Read The Justice League Page 6

  Batman evades Lashina’s whips as he uses his rope gun to climb the side of a building, she uses her whips to climb behind him. He stops on a ledge and turns, Lashina tackles him through a window. Devilance and Kalibak continue their assault on Superman. JJ flies toward Kalibak who swings wildly. JJ phases into the street, Kalibak looks around JJ rises behind him and sends him flying with a thunderous right hand. You see flashes of electricity from the window and Batman yelling with each blow, Flash streaks up the stairs and circles Lashina, spinning her around, she nearly passes out when Flash stops. Batman has slipped on what are in the shape of brass knuckles, they spark like tasers.


  What will they do?


  We’re about to find out.

  You hear a zap and Lashina flies through a window and lands on a car crushing it.

  Knockout punches JJ in the back of the head dropping him beside Superman. She stands with Devilance and Kalibak and the street begins to quake, they are all sent flying back after being hit by large chunks of asphalt as WW pushes Stompa up through the street flying away and drives her into the ground. WW stands over Stompa and is fallen by a blast a blast from Steppenwolf’s jet cycle. Superman recovers and strikes Devilance with several blows, the last one sends him flying down the street, he bounces off of the corner of a building, taking out a large chunk.

  All the while Lois and Jimmy are watching from the roof of the Daily Planet.


  (Taking pictures)

  Wow, Superman just clobbered the big one.

  WW stands only to be slammed by a charging Stompa, WW is sent flying to the shores landing in the shallow water. Stompa lands in front of her, she raises her foot over WW’s head and is leveled before she can connect. She turns to see Aquaman standing behind her.


  (stands rubbing the back of her head)

  Where did you come from?!


  Let me show you.

  Aquaman grabs her in a full nelson and leaps into the water, he dives deep and spins over and over, a moment later he drags up the unconscious body and drops it on the shore.


  Let me guess, you’re Aquam… I mean Arthur.

  I’m Dinah.

  They shake hands.


  Need a lift.

  Aquaman looks confused


  She picks him up under his arms and flies back to the city.

  GL is still struggling with Mantis


  I’ll take this one, they are a few blocks over but I think they need some help. Go!


  What do you have to offer little man.

  Batman removes his knuckles, he knows that they will only be absorbed by Mantis.

  Mantis charges and misses wildly, Batman catches him off guard and flattens him with a straight kick to the side of the face.


  Absorb that.

  Mantis slowly rises. Batman looks upward as he stands up, he is several inches taller than Batman.

  When WW and AM arrive they pass GL flying through the air and ends up crashing on the roof of a building. They land to find Lashina swinging wildly at Flash as he streaks around her. Gen Stepp flies by and blasts the street, Flash trips on the hole and lands several blocks away. WW lands w/ AM and they asses the situation


  The big one with the lance is definitely a job for Superman, so lets get down there and even up the odds.

  As Superman levels Kalibak, Devilance blasts him in the back and drops him, he raises his lance and as he is twisting it around to rotate the head downward there is a brief moment where he releases the staff. Flash streaks by and takes it away from him, his blur then disappears several blocks away. From an airel view you see the blur run to the other side of the city then return to stand in front of a still bewildered Devilance.


  Good luck finding that thing chief.

  He then streaks away

  Lashina and Knockout square of with WW as she deflects her whips with her bracelets. Flash starts to run circles under Stepp’s cycle, it slows as the tornado engulfs it and it starts to spin, Flash stops and when Stepp stops spinning JJ knocks him off of him cycle with a punch as he flies by. GL recovers to see Stompa starting to come around as she is standing GL flies over and flattens her with a giant green boot.


  Stay down bitch!

  Superman can now face the powerful Devilance who now has no help or lance, it isn’t much of a fair fight, Superman slams him through a building and continues the beating as he flies. Devilance doesn’t have much of a chance. Darkseid watches as his best is driven through building after building. WW continues to hold off Lashina as Knockout sneaks behind a car for a sucker punch. As she is about to strike she is driven through a wall by a large green fist. WW uses the distraction to catch Lashina with an uppercut as she is flying through the air Flash speeds up and crashes her through a store front window.


  Now we’re even.

  WW and GL walk up and stand beside Flash as they look at Lashina, who is clearly out of the fight.


  Too bad she’s kinda cute.


  Do you ever stop?


  What? She is.

  Kalibak and Aquaman continue to fight, after Kalibak misses Aquaman holds him in an arm bar sending Kalibak to his knees. He raises his head in agony in an attempt to stand. AM releases and crushes Kalibak to the street with a fight-ending right cross. JJ flies in and drops the body of Steppenwolf beside Kalibak. GL lowers Lashina and Knockout in a green ball and WW drops Stompa in a heap.


  We’re one short.

  Superman hovering uses his hearing and hears a commotion down the street. He quickly flies away and finds Batman in a building still fighting with Mantis, there is blood coming from the corners of his mouth and nose but he is holding his own. Mantis doesn’t look much better. Batman catches Mantis with a series of punches. But after all of that Mantis rises again. He never knows what hits him as Superman flies into him and drops him with a flying punch.


  I had him right where I wanted him.


  Are you okay.

  (He scans him w/ his x-ray vision)


  I’m fine


  You have three cracked ribs and…..


  I said I’m fine.

  (Batman touches the side of his cowl)

  Where are we General?


  We’re ready with what we have left.


  I have to get back in the air. Get ready for the final assault.


  Are you sure you’re okay?


  (firing his rope gun and ascending upward)

  Just be ready!

  Batman goes to the top of the Daily planet to get his jet. The soldiers have set up the batteries and have left. He approaches his craft and hears a camera clicking, he ducks behind a wall.



  Where did he go?



  I don’t know.


  (now behind them)

  You shouldn’t be here,

  Lois and Jimmy turned startled


  It’s not over.


  (slowly approaching BM)

  But I saw you guys win.


  That was the first wave, you need to leave now.


  Listen pal, superman already tried, so you think your luck will be any better?

  BM hears a beeping as his canopy opens the engines start to hum.


  I don’t have time for this.


  Go ahead we’ll be okay.


  Go ahead, Lucius.
This is a secure line. Any luck on those drills?

  (LF’s voice on the radio)

  No but I think Professor Hamilton’s people have constructed some bombs that may work.


  What’s the bad news?


  The size and the inability to deliver them in time. Military communications are saying that they have started drilling. They are trying to figure a way to deliver them.

  (another beep)

  BM answers and apprises Professor Palmer of the situation


  Professor Palmer says he has something that will work. I’m on my way to get him.

  Back at the center of the city the ships approach that have been hovering over the edge of the city.

  Darkseid looks down at his defeated warriors.


  Looks like I’ll have to do this myself. Desaad, attack with everything we have.

  Darkseid lowers on a ray of light as the sun begins to set


  Superman did you copy that?


  Yeah we copy.


  Flash meet me at Star Labs in ten minutes.

  Flash’s voice over the radio

  I’m already there.

  The rest of the league looks upward as Darkseid approaches.

  Aquaman sees the approaching ships. He speaks into an Atlantean communicator.


  General Curry, you have your orders.

  (Looks at the league)


  That should buy us some time.


  J’onn! GL! Do what you can in the air. We’ll take this guy.

  GL and JJ fly off and engage the invaders. The sky fills with the remaining missiles.

  Darkseid lands in front of WW, SM, and AM



  WW strikes first, she lands a solid punch, DS steps back slightly, he backhands WW across the street. AM strikes as does SM, he catches them both by the throat. He casually tosses AM away and holds SM to his face.


  My prize, this world rises and falls with you Kryptonian. Say good bye to another planet.

  He releases SM as he fires the beams from his eyes, striking SM in the chest. SM yells in pain as the beam rips into him driving him backwards into the wall of a building. The beam continues as DS grins. He stops thinking the job is done but SM is still there smoldering on his knees.


  Impressive, most impressive. I look forward to doing this the hard way.

  WW recovers and flies into DS with both fists knocking him down. AM picks up a car and drives it into him, partially imprinting him into the asphalt. He slaps the car away and mixes it up w/ AM his punches have little effect and he quickly dispatches him into a nearby building he turns to SM.


  Now to finish this.

  WW lassos him and manages to get him off his feet as she spins in mid air gaining momentum. She releases him into a building that is already unstable from the earlier battle. The building groans and collapses on top of DS.

  WW turns to help SM to his feet, he is still wobbly from the Omega beam. As he gets to his feet an explosion of debris takes WW off her feet and she disappears in a pile of rubble. DS emerges from the rubble. SM stands before him cape tattered shirt ripped. SM w/ the speed of Flash flies into him as they speed to the northern part of town. WW and AM stagger to their feet bleeding from the beating DS gave them. The punches from the fight btwn SM and DS echo like thunder as distant building collapse. In the skies JJ and GL do their best to hold off the invaders but the numbers are not on there side. They begin to falter as more and more parademons strike them from all sides. The Atlantien ships that surfaced have taken out as many of DS’s ships that they could reach. The soldiers w/ swords and drawn have engaged the parademons on foot in the streets of the city.

  Star Labs

  BM lands w/ Prof. Palmer. Dr Hamilton and his staff, along w a few military scientists have constructed four bombs that are about the size of a television. BM and Palmer walk in, BM still bloody from battle and Palmer carrying a brief case.


  Here are the bombs but we have no way to deliver them they are just too heavy.

  (He points to a photo of one of the drilling machines)

  If we can place it here it will shut down the whole thing.


  I think I can do something about the size.

  (He opens his brief case and there are four oval shaped devices. He attaches one to the bombs and turns a dial. They step back as it shrinks to the size of a rubik’s cube.)


  Just turn this dial in the opposite direction and it goes back to it’s original size.

  (He attaches the rest of the devices and BM puts them separate containers on a spare utility belt. He then hands the belt to Flash who secures it around his waist)


  That should hold up to the speed that you will be traveling.



  Be back in a flash

  (streaks away then right back)

  Okay that was bad.

  Flash streaks away as he did the last time, the red blur cutting across the country and then the boom when he breaks the sound barrier. Across the oceans.

  BM returns to his jet Lucius is calling.


  Go ahead Lucius.


  I have hacked into the geological survey stations monitoring the activity around the volcanoes where those machines are drilling. They are all drilling at the same rate. I have also detected a signal from each machine to that large ship over Metropolis.


  Okay. I’m sure you are getting ready to give me some bad news.


  The bombs have to be triggered simultaneously. Think about it as releasing pressure. You have to do it evenly. And with that signal when the first one shuts down they will know it.


  Right. Thanks.

  (switches over)

  Professor Hamilton, how precise are the timers on the bombs?



  We assembled them in a hurry but they should be accurate down to the second.


  Flash come in.



  Go ahead.

  You have to set the timers so the bombs will detonate at the same time.



  And I thought this was going to be hard.

  BM flies back into the fray, SM and DS’s battle thunders on as AM and WW are now encircled by parademons at an intersection, breathing heavy from their battle. BM lands and repels down into the enclosing circle he slips on his knuckles and switches them on. JJ and GL land in the circle as well. Some of DS’s elite forces have recovered as well. Devilance, Kalibak, and Stompa are closing in with the parademons. The league minus SM and F form a circle back to back.

  Flash speeds to each location moving so fast that he is not detected by the few guarding troops, they may feel a rush of air and look around, but see nothing.


  The league readies for the rush when all of a sudden the thunderous fight in the distance stops. They glance at each other and then hear the distant footsteps grow closer. The fight btwn SM and DS caused a thick cloud of dust, as it clears they see to their horror DS holding SM over his head bloody and beaten. The parademons part as DS approaches the rest of the league.


  Flash sets the last bomb with little time to spare. As he is running across the water the machine detonates in the background.


  DS tosses the body of SM at the leagues feet.



  Lord Darkseid the drills have been destroyed.


  (speaking into a communicator on his wrist)



(Inside the ship looking at a monitor)

  That is not all sir I am picking up an approaching ship.

  The sky flashes and you see a white circle forming, the sillouette of a large figure approaches as it lowers from the light.


  He’s with us. I think.

  Orion hovers lower until he is face to face with DS


  Hello my son.


  Let’s dispense with the pleasantries Darkseid. High Father has decreed that this planet is now protected under the treaty of New Genesis. Go home or feel the brunt of our forces against your depleted reserves. Leave this planet and never return.

  DS pauses and surveys his surroundings. The league helps SM to his feet as Flash rejoins them, a rush of air and he appears.


  What’d I miss?


  Very well. I will not squabble over this tiny blip in the universe. I have been watching them for quite some time. They will destroy themselves, it’s in there nature.

  (He takes in a deep breath)

  So much pain and fear, I can feel it rushing through my blood.