Read The Justice League Page 8






  We already know that we can’t stop him, so powers won’t matter. The world can survive without BM. Maybe it can survive without SM. It cannot survive without all of us.


  I understand what you are saying, but you started this with the intention of bringing all of us together. So let’s finish it together.

  The rest stand behind AM.


  Okay, lets go.

  They walk calmly into the circle of light.


  The boom tube opens and the league walks out and they begin to realize the destruction that has taken place. Some of the primitive temple shaped buildings are standing some are not, the decapitated statue still stands. They walk to the crater, bodies of Darkseid’s elite are scattered over the landscape, some are alive some are not. Off in the distance they hear the pounding blows.


  (turns to the league)

  I hope we are not too late.

  JJ and WW take off, GL takes off and scoops up AM and BM in a green bubble, Flash speeds away. They passover the larger crater of SM’s flying assault.



  They land and approach a rocky wall of a mountain. They stand silently at what they see. SM has beaten DS into the side of a mountain, his body is lifeless as SM steps back prepared to deliver DS to his maker.


  The only person left in this universe that I love was taken away from me by you. Make your peace to whomever you need to DS,

  SM lifts DS up with his left hand and his eyes begin to glow.

  The league steps forward and BM raises his arms, holding them back.

  SM hesitates as it begins to sink in what he is about to do. DS starts to grin from his battered face, blood drips from the corners of his mouth and his nose.


  What are you waiting for?

  SM begins to quiver with rage DS closes his eyes anticipating his own end. SM tosses DS away like a rag doll and begins to punch the mountain, chunks of rock chip away, the ground quakes, he yells in anger, it echoes throughout the land. He drops to his knees, bloody and tattered exhausted. He then feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see BM. The rest of the league standing a few steps behind.



  Lets go home Clark.

  SM stands and quietly walks away with his new friends. They stand as Batman operates the mother box. Flash speeds back to DS, who is still is barely conscious. From a distance they watch as Flash bends over and says something to DS. He speeds back .


  (Addresses the group)

  I’ve always wanted to do that.

  The circle of light appears and they walk into it, headed back to Earth.

  New Genesis

  Orion watches as the circle of light shrinks to a shimmer.

  (voice of High Father)

  Is it over?


  Yes. It seems we have some powerful new allies. Their group intrigues me.

  Star Labs

  The JL stands on the grass, surrounded by the aftermath of the worldwide attack. A helicopter lands and Col Faraday dismounts and approaches the league.


  (removes his helmet and shakes SM’s hand)

  What happened?


  DS is defeated, alive but defeated. It will be a very long time before he will be able to wage war against anyone. How is Jimmy Olsen?


  He’s gonna make it. The President is worried.


  Well, so are we. Who gave the order to unleash those robots?


  I haven’t the slightest idea but I promise you I will find out. We have quite a bit of cleaning up to do.


  Give us a minute and we’ll lend a hand.

  CF returns to the chopper.

  Several days later

  The cold chill in the air was announcing that fall was coming early. The throngs of people stood on the hill in the cemetery, Clark Kent and Perry White stood on each side of Jimmy Olsen who is in a wheel chair. Clark stares at the flower draped casket, the preacher finishes his eulogy and the crowd walks away. Later that day as the sun sets, Lois Lane gets one last visitor. SM stands silently as his cape blows in the breeze. SM takes a knee in front of the head stone.



  I’m sorry Lois, I was always there before. I’m sorry.


  (voice off screen)

  Even Superman can’t be every where at once.

  SM stands and sees BM standing behind him.


  I know that now.


  I’m sorry that I didn’t do more. I did not realize that you two were…


  (raises his hand)

  Some detective.(smirks) We were not, really. I wanted to but we never got the, you know. It’s hard to explain.


  Not to someone that understands, and believe me I do.

  They walk quietly away to a clearing near the cemetery where BM landed his new jet.


  (With his hand on the wing)

  That was fast. Let me guess, you had a backup.




  Given any more thought to what I said.


  Sounds like I may not have a choice. I read the article that you finished for Lois. The Justice League?


  I think it’s kind of catchy, besides that was Lois’s idea.


  Have you talked to the others?


  Yep, everyone is in but you. We even have our eyes on some others. We were not the only ones in action that day.


  Then it sounds like you don’t need me.


  That’s where you’re wrong, Bruce.


  I’m better off on my own, Clark.


  That’s what I thought. Well you know the date and time and place I hope to see you there.

  SM flies away, BM stands alone for a moment as he ponders the offer.

  As he is flying away.


  Lucius, this is Bruce. I want to meet with you tonight, there is something we need to do as soon as possible.



  A new project Mr. Wayne?


  No not a new one, just a conversion of an existing one. I’ll see you in 10 minutes.

  About a month later SM stands in his fortress of solitude, standing in front of his computer console frustrated. Batman walks in.




  You could say that. Though I’m not really sure. I have been working on these robots to stand in for me if I am ever away. I get back the other day and the prototype is gone.

  (he points to a work station is empty, all that remains is the crude outline of a human figure)

  But that’s not the most important thing, when I returned to Krypton I was able to retrieve some circuitry that was still intact. I was able to restore Krypton’s central information system. I was going to upload that data to your computer. I did make a copy but all the original data is gone. It will take me months to restore the information.


  Did you have a break in?


  Not likely, no one can get in here anymore.


  What was the name of the central system?




  Is this going to be a problem?


  Time will tell. Why did you ask for that information anyway, the computer in the Batcave would not have held all that information anyway.


  Something I’m working on. I figure i
f this team is going to work we are going to need all the information we can get our hands on. I have constructed a system that should be able to handle it.


  So you are in?


  I’m here aren’t I?

  WW lands beside the bat jet right after GL lands. A hole crashes through the ice and AM walks toward them. JJ and Flash are already inside. They sit at a table.


  Nice place supes. Who’s your decorator Captain Cold?




  Please tell me this isn’t going to be our usual meeting place. It’s freezing in here.


  I know, sorry about that I don’t feel cold like some of you. But it will have to do for a while.


  Not that I am complaining but we are going to need a facility that is a little more strategically located.


  Agreed. I’m working on that. For now this is the best place. We can’t be too careful.


  Who are we hiding from?




  How much of a threat do they pose?


  Not sure. What I do know is they have gone silent since the invasion.


  Since they saw that we had a counter punch to their robots.


  Exactly, they have slipped farther into the shadows. We know that Luthor is involved but he left no trail to follow.


  And I can’t sense him either. There is so much noise now, it is hard to pinpoint someone like I used to.


  Everyone knows you exist now, could that be it?


  It is possible.


  In any event, I doubt they have halted their efforts to stop us. Professor Palmer is no longer with them. So I have lost my contact.


  Surface dwellers. Only they would not trust us after what we did.


  Not so fast AM, people fear what they do not know. We are going to change that. They are going to know about the Justice League. They will trust us because we are going to strive to earn it.


  It’s going to take time. I’ve seen it on dozens of planets.


  How do we do that, knowing that the most powerful country in the world is plotting against us?


  Col Faraday assures me that neither he or Gen Hardcastle has any knowledge of a project Cadmus.


  And if Luthor is bank rolling them, they never will.

  Undisclosed location

  Luthor sits in a room full of shadowy figures as he quietly talks on the phone.


  That’s right Ms. Waller. One of my people was able to get some of Superman’s blood from the city. My people are analyzing it right now. When I know you will know.

  Lex hangs up and scans the room. Some faces are familiar, some are new. Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Cheetah, Black Manta, Grod, Shade, Captain Cold, and Metallo.


  What’s all this about Luthor?

  I’ve have some serious disagreements with some people in this room.


  Well the last time I looked you weren’t on my Christmas card list either.


  Gentleman please. This is precisely why I have asked you to be here. Did you all not notice what can happen when you combine your efforts? Our enemies did and look what they accomplished.


  What are you getting at Lex?

  (Luthor rolls his eyes and stands quickly as he speaks)


  That we do the same!


  But the league is already so powerful, and their numbers will grow.


  So will ours. What do you say?

  The room is silent as the others ponder the offer.


  Come on people if we stack the deck against them then we can’t lose!

  Off screen a low laughter is heard that gets closer.

  The Joker walks in. (The members at the table grumble, one says, “Oh here we go.”)


  What are you doing here?

  The Joker walks up and puts his arm around Luthor.


  I heard there was this little meeting and imagine how hurt I was when I found out I wasn’t invited.


  Everyone in this room was picked for a specific purpose. If we want to blow up the toilets at the Justice League headquarters then we’ll give you a call.


  Are you suggesting that I bring nothing to the table?


  I don’t have time for this, Grundy, show Mr. Joker to the door.

  Grundy stands


  Allow me Lex. This man is a dangerous fool.

  Grod approaches. He stands towering over the Joker.


  Are you still mad that I ripped you off after you robbed that bank? I’m sorry, no hard feelings, huh?

  The Joker extends hand, Grod Grabs him by the coat and snatches him off of his feet. The Joker slaps Grod on the forehead and sparks begin to fly as Grod groans in agony and drops to the floor in a heap.


  (in a high pitched voice)

  Shock the monkey! I always liked that song.


  As I was saying, I bring more to the table than you could imagine. I’ll let you in on a secret Lexy, the brains behind that outfit ain’t the Martian or your boy in blue. It’s the bat, and no one knows him better than me. Even a stacked deck needs a wild card. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  Outside the Fortress of Solitude

  BM, GL, and F are walking toward BM’s jet


  So do you think this little group can work together?


  (Glances at Flash, then back)

  Time will tell.

  (He turns to Flash)

  When you ran back to Darkseid, what did you say?

  Flashback to that day on Apokolyps

  A tight head shot of Flash bending over with a smirk on his face


  Debow! You just got knocked the fu…….



  After the credits you see Flash speed away as Batman an GL walk through the snow


  You had to ask.


  I know.

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