Read The Journey to Northumberland and the Rise of the Undertoads Page 5


  "Auntie Elphie, you don't think I'm fat do you? Because these are the best cherry pies I've ever eaten, and this being my third pie today...well...what I mean to say is if you eat this much you could get fat," stated Frank Junior as another fork full of, hatred and disdain for the world passed over his plumb cherry red lips.

  "No Junior, you are just the right weight for your height. You're just big boned, that's all."

  "I'm glad to hear that from you auntie because all of the kids I know make fun of me for being, shall I say large for my age, I dare say it...fat. I always thought they were wrong, and were just being mean, you know how kids can be cruel?"

  "Of course I do dear, I was a kid once, and I was a bit overweight for my age as well," understood Auntie Elphie as she wiped some of her own delicious cherry pie off of her saggy third chin.

  "So you are saying I'm overweight then?" said the overly sensitive boy.

  " did not mean that. Just stay there at the kitchen table, and eat all you want honey, and don't worry about those kids being cruel. Remember you can beat up any of them up if they cause you any problems. That is how your dad and I use to take care of that problem. Now your father is up in Indianapolis at the State House taking care of everybody. Remember he is the governor and has been, for what four terms now. I don't hear anybody calling him fat anymore and he's a lot bigger than you, or me, for that matter" alleged Elphie as she cut Frank another piece of freshly baked pie.

  "That's funny you would mention beating up kids, dad taught me well about doing that. You see I have this little runt, a red-haired kid here in town that I got problems with. I hear he's been making fun of me again for being fat, just like that other kid last Stack...yeah that was his name. I gave him a big shiner for spouting off as well, and look what happened to him, I guess he won't be laughing at me anymore. And that little red-haired runt was laughing right along with him and some other kid named Chug Martin. We'll see who gets the last laugh on this matter, that's for sure."

  "Good I am glad to hear you talking like that because no one calls my little Junior fat, and they SURE better not call me fat either!"

  While she was looking out of her kitchen window towards Centerville below Elphie's face knotted and scrunched up. Shear anger darted from her beady black eyes. Junior made a fat fist, then proceeded to punch the center of the oversized pie in front of him, sending cherry filling spewing out in all directions, covering himself and his plump aunt from her bulbous balding head down to her thick, curled and smelly toes.

  Elphie Fatbottom's unnatural home was found at the very top of the largest hill on the outskirts of town. At the base of the hill to the east there was a foreboding thick, dark forest (that no one ever entered, especially the children) and to the west sat Centerville's only graveyard that was surrounded by a watery bog. And to the north was a large wooden bridge across the mysterious Black River. A large wooden dam slowed the river and fed a large lake found at one end.

  From the dales and smaller mounts below and from downtown, it seemed everyone could see the strange, vile home from all over the city. Aunt Elphie's house was constructed of black pine wood and brown mud bricks, all slipshod covered with a dark thatched roof made of raggedy dried straw. The bricks were so tightly fitted together; it made the home appear to be made of black granite or a black pearl stone. The building stood well over sixty feet high and seemed to lean to one side. It looked similar to where a witch might live or evil sorcerer. Beeswax candles illuminated the interior of the house at night and this gave an eerie glow to the many large fog-shrouded wooden windows at night. Blue fogs and foul smelling chimney smokes were known to circle the house in strange circular patterns throughout the many nights when someone was found to be home. Red-Eyed bats and clever ravens lived amongst the thick, dark, and tangled forest that lay at the base of the hill. This only added to the unclean and ungodly feel about the place.

  What strange goings on happened up there, no one really knew, but this was the place that Frank Fatbottom would be calling home for the next week.

  Frank's auntie fared no better than her house.

  She was unkempt and soiled in her appearance. Scraggly dark curls of dirty hair fell about her thick shoulders and broad neck. Her finger nails were polluted and fetid at the ends of her chunky fingers. With broad waist, hips and legs she appeared manlier more than feminine to an ordinary onlooker.

  She wore an all black dress. It was threadbare and raggedy, and out of place for the common clothing of a lady of that era, might wear. The cotton cloth was highlighted by a rank smell, like that of a wet cat searching about inside of a heaping dump. Simply put she looked like a black witch who lived in a witches' lair.

  Sometimes at night the lingering heavy fogs would enter the home through an open window, the fogs hung malovent about her feet. When this would happen it would give her the air of gliding across the floor when she walked, as if she was some type of after-walker, or the embodiment of a dark spirit who was raised from the dead.

  As she stirred a large black pot of rancid soup boiling in the middle of the large kitchen Frank Junior spoke out words of dislike and revolt once again.

  "I hate that little red-haired kid! I couldn't wait to get down here for spring-break. I'm gonna punch Louis right in the stomach, and knock the cherry fillings out of him as well, just like this pie!" Frank Jr. slammed another fat fist violently into the center of another cherry pie. Two small, black magpies shot out of the pie screaming at the tops of their tiny lungs, as the fillings flew out in all directions about the kitchen, both ex-prisoners escaped through a partially open window, squawking out an awful alarm as they frantically scattered towards freedom.

  "What were those two black birds doing in there auntie. That's something a witch would put in a pie," said the now intrigued and fattened boy.

  Auntie smiled manically towards the gluttonous child.

  "Just don't you worry Junior, you're in good hands here. You'll do my mean you will be building a good relationship with me while you're here on vacation." The slip of the tongue went un-noticed by the now captivated boy.

  Elphie slyly watched Frank's two eyes became a little droopy and glazed over. The effects of the spellbound pies were starting to take their toll on his young impressionable mind.

  Junior licked his lips and fingers. They were now as dry as his throat. He gulped down a glass of dark odd looking brew found sitting in a dirty glass on the kitchen table. He ravenously drank down the peculiar potion. Grabbing a towel off of the nearby towel rack, he wiped the rest of the pie off of his outsized clothes. He threw the soiled towel over to his auntie as both strangely laughed aloud at the top of their lungs.

  When Frank tried to wrap his arms around his auntie for support, he found his arms were way too short and bulky to get around her. She in kind tried to return the favor but to no avail. They looked a pair of Tyrannosaurus Rex's or Looney birds locked in some kind of odd mating dance. They circled about the room laughing and hugging the best they could.

  The delicious spell had worked to perfection.

  Junior steadied himself then spoke, "Elphie Fatbottom...Auntie, I am going down into town now. I've got to go make my large presence known. I only got in late last night, and I only have a week in town to terrorize everyone. I have not had any fun yet with scaring the kids or adults in town so far. Let me just go stir the pot a little if you know what I mean."

  "That's the kid I helped raise, nobody can say I did you wrong, and of course you are real good with that community service stuff."

  Both again laughed aloud at how clever they both were.

  "I need to go make some proper introductions to a few of the cowardly, smaller kids in town now. Every "bully" picks on the smaller kids, that's the way it's always been in every town, and that's how it gonna be today. I've got a
reputation to keep you know. I would not want anybody to think I've gone soft on em..."

  "You know a lot of kids picked on me when I was younger Frank, and just look at me I turned out just fine, and with no hatred or distaste for my childhood at all" said the frightening, old lady as she stirred the boiling smelly soup once more.

  Frank found his walking stick lodged behind the kitchen door. He grasped it in one hand as he headed for the front door.

  "Go have your fun now and tell me all about it when you get back. See ya Junior," said the proud auntie.

  As Frank turned his back to her, a large frying pan slammed off of the back of Junior's back, sending him and it flying into the front door and a small window found nearby, smashing the window glass to pieces in the confusion. Junior did not look backwards, he took his humiliation and shame in stride as only an abused young child-man could.

  Shaking off a few broken shards of glass Junior trundled, out the front door of the dark castle, and down the red brick road towards his calling. A gathering of criminal thoughts shot through his hateful and cluttered mind.

  As the door slammed behind him and the sounds of the shattering glass subsided, all the other kids in the Foster House ran towards the upper windows to see Junior toddle down the hill towards town. Many of the boys and even some of the girls murmured and whispered to each other and themselves about how safe they were that Fatbottom had not set his sights on them this afternoon.

  Finally of few of the larger boys started to tease Fatbottom the further away from his wrath they got.

  "Go get em fatso!"

  "You'll still be fat when you get back...have another pie why don't you?"

  "You know you look like a giant toad, did you know that? Why don't you hop down the road instead of waddle?"

  Junior's ears filled with the hateful words. He had heard them so many times before, that they really did not affect him anymore. His mind was already made up and could not be changed about the way he would handle all the disdain and hate towards him from the other kids. He would choose the wrong path and wrong thoughts in his young mind, but just did not really know the differentiation or how to handle the situation in a better way. He was just a confused little boy with no real directions giving from the people who had the knowledge to help him. His mind filled with hatred towards the world and especially, that little red-haired boy that was soon to be in his immediate future. He would take his rage out on him that would shut them all up, he just knew it.

  He took no personal responsibility for his own behavior that was his downfall and nobody else's. He did just not understand the difference being so young and inexperienced in life.

  "Auntie loves me, I know she those kids use to like me as well. But then I got fat...yeah I will admit it. I'm fat. So what? They just don't understand what's happening to me, nor do they really care. I will show them whose fat, just try picking on'll see...I love you auntie...really I do..." mumbled Junior to himself.

  The stream of revolting words flowed from his mouth and mind, the more he thought about the teasing from his aunt and the other kids, the madder he became.

  "I just know that, that is what they are saying about me... he's fat...he's so fat...have you seen ole fatso, he's back in town."

  Frank's mind was now completely lost in sadness and contorted with vileness for those who he really did not know, or understand. The confusion had no ending. No one was really saying anything about him. It was mostly in his mind. Did he just hear those kids or was it the wind or ravens, or crows crying in his ears.

  It was nothing more than good-natured ribbing (most of the time) to the other boys and girls but not to Frank. You have to be able to laugh at yourself in life sometimes and not be so sensitive, but Frank was just too overly-unaware to understand this. With one so young how would he, or how could he really know any better of how to handle his weight problems. No one understands me, is all he thought about as he waddled down the road towards his seeming redemption.

  Fatbottom Junior shuffled down the hill to where the road forked, stopping shortly to read a small sign found at the side of the road:

  2274 Elpham Road

  Hagby Foster Home

  All Children Welcome

  "Dad never wanted me that's it that is why I ended up in this Foster Home. I'll show them, I'll show them all," muddled Junior as he started off again towards town. Frank after a bit of effort finally arrived in town. The sounds of his shuffling along the red brick roads could be heard throughout the area. He lumbered slowly past Turk's blacksmiths shop, around the Centerville Bank and onwards towards Tessie Whitman's dads Five and Dime store, located right in the heart of downtown.

  Kids scattered quickly away at his coming. Hiding behind doorways and in alleys they tried the best they could to get a glimpse of the Terror from the North.

  "Look its Frank Fatbottom," stammered out Sammy the Stutter.

  "He's back in town...." let it be known Short Stack as he peaked out from behind a large trash can, as he rubbed his old wound.

  Words of warning echoed about the alleys and streets as Fatbottom moved about the town. Finally reaching downtown, not a soul could be seen who had no need to shave yet. Older townsfolk's spun about to get a better look in his direction, all noting the enormous size of Frank and his threatening demeanor toward anyone and anything, alive or dead. Mumbling to himself and lost in thought he slammed into the two front wooden doors of the Five and Dime store, yelling out for the world to hear, "WHERE'S THAT TESSIE WHITMAN?"

  "Why young man, why are you so excited to see my daughter?" said the worried shopkeeper as he quickly emerged from a back room. At the sounds and sight of the thunderous voice and extraordinary mass of the man-boy Mr. Whitman's glasses fell off the unstable perch of his thin nose.

  "Your daughter is best friends with Hot Tamale Molly, and that is Louis Parks girlfriend, so if I find Tessie Whitman, I find Molly, then I find that little red-haired, freckle-faced runt...Louis."

  "She's over at Molly's house at the far side of again...what is all of this about? You seem so overwrought with anger about something young man. It worries me, to no end, to say the least. Can I help?"

  "You just did! I just need to talk with that kid about something real important, and then all will be right in the universe again. Just let that Park's kid be aware, that I am looking for him, that's all" said The Terror as he deliberately spun about. His large belly lead the way though the two open doors, in his haste and due to his abnormal size he violently knocked over two display racks on either side of the aisles of merchandise, grapping a handful of snacks as he spun about. As each of his over-sized feet hit the ground, it rumbled beneath him. Terror was on the loose in the form of a rolling ball of thunder that is the size of a small car.

  Louis heard a slight echo off of the nearby Centerville water tower found in the near distance. He stopped his bike for a moment to reflect on what he just heard. His heart pulsed quickly as the thought of Frank Fatbottom Junior entered his mind once again.

  "What, if he's after me already, I've got to find Tessie Whitman, Molly will be with her. I've got to tell her what's up then go see Mr. Beamer. He'll know what to do."

  Off Louis scurried as fast as his legs could peddle, down the well-worn dirt road towards town. As he reached the first out-buildings, he sped up towards main streets, back down his favorite back alley then he quickly turned off to the left around Turk the Blacksmiths shop, and onwards past the Centerville Bank.

  Louis narrowly missed disaster, as Fatbottom, turned up the selfsame back alley towards Tessie Whitman's house. Only by the slimmest margins of sheer luck, did they not run smack into each other. Louis skidded to a stop then went as quiet as cat-burglar at work. Louis sniffed at the air, like a venomous snake on the hunt. He paused, another sniff, yet another...he...could smell the fear o
f the other children in the area.

  Searching about the almost empty streets, he looked off to his left, then off to his right. Mrs. Barnes who was the head of the PTA hobbled by with her cane, Mr. Martin the retired banker sat at his usual spot in the heart of the city park, and Miss Butterman who runs the local dairy was feeding the pigeons by the main statue in town, really nothing out of the ordinary until it hit him square in the face like a clowns whipped cream pie at a circus, not a single kid in sight.

  Fatbottom must be near.

  With great swiftness he was back on the move, another sharp turn here, another there, and off he was towards Tessie Whitman's house found on the other side of town. Sweat poured off of his worried brow, burning his eyes as they followed the road ahead of him.

  Reaching her front door, he threw his bike on the ground, slamming it down with great force, nearly breaking one peddle. He jumped over the front rail of the porch and began to pound on the front door. Over and over, no answer, no one home. She must be with Tessie over as her house but that's too far away to go right now. I'd better go see Mr. Beamer he'll know what to do. Back on his bike, and off he was back towards his home and over to Mr. Beamer's farm found next door. The next twenty minutes seemed like the longest of his life. What a short life he might have, he thought over and over again.

  Fatbottom narrowly missed Louis again as he rumbled towards Tessie's house. Louis made a sharp turn at the bottom of the hill around a large oak the fork in the Fatbottom appeared from just around the other side at the base. His rotund belly hit the tree sending oak seeds and branches raining down from above, some hitting Louis as he flew by. A tree branch hit Louis squarely on one shoulder knocking Louis off his bike and onto the ground. Rolling to left Louis and his bike came to a rest inside of a large thick bush. Frank heard the commotion on the other side of the tree, taking a few quick steps sideways he searched about the area.

  Peering out of the bushes, first thing Louis saw was the all awe inspiring man-child that was Frank Fatbottom. He was just massive in girth. Louis could not help but notice his chins, one, two, and three...counting up to six Louis could not look anymore. He slunk back inside of the safety of the thicket, trying to be as quite as a candle flame. Frank not noticing anything out of place took off once again, in hot pursuit of any child he could find.

  Fatbottom was now away again, and so was Louis. He was now back on his bike heading towards his neighbor's house. Louis finally arrived at Mr. Beamer's farmhouse; his heart was pounding in his ears, drowning out the sounds of the birds singing in the nearby pine trees. He quickly jumped off of his bike, he then shouted out repeatedly above the sounds of Muncy barking out a joyous hello that Louis had returned.

  "Hey Muncy, nice to see you as well, but not now, no time to play, I've got troubles, real"

  Muncy understood by looking at the worry on Louis's face, but still managed to get a pat or two on the head.

  "Mr. Beamer...Mr. Beamer!!"

  "Up here Louis" shouted out Mr. Beamer as he looked out of his attic window, from high above.

  "Be right there Mr. Beamer."

  Louis shot through the front door, saying hi to Mrs. Beamer as she showed herself by the kitchen door. The smells of freshly baking bread assaulted his nostrils as he frantically stumbling up the interior stairwell. His appetite almost sent him heading for the kitchen but Louis quickly grabbed a hold of himself, spinning about once again, he headed for the attic door. Louis (with Muncy close at his heals) flew up the final few steps, quickly entering the old dusty attic. Mr. Beamer had been lost in his work, until Louis had screamed out. Mr. Beamer turned to face Louis as he bumbled in through the open door.

  Mr. Beamer always wore a short cropped white beard, with a full head of long white hair that tumbled about his broad neck. He had an ample waistline, brought about by living the good life mired in; good eating and being surrounded by good friends and a loving family.

  He was always dressed in blue oversized coveralls, held up by sturdy leather suspenders, strung loosely over his wide-ranging shoulders. Being portly and a bit hefty made him appear to be a relative of a large elf, an old wizened wizard, or even Santa Claus himself. He had clear, blue honest eyes and strong hands, which come from being a gentleman-farmer your whole life.

  He spoke out.

  "Louis, what's wrong with you? You look like you just saw Harvey the Ghost up in Mrs. Pinkerman's attic."

  "Man it's worse than that Mr. Beamer" proclaimed the out of breath Louis "Frank Fatbottom in back in town and he's out to get me!"

  "Are you sure Louis? Frank is here and out to get you?"

  "Yep...I just saw him by the fork in the road, by the big oak tree. He's just massive! He came in on the Lucky 7 train the other night. Last year he said he'd get me this year on spring break, now that time has come, and he's here. What do I do Mr. Beamer...what do I do?"

  "Well first off try to calm down and get a hold of yourself. All great men and boys in this case should, keep their emotions, courage and wits about them in times of trouble. And if you want to conquer your fears you have to be courageous and disciplined, now again slow the breathing first off..." said the fatherly old man.

  Louis bent over in exasperation as Muncy gave Louis a quick lick on the face. This brought a slight comfort to Louis. Mr. Beamer put down the old book he was reading, placing it ever so gently on a nearby table, found in the middle of the room. With the soft afternoon sunlight shining down from above through the skylight, this shot a warm glow over Mr. Beamer's wizened old face. While he glided about the small, dusty old room his white whiskers seem to illuminate as the sun crossed them.

  Louis calmed a bit as Mr. Beamer began to speak out once again.

  "Now little Louis, what have you gotten into now? It's always something with you. If it is not daydreaming in school and getting in trouble for that or this, or for not doing your chores like you should, or what else should I mention, the list is so very long.'s always trouble, trouble and more trouble with you Louis.

  Louis frowned as his shoulders went limp. He sat down on a dusty couch found close by. Louis was so lost in thought he could barely understand what Mr. Beamer was saying to him.

  "Have you seen a book of mine about child psychology? It was written by Doctor Northumberland. I can't find it for the life of me. You're way too young to be reading a book like that, it is for adults only. Louis can you hear me? Are you listening...Louis...Louis?

  Louis's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out a last breath of fear and despair. Mr. Beamer caught Louis as he fell forward off of the sofa. He gently shook him awake. Louis was still foggy in his mind as he listened to the wizened old man.

  "Louis just try to relax a bit. Take another deep breath."

  Louis calmed himself the best he could as Mr. Beamer continued.

  "Now again have you seen that one book and another certain book of mine? I am missing a book of spells and incantations. It's about understanding fairies, swamp and bog monsters, stone trolls, leprechauns, witch-smellers and the like. It is a very dangerous book and should only be read by those whom have the knowledge to understand the spells, and how to perform them again it is a very dangerous book. Have you seen that one as well Louis? I know you like to borrow my books from time to time."

  Louis tried to look innocent as he fumbled about with his hair.

  "Yeah I might have seen that one. I will look about my room Mr. Beamer, I can't really remember off of the top of my head, but if I saw a book like that one, then I would surely be careful if I used it."

  "No this one book you should return if you have it Louis, you could raise the dead or the un-dead if you don't know what you're doing, and we certainly don't want that to happen, now do we?" asked Mr. Beamer as he began to light his trusted corn-cob smoking pipe.

  Louis's mind cleared a bit
as he gave Muncy another pat on the head. Louis finally got down to business.

  "Mr. Beamer...I've got some real problems here..."

  "That's right Louis, now what brings you up here today? Girl problems, we all know how troubling that can be" said a now slightly amused Mr. Beamer.

  "Yeah those kinds of problems are always serious but if you can believe it I've got worse problems than that. Frank Fatbottom is after me!"

  "Oh, yes. Is he not the kid that was here last year and beat up Short Stack, and gave him a black-eye?"

  "Yep...he's the one..."

  "You're right you do have worse problems than worrying about Hot Tamale Molly and those flaming red lips trying to kiss you on the cheek all the time."

  Mr. Beamer raised one corner of his mouth showing a slight smile unbeknownst to Louis.

  "I don't know how to say this any better...HE IS GOING TO POUND ME!!"

  "Well Louis let me give you some words of advice then from this old man, who has been in his fair share of fights from time to time when I was younger, I was bullied much as you now appear to be by this so called man-beast, or man-child you might say. I have seen him, and yes he is a troubled young man and he appears to be about five times your size, as I recall since the last time I saw him."

  "He's even bigger now."

  "Even bigger now, well you do have quite a problem don't you. And why does he want to beat you up, let's try to study and analysis this like two grown adults, shall we?"

  "OK, two adults then. How do I start? Well first off, he is going to crush me then vanquish me from the face of the earth because: one I am popular, and he's not. Two he's over-weight and I am not, and three because he knows he can get away with it. He will only be here for one week then he will be gone, till the next spring break. I think it's just fun for him."

  "Louis, it's never fun for anyone to harm anyone else, all people know that, you are born with that knowledge. Maybe his hatred comes from some other deep-rooted problem or problems. Like say a lack of proper disciple at home, or a lack of over-site at school which is not the case here because he does not go to school here and so on. His community or his church or his family or friends should all be supporting him on a daily basis to get him through his childhood and direct him in his growth as a young man. Spiritually and socially and so on, maybe this is not happening, or maybe it could be something worse."

  "Like what Mr. Beamer?"

  "Maybe he is being abused at home, you know being hit himself by his parents or maybe by his sisters or his brothers. And he is now taking his emotions out on everyone else. Maybe he just does not understand these things and how to handle them, how to cope with them. Or maybe his parents are never there for him or never home and he feels lonely and not loved?"

  "Well he does live off and on throughout the year with different family members, and he is here now with his aunt Elphie in that horrible Foster Home. She is a menace and a very terrifying person. She sits up in that ghastly old house up on that hill outside of town. You know the one right by the town's graveyard and the black forest? She wears all black and cooks strange brews all day. She scares the heck out of all of us kids whenever we see her in town."

  "Yes I know who she is Louis. I have seen her as well and talked with her, a few times before. You kids should stay away from her. I think she was a chemist at one time so those "strange brews" are her most likely her doing work for somebody or doing research. You shouldn't be out in that part of town anyway Louis, none of you kids should, it's too far away and that black forest and that dam and lake out there; you could get lost out there in that lake or those unforgiving woods and caves."

  "I was close to her house once with Chug last summer and the whole house smelled like sulfur or rotten eggs, or worse...dead bodies!"

  "Don't talk like that Louis, you are going to scare yourself, and I am sure it was only some chemicals you smelled, as I said before from her work. Dead bodies, how do you think like that?" said the now slightly worried old man.

  "Well, you would have to be really courageous to go up there and confront her, and who would for any reason?" asked Louis as he placed his arms stiffly in front of his body, mimicking a zombie. He walked forwards awkwardly, which scared the heck out of Muncy. He darted behind a large steamer-trunk for safety, only re-appearing when Louis came back from the dead.

  "Louis, stop it. You're scaring Muncy."

  Louis smiled oddly back at Muncy once again to his own pleasure.

  "Let's get back to being serious now Louis."

  Louis sat back down on the couch as Muncy tentatively re-approached him, a little pat on the head and Munch returned to his old self.

  "OK Mr. Beamer. Now I know one of his brothers died years ago from a horrible accident, and I also know that his father is the governor of the state. You know that, and he travels all the time and is never home? Do you think it is all of those things then Mr. Beamer? Or maybe his aunt is abusing him, or worse...hitting him when he comes to visit? She has a horrible temper. She always talks to herself as she walks around town, and she flays her hands about her head. I hate to say it, but she's like a crazy woman."

  "Louis I don't think she is crazy, maybe a little un-stable, nothing more. Now as for Frank Junior that sounds like some of the problems that he might be dealing with. Maybe he's being neglected, or not loved. Or maybe he's being physically abused, that could be why he over eats, it helps him cope with his problems in his mind, but in reality that only makes it worse because now he stands out in the world, and now is known only for his being overweight, and for not being a bright person, or a good person that we are all born to be. And the other kids and adults are picking on him for this. Maybe the other kids are teasing him about this or that, and he feels he's no longer apart of society or belongs with you other kids?"

  "Well Short Stack did tease him quite a bit last year about his weight by the watering-hole, when a whole bunch of other kids where there. I guess he did not like that, and that is why he gave him a black-eye."

  "Well there you go, he is sensitive about his weight and your teasing is only making the problem that much worse."

  "Have you ever been mean to him Louis?" asked Mr. Beamer as another smoke ring wafted above their heads.

  Louis thought for a moment, looked upwards towards the small attic skylight, he squinted his eyes from the appearing sunlight as a cloud passed by, he then gave an honest response, "Well I was there when Short Stack spouted off, and I guess I laughed out loud at Frank as well, along with the other kids. I suppose, I should have said something then, on his behalf, or put a stop to the harassment. But I did not know any better. Or maybe I just was not brave enough. Or I just wanted to fit in with the other kids. I'm not sure Mr. Beamer. Plus I am only slightly bigger than Short Stack, so it was not up to me to say anything really at all."

  "Louis it does not matter how tall you are, all that matters is the size of your heart and your courage to do the right thing, which you did not do at the right time. Maybe you will do the right thing the next time, and if you do, you will be a better person for it, no matter what the other kids think or do. Do you understand what I am telling you Louis?"

  "Sort mean always do the right thing no matter what happens and let the chips fall where they may. Even if that means I will not be as popular with the other kids because I do not act like them?"

  "That's it Louis. See our little talk has already taught you self-responsibility. You are already a little more grown up than when you came in. We are talking like adults now. Do you agree?"

  "Yes, I guess we are."

  "Now I suggest you apologize to Frank for laughing at him last year and tell him it won't happen again, and that the next time you will stand up for him, because Louis that's what friends do for each other, in times of need. You were not very friendly to him, and he is going to let you know that, and I think r
ight quick from what you just told me early."

  "Thanks Mr. Beamer I knew you could help me, and you are right I was not very friendly or very mature for that matter, or courageous. And certainly did not act like an adult. When I see him I will have a talk with him and tell him I've changed. Maybe I will be able to keep my teeth after all" said a now smiling Louis, showing Mr. Beamer the teeth that he still might lose in the next few days.

  Mr. Beamer smiled reassuringly back towards Louis then over at Muncy. Muncy jumped off Louis's lap and began to jump about the room, as Louis let out a breath of relief, knowing now that at least he understood Frank a little more, and that he now had at least a thin plan for the near future.

  "Louis I am going to get a hold of a friend of my name Charlie, he once worked for me a long time ago."

  "Who is Charlie Mr. Beamer?"

  "He is the friendliest of horses; he's the King of all Horses. He is most brave and very courageous. He is an Arion Horse and the last of his kind on earth. I am going to put out the word that I have another favor I need of him. He is in northern China right now on a very important mission for me. He is with a snow panther friend of mine, you see there is a nasty old, marauding wolf pack up in the Himalayan mountains and they are causing some considerable trouble up there for the local animals and local town-folks, so I sent Charlie and this snow panther, his name is Panthera to take care of it and drive the wolf pack out of China?

  "Oh there you go again Mr. Beamer with your tall and long winded tales. You don't know any snow panthers, what was his name Panthera, nor do you know any King Horse that is a what, an Arion? Come on Mr. Beamer."

  "Well you have other more important things on your mind right now, so you don't go worrying about this right now. I will call for Charlie for you. I want you to make friends with this horse; you see he can be your protector in the future from your bullies and the like. Plus all kids like animals and especially horses."

  "Mr. Beamer that would be very good of you to get me a new friend and especially, like you said if he is brave and courageous. I will look forward to it, as long as my mom does not mind me having a horse for a friend" said Louis as he smiled widely at the thought of being around a horse, "but you're right again Mr. Beamer I do have other more important things on my mind right now, like trying to keep my teeth in place. Louis smiled even wider at this thought.

  "OK Louis we can talk later about this friend of mine. Now go out and change the world Louis. I feel you are ready for a great adventure. I feel there is something that is going to happen to you soon. Do you feel it Louis? Do you?

  "Mr. Beamer I have this odd feeling, now that you" said the, wonderstruck little boy, knowing that his future was never more in doubt than it was this very day.

  Mr. Beamer smiled reassuringly at Louis, as only a good friend could do.

  "And again about that book by Doctor Northumberland and the other book, do not use them under any circumstances. You could get into a world of problems, and into worlds that you would not understand or should be in, in the first place. Do you hear me Louis?"

  Louis's mind went blank, lost in thought as he shook his head back and forth in a doubtful confirmation that he understood, without really hearing anything more, or anything at all from this point forward.

  "Yeah...those books...Mr. Beamer...I will look for them...OK...yeah sure...and thanks again for the advice about Frank Fatbottom. See you later. I've got to go talk with Molly later today about my fairy circle again and about the upcoming Walpurgis Night, but first I've got a few chores to do next door for my mom," said a slightly discombobulated Louis.

  Louis headed swiftly for the attic door as Muncy followed at his feet.

  "Louis what are you talking about, Walpurgis Night and a fairy circle? And you don't have that book do you...Louis...Louis?" shouted out a now very concerned Mr. Beamer as Louis flew down the stairway and out into the front yard.

  "Louis come back later for some fresh baked bread if you like, and bring your girlfriend Molly, I just baked two cinnamon loafs, and I know that is your favorite kind," yelled out Mrs. Beamer as Louis disappeared through the white picket fence, and down the dirt road towards his own farmhouse, peddling along lost in thought, on his rickety old bicycle.

  Mr. Beamer shouted out a few more words, trying to get Louis's attention, but to no avail. He had disappeared faster than a dandelion on the loose in a windstorm. Mr. Beamer exited the front porch only to stop long enough to give his wife of thirty years a loving peck on the cheek at the kitchen door. Mr. Beamer headed back into his attic for the remainder of the day to try and find an answer to the little redheaded boy's problem.