Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 30

  ~Chapter 13~

  T?ngarar Spadefoot and the Rise of the Undertoads

  For the better part of five hours the young exhausted wizard slept on top the little unicorn's back. Broomstick was en route, on the road southwards backs towards Bramble Forest, toward T?ngarar Spadefoot's nasty lair. Sleeping like an embalmed dead man was all Louis could do now. The days of constant turmoil and disorder were mostly behind him. Sleep helps heal all wounds, as do good deeds.

  Trying to keep a slow, steady pace so as to not awake the dead or sleeping, Broomstick advanced out of the foothills of the Northumbria Mountains and away from the desolation of Morpeth Falls. A watery wasteland was all that was before him. The great flood had swept over the land where it sloped downhill. Streambeds, fields of grass, valleys, rivers, tributaries, lakes and ponds had been laid to waste. There were broken trees, smashed stone, and uprooted plant life and fauna as far as the eye could see. The once beautiful mountainous area of Northumbria was now a wasteland, wasted to emptiness.

  The twisted Bramble Forest could now be seen looming on the road ahead of him. Broomstick exited the muddy road to rest for a while before entering what could still be recognized of the evil forest. Gently slapping his tail upwards and forwards, Broomstick roused Louis from his tomblike sleep.

  "Wake up my sleeping Ogbanje, the child that comes and goes. The Changeling must change once again from undertoad to prince, we have to transform you back to the lovable you again Louis."

  "Broomstick is that you?"

  "Yes wake up little sleeping one, two of my good friends are here to help you once again."

  "I am awake, where are we?"

  "We are on the outskirts of Bramble Forest. I have carried you out of the Northumbria Mountains. You slept the entire time on my back as we traveled."

  Climbing down off of Broomstick's back Louis was still a little wobbly and dozy. Rubbing the last of the sleep, and weariness from his eyes and mind, Louis gave Broomstick a heartfelt pat on the forelock between his ears, a loving gesture that Broomstick appreciated.

  "Ogbanje, my little undertoad, I want you to meet the two little hairdressers that blocked the White Queen from taking your mind during the last night, at the footsteps of death's door at Hagby Tower. Please meet, Orlaith and Eldon, they are brother and sister fairies, they are also friends of Atamo the Astral Fairy. He sent them to protect you during that almost, most fateful night."

  High overhead the two mystical fairies hovered in flight, Broomstick looking upwards motioned for them both to come forward to introduce themselves to the little wizard.

  "Nice hairdo, I hear it is all, "the look" in Northumberland now" said the smiling Orlaith.

  "Sorry but we had to give you those fairy-locks Louis. They were a stronger magic than that of the White Queen's. She would have taken your mind as you slept without them, we had no choice. Atamo knows the ways of the evil queen, he choose us especially, just for our skills in that area. We have had to use that magic many times to thwart her dark magic."

  "Nice to meet you both, I have met three fairies now in this world and all three have been kind and helpful to me. I thank you both from the bottom of my heart, for placing that special magic upon me. You saved my mind, and possibly my life, again I thank you but could you remove the fairy-locks now before my mom sees me looking like this? I might scare the heck out of her."

  All laughed together as both fairies bit Louis on the nap of his neck; it was the proper friendly fairy greeting. Louis sat down upon a nearby rock as brother and sister went to work undoing their special magic. Moments later Louis was almost presentable once again.

  "We have to clean you up a bit Louis, your wizard robe is dirty and crumbled, your appearance is now almost that of a full-fledged undertoad, and I know you must be hungry and thirsty. Please remove your robe, Orlaith and Eldon will clean them for you. And if you look at the side saddlebags off of my saddle you will find some food and water. Also and most importantly I have some mugwort root. You must eat some raw if you have to and then let Orlaith and Eldon rub the rest on your body. We have to get you back to little Louis before T?ngarar Spadefoot's evil magic takes your mind for good.

  "That sounds good to me Broomstick, and I am so very hungry. I have been through so much these last few days."

  After removing his wizard robe and handing it to the two fairies, Louis stood exposed to the world, standing modestly in his shorts and socks before Broomstick and the two astral fairies. Both fairies dutifully went to work scrubbing Louis from head to toe in mugwort. The special magic began to work almost immediately after which the fairies flew off with Louis's wizard robe to clean it with their own kind of special magic.

  "The food is in that pouch over there Louis" said Broomstick as he flipped his tail onto the correct pouch "Glorandal the Porter knew I was coming to get you Louis, so he made those sandwiches especially for you. He also said to say hi, and for me to bring you back to Deganwy Castle safely. Furthermore Tolthe the wee folk from the Tlannatar clan said to say hi. Everyone in the castle is waiting your grand return Louis. Everyone misses you."

  "If all goes well Broomstick we will back there maybe before nightfall or maybe the first thing in the morning, but first I must take the White Queens crown to Spadefoot. You see I was successful in not only ending the reign of the evil queen, but I was able to dethrone her as well. Her crown is now mine."

  "So you were successful in your quest. We always had faith in your little wizard."

  "Thank you for your support Broomstick, when true friends believe in you it always makes any quest better and more likely to be successful."

  "You are welcome little wizard."

  "We are now on the outskirts of Spadefoot's forest with most of the first part of our trip behind us. I will give him the powers he seeks inside of that special crown then he will release the dark magic spell that he has cast over me and all of my friends, and the dark spell that he has cast over this once beautiful land. You will all be free again and golden sunlight will return to your skies. The hushed light from the blue moon will move forward and diminish. All will be back to normal for this land.

  And most importantly the White Queen may return to rule your lands once again. She will be free to sit back upon her royal throne. The spell that was cast upon her must be removed by Spadefoot then the rebirth she must have endured inside of that firestorm should have cleansed her soul from the vileness that was placed upon her."

  "It all sounds so beautiful, if only Spadefoot keeps his promise to you and to us. You did his bidding and the queen was vanquished from her evil tower. And he will soon have the crown that he seeks. His is a cunning trickster you know. Only twisted words of filth and hate normally come from his mouth. You may still need to battle him in the end that is yet to be seen. But I assure you this we will be at his doorstep before nightfall if all goes well. All will be coming to an end, one way or another in a very short time."

  "All that you said is so true, all will be coming to an end soon enough. Plus Broomstick the next cycle of your full blue moon will be upon us in two days. At midnight on the second night I must be at the fairy circle at that time to be able to go home again. And what if any new news has you heard of my four friends?"

  "Atamo the Astral Fairy has taken over the responsibility of showing them the true way back to Deganwy Castle, and then onwards to the place of your arrival in this world, the fairy circle. They are safe and in good hands."

  "That is all great news. All is going well then, and this sandwich is most sublime and most tasty. I will have to thank Glorandal the Porter personally tomorrow upon my arrival in the Kingdom of Gwynedd.

  "And look Louis while we had our little chat Orlaith and Eldon have completed their task, your wizard robe has been cleaned and is ready to be worn again. Also you cannot see it but I can, the mugwort root has completely released its magic. You look like a lit
tle red haired kid again. Nice to have you back Louis. Should we redo that fairy-lock look again on your hair? I hear that look is going around you know..."

  "No I think not, I never thought I'd ever say this but I am glad to have my red hair back again. It has been a burden in the past you know, you are familiar with how kids can be. I am just happy that things are going well, I have my clothes clean and I have a full belly once again. Thank you Orlaith and Eldon, I am a new wizard, ready to take on the world again."

  "Thank you for your help my little fairy friends, we may need your services again, but till then, let Atamo know that we are almost at Bramble Forest and will be back inside the Kingdom of Gwynedd by late after tomorrow, I am rested now and ready to return on our way. Jump into the saddle on my back Louis and let us continue on our journey."

  Orlaith and Eldon the two astral fairies flew off towards Deganwy Castle and Atamo their good friend as Broomstick headed towards the road again, and off towards Louis's last task before he begins his journey back to his own escape.

  Feeling refreshed and renewed both good friends now looked forward to entering Bramble Forest for the last time. Another hour ride and Louis passed back under a wooden sign marking the northern entrance to the dark forest. The initials FFJ still loomed overhead, marking T?ngarar Spadefoot's vast territories. The whole of the forest had been decimated and laid to waste from the massive Morpeth flood. There was little to recognize from before as Broomstick tried to stay on what little of the old road that he could find.

  Early afternoon turned into mid afternoon, and that soon turned into late afternoon, all the while Broomstick kept up a good steady pace, steadily moving forwards towards Spadefoot's earthen den. As the blue moon began to set over the waylaid forest Broomstick spoke out, "It has been a long day Louis, let's find shelter for the night before it gets too dark and too cold. There are still creatures that could harm us in this awful place, we can never be too sure who, or whom has survived the floods. It is best if we meet up with his majesty the Toad King in the morning. We will both be more refreshed then and able to withstand the awful smell and sight of him."

  "Good idea. I have come across so many depraved and unpleasant creatures in this world so I know exactly what you are talking about. Until we reach the wellbeing of the solid walls of Deganwy Castle we should take cover for the night. Dreadful and hungry beasts usually come out at night in this godforsaken forest."

  Looking about Louis spotted an average sized outcropping of rocks partially hidden by a few felled trees.

  "Look there Broomstick it looks like an old abandoned hob hole at the base of those rocks. I can sleep there and you can be hidden during the night by those rocks and downed trees. The wind will also be blocked, and it is a defendable position if need be."

  "That would be fine place to sleep Louis. As I look about there appears to be a little food for me in that small clearing over there, and if you boil some water then we can drink deeply and tend to our thirst. I still have some food for you provided by Glorandal the Porter" said Broomstick as he adjusted directions, and exited the road once again.

  Upon reaching the hob hole Louis went about crafting a small fire, then the creation of a comfortable bed for the nightfall. He boiled some water, ate an undersized meal then began to read in Mr. Beamers' books. Broomstick foraged about the area for an hour or so until had filled his belly with what untamed grasses and wild berries he could find. Conversations this night were lighthearted and limited as both were tired from the long day's journey into night. Louis slept first as Broomstick stood guard just outside of their small shelter. Changing of the guard now and then allowed both to get just enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning.