Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 14

~Chapter 5~

  Atamo the Astral Fairy

  Louis was hesitant to enter the mystical castle by himself. He did not know if he would be welcomed, and he still had no idea how to find Atamo the Astral Fairy. What if Dragon should return to menace him, or does T?ngarar Spadefoot have otherworld spies abounding with probing eyes, these thoughts kept Louis close to the babbling stream and the thick cover of the large trees surrounding its rocky borders. The shallow stream wound northwards towards the regal castle on the outskirts of the large fields of flowers and perfectly tiled rows of vegetables, grown from the nimble hands of the elves and dwarfs that live in the castle.

  Upon reaching the deep moat surrounding the castle Louis found a place to hide and rest under the canopy of a large willow tree. He pulled out another handful of blueberries from the water lily tube that he had been carrying in his wizard robe. A quick late afternoon light lunch and a drink of water, Louis was now ready to reason out his next move when he noticed a lone yellow hummingbird hovering in flight above a large red water-lily.

  Upon tapering his vision he noticed balanced perfectly on the ragwort of the hummingbirds back was a creature about five inches tall, with bright agreeable green eyes. The undersized body was bright red, and found to be the color of a lady bug. The wings on the creatures back were about three inches long. Located upon its small rounded head were two peewee antennas that flicked back and forth in a rhythmic fashion.

  Louis stared at the small person with a quizzical mind, not knowing what to make of the individual. He was hesitant to speak at first. After another moment of preponderance he spoke out, "Are you a fairy?"

  "A fairy nary not nor be you? Are you, or am I, I am sure I am not. A fairy this to be?" stated the small creature as he twisted the question and his words to confuse Louis "your eyes might have deceived you into believing what is not true in the beginning."

  Louis was dumfounded at his discovery and slow to decipher the strange words he was hearing.

  With a cockeyed head and hesitant speech Louis spoke out again.

  "I am new to your world and to be honest, and I am in shock at what I am hearing and seeing around me. There are rabbits that talk, fire-breath dragons that terrorize the skies above, and evil snakes that rule the underworld above and below us. And now I find out that there could be fairies in the world and they travel about on the backs of hummingbirds."

  "I could be evil pixie I, goblin in disguise, a gnome on the roam, or an elfish spy for Spadefoot, or be a witch in a mask even me having switched on a twist."

  "You are too small to be an elf or a goblin, and I know that a pixie is just another name for a fairy. I also know that fairies cannot tell a lie. They like to trick you and bite but cannot tell lies, so I will ask you again. Are you Atamo the Astral Fairy?"

  The small creature pulled on the little feathers at the nape of the neck of his servant. With great agility the hummingbird circled twice about Louis's head. Upon making a well-executed barrel roll on the second flyby, the tiny rider flew off of the birds back landing directly on Louis's exposed neck. With one quick friendly well-placed surgical bite at the rear of Louis's neck, the creature escaped, he remounted the circling hummingbird then was away again out of reach.

  A quick shoeing hand motion towards his neck by Louis was meaningless, too orderly, too clumsy, and way to slow of motion, to stop the friendly attack.

  "You are quicker than Digger evading me in Mr. Beamer's garden on a summer's eve under the cover of darkness. And since no real blood was drawn by your bite, I know that that was only meant as a friendly hello to me and a confirmation of your identity. Now again I ask, tell me the truth, for I know all fairies cannot lie. Are you Atamo the Astral Fairy?"

  "Why certainly I am Atamo and my flying companion that carries me thus is Dulinnor who is the son of Ulinnor. I am here to show you the rest of the Kingdom of Gwynedd and take you into the Deganwy Castle. Then onward to meet T?ngarar Spadefoot, for he is the ruler of this land, and he has a quest for you" stated the thin voice as he hovered in flight in front of Louis.

  "Pleased to make your friendship friend, then onward and forward Atamo into the castle of Deganwy, because I must find my lost friends and return to Centerville as soon as possible."

  Atamo motioned for Louis to tag along. Following the shoreline of the stream for a few minutes more then turning towards the broad wooden gates of the magical castle. Louis dutifully followed the hummingbird, all the while admiring the tiny fairy and his splendid brilliance.

  Looming large in front of Louis was an olden castle built of the sturdiest of stone and brick. The workmanship had no equal. The elves, dwarfs and workingmen who built this castle were indeed very skilled masons and carpenters. Upon entering the hallowed gates Louis was overwhelmed by the inhabitants who lived there.

  In their own way each resident of this castle was extremely beautiful and very mysterious to Louis. Some were found to be shorter than Louis and some taller, some fatter or thinner. Many were of a different skin color, but all were lavishly dressed in outsized cotton garb found to be in the standard colors of elfish green or dwarf red. Most bore far-reaching and bright smiles. Each were well-within the days chores as Louis passed by.

  Delightful songs were being sung by most, which helped pass the day's responsibilities. None noticed little Louis and the odd clothes he wore. There must be many short wizards that roam about this castle and land, thought Louis as the sounds of sawing and hammering filled the thick air inside the fortress.

  Atamo gave many salutations and hellos to the castle residents as he flew pass them, towards the interior of the castle and onwards en route towards the central courtyard. The hustle and bustle of the place took Louis by surprise. He had never been into a building so hollow or so delightful. The castle walls appeared to be over seventy feet high. Louis felt like they were closing in upon him the deeper he traveled into the center of the courtyard, but this only made the journey that much more adventuress to Louis.

  Looking to his left he saw wooden horse carts full of hay being pulled along by the smallest, odd colored horses he had ever seen before. They were a strange color of pink. Their friendly eyes were as black as a moonless night, the hooves were cloven, and their tails were long, thick and free flowing down to the ground. And on the tops of their heads there was a small single horn about twelve inches long. They appeared to be miniature unicorns. Louis never seeing one before, he was not so sure that they were or not.

  "Atamo, are those small ponies or unicorns?" asked an enthralled Louis, "or are my searching eyes playing tricks on me?"

  "Surely not, if you think not, asked you...might be true. Be it what you know, let your mind open to grow. Broomstick...not matchstick name might be, a fine worker is he. Called so because his tail sweeps behind him as walks even as he talks" stated Atamo in his oddly amusing and twisting fairy language.

  Walking over towards the odd horse, Louis hesitated before he stopped the miniature steed and the workingman elf driver in their path.

  "May I greet this fine horse of yours? Is he friendly?"

  "He does not belong to me. He works freely of his own will. None may own another in the Kingdom of Gwynedd, all work together not for another except for the Toad King which we all work for. He may work if he pleases but please the Toad King he must. You do not have to ask me, ask him yourself" said the small elf as he pulled on his long white, perfectly trimmed beard.

  Louis had forgotten where he was, and that his everyday logic and perception of a normal world do not apply here. He pondered the current circumstances in his mind as the pink pony spoke.

  "My name is Broomstick, what is your name little wizard?" asked the polite unicorn as he flipped his delightful tail back and forth in proof of his name, raising a little dust up in the course of action.

  "Well you do speak Broomstick...I am amazed..."

  "Sometimes I speak, but
only when I have something to say and my tongue or throat is not too dry from all the dust being raised behind my rear end" said the smiling creature.

  "What type of horse are you? I have never seen a horse like you before. In Centerville Indiana where I am from there are all types of working horses small and large but none like you. You are indeed a first, but a delight to behold. Are you a horse or a unicorn?"

  "Thank you for the compliment. And I must admit I have never seen a wizard as small as you. I do like your flowing robe and pointy hat they fit you to a tee. I like the red sparkly shoes. You must be a very good wizard. Now as for you question. I am indeed a unicorn. My grandfather is Arionos he is the King of the Unicorns here in the Kingdom of Gwynedd."

  "Oh I'm not a real wizard, just a wizard trainee, sort of. I am a Fairy Tender though. That is how I got see there is this bully named Frank Fatbottom, and he...he..."

  "Not please we speak now not...fairy tender rest is best, you must in castle Deganwy then begin again your quest. Quest is best is yours yes, do not tarry, or soon be scary might you meet a Sleagh Maith Hairy. Sent it be by toad king's court to keep you moving. T?ngarar...the" said the ever dutiful Atamo "he calls you does he not?"

  Louis gave Broomstick a loving hug and a pat on the forelock between his ears. Louis was slightly smaller than the unicorn, but it was still easy to get his arms around his new friend's neck and reach the top of his head. Standing next to the unicorn it was clear to Atamo that these two had an instant bond of friendship.

  Atamo who was still sitting upon the back of Dulinnor the Hummingbird whispered into his ear, the swift flying little bird darted towards the unicorn's neck, a friendly bite here and there and Atamo was away again. Broomstick shook his head back and forth then flicked his wonderful tail again in confirmation of their renewed friendship.

  "All good fairies bite" said Broomstick "always try to remember that wizard as you go about your quest. Sorry we do not have more time to talk now. I know you must rest today and talk with Atamo before you leave tomorrow."

  "How do you know about my quest" inquired the bewildered fairy tender.

  "All know of your quest, for you are to travel into Northumberland, then onwards into the black city of Elphame where the Dark Tower is, and it is there where you will meet your destiny and ours" said the unicorn as he began his daily chores once more "we can talk in the morning at the great hall for your farewell breakfast. One day you will meet one of my relatives, he is on his way to Centerville as we speak. He is called Charlie the Horse, Mr. Beamer has told you about a horse that he wants you to meet."

  " know Mr. Beamer...come back Broomstick...I have so many questions for you" asked Louis as he searched about the busy courtyard inside of the castle. Many elves, workingmen and workingwomen, animals and dwarfs now crowded the area where the unicorn was last seen.

  "Go we must, seen more no. Back and forth, which is we, way we go. He that rest today is fit to conquer another day" said Atamo as he motioned for Louis to follow him out of the courtyard and into his quarters for the night that had already been readied for him.

  Into the interior hallways of the grand castle, down a brick pathway towards a large central hallway, then off towards the royal quarters of the castle. Down another wide brick passage and up a large stairway went Louis as Atamo flew a few feet ahead leading the way.

  Louis could still not believe the sights his eyes were seeing, the wonderful smells of cooking food, and the noises of the bustling inhabitants of the castle were echoing inside his ears. There was joyous ambient music in the streets that filled the hallways and tunnels of the castle. Elves were dancing about for the delight of it. There were smells of fresh breads and sweets baking in brick ovens wafting about the palace. Heard were the rhythmic tap...tap...tap of wooden shoes on the brick streets to the sounds of the uplifting tambourines and flutes played by the castle performers that abounded inside of the bastion walls. This was indeed a fantasy land; it was the magical and wonderful Kingdom of Gwynedd inside of the Castle of Deganwy.

  As Louis ascended to the top of the highest tower in the castle, a small dwarf porter standing by a large wooden door motioned for Louis to come forth.

  "Good afternoon sir, I am here to assist you. I will be your porter during your duration here. If you need anything please feel free to contact me. My name is Glorandal" understood the portly elf.

  Louis had never met a real elf before. He looked up and down the little fellow in complete admiration then offered a heartfelt handshake to the porter.

  "It is a pleasure to meet you oh man...I have never met a real elf before. My name is Louis Parks."

  "Nor have I ever met a real wizard before. Glad to meet you as well Louis Parks" said Glorandal as he motioned for Louis to move onwards.

  As Louis entered the room, a vast space opened up before his eyes. It had to have been four thousand feet wide and across at the furthest corners. There was a long white marble table in the very center of the room covered with odd colored produce, strange and very different nuts, peculiar breads, berries and vases of strange drink.

  At the farthest corner of the room partially draped in thin netting was a hefty four-post double king-sized bed covered with silk sheets. On top of the luxurious sheets were artfully placed jumbo down filled pillows. This bed was truly fit for a king or a queen. To the left of the sleep area was a very regal bathroom, in the center of that was a considerably sized marble claw-foot tub that had to have been over twenty feet wide at its widest point. The water faucets appeared to be crafted with solid gold.

  Louis as only a boy of his age could do shot straight for the huge bed; three giant hops, four elongated steps, five jumps then going airborne; one summersault, and two loud shouts. Louis delved into the largest of the pillows in the center of the bed. His shouts of joy were immediately quashed as his head buried deep into the soft inviting pillows.

  The elf porter dryly asked the jubilant little boy "Then your room meets your expectations and needs for the length of your stay?"

  Louis's contracting diaphragm sent out a few more shouts of joy up from the deep of Louis's throat, passing directly over his lips and into the hollowness of the room. The earth-shattering sounds exited the castle windows, directly about the castle then down below to all inhabitants' ears. Each stopped in their tracks for a moment. Many dry, sarcastic words and conversations were then heard between many of the town-folks "Our savior likes his room, of course I am only guessing." Mumblings, murmurs, burbles were heard then laughter, joyous singing and more dancing soon filled all corners of the castle walls as each and everyone celebrated inside of the strange little wizards arrival.

  Louis quelled his emotions as he headed for a large window at a far wall. Looking out he noted the expanse of the Kingdom of Gwynedd and its natural and simple beauty not unlike the simple splendor of the elves and dwarfs who live in this land. The odd blue planet still hung in the blue colored sky. Looking down Louis spotted the long winding stream that he had followed just moments before, then looking further toward the west Louis saw what must soon be his destination.

  Crawling out of the window a bit then craning his neck to get a better look, all became clear. The land known as Northumberland was in sight.

  From what Louis could see of it, it was not pleasant. It was a vast dark wasteland with inhospitable surroundings. The visible boarders of this land were covered with steaming hot swamps, smelly marshes, and soggy bogs. Looking further pass the low-lying flat lands was a thick gnarled black forest at the base of a dark mountain range which rose to the sky, where ominous and very threatening thunder clouds loomed over the forgotten dark-lands.

  The winds quickly changed directions and began to blow in from the west out of Northumberland, this pushed the putrid and acrid smell of this far off land into Louis's nostrils. It was the smell of sulfur, methane a
nd the unknown, which assaulted Louis's nose.

  Louis recoiled off the window seal, plugging his nose as fast as he could. He back peddled away from the pungent smells towards the center of the room.

  "In the days new light all must see, for T?ngarar Spadefoot meet must we. The hero comes to change the light, making the new days light definitely more bright" spoke out the ever-optimistic little astral fairy.

  "Must we travel to that land Atamo? This T?ngarar Spadefoot, the King of the Undertoads, what creature must he be to flourish in a land such as that. What kind of feeble and wretched soul could survive there?" asked the now flummoxed and once again very worried Louis.

  Rhythmically balling out, the little creature circled about the room in flight "Black-hearted is the one who hops, he swore to devour and gobble all that do not. Endless power is all he wants your quest is to see it stops. You will turn the tides of fate, and end the cycle of this hate."

  Stunned was Louis upon hearing these words as they began to sink into his young mind. Louis headed for the oversized bed but this time he slumped upon it with the weight of his missing friends lying upon it with him.

  "I should not have opened that dumb book of Mr. Beamer's. I am not a very good fairy circle tender...heck I'm not one at all, nor a good wizard. I'm just silly Louis; the trouble-maker, the daydreamer, the bumbler of all things that come my way, boy what was I thinking? I should have heeded Mr. Beamer warnings when he spoke to me in his barn the other day, do not get involved with this, return the books" he said. what was I thinking" stated the distraught little boy as he covered himself up with pillows.

  Glorandal brought in some clean clothes for Louis to change into, and a hot meal. Louis noted the kindness but did not respond as he should have. He gave a simple nod of the head in support of the gesture.

  "Remember wizard sir, if you need anything please ring the bell on the nightstand and I will be here at your beckon call to assist you."

  As the door began to close upon at the porter's exit, Atamo the Astral Fairy retreated as well. As the slight fairy passed the doors' threshold he proclaimed in his smallish voice for Louis to get a restful sleep, and to try to not worry too much about the next day's new adventures.

  Louis's newfound fears overcame him. The weight of this strange world collapsed upon his slender shoulders as he worried about the whereabouts of his friends once again. Where they safe from the creatures of the night this coming evening, were they hungry, thirsty or even alive for that matter?

  This was his entirely his fault, he had to correct the wrong.

  Crying for the better part of an hour had drained all emotions from him. He regained his composure for a few moments, wiped the tears from his eyes, then sat up in bed and looked about. The large room was still empty. There was no sign of the porter or the fairy. Being alone gave Louis the time to start thinking deeply for the first time in a long time. And the first thing he thought about was how truly hungry he was. Advancing into the middle of the room and towards the table covered with food, Louis found his dinner left by the porter.

  After a satisfying meal of fresh fish, baked bread and poached red potatoes (from the garden outside of the castle gates) Louis retreated into the lavatory to take a long hot bath. He tried the best he could to enjoy his surroundings and relax but he truly could not, all he could think about was were Chug, Tessie, Molly and Short Stack safe.

  He changed into his new clean clothes. He wore now the self-same uniform of the elf's who lived inside of the castle walls; an oversized green and red cotton jumpsuit with three large brass button sewn down the middle of the chest, with matching pointed hat. Louis looked in a nearby mirror at himself, and indeed he did look like a little elf that lived in the castle, where most were short in stature, of gentle manners and with fair skin.

  Upon feeling a little better with a good meal and hot bath Louis looked into his old wizard robe, there he found the two small books of Mr. Beamers. He sat down on the bed close to the bed nightstand where a large candle flickered in the wind from the open window above. He began to read in earnest. He delved into the book on child psychology for the first time, not know what to think, it all seemed so complex to him. Thumbing thru the pages he found a chapter which listed the ten most fears children have at about his age, and the age of his friends. Fears of snakes and spiders, and the fear of having his parents leave him. There was the fear of storms, being home alone, fears of a teacher who is angry at them, fear of illness or injury or death, and failure or rejection from his friends or family, then most importantly of all he noticed in the list, the fear of bullies.

  After a few hours of deep reading Louis began to reason out his relationship with Frank Fatbottom and the way he and his friends had treated him in the past, and the relationship with each of his friends. Each of the words found on the pages seemed to speak to him directly. His mind began to race as his wisdom grew. Every fear listed, he read about in detail. He had had them all at one time or another he reasoned, but did just not realized it at the time. All children have these fears but just do not have the wits to understand them, being so young and all.

  As the candlewick burned to the quick and the midnight hour approached, Louis's eyelids became heavy. He gently placed the books back on the nightstand, blew out the candle, pulled the fluffy comforter over his shoulders then fell into a well-deserved, long and restful sleep this night, knowing that tomorrow would be like none other, because the journey into the mysterious and danger-filled land known as Northumberland would officially begin.