Read The Jeweler's Loupe Page 1

  The Jeweler’s Loupe

  A Screenplay By

  Max E. Harris

  Copyright 2013 Max E. Harris

  rev. 1.01

  This edition of The Jeweler's Loupe has been updated and revised.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Table of Contents


  The Jeweler's Loupe

  The Backbone of Europe - E45

  Faces to Let

  About the Author


  This book contains three separate screenplays.

  The Jeweler's Loupe was written as a ninety minute feature length film. Written in early 2012 when the Syrian conflict was still young and relatively well contained, events soon bypassed the story.

  The Backbone of Europe - E45 was modeled upon the 1960's American TV series Route 66. The E45 is an existing trans-European highway made of separate national highways. It stretches from southern Sicily to the Swedish border with Finland and crosses about as much land as Route 66 did. The first episode has the two young protagonists meeting in Milan and verifying each others bona fides. Additional episodes of the series which would be sponsored by a major car manufacturer would show the men driving along the E-45.

  Faces to Let is the story of a successful but guilt-ridden middle-aged actor who decides to correct some of his previous bad behavior. In order to not be recognized he relies upon his acting skills and the visual treatments provided by a secretive organization called Faces to Let.

  The Jeweler's Loupe

  by Max E. Harris



  Closeup of a TV screen showing rioting in a large square. Tear gas is thrown at the rioters by uniformed men and rocks and firebombs are thrown back from the crowd. There is the sound of gunfire as the camera zooms to show a man falling.



  Look! It’s Raouf! They shot Raouf!

  The camera recedes to show a university chemistry department office where a few students watch the TV while the chemistry professor Basil sits. The agitated students talk to each other in worried tones.

  Basil rises and goes into the hall where another pair of professors talk.


  Raouf was just shot. He may not be the only one of our students involved. If they return here, the security forces may follow them. We must prepare.

  PROF 1

  Prepare? How do we prepare?

  PROF 2

  Yes. What can you expect us to do?


  The scientific and engineering areas have the materials and the skill for making bombs and weapons, so they will look here first. Send your students home. Any group of people will attract attention. Clear the labs of any materials that look dangerous. We want no fires and no bright lights. We want to look very dull and non-threatening.

  The 2 professors nod and walk down the hallway. Basil returns to his office.


  I would like you all to help make the lab area look very peaceful and unoccupied. Turn everything off and go home until the situation calms down.

  The students nod and leave the office. Basil turns off the TV and sits at his desk and looks at 2 pictures. One is of his wife and children. The other is of his father, mother, and older brother Ibrahim. The picture is very old. Basil is about 5 years old in the picture. There is the NOISE OF FOOTSTEPS and muffled CRIES in the hallway.


  Basil goes to the hallway to see 2 students supporting Raouf who is bleeding from the side.


  Why didn’t you take him to the hospital?


  The streets are full of troops and police. They are beating and arresting anyone who looks like a rioter. There are many of them around the hospital. We thought it was better to come here.


  OK. Muntaha, get the first aid kit in the lab and we’ll treat the bleeding. Then we must take him away from here before the security forces arrive. Bring him in my office.

  Muntaha leaves for the first aid kit. Basil goes into the office and opens the desk drawer. He takes out a vial of pills and swallows 2 of them with a liquid from a cup on his desk.


  We must get him out of here and out of the city. We’ll go to my brother. He will know what to do.


  The show window of the shop of Ibrahim has elegant jewelry, watches, and precious objects. The writing on the window is in Arabic and English.


  Ibrahim stands behind the counter and speaks to a well dressed middle-aged couple.


  The birth of your first grandchild is a unique event: the beginning of a new generation for your entire family. It will be remembered by all for decades. You should record the event in a number of different ways. Of course, there will be many photographs and announcements. You will have dinners and feasts to celebrate. But as your means permit, you should also make gifts to friends, business associates, and your family to demonstrate your love for your family and your affection for your friends. I can offer you a number of items which will impress everyone with the sincerity of your feelings.

  There is a noise from the back of the shop, a banging on the back door.


  (concerned smile and glance to back)

  Please excuse me a moment. Please look at the items on display and then I can show you photos of other items that are available. If these are not sufficient, we can work with you to design something more to your taste.

  Ibrahim turns and goes past a curtain to the back of the shop.


  He looks at a monitor in his office showing the back door, recognizes his brother and opens the door. He looks around outside the door to see if there is anyone else.


  Come in and be quiet. I will be right back.

  His brother and the other 3 men come into the back room. He closes and locks the door behind them. He returns to the showroom.



  I am afraid there has been a minor family crisis and I will need to close the shop early. Here is my card. When you have considered the options, please call me and we can arrange a meeting to more clearly define your needs. Thank you for coming and I look forward to our next meeting.

  He leads them to the front door. After they leave he flips the sign on the door to "Closed." He returns to the back room.



  OK, fill me in on what happened.


  Raouf here was shot in the demonstrations. He may now be the target of the security forces. We must take him out of the city someplace safe.


  At this time there is no safe place in the entire country. He must leave the country. Turkey would be the best choice but it is too far.

  It is going to be Lebanon. I have an associate in Beirut. I will call him and arrange for your care. While I do that, go down the street and buy new shirts for all of you. You must look like you are going to meet someone important.

  Ibrahim takes a money clip from his pocket and takes some bills from it which he hands to one of the boys.

  I assume you all have your documen
ts with you.

  The boys all nod.


  Good. Basil, prepare a good story that you are all going to meet a prominent chemist who is visiting Beirut for a few days. You wish to meet him and discuss a project you are working on with him. You must all have the same story so prepare it well now. Give me the name of a prominent French chemist who would be in a current journal.


  There is a man named Pierre Laval who is doing research similar to ours.


  Pierre Laval. That is good. Now I will call my friend in Beirut to make the arrangements.

  Ibrahim takes his cellphone from his pocket and punches in a number. He waits for the response.


  Good morning. This is Ibrahim Al-Yamani in Damascus. How are you today Professor Hariri?

  Ah, I am pleased to hear that. I need a little assistance from you. My brother and three of his chemistry students have learned that the noted French chemist Pierre Laval is visiting your university and will only be there another day. They would like to meet him and discuss areas of common research. Do you think you could meet them and introduce them to the good professor this afternoon or early evening? They must return tomorrow.

  Ibrahim nods as he listens to the other man speak.


  Fine. I will tell them to meet you at the coffee shop near the university entrance at 1800. I am sure you know how much I appreciate this. Goodbye.

  Ibrahim disconnects the call and puts the phone in his pocket. He writes on a slip of paper and hands it to his brother.


  OK. Basil, here is Professor Hariri’s number in case you need any verification of your story. He will be waiting for you at the corner in front of the university entrance at 1800. Come back tomorrow morning. Remember this is a festive occasion for you so act very cheerful when you arrive at the border crossing. Raouf, Basil will contact your family when he returns tomorrow and tell them how to contact you.

  Ibrahim goes to a large wall safe and opens it. He takes a pack of US dollar notes and removes a part of them which he hands to his brother.


  This should take care of any "fees" you have to pay to speed your passage. Don’t worry about Hariri. He and I have a longstanding arrangement.

  Basil and the boys rise and exit the back door. Ibrahim watches them leave and locks the door behind them. Then he goes to the front of the shop and leaves through the front door after lowering the shutters. He locks the shutters and walks down the street.

  INT. A