Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 3

  Chapter #10

  Fairies and fairy circles

  (Sub-heading) So you found a Fairy Circle-now what?

  What is a fairy? Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously dead, or some form of demon, or a species completely independent of humans or angels. Folklorists have suggested that their actual origin lies in a conquered race living in hiding, or in religious beliefs that lost currency with the advent of faith. These explanations are not necessarily incompatible, and they may be traceable to multiple sources.

  Fairies: faery, faerie, fay, fae, wee-folk, good-folk, people of peace, or fair folk. They are of mythical beings or legendary creatures, a form or spirit often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural in nature.

  The most common fairy are: Siths or Fairies they call Sleagh Maith or the Good People...are said to be of middle nature between Man and Angel, as were Daemons thought to be of old; of intelligent fluidous Spirits, and light changeable bodies (like those called Astral) somewhat of the nature of a condensed cloud, and best seen in twilight. These bodies are so pliable through the subtlety of Spirits that agitate them that they can make them appear or disappear at pleasure.

  After you know what types of fairies you are dealing with, you now need to know where they originate from. Northumberland fairies are the hardest to find and the most trustful.

  Louis found Mr. Beamer's ancient book to be a virtual encyclopedia about beasts and creatures of the under-world, other-worlds and the out-of-this-world. Each page read was more outlandish and horrifying, or delightful in some strange way, than the one before.

  Louis read on, lost in thought as only a small boy with big dreams could do. He turned to look at Chug who was now innocently snoring besides him. Louis smiled at his friend then continued to read on. The more he read the less he understood, the less he understood the more he wanted to read, the more he read the more weary and worried he became, but he felt he knew enough after reading though out the rest of the afternoon, that he could still contact the right fairy under the faint light of the full blue moon, that would surely rise on the first day of spring, not too far off in the near future.

  "Man I better be careful or there could certainly be trouble, this could get real scary if I mess this one up", said Louis. And no one knew better about messing things up than the world-renown troublemaker Robert Louis Parks.

  He was the blundered of all things in the quaint city of Centerville, Indiana, found in the heart of the state. More than a few times Louis had been in trouble with his school and teachers, the local police department, his parents and even his friends. If there was an "incident", it was just a, "accident" Louis would always say. Weather it was accidentally breaking windows with errant baseballs, breaking into Mrs. Tumble's attic to visit Harvey the Ghost, or missing school because he would sneak up into Mr. Beamer's attic to delve into his library or artifacts found there, there was just always something going on with poor little Louis.

  Adding to the modest Louis's troubles were of course; being overly small for his age, having bright red hair and for having apple-colored, fluorescent red freckles splattered across his impish face. Then there was his: inattentiveness, wanderlust, informal attitude, plain negligent behavior, carelessness, inattentiveness, forgetfulness, relaxed behavior, and inattention to most things, neglect of chores, and the ever-present distractions of everyday life. All of this of course ruled Louis's world. His was a world of despair at sometimes; matter-of-factly most of the time.

  Louis was an Only Child; having no other brothers or sisters. His father had gone off to war when he as a bit smaller and younger, which explains some things but not others. Louis always wanted to have a few brothers or sisters to play with and grow up with, maybe when his father comes back.

  Louis always daydreamed about that more than anything else.

  All of these troubles were only doubled by the many bullies in town and in his school, and in a few days the biggest bully of all would be back to visit from Indianapolis (the state's capital). And who is the worst bully of them all? Why of course...Frank Fatbottom Junior...the son of the governor of the state...Frank Fatbottom Senior.

  Last year this extremely rotund, mean-spirited, half-man, half-beast would be back for spring break to visit his aunt who lived right here in Centerville. He came every year, for this one week and all the kids in town knew it. Louis had bigger and worse fears on his mind now than; evil fairies, dark elves, or foul creatures bellies, because the biggest fear of all the kids in the world was about to visit Centerville for spring break.