Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 16

~Chapter 6~

  T?ngara Spadefoot

  The King of the Undertoads

  An acrid and foul wind blew in from the north, out of the heart of the Northumberland caldera. Faint smells of percolating sulfur, iron, methane and chlorine rose up from saltwater bogs, and decomposing swamps that encircled a large, foreboding shadowy forest found at its doorstep. Darkened storm clouds hung menacingly over the distant high mountaintops like a scavenging vulture circles it's soon to be lifeless prey in a hot desert.

  Looking eastwards Louis could see a vast array of deep and impassable areas of saltwater marshes and watery bogs, then looking towards the west were the towering mountain ranges that Louis saw from the Deganwy castle window the day before. After that looking straightaway he could see the foreboding entrance to the tangled Bramble forest.

  "That high mountain range is called Northumbria. No one has ever climbed the highest peak, on the left there that is mount Morpeth. They are quite beautiful are they not?" asked Glorandal as he reached down to pick up a long slim branch, now to be used as a walking stick.

  "Yes they are beautiful and more so, just as the greater lands of the Kingdom of Gwynedd are" believed Louis as he chewed on a piece of grass "if it was not for the troubles that have befallen other parts of this country, I could see myself living here. The inhabitants are most friendly, the food in delicious, and the daily temperatures are as pleasant as the current company. And one day I would like to climb that mountain, maybe even take Molly up there with me to see all the beauty of this place from on high."

  "That would be a fine outing. I would like to go with you someday Louis" chimed in Glorandal "but first we must discuss with you the troubles of this empire. We must tell you all we know about the vile creatures you will have to face shortly, and how to free your friends. And most importantly we have to tell you the ways of Spadefoot and his toad armies."

  "How far away are we now from the entrance to Bramble forest?" inquired Louis.

  "Six more hours by my account, you can now see the forest in the far off distance dead ahead" stated Tolthe in her meek voice.

  "First off Tolthe do you know who holds each of my friend's captive and exactly where they are held?"

  "No my father did not tell me, because he did not hear. He just knows that each creature works for Spadefoot and has done his biddings on these matters and others as this in the past, as he continually tries to expand his evil powers over this realm. But all who live here know where these foul creatures reside.

  Hydrarchos the Water Serpent lives inside of a watery cave at the base of mount Morpeth. This is where Bramble forest ends and the Northumbia Mountains begin. So if you ever want to climb mount Morpeth with Molly you would have to deal with him anyway. He guards the only passageway through the mountains. In the high ancient times this path was a major trading route to the other castles and bastions of this nation" said Tolthe as she pointed towards the high mountain range and the lone gateway over the mountains.

  Looking up towards the Morpeth peak Louis closed his eyes then began his endless daydreaming again. He envisioned himself draped in a heavy fur pelt, wearing oversized snow shoes and floppy fur hat, with a walking stick in hand driving a team of mules up the steepest face of the largest mountain.

  "She is correct Louis, the only road in or out of the mountains goes under a large waterfall, which is fed by the runoff of the nearby snowpack. There is a large lake at one end of the valley at the base of the mountains that is filled with water. There is a large drop off at one end of the lake. This is where the water overflows from an ancient and very thick wooden dam, and in that waterfall is how Hydrarchos travels across the road into his cave, for you see he is a water serpent, a very mean tempered one, and a very large hungry one. I believe one of your friends is held captive in this cave. You will have to possibly kill Hydrarchos to enter his lair and free your friend."

  "That sounds like a monumental task. Do you know if he has any weaknesses?" asked Louis as he quelled his daydreaming for the moment.

  "Yes, he does. He does have a great weakness that I know of" stated Broomstick.

  "And what is that?"

  "He has an unending desire to eat small children that are right about your size."

  "And what size is that Broomstick?" asked Louis as he looked down the road behind him at the unicorn.

  "Bite sized" said Broomstick with an uncontrolled laugh.

  "That's not funny Broomstick" stated a not so bemused Louis.

  "That is funny as all get out" believed Glorandal the Porter as he too began to laugh aloud right along with the others.

  Having to laugh at yourself is sometimes painful but not as painful as being eaten by a venomous water serpent. Louis kept chewing on a piece of grass as Tolthe began to play her flute and dance about in a fanciful manner. Shaking off future thoughts of being eaten Louis pulled out his flute as well. He began to play along with Tolthe as soon as the chorus came back around.

  The friendly traveling party continued onwards. Late-morning turned into early afternoon as the five friends moseyed down the open road towards their destiny. The wizard robe Louis wore was a bit too large for him which gave him a rather comical look. The outsized robe dragged along the dirt road as he walked along, which incited another quip from Broomstick.

  "Louis your robe is too large for you, have you noticed?"

  "And your point being..."

  "Well you are kicking up more dust than I am with my long tail. Since you are kind of short and the name Broomstick is already taken, maybe we should call you "Whiskbroom"?"

  Again laughter rang out at Louis's expense.

  " really slay me really do" alleged Louis as he as began to laugh right along with the others this time "you should be a comedian for a traveling road show you are so funny. Well we are kind of a traveling road show, are we not?"

  Another hour of easy travel and brisk conversation was had by all. The conversation once again turned serious, this time, started by Louis.

  "Atamo, I have heard from the others most of the trip, but you seem to be very silent and brooding. What is wrong?"

  "Nary be the fairy of lighthearted thoughts...winks...blinks...flickers...flashes and twinkles. A wizard we must trust, a fairy tender not...soon lighting and thunder comes from asunder. All Northumberland will wink...blinks...flickers...flashes and twinkles."

  "What does that mean Glorandal, you are the interpreter of Atamo" asked a bewildered Louis.

  "I think he means for you to concentrate on your books of magic now and be prepared to be what you are pretending to be."

  "I am not pretending. I am a wizard and a fairy circle tender and I proved it already. I was able to enter your world by a fairy circle tender skills, and I was talented enough to use once the powers of the quagga-tail switch of Mr. Beamer's."

  "Let me clarify Louis, I believe that Atamo is trying to say that you will need some real magic to pull this one off Louis, that's all. And he is only trying to get a stir out of you so you will believe in yourself when the time does come for that powerful magic. Do you follow me Louis?" asked Glorandal.

  "Yes I get it now, thanks and don't you worry I will be ready when the time comes. I have been reading those magic books everyday for a few months. So I've got a few tricks up my sleeve still" said Louis as he took an odd hop on the road.

  Atamo and Glorandal who were behind Louis saw the strange movement but said nothing, they both locked eyes with an alarm sounding in the back of both of their heads.

  "Now tell me Tolthe what do you know of these other two creatures that hold my other friends captive? One is named Morr?gan the Stone Troll and the other is Noctuid the Black Witch, is that right?"

  "Yes you have the names correct. Louis, both are as formidable and evil as Hydrarchos the Water Serpent. Both go by many names, and have had many st
ories told about them, their horrid crimes and wicked endeavors have been widely documented over the years.

  The Black Witch Noctuid lives in a rickety old house in Bramble forest, some estimate her age to be about two hundred and fifty years old, she is frail looking but don't let that fool you. She is quicker and more nimble than a gazelle running away from the deathly jaws of cheetah on the hunt. And she is as cleaver as a jewelry thief in the night.

  All I really know about her is that she is a supernatural witch, a night-witch. Meaning that she is mostly responsible for the wasting of Northumberland, you see she has cast an evil spell on the entire land, thus making it die slowly over the years. Spadefoot rapes all the lands he can of their resources then she lays waste to anything that is left so it will not grow back, it is an unlawful dark union between them both.

  None can break her spells and no one knows the true composition of them or how they work. So how can you break a spell if you don't know the magic it holds upon you? I think that is where you are supposed to come in again you are to fracture these spells with your own powerful form of magic and trickery."

  "Well at least she does not like to eat little kids that are "bite sized"" understood Louis as he tried to make a little joke.

  "I did not say she did not like to eat little kids Louis" stated Tolthe as she made a swallowing sound to the friendly irritation of the petite Louis "beware she likes to boil them first to soften their flesh."

  "Does everybody in this land like to eat little kids?" asked the uncertain Louis.

  "I don't eat little kids but I have been known to gnaw on their shoes if they leave them out of the house on their doorsteps at night. It sharpens my teeth" said Broomstick as he felt for little Louis.

  "Well that's good to know that at least I am not on the menu right now..."

  "Well you could be because I see Bramble forest right dead ahead" said Glorandal as he motioned for them to stop and take a quick rest before the push towards the forest entrance and the imposing dangers that lurk there.

  A shady rest area was found just a few quick steps up the road by a small pond. Tolthe unpacked a few sandwiches she had stored in her backpack. They were quickly eaten by the hungry travelers. Broomstick headed for a grassy field to have his late lunch of tubers, roots, berries and green grasses as Louis removed his shoes to rub his tired feet, he then waded into the small pond nearby.

  He raised his wizard robe above his knees as he entered the cool water. A pod of large tadpoles once again scattered wildly at Louis's feet, which yet again troubled him. Immediately jumping backwards out of the water Louis lost his footing, he fell backwards awkwardly over a nearby rock, then let out a loud pained cry. This alarmed Broomstick, he quickly bounded back towards the gathering of his friends.

  "Are you alright Louis? You must stay out of the waters in this land, has no one told you that before?"

  "Yeah I'm alright. I just lost my footing. The rocks are more slippery than they look" said Louis as he brushed himself off.

  "Again has no one told you about the dangers of the waters in this land?"

  "No they have not. Digger the Blue Moon Hare did not tell me about the water or any of you in the past along our recent journey. I was not aware of any real or seeming dangers in the ponds, lakes or steams. "

  "Let me see your feet Louis, I have to know if you have been evaluated and marked and are now of the "family" demanded Broomstick.

  Heading back to where all the others were now standing at attention Louis raised his robe once again showing his feet to the others.

  "He has been marked! A bite is visible on his left foot, see the standard puncture wounds of the undertoad, it has the three teeth marks. It festers already and is starting to swell. The bite will then disappear from view and will heal. Then the changeling will start, slowly at first and more quickly after that. He has only weeks maybe a month at the most. You have already used a mugwort root. I can tell" said the very upset Glorandal.

  "I did use that root on my foot. Digger told me of it, and found one for me. Now what are you talking about, what's a changeling?"

  "You are now "Ogbanje" pronounced "oh-BWAN-jeh" it means the "the child who comes and goes". A child you will not be soon. You were bitten by a spy of Spadefoot's at sometime while you were here, is this correct Louis?"

  "I was bitten by something. I was not sure what it was at the time. I waded into the stream to gather an adder stone. That is what Digger told me the stone is. Then I saw a commotion on the surface water by a large gathering of bushes by the shoreline. I freed a captive animal and was bitten at that time. I thought it to be a fish bite. There were a large group of tadpoles like the ones in the pond over there but I thought no more about it. The bite is small but now looking at it, it has swelled a bit, but I will be fine. Now again what are you talking about, this Spadefoot spy and me being did you say Ogbanje?" inquired a non-amused and now slightly worried Louis.

  "Believe me or not Louis," stated the now ever so serious Broomstick "you do not know the real dangers that lurk here. You most likely did find an adder stone which is a good thing, indeed a rare find for anyone, there are so few of them. I have only heard of one other being found, it was destroyed by Spadefoot, it cost the owner of that stone his life. That is a long story that I do not have the time to go into now. I cannot show you how to use the magic of these stones because I do not know of their ways. Atamo does but he must travel to the far side of the kingdom upon your entrance into Bramble forest. He has more pressing thoughts than just your arrival. He must meet with the other kings and queens of the castles and bastions of the lands that surround the Kingdom of Gwynedd to discuss all our futures. And especially to thwart the new rise of Spadefoot and his armies, and of course he will tell the others of your gracious fall into this land. More weight is on your shoulders than you know. Although your shoulders are slim I know you will be able to handle this new calamity as well."

  "Continue on I must know what you believe will happen to me because I know you are to leave with Atamo as well, and along with the others in another hour or so, as we finally reach Bramble forest."

  "Louis you are the first to drop into this world from above, this is a miracle within its self. We have been waiting for so long for you to come to us, our savior. No one was aware of your arrival so we could not keep you out of danger. Only Digger the Blue Moon Hare was privy of your coming, he found you first. He is a spy and works for Spadefoot. He could have misled you into the waters or maybe an evil fairy placed a spell upon you and you did not know it. Both would be working for Spadefoot."

  "I thought I saw a mist above the water at the time, above the adder stone. I was not sure. I thought I saw a form and I heard a soothing, strange song being sung at the time."

  "That could have been it. They used the adder stone and the evil workings of a dark fairy, most likely a Sith or a Sleagh Maith fairy, both are wicked with broad powers, they could have guided you into the trap. Maybe they were thinking that you are truly not a real wizard or fairy tender and that you would not be able to release the powers of the adder stone in the future. It is a trade off they took. Apparently they have won so far because the transformation will begin soon" said the worried unicorn.

  "Please tell me, what you do believe is going to happen to me?" asked Louis as he started to believe in his heart that what Broomstick was telling him was all true.

  Glorandal, Atamo and Tolthe listened intently as the conversation continued between Louis and Broomstick, knowing that they as well could not help Louis in his coming hours of need.

  "You were bitten by a Scaphiopodidas Amphibian, one of Spadefoot's children, this was planned all along. You are now forever linked with Spadefoot. You will slowly begin to change into a toad like your foe. Your mind will begin to falter in thought and your drive to save your friends will diminish. Your willpower to fight this woe will be
soon lost. You will become like a footman, a soldier, or just a pawn for T?ngarar. You will turn towards the evil side of man and become a beast like the one you are trying to defeat."

  Louis gulped, his legs rattled together at the knees again as the thought of it all raced into his mind.

  "The only true way to defeat this black magic that will soon swallow you up is to find the object that ties the dark spell of the toad king, find the binding evil spirit to the moral world then at that point in time you must destroy it, before it destroys you.

  Trying to step forward to give Broomstick a loving hug, Louis could not. His feet became entangled and he fell forward into some soft grass. Everyone became alarmed for Louis but did not try to help him up to his feet again.

  "Just me being clumsy again everyone please do not worry about me" stated Louis as he slowly rebounded to his feet "my wizard robe was just dragging on the ground; it must have caught a snag in the ground.

  Standing upon his feet once again Louis hopped once forward unbeknownst to him. Tolthe being the only wee folk present and being the lesser of being able to hide her feelings, turned away from the others as tears fell freely from her saddened eyes. All tried to stable Louis and give him encouragement when he finally reached them. None of the others gave a major noticeable reaction to Louis's slight demise.

  "Now none of you go worrying about me. I will still find my friends, and defeat this toad king. Then you will all be free from this impending doom of yours" said Louis as he gave a warm, heartfelt hug to all.

  "He who holds that most dearly...clearly...sincerely...merely...hide that in plain sight...evil lurks, in the lapse of good, should of...could of...would of...see the forest between the trees to find the shines...remember it shines..." said Atamo after listening to the conversation of Louis and Broomstick.

  "Glorandal what is the meaning of Atamo's words?" asked Louis in wonderment.

  Thinking long and hard for a few minutes Glorandal could not make sense of the words of Atamo this time.

  "I think he is trying to tell you to look for the understandable and the obvious in your hour of need. That is the closets I can get to a meaning Louis. Think on your feet when the time comes and go with your own feelings and hunches."

  Tolthe regained her composure, turning to face the others she spoke out.

  "The entrance to the dark forest is less than an hour ahead. We must continue forwards and get Louis to the gates of Northumberland before nightfall, before the creatures of the hours of darkness advance upon us. We are only to get Louis to his destination and it is for him to enter the next part of his journey by himself. This is how it must be; we all know that as an absolute truth."

  "Tell me more about this black witch Noctuid. Does she have a weakness like Hydrarchos the Water Serpent does. Although I am young and mostly inexperienced in life I have seemed to figure out that all natural and unnatural humans, or beasts, animals, and bullies for that matter have weaknesses. If you study your subject long enough you will always be able to defeat them if you think through the state of affairs long enough" said Louis.

  "Clever are you magician in training, for you must be...skunking, slinking, cunning, use stones that are not sinking...witches mask many things in ways to be skillful and wary and do not tarry...reflective are the dark waters of doubt..."

  "Listen Louis, Atamo speaks to you. Take to heart what he says for your journey to Bramble forest to meet Spadefoot is closing now" said Glorandal.

  "But what does Atamo mean when he says "reflective are the dark waters of doubt"? I understood most of his other words. Can you help me again?" asked the worried Louis.

  "I can be familiar with most of the twists of tongues and languages he knows but I do not understand again his last words to you. Some things you will have to just figure out on your own. Maybe that is what Atamo wants for you. I am not sure. Being so young, your youth is a barrier but as you go through life your combined experiences will make you stronger."

  "Do any of you know of the weaknesses of this black witch? I have never had to deal with a witch before and to tell you the truth I am not sure how to precede with the matter at hand."

  "We as your guides like a teacher, parent or other similar educator would, we can only take you to destinies door, and it is there solely for you to open no one else can. This is true for this journey and for the many other opportune doors that will come before you in your long life. We can only say to you, all of us here, have confidence in all your judgments may they be wrong or right. You can do no more and no less but to at least try, or you have been defeated before you even begin. Stumbles and bumbles confront us all on in our life's course, embrace your defeats and you will be all the wiser in the end" said the ever-wiser little unicorn.

  Louis reflected and digested this new wisdom imparted to him by the magical animal for a few moments as Atamo who had been mostly quiet on the journey spoke out once again directly to Louis.

  "Once was sweet, tasty and kind winds from All has changed, winds crossing the lands now are acrid, fouled and tell telling. New winds of song...songs of hope...hope springs strong...this may be our last song. Umberland rises...Spadefoot rises...will wizard finds choices be right...future for all bright?"

  All present looked towards Atamo the Astral Fairy, the King of all Fairies, as he spoke the truest words he had ever spoken before. His sorrowful and distressed face showed the worries of all who resided in the Kingdom of Gwynedd. The circle of friends encircled Atamo as he hovered in place in front of Louis. All joined hands and lowered their heads as tears welled up in Louis's eyes.

  Simply spoken was Louis to the friends he must soon leave behind, "I will not let any of you down."