonehad rightly conjectured. There were about forty of them, all armed withclubs and spears, evidently bent on attacking the settlement. Of coursethey meant to do it by surprise, and had concealed themselves among thebushes behind the point, where they probably would have lain tillnightfall if Brown-eyes in her wanderings had not discovered them.Their chief would have instantly caught and silenced the poor child, hadshe not run so far clear of the point that he would infallibly haverevealed himself to Teddy Malone in doing so.

  When that worthy drew near to the rocks, as described, the
chief gotready a spear for his reception. When Malone took to dancing, the chiefcondescended to smile, or grin, hideously. When he retreated out ofrange the chief consoled himself with the reflection that it was just aswell, night being the best time for attack. When, however, he beheld aband of men moving towards him armed with the terrible things that"spouted smoke, fire, and stones," a change came over the spirit of hisdream. After a hasty consultation with his comrades, he glided off inthe direction of their canoe. The rest followed, and when our settlersat last turned the point, they saw the foe paddling at full speed acrossthe lagoon.

  Firing a volley of disappointment after them, both in words and bullets,they ran to their boats and gave chase, but, as on the former occasion,the canoe proved too swift for the boats under oars, and the savages gotaway.

  The anxiety that naturally filled the breasts of Queen Pauline and hercouncillors at this event was speedily forgotten in a recurrence of theearthquake which had previously alarmed them so much.

  It happened on a calm, bright morning, when the widow Lynch chanced tobe washing garments in the palace beside the queen. You see they hadnot much regard for state-ceremonial or etiquette at the court ofPauline the First even in public, much less in private, so that, whilethe widow was deep in the washtub at one end of the hall, the queen wasbusy at the other end patching Otto's garments.

  At first there occurred a slight trembling of the earth, which thewidow, attributing to giddiness in her own cranium, recognised with aremonstrative "Ohone!"

  "Did you feel _that_?" exclaimed Pauline, pausing in her work andlooking up with a slight feeling of alarm.

  "_What_, dearie?" demanded the widow, clearing the soap-suds from herred roly-poly arms.

  Before Pauline could answer, the earthquake took the liberty of reply bygiving an abrupt shake to the whole island, which not only set chairsand tables rocking in an alarming manner, but drove the entirepopulation from their houses in consternation. Among other effects itcaused Mrs Lynch to stagger and catch hold of the washtub, which, farfrom supporting her, let her fall to the ground, and fell on the top ofher.

  To most of the settlers the sensation of a trembling earth was quite newand exceedingly alarming. They stopped abruptly after the first rush,and then looked about with pale faces, not knowing what to do. Malines,however, was cool and collected. He had been in various volcanicregions of the world, and undertook to comfort them.

  "Don't be afraid," he said, when the most of the people had gatheredround him. "I've often seen this sort o' thing, on the coast o' SouthAmerica and among the Malay Islands. It passes away after a while, andoften without doin' much damage--though I _have_ seen a town shookalmost to pieces in about five minutes."

  "And what did they do?" asked Jabez Jenkins.

  "Och, whirri-hoo!" shouted Teddy Malone, for at that moment anothershock was felt, more violent than the preceding. The earth seemedabsolutely to roll, and one or two of the huts that had been carelesslybuilt, fell asunder in partial ruin.

  "Where is my brother--and the doctor?" demanded Pauline, running up tothe group at the moment.

  "They're away up the mountain, with Joe and Otto," answered littleBuxley; "I saw 'em start soon after daybreak--to explore, they said."

  "What do you think should be done?" asked Pina, turning naturally to themate, as being the most intelligent of those around her.

  "If it's goin' to be bad," said Malines, "I would advise you all to giton board the ship as fast as ye can, for the land isn't so safe as thewater when it takes to quakin'."

  "You seem to have had some experience of it. Is it going to be bad,think you?"

  "Earthquakes are deceptive--no man can tell."

  "Well, then, we must do our best at once," said the queen, with an airof calm decision worthy of her rank. "Go, Mr Malines, with yoursailors, and get all the boats ready. And you, my people, carry downwhat you esteem most valuable and get on board the ship without loss oftime--for the rest, we are in the hands of a loving and merciful God."

  While these events were enacting on the shore, Dominick, Otto, thedoctor, and Joe Binney were seated near the summit of the highest peak,enjoying a cold breakfast. It was their first visit to that particularpeak, which had a slight hollow or basin of perhaps fifty feet diameterin the centre.

  Just before the first tremulous shock the doctor had been explaining tothe prime minister the nature of volcanoes, and stating his opinion thatthe cup-like hollow before them was an extinct crater. The slight shockstopped him in his discourse, and caused the party to look at each otherwith serious faces.

  "It's not extinct yet," exclaimed Otto excitedly, pointing to thehollow, the earth of which had suddenly cracked in several places andwas emitting puffs of sulphurous smoke and steam.

  They all started up.

  "We'd better hasten home," said Dominick.

  "Yes--they'll be terribly scared," said the doctor, hastily beginning topack up the remains of their breakfast.

  But, before this could be done, the second convulsion took place.Violent trembling occurred for a few seconds; then the ground in the oldcrater burst open, and, with a terrible explosion, fire and smokebelched forth, sending huge fragments of rock and showers of ashes intothe air, which latter fell around the explorers in all directions--fortunately without doing them injury.

  They waited no longer. Without even uttering a word they all turned andran down the hill at full speed. Being a considerable distance from thesettlement, it was upwards of an hour before they arrived. By that timemost of the women and children had been sent off to the ship. Pauline,however, had remained on shore to direct and encourage the rest, as wellas to await the return of her brothers.

  "Right--right--you couldn't have done better," said Dominick, whenPauline hastily explained how she had acted.

  "It was Mr Malines, not I, who suggested the plan," returned the queen.

  "Hadn't you better go on board yourself?" said the doctor, "and leave usto manage."

  "No, I am not a mere puppet, sir," answered Pauline, with a littlesmile, yet firmly. "My place is here till all my subjects are safe!And your duty is to assist in the embarkation, not to offer advice toyour queen!"

  With a laugh the doctor went off to do his duty, muttering, "My _queen_,indeed!" fervently.

  For some time the volcano, which had thus sprung into sudden activity,partially subsided, yet there were occasional tremulous motions of theearth and low growlings in the heart of the mountain on Big Island,while several minor explosions occurred in the crater, so that thethoroughly alarmed settlers hastened the embarkation with all despatch.Before night had closed in they were all safely on board with most oftheir lighter valuables and tools, though, necessarily, much of theirheavier property was left behind. Where life is threatened, however,men are not apt to mind such losses.

  It now became a question whether they should remain at anchor where theywere and abide the issue, or proceed at once to sea. Some were forremaining, others were for putting off to sea. There was much wranglingover it at first, and the people seemed in their anxiety to have quiteforgotten their queen, when she stepped forward, and, raising her clearsilvery voice, produced a dead calm at once.

  "Joe," she said, "go down to the cabin and await me there."

  The prime minister obeyed instantly.

  "Now," said Pauline, turning to the people, "choose among you six ofyour number to consult with me, and do it at once."

  Of course, the men well-known as the best among the settlers wereinstantly named we need scarcely add that among them were Dominick, thedoctor, and Malines.

  While these were engaged in consultation below, a terrible outburst ofthe volcano settled the matter for them, and brought them all hastily ondeck.

  The summit of the crater seemed to have been blown up into the air witha most terrific noise, while a dense mass of smoke, steam, and ashes washurled upwards, and seemed to blot out the sky. Twilight, which hadbeen deepening, was converted into blackest night in
a moment, anddarkness profound would undoubtedly have continued, had it not been forthe lurid glare of the fires which flashed at intervals from the crater.Suddenly the waters of the sea became agitated. The ship rockeduneasily, and jerked at her cable, while the terrified people clung toshrouds and ropes, and belaying-pins. Then the fire on the mountain-topincreased tenfold in volume and intensity. Another moment, and severallarge holes opened in the mountain-side nearest to them, from whichstreams of molten lava burst forth and began to descend towards thedeserted settlement.

  At that moment there was a great shout. It had been discovered that inthe confusion little Brown-eyes had been forgotten!

  A small boat hung at the davits on the port side. It was mannedinstantly. The doctor jumped to the helm, Otto followed, and, beforeany could interpose, the queen suddenly stepped in.

  "You are mad!" cried the doctor.

  "Lower away!" said Pina, as if she had been a trained sea-captain allher life.

  Instantly the ropes were eased off, and in a few seconds the boat was inthe sea and on the shore. They found little Brown-eyes sound asleep inher crib, with a river of red-hot lava stretching its fiery tonguestowards her as if eager for a meal!

  Supple-limbed Otto was first; he seized the child and bore her off tothe boat. Another terrible explosion occurred just then. Ashes andmasses of rock began to rain around them. A falling stone struckPauline's head, and she fell. The doctor, who held her hand, seized herin his arms and bore her away. A few minutes more and they were allsafe on board again.

  But there was no time for congratulations. The sea which had beforebeen agitated, now heaved in wild waves, though there was no wind. Itwas then seen that Big Island was actually crumbling--sinking into thewater! The continuous rumbling of the volcano was terrible.Intermittent explosions were frequent. To add to the horrors of thescene the darkness deepened. As the island went down the sea rushedtumultuously in to overwhelm it. Then it was that the stout cable,under God, saved them from immediate destruction. The ship was hurledfrom side to side like a cork on the boiling flood. But no cable couldlong withstand such a strain. The chain snapped at last, and theyseemed to be rushing with railway speed to their fate amid surroundingfire and overwhelming water, and roaring thunders, and raining ashes,when, suddenly, there was a perceptible diminution in the turmoil, and,gradually, the waves calmed down. With feelings of intense thankfulnessthe terrified people let go their second anchor, though the darkness wasby that time so thick that they could barely see each other.

  It may be imagined what a night of anxiety they spent. With Pauline andsome others it was a night of earnest prayer.

  When the light of day at last broke faintly in the east it revealed thefact that Refuge Islands had actually and totally disappeared, and thatour settlers were floating on the bosom of the open sea!



  An Island Queen no longer, Pauline Rigonda sits on the quarter-deck ofthe emigrant ship gazing pensively over the side at the sunlit sea.Dethroned by the irresistible influences of fire and water, our heroinehas retired into the seclusion of private life.

  After escaping from the volcano, as described in the last chapter, thesettlers resolved to proceed, under the guidance of Malines as captain,and Morris as mate, to the port for which they had originally been boundwhen the disaster on Refuge Islands had arrested them.

  Of course this was a great disappointment to poor Pauline and herbrothers, who, as may be imagined, were burning with anxiety to get backto England. Feeling, however, that it would be unreasonable as well asselfish to expect the emigrants to give up their long-delayed plansmerely to meet their wishes, they made up their minds to accept thesituation with a good grace.

  "You see," said Otto to the ex-queen--for he was becoming very wise inhis own eyes, and somewhat oracular in the midst of all theseexcitements--"when a fellow can't help himself he's bound to make thebest of a bad business."

  "Don't you think it would be better to say he is bound to accepttrustingly what God arranges, believing that it will be all for thebest?" returned Pauline.

  "How can a bad business be for the best?" demanded Otto, with the air ofone who has put an unanswerable question.

  His sister looked at him with an expression of perplexity. "Well, it isnot easy to explain," she said, "yet I can believe that all _is_ for thebest."

  "Ha, Pina!" returned the boy, with a little touch of pride, "it's allvery well for you to say that, but you won't get men to believe thingsin that way."

  "Otto," said Dr Marsh, who was standing near and listening to theconversation, "it is not so difficult as you think to prove that what wecall a bad business may after all be for the best. I remember at thismoment a case in point. Come--I'll tell you a story. Once upon a timeI knew a gentleman with a stern face and a greedy soul, who believed innothing, almost, except in the wickedness of mankind, and in his owncapacity to take advantage of that wickedness in order to make money.Money was his god. He spent all his time and all his strength in makingit, and he was successful. He had many ships on the sea, and much goldin the bank. He had also a charming little wife, who prayed in secretthat God would deliver her husband from his false god, and he had a dearlittle daughter who loved him to distraction in spite of his `businesshabits!' Well, one year there came a commercial crisis. Mr Getalleagerly risked his money and over-speculated. That same year wasdisastrous in the way of storms and wrecks. Among the wrecks wereseveral of Mr Getall's finest ships. A fire reduced one of hiswarehouses to ashes, and, worse still, one of his most confidential andtrusted clerks absconded with some thousands of pounds. All that was avery bad business, wasn't it?"

  "It was," assented Otto; "go on."

  "The upshot was a crash--"

  "What!--of the burning warehouse?"

  "No; of the whole business, and the Getalls were reduced to comparativebeggary. The shock threw the poor little wife, who had always beenrather delicate, into bad health, rendering a warm climate necessary forher at a time when they could not afford to travel. Moreover, littleEva's education was entirely stopped at perhaps the most importantperiod of her life. That was a bad business, wasn't it?"

  "That was a much worse business," asserted Otto.

  "Well, when Mr Getall was at the lowest stage of despair, and had takenmore than one look over the parapet of London Bridge with a view tosuicide, he received a letter from a long-neglected brother, who had formany years dwelt on the Continent, partly for economy and partly for ason's health. The brother offered him a home in the south of France forthe winter, as it would do his wife good, he said, and he had room inhis house for them all, and wanted their company very much to keep himfrom being dull in that land of warmth and sunshine! Getall was not theman to refuse such an offer. He went. The brother was an earnestChristian. His influence at that critical time of sore distress was themeans in the Holy Spirit's hands of rescuing the miser's soul, andtransferring his heart from gold to the Saviour. A joy which he hadnever before dreamed of took possession of him, and he began, timidly atfirst to commend Jesus to others. Joy, they say, is curative. Theeffect of her husband's conversion did so much good to little MrsGetall's spirit that her body began steadily to mend, and in time shewas restored to better health than she had enjoyed in England. Thebrother-in-law, who was a retired schoolmaster, undertook the educationof Eva, and, being a clever man as well as good, trained her probablymuch better than she would have been trained had she remained at home.At last they returned to England, and Mr Getall, with the assistance offriends, started afresh in business. He never again became a rich manin the worldly sense, but he became rich enough to pay off all hiscreditors to the last farthing; rich enough to have something to sparefor a friend in distress; rich enough to lay past something for Eva'sdower, and rich enough to contribute liberally to the funds of thosewhose business it is to `consider the poor.' All that, you see, beingthe result of what you have admitted, my boy, was a bad busines

  "True, but then," objected Otto, who was of an argumentative turn, "ifall that _hadn't_ resulted, it would have been a bad business still."

  "Not necessarily--it might have turned out to be a good business in someother way, or for somebody else. The mere fact that we can't see how,is no argument against the theory that _everything_ is constrained towork for good by Him who rules the universe."

  "What! even sin?" asked Otto, in surprise.

  "Even sin," returned the doctor. "Don't you see that it was Getall'ssin of greed and over-speculation, and the clerk's sin of embezzlement,which led to all these good results; but, of course, as neither of themhad any desire or intention to achieve the good results which Godbrought about, they were none the less guilty, and were entitled to nocredit, but, on the contrary, to condign punishment. What I wish toprove is that God causes _all things_ to work out His will, yet leavesthe free-will of man untouched. This is a great mystery; at the sametime it is a great fact, and therefore I contend that we have everyreason to trust our loving Father, knowing that whatever happens to uswill be for the best--not, perhaps, for our present pleasure orgratification, but for our ultimate best."

  "But--but--but," said Otto, while premature wrinkles rippled for aminute over his smooth brow, "at that rate, is it fair to blame sinnerswhen their very sins are made to bring about God's will?"

  "Now, Otto, don't run away with a false idea. For you to sin with aview to bring about good, is one thing--and a very wicked thing, whichis severely condemned in Scripture--but for God to cause good to resultfrom your sin, and in spite of _you_, is a totally different thing.Think of a pirate, my boy, a bloody-handed villain, who has spent hislife of crime in gathering together enormous wealth, with which toretire into selfish enjoyment at last. But he is captured. His wealthis taken from him, and with it good men establish almshouses for theaged poor, hospitals for the sick, free libraries and free bathseverywhere, and many other good and beneficent works. The pirate'slabours have, in God's providence, been turned into this channel. Isthe pirate less guilty, or less deserving of punishment on thataccount?"

  Further discussion on this point was interrupted by a sharp order fromMalines to reduce sail, and the consequent bustling about of thesailors.

  "Going to blow, think you?" asked Dominick, who came on deck at themoment.

  "Can't tell yet," replied the mate, "but the glass has fallen suddenly,and one must be prepared, all the more that the ship has been moreseverely strained on the reef than I had thought. Would Miss Pauline beprepared," he added in a lower tone, "to receive the deputation thisafternoon?"

  "Yes, she is quite prepared," returned Dominick, in the same low tone,"though she is much perplexed, not being able to understand what can bewanted of her. Is it so profound a secret that I may not know it?"

  "You shall both know it in good time," the mate replied, as he turned togive fresh directions to the man at the wheel.

  That afternoon the assembly in the cabin could hardly be styled adeputation, for it consisted of as many of the emigrants as couldsqueeze in. It was led by Joe Binney, who stood to the front with adocument in his hand. Pauline, with some trepidation and much surpriseexpressed on her pretty face, was seated on the captain's chair, with anextra cushion placed thereon to give it a more throne-like dignity. Shewas supported by Dominick on one side and Otto on the other.

  Joe advanced a few paces, stooping his tall form, partly in reverenceand partly to avoid the deck-beams. Clearing his throat, and with aslightly awkward air, he read from the document as follows:--

  "Dear Miss Pauline, may it please yer majesty, for we all regards youyet as our lawful queen, I've bin appinted, as prime minister of ourcommunity--which ain't yet broke up--to express our wishes, likewise oursentiments."

  "That's so--go it, Joe," broke in a soft whisper from Teddy Malone.

  "We wishes, first of all," continued the premier, "to say as how we'revery sorry that your majesty's kingdom has bin blowed up an' sunk to thebottom o' the sea," ("Worse luck!" from Mrs Lynch),--"but wecongratulate you an' ourselves that we, the people, are allalive,"--("an' kickin'," softly, from Malone--"Hush!" "silence!" fromseveral others),--"an' as loyal an' devoted as ever we was." ("Moreso," and "Hear, hear!"). "Since the time you, Queen Pauline, took upthe reins of guvermint, it has bin plain to us all that you has doneyour best to rule in the fear o' God, in justice, truthfulness, an'lovin' kindness. An' we want to tell you, in partikler, that yourreadin's out of the Bible to us an' the child'n--which was no part o'your royal dooty, so to speak--has done us all a power o' good, an'there was some of us big uns as needed a lot o' good to be done us, aswell as the child'n--" ("Sure an' that's true, annyhow!" from Teddy).

  "Now, what we've got to say," continued Joe, clearing his throat again,and taking a long breath, "is this--the land we're agoin' to ain'tthickly popilated, as we knows on, an' we would take it kindly if you'dconsent to stop there with us, an' continue to be our queen, so as wemay all stick together an' be rightly ruled on the lines o' lovin'kindness,"--("With a taste o' the broomstick now an' then," from Teddy)."If your majesty agrees to this, we promise you loyal submission an'sarvice. Moreover, we will be glad that your brother, Mister Dominick,should be prime minister, an' Mister Otto his scritairy, or wotever elseyou please. Also that Dr Marsh should be the chansler o' the checkers,or anything else you like, as well as sawbones-in-gineral to thecommunity. An' this our petition," concluded Joe, humbly laying thedocument at Pauline's feet, "has bin signed by every man in the ship--except Teddy Malone--"

  "That's a lie!" shouted the amazed Teddy.

  "Who," continued Joe, regardless of the interruption, "not bein' able towrite, has put his cross to it."

  "Hear, hear!" cried the relieved Irishman, while the rest laughedloudly--but not long, for it was observed that Pauline had put herhandkerchief to her eyes.

  What the ex-queen said in reply, we need not put down in detail. Ofcourse, she expressed her gratitude for kind expressions, and herthankfulness for what had been said about her Sabbath-school work. Shealso explained that her dear mother in England, as well as their oldfather in Java, must be filled with deepest anxiety on account ofherself and her brothers by that time, and that, therefore, she wasobliged, most unwillingly, to decline the honour proposed to her.

  "Och!" exclaimed the disappointed widow Lynch, "cudn't ye sind for yermother to come out to yez, an' the ould man in Javy too? They'd beheartily welcome, an' sure we'd find 'em some sitivation under guvermintto kape their pot bilin'."

  But these strong inducements failed to change the ex-queen's mind.

  Now, while this was going on in the cabin, a change was taking place inthe sky. The bad weather which Malines had predicted came down bothsuddenly and severely, and did the ship so much damage as to renderrefitting absolutely necessary. There was no regular port withinhundreds of miles of them, but Malines said he knew of one of theeastern isles where there was a safe harbour, good anchorage, and plentyof timber. It would not take long to get there, though, considering thedamaged state of the ship, it might take some months before they couldget her into a fit state to continue the voyage. Accordingly, theyaltered their course, with heavy hearts, for the emigrants weredisappointed at having their voyage again interrupted, while theRigondas were depressed at the thought of the prolonged anxiety of theirparents.

  "Now this _is_ a bad business, isn't it?" said Otto to the doctor, witha groan, when the course was decided.

  "Looks like it, my boy; but it isn't," replied the doctor, whonevertheless, being himself but a frail mortal, was so depressed that hedid not feel inclined to say more.

  In this gloomy state of matters Pina's sweet tones broke upon them likea voice from the better land--as in truth it was--saying, "I will trustand not be afraid."

  About this time the cloud which hung over the emigrant ship was darkenedstill more by a visit from the Angel of Death. The mother of Brown-eyesdied. At that time Pauline was indeed an angel of mercy to
mother andchild. After the remains of the mother were committed to the deep, thepoor orphan clung so piteously to Pauline that it was scarcely possibleto tear her away. It was agreed at last that, as the child had now nonatural protector, except an uncle and aunt, who seemed to think theyhad already too many children of their own, Pauline should adopt her.

  When the emigrants reached the island-harbour, without further mishap,they were surprised to find a large steamer at anchor. The captain ofit soon explained that extensive damage to the machinery had compelledhim to run in there for shelter while the necessary repairs were beingeffected.

  "Where are you bound for?" asked Dominick, who with Dr Marsh and Ottohad accompanied Malines on board the steamer.

  "For England."

  "For England?" almost shouted Dominick and Otto in the same breath.

  "Yes. Our repairs are completed, we set off to-morrow."

  "Have you room for two or three passengers?"

  "Yes, plenty of room. We shall have to put several ashore at the Cape,where I hope to get a doctor, too, for our doctor died soon after weleft port, and we are much in want of one, having a good many sick menon board."

  "Otto," whispered Dr Marsh, "our having been diverted from our coursehas not turned out such a bad business after all, has it?"

  "On the contrary, the very best that could have happened. I'll nevergive way to unbelief again!"

  Poor Otto! He did not at that time know how deeply doubt and unbeliefare ingrained in the human heart. He did not know that man has to beconvinced again and again, and over again, before he learns to hopeagainst hope, and to believe heartily at all times that, "He doeth allthings well."

  It was with very mingled feelings that the Rigondas, Dr Marsh, andBrown-eyes parted next day from the friends with whom they hadassociated so long. It is no exaggeration to say that there wasscarcely a dry eye in the two vessels; for, while the settlers wept forsorrow, the crews and passengers wept more or less from sympathy. Eventhe dead-eyes of the ship, according to Malone, shed tears! As for poorBrown-eyes, who was a prime favourite with many of her old friends, maleand female, before she got away she had been almost crushed out ofexistence by strong arms, and her eyes might have been pea-green or pinkfor anything you could tell, so lost were they in the swollen lids.Long after the vessels had separated the settlers continued to shoutwords of good-will and blessing, "We'll never forgit ye, Miss Pauline,"came rolling after them in the strong tones of Joe Binney. "God blessyou, Miss," came not less heartily from Hugh Morris. "We loves ye,darlint," followed clear and shrill from the vigorous throat of thewidow Lynch, and a wild "Hooray!" from Teddy endorsed the sentiment.Nobbs, the blacksmith, and little Buxley, ran up the rigging to make thewaving of their caps more conspicuous, and when faces could no longer bedistinguished and voices no longer be heard, the waving of kerchiefscontinued until the rounding of a cape suddenly shut them all out fromview for ever.

  "Thank God," said Dr Marsh, with a voice deepened and tremulous fromemotion, "that though they have lost their queen, they shall never losethe sweet influences she has left behind her."

  The great ocean steamer had now cleared the land; her mighty enginesseemed to throb with joy at being permitted once more to, "Go ahead,full speed," and soon she was cleaving her way grandly through thebroad-backed billows of the Southern sea--homeward bound!

  Let us leap on in advance of her.

  The little old lady with the gold spectacles and neat black cap, andsmooth, braided hair, is seated in her old arm-chair, with the old sock,apparently--though it must have been the latest born of many hundreds ofsocks--on the needles, and the unfailing cat at her elbow. The aspectof the pair gives the impression that if a French Revolution or a Chiliearthquake were to visit England they would click-and-gaze on withimperturbable serenity through it all.

  But the little old lady is not alone now. Old Mr Rigonda sits at thetable opposite to her, with his forehead in his hands, as though hesought to squeeze ideas into his head from a book which lies open beforehim on the table. Vain hope, for the book is upside down. Profoundsilence reigns, with the exception of the clicking needles and thepurring cat.

  "My dear," at length exclaimed the bald old gentleman, looking up with aweary sigh.

  "Yes, John?" (Such is his romantic Christian name!)

  "I can't stand it, Maggie." (Such is _her_ ditto!)

  "It is, indeed, hard to bear, John. If we only knew for certain thatthey are--are gone, it seems as if we could bow to His will; but thisterrible and wearing uncertainty is awful. Did you make inquiry atLloyd's to-day?"

  "Lloyd's? You seem to think Lloyd's can tell everything about all thathappens on the sea. No, it's of no use inquiring anywhere, or doinganything. We can only sit still and groan."

  In pursuance of this remaining consolation, the poor old gentlemangroaned heavily and squeezed his forehead tighter, and gazed at thereversed book more sternly, while the old lady heaved several deepsighs. Even the cat introduced a feeble mew, as of sympathy, into themidst of its purr--the hypocrite!

  "It was the earthquake that did it," cried Mr Rigonda, starting up, andpacing the room wildly, "I'm convinced of that."

  "How can that be, John, dear, when you were in Java at the time, and ourdarlings were far away upon the sea?"

  "How can _I_ tell how it could be, Maggie? Do you take me for ageological philosopher, who can give reasons for every earthly thing heasserts? All I know is that these abominable earthquakes go halfthrough the world sometimes. Pity they don't go through the other half,split the world in two, and get rid of the subterranean firesaltogether."

  "John, my dear!"

  "Well, Maggie, don't be hard on me for gettin' irascible now and then.If you only knew what I suffer when--but forgive me. You _do_ know whatI suffer--there!"

  He stooped and kissed the old lady's forehead. The cat, uncertain,apparently, whether an assault was meant, arched its back and tall, andglared slightly. Seeing however that nothing more was done, itsubsided.

  Just then the wheels of a cab were heard rattling towards the frontdoor, as if in haste. The vehicle stopped suddenly. Then there wasimpatient thundering at the knocker, and wild ringing of the bell.

  "Fire!" gasped the half-petrified Mrs Rigonda.

  "No smell!" said her half-paralysed spouse.

  Loud voices in the passage; stumbling feet on the stairs; suppressedfemale shrieks; bass masculine exclamations; room door burst open; oldcouple, in alarm, on their feet; cat, in horror, on the top of thebookcase!

  "Mother! mother! O father!"--yelled, rather than spoken.

  Another moment, and the bald, little old man was wrestling in theex-queen's arms; the little old lady was engulfed by Dominick and Otto;Dr John Marsh and Brown-eyes stood transfixed and smiling with idioticjoy at the door; while the cat--twice its size, with every hair erect--glared, and evolved miniature volcanoes in its stomach.

  It was an impressive sight. Much too much so to dwell on!

  Passing it over, let us look in on that happy home when toned down to acondition of reasonable felicity.

  "It's a dream--all a wild, unbelievable dream!" sighed the oldgentleman, as, with flushed face and dishevelled hair, he spread himselfout in an easy chair, with Queen Pina on his knee and Brown-eyes at hisfeet. "Hush! all of you--wait a bit."

  There was dead silence, and some surprise for a few seconds, while MrRigonda shut his eyes tight and remained perfectly still, during whichbrief lull the volcanic action in the cat ceased, and its fur slowlycollapsed.

  "Dreams shift and change so!" murmured the sceptical man, graduallyopening his eyes again--"What! you're there yet, Pina?"

  "Of course I am, darling daddy."

  "Here, pinch me on the arm, Dominick--the tender part, else I'll notwaken up sufficiently to dispel it."

  A fresh outburst of hilarity, which started the stomachic volcanoes andhair afresh, while Pauline flung her arms round her father's neck forthe fiftieth time, and smothered him. When
he was released, andpartially recovered, Otto demanded to know if he really wanted the dreamdispelled.

  "Certainly not, my boy, certainly not, if it's real; but it would be sodreadfully dismal to awake and find you all gone, that I'd prefer todream it out, and turn to something else, if possible, before waking.I--I--"

  Here the old gentleman suddenly seized his handkerchief, with a view towipe his eyes, but, changing his mind, blew his nose instead.

  Just then the door opened, and a small domestic entered with thateminently sociable meal, tea. With a final explosion, worthy of Heclaor Vesuvius, the cat shot through the doorway, as if from a catapult,and found refuge in the darkest recesses of the familiar coal-hole.

  "But who," said Mr Rigonda, casting his eyes suddenly downward, "who isthis charming little brown-eyed maid that you have brought with you fromthe isles of the southern seas? A native--a little Fiji princess--eh?"

  "Hush! father," whispered Pauline in his ear, "she's a dear littleorphan who has adopted me as her mother, and would not be persuaded toleave me. So, you see, I've brought her home."

  "Quite right, quite right," returned the old man, stooping to kiss thelittle one. "I've often thought you'd be the better of a sister, Pina,so, perhaps, a daughter will do as well."

  "Now, then, tea is ready; draw in your chairs, darlings," said MrsRigonda, with a quavering voice. The truth is that all the voicesquavered that night, more or less, and it was a matter of uncertaintyseveral times whether the quavering would culminate in laughter or intears.

  "Why do you so often call Pina a queen, dear boy?" asked Mrs Rigonda ofher volatile son, Otto.

  "Why?" replied the youth, whose excitement did not by any means injurehis appetite--to judge from the manner in which he disposed of muffinsand toast, sandwiched now and then with wedges of cake--"Why? becauseshe _is_ a queen--at least she _was_ not long ago."

  An incredulous smile playing on the good lady's little mouth, Paulinewas obliged to corroborate Otto's statement.

  "And what were you queen of?" asked her father, who was plainly underthe impression that his children were jesting.

  "Of Refuge Islands, daddy," said Pina; "pass the toast, Otto, I think Inever _was_ so hungry. Coming home obviously improves one's appetite."

  "You forget the open boat, Pina."

  "Ah, true," returned Pauline, "I did for a moment forget that. Yes, wewere fearfully hungry _that_ time."

  Of course this led to further inquiry, and to Dominick clearing histhroat at last, and saying--"Come, I'll give you a short outline of ouradventures since we left home. It must only be a mere sketch, ofcourse, because it would take days and weeks to give you all thedetails."

  "Don't be prosy, Dom," said Otto, helping himself to a fifth, if not atenth, muffin. "Prosiness is one of your weak points when left to yourown promptings."

  "But before you begin, Dom," said old Mr Rigonda, "tell us where RefugeIslands are."

  "In the Southern Pacific, father."

  "Yes," observed Otto; "at the bottom of the Southern Pacific."

  "Indeed!" exclaimed the old gentleman, whose incredulity was fast takingthe form of sarcasm. "Not far, I suppose, from that celebrated islandwhich was the last home and refuge of our famous ancestor, the Spanishpirate, who was distantly related, through a first cousin of his mother,to Don Quixote."

  "You doubt us, daddy, I see," said Pauline, laughing; "but I do assureyou we are telling you the simple truth. I appeal to Dr Marsh."

  Dr Marsh, who had chiefly acted the part of observant listener up tothat moment, now assured Mr Rigonda with so much sincerity that whathad been told him was true, that he felt bound to believe him.

  "Yes, indeed," said Dr Marsh, "your daughter was in truth a queen, andI was one of her subjects. Indeed, I may say that, in one sense, she isa queen still, but she has been dethroned by fire and water, as youshall presently hear, though she still reigns in the affections of herpeople, and can _never_ be dethroned again!"

  This speech was greeted with some merriment, for the doctor said it withmuch enthusiasm. Then Dominick began to give an account of theiradventures, interrupted and corrected, not infrequently, by his pertbrother Otto, who, being still afflicted with his South-Sea-islandappetite, remained unsatisfied until the last slice of toast, and thelast muffin, and the last wedge of cake had disappeared from the table.

  Dominick's intentions were undoubtedly good; and when he asserted thatit was his purpose to give his father and mother merely an outline oftheir adventures, he was unquestionably sincere; but the outline becameso extended, and assumed such a variety of complex convolutions, thatthere seemed to be no end to the story--as there certainly seemed to beno end to the patience of the listeners. So Dominick went, "on and onand on," as story-books put it, until the fire in the grate began toburn low; until Otto had consumed the contents of the teapot, and thecream-jug, and the sugar-basin, and had even gathered up, economically,the crumbs of the cake; until the still eager audience had begun to yawnconsiderately with shut mouths; until the household cat, lost inamazement at prolonged neglect, had ventured to creep from thecoal-hole, and take up a modest position on the floor, in the shadow ofits little old mistress.

  There is no saying how long this state of things would have gone on, ifit had not been for the exuberant spirits of Otto, who, under an impulseof maternal affection, sprang to his mother's side with intent toembrace her, and unwittingly planted his foot on the cat's tail.

  Then, indeed, the convoluted outline came to an abrupt end; for, with avolcanic explosion, suggestive of thunder and lightning, inlaid withdynamite, the hapless creature sprang from the room, followed by ashriek from its mistress, and a roar of laughter from all the rest.

  It is not certainly known where that cat spent the following fortnight.The only thing about it that remains on record is the fact that, at theend of that space of time, it returned to its old haunts, deeplyhumbled, and much reduced; that it gradually became accustomed to thenew state of things, and even mounted the table, and sat blinking in itsold position, and grew visibly fatter, while the old lady revived oldtimes by stroking it, as she had been wont to, and communicating to itsome of her thoughts and fancies.

  "Ay, pussy," she said, on one of these occasions when they chanced to bealone together, "little did you and I think, when we used to be sittingso comfortably here, that our darlings were being tossed about andstarved in open boats on the stormy sea! Ah! pussy, pussy, we littleknew--but `it's all well that ends well,' as a great writer that youknow nothing about has said, and you and I can never, never be thankfulenough for getting back, safe and sound, our dear old man, and ourdarling boys, and our--our little Pauline, the Island Queen."


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