Read The Job Offer Page 26

"Put that box over there, please." Anne was in her new rental home, the blue Cape Cod down the block from Carla and Gary, directing the movers when she saw Carla and Gary show up. She smiled as much as she could these days, which was not much since she left the inn two weeks ago, and went to welcome them.

  "You’re finally here," Carla said as she gave Anne a hug. She looked closely at Anne’s face and noticed the signs of sleepless nights and stress. "Are you ok, Anne?"

  "I’m fine, Carla. Just a little tired is all. It was a long trip and a stressful move. I should have just hired the movers to do everything instead of just moving my boxes and furniture here. Come in."

  "That’s what you said two weeks ago, Anne, the being tired part. You are happy about moving back, aren’t you?" Carla looked at Anne closely then at Gary who was frowning at Anne as well.

  "Of course I’m happy to be back. I’m thrilled. Now stop asking questions and help me unpack." Anne led Carla to the kitchen where Anne’s mother was busy working, and then went back to Gary in the entryway to give him instructions about what to do.

  There really wasn’t that much to do. The movers brought everything in. She and Gary just needed to set up her bed and arrange the furniture pieces where she wanted them. Anne would take care of hanging up her clothes, hanging pictures, and a bunch of other little things she needed to do to set the house in order. She just wished that she had more energy. The breakup hit her hard, and that, combined with moving clear across the country, exhausted her. She also knew she was not eating right, and her clothing was beginning to hang on her frame.

  "Anne, the kitchen is set up, now. Gary and I bought some steaks for all of us. You and your mom come on up to our house and relax now. What the two of you need is to sit down and relax." Carla came out of the kitchen with Anne’s mother on her heels. Both women looked a little dusty from washing down the cabinets and floors before they put items away. "We figured that since you are just moving in that you would not have had the time to pick up any groceries. And I really cannot stomach fast food right now, so no one is making a food run. Plus it’s the Fourth. With it being the Fourth, we need to barbeque. Anything else would be un-American."

  "Well, young lady..." Anne’s mother said to Carla with a thankful smile, "...I for one appreciate that. Fast food is all we’ve eaten for several days straight, and some of your home cooking would be nice. Don’t you agree, Anne?"

  "Yes! Thanks, Carla. Thanks, Gary. Mom and I will be up in a few minutes. Thanks for all of your help today." Anne gave a tired smile that didn’t reach her eyes. Carla looked at her closely again with a worried frown on her face. She didn’t say anything, though, but told them to come on up in a few minutes to relax and eat. Then Carla and Gary left, leaving Anne and her mother alone.

  "Ok, young lady. Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Ben? This just isn’t like you, Anne. You are not the brooding type, and that is all you’ve done on the entire trip west. You are also not eating. I’m worried about you, sweetheart."

  "There’s nothing to tell, Mom. We broke up. That’s all, and I’m ok with it." Anne knew that her mother was worried about her, but there really wasn’t anything to worry about. Anne’s broken heart would eventually heal, and things in her life would settle down. People get their hearts broken all of the time. She just wished that she would not have to see Ben in a few weeks. The thought of that made her sick to her stomach. He had not even called. Not once. There was no apology, even. She forgot about his cryptic call to her cell phone on that Sunday morning. He really did believe those things he said about her. Her hurt pride still suffered from that, but even more, her heart hurt, and she missed him terribly. How can she miss him after they were only together for a couple of days?

  "Anne? You’re brooding again. Have you tried calling him?"

  "No. He wouldn’t want me to call him. He’s in Asia right now anyway. Mom, I really don’t want to talk about Ben. And please don’t say anything to Carla. She’ll just keep at me, and I really don’t want to discuss him." She knew she sounded like she was pleading, but she didn’t care. She just was not ready to talk yet.

  "Ok, sweetheart. I won’t say anything. But if you ever want to talk, Anne, just call me. I know what it is like to have a broken heart."

  "Ok, Mom. Let’s go get something to eat. We have a long drive ahead of us if we plan on getting you back to the inn before tomorrow."

  "I know, Anne. With the holiday and a wedding on Saturday, there is no good time to be away from the inn during the summer. You’ll spend the night with us, tonight. Are you planning on staying through Saturday?"

  "No, I’ll come back tomorrow and finish setting the house up. Thanks for coming out, Mom. I love you."

  "I love you, too, Anne. Let’s get cleaned up and go get some food. I’m starving." They both used the bathroom to wash the dust and grime from the trip and unpacking from their faces and hands. Then after locking up the house, they walked up the street to Carla and Gary’s house for a Fourth of July barbeque. After they ate, they once again climbed into Anne’s SUV hybrid and took off north on Interstate 5 until they reached the inn well after dark.

  Chapter 18