Read The Key Page 14

Those of Marduke’s soldiers that are still able, get up and stand beside him, looking relieved and somewhat smug, while Marduke maintains the pulsing dome of power with his outstretched hands.

  Ethan and Dillon try to break free of our prison, but when they touch the light, it flings them back with the force of an electric shock.

  ‘Any ideas?’ Dillon mutters.

  ‘He’s going to release this field to get Neriah and Aneliese out. That will be our chance.’ Heads nod at my hushed comment, and keeping Neriah and Aneliese behind us, Dillon, Ethan and I form a triangle around them. Aysher and Silos maintain their snow leopard shape and fall in among us.

  Marduke tilts his head towards one of his soldiers. ‘When I release the field, grab the woman. It’s time Aneliese paid for stealing my child.’

  Neriah hears this and screams out, ‘No! You promised! Take me!’

  Marduke gives a signal and two soldiers move towards the pulsing dome. Meanwhile Marduke keeps his eyes intent on Aneliese. Neriah sees this and starts to panic. She looks desperately at her mother, fear making her think only with her heart.

  In a flash of understanding, I get what’s going on. Marduke is being his conniving, manipulating self. It’s his plan, and he’s been hatching it for a long time, speaking with Neriah through her dreams, establishing a rapport. The worst part is Neriah has started to trust him. Marduke doesn’t really want Aneliese. His plan is to get Neriah. And Neriah is falling right into his trap.

  She breaks out from behind, shoving past me towards the green light vibrating and shimmering around us.

  ‘No, Neriah!’ I lunge and grab her arms, but as soon as my hands touch her skin, she screams and drops to the ground. I’ve burnt her, and instinctively I let her go.

  In that same second she stumbles forward, so determined to get to Marduke that she crawls on her hands and knees through the opening in the dome. Just before she reaches Marduke, she turns back. ‘Tell them not to come for me.’

  Aneliese goes after her, but the opening in the dome closes, its green energy shimmering stronger than ever. Ethan grabs her, yanking her away just in time. Aysher and Silos growl fiercely, their eyes growing wild at the thought of their mistress on the other side with the enemy. Ethan tries to calm them, but they snap their heads left and right, warning us to stay away. Then they leap. My heart skitters at the thought of what will happen when the pulsing energy goes through them.

  ‘No, don’t!’ I call out, wanting to go after them myself, but Arkarian’s warning that I could kill an animal with my bare hands comes back to haunt me.

  The leopards keep moving through the shimmering green field. They whimper helplessly as the power thunders through their bodies, their fur standing on end. But still they keep propelling themselves through it. And just as it seems that they’re going to make it to the other side, their bodies start to break up, until there’s nothing left but green shimmering air.

  Suddenly the circle of energy disappears with a sizzle. We stumble out, searching, but all that is left are the outlines of Neriah, Marduke and his soldiers, as their bodies disappear.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When I return to the Citadel, Arkarian is there to meet me, his usually clear eyes strained and dark.

  ‘I’ve called an urgent meeting in my chambers,’ he says.

  ‘Let’s go, then.’

  ‘First, I want to tell you what happened.’

  ‘I’ve heard about Neriah,’ I explain, saving time.

  We appear in one of Arkarian’s many side rooms. The others are already there. Some are seated in chairs that form a circle, much like the Tribunal circle, others are standing around talking. Dillon is here too. A new addition to our group. I wonder who approved his clearance into Arkarian’s chambers? Probably Lady Arabella. She has been working with him the most. So now, though we are without Neriah, we’re still nine.

  ‘Matt!’ Isabel sees me first. She starts to run over, then hesitates.

  She’s obviously concerned about recent events, just like everyone else in this room, but there’s more in her eyes right now. A troubled, almost timid look. Something I’m not used to seeing in her. I know what the problem is: she thinks my journey to see Dartemis has changed me. Has it? I can’t really say. I feel the same, only I know things now that I wish I didn’t. Some things I’ve learned to do, I still can’t believe. But my new powers are untried, and so much depends on my having perfected them. I hold my hands outward and try to joke.

  ‘What? No greeting? I’ve been away for six whole months! Haven’t you missed your brother?’

  She grins and walks over. I can’t stand that look of hesitation still lingering in her eyes; instinctively I pull her into my arms. She lays her head on my chest and squeezes me tightly. Holding on for a moment longer, she looks up. ‘Actually, you’ve only been away seven days.’ She pulls back and whacks my shoulder playfully. ‘That’s hardly worth a hug.’

  For the next few minutes I’m greeted by the others, but the seriousness of this meeting soon has us all looking for a seat. Arkarian purposefully sits to my right, then nods at me. He wants me to run the meeting. Is he kidding? He sends me his thoughts. Between Truthseers, conversations can be held without speaking. He thinks I’m ready. Ready to start playing my role according to the Prophecy. I wish I had his confidence. I take a deep breath and it comes out like a sigh of resignation. In a way I guess that’s how I feel. I may have developed my powers, Truthseeing being one of them, but I’m going to need a lot of practice before I feel confident using them.

  Everyone is looking around uncomfortably. Arkarian’s thoughts push me one step further. It’s time, Matt. Believe in yourself and take control. Show everyone in this room that you are our leader.

  I look around and wonder if I’m worthy to lead these people. Half of them are older than me. One is my teacher! There’s Ethan’s father, for heaven’s sake!

  Small steps. Arkarian’s thought hits me, and I wonder what would be the first one. It helps take my mind off my inhibitions. It feels good to focus on something else, and suddenly I feel as if some space has freed up in my head. My eyes skim around the stone walls and earthen flooring. ‘Is this room safe?’

  Arkarian replies, ‘All the rooms in my chambers are safe.’

  ‘Can we be overheard by … anyone?’

  ‘I can’t guarantee that.’

  I look around the room, surveying it for cracks and fault lines. ‘I want everyone to keep their heads lowered until I tell you it’s all right to look up.’

  Without question, they do what I say. Using my new skills I flood the room with a blue light. But the light thickens like a dense fog and makes Dillon and Mr Carter cough. I blow gently into its centre, the idea being to create a clear inner sanctum in which we can talk and not be overheard. To my relief, it works.

  ‘You can look up now.’

  They look around, taking note of the way the mist appears to cling to the ceiling, walls and flooring around our feet.

  ‘The room is protected,’ Arkarian says softly. ‘Nice work.’

  ‘Thanks, but …’ I stop myself. What is the use of letting everyone know how insecure I feel? If I’m going to have a chance at securing their belief in me, then I will have to at least look as if I believe in myself. Across from me I notice Dillon fidgeting. He can’t stop tapping his feet, rubbing his hands through his hair, or cracking his knuckles. ‘Before we start, do you have something to say, Dillon?’

  ‘Yes!’ He practically jumps off his seat. ‘Have you heard? Marduke has Neriah!’

  ‘I have heard, and we will get her back.’

  ‘Whatever the plan, I want to go!’

  I hold my hand up. ‘Tell me what happened first.’

  He scoffs loudly and points to Rochelle. ‘She led us into a trap and then she let Neriah go!’

  Rochelle gets to her feet and gasps. ‘That’s a lie!’

  From beside her, Shaun coaxes Rochelle to sit down.

on continues, ‘She had Neriah in her hands, but let her go, straight into Marduke’s arms!’

  Rochelle raises a hand to her forehead as if the action will stop her brain from falling out.

  ‘These are serious accusations, Dillon.’

  ‘I’m telling the truth. Ask Ethan. He was there.’

  ‘Let’s hear from Rochelle first.’

  She looks at me, her usual deep green eyes red and surrounded by dark circles. She holds her hands out in front and is unable to disguise a tremor. She stares at them as if they are alien parts and not her own flesh and blood. In the eighteen months that we were together, I never saw her this distressed. ‘It was my hands that burnt her. As for the tunnel, I thought it was the right choice.’

  Beside me, Arkarian says, ‘You have your gloves on now. Where were they at the time?’

  ‘In my coat pocket,’ she says, ‘back at the house. I didn’t have my coat with me when we went through the tunnel. I went back and got them later.’

  ‘How are your lessons going with Lady Arabella?’ he asks.

  Before she answers, Dillon jumps up, his whole body shaking with rage. ‘You’ve had lessons to control them and you still burnt her?’ He answers his own question with another accusation. ‘I don’t think so! You’re still working for Marduke, aren’t you?’

  Ethan is up in a flash. ‘Shut up, Dillon! No one has the right to accuse anyone in this room, do you hear? Rochelle is not on trial here!’ He turns to face me. ‘I saw what happened, and yeah, Rochelle let Neriah go. But it wasn’t on purpose. Neriah screamed when Rochelle’s hands touched her. Rochelle let go by instinct. And the tunnel was the only logical choice after the one to Arkarian’s chambers was destroyed.’

  In the silence Rochelle says softly, ‘Things got really intense. I lost control.’

  Dillon replies, ‘Yeah, and we lost Neriah.’

  ‘Then we will just have to get her back,’ I try to reassure everyone. ‘Now there’ll be no more accusations made in this room.’

  Dillon sits restlessly. ‘All right, but you have to take me with you on the rescue mission.’ His eyes shift to my right. ‘Arkarian, make him take me.’

  Silently, everyone waits for Arkarian to reply. His eyes flick briefly to me, but his words flow around the room addressing everyone. ‘Matt makes all the decisions from now on.’

  ‘Yeah?’ Dillon asks, surprised. ‘Well, whatever, I just want us to get Neriah back. OK?’

  I try to ignore Dillon’s persistence, though his passion for Neriah is harder to overlook. It will cloud his judgement, which could put any rescue mission in jeopardy. Yet … his passion makes him fearless, and that would be a strength, especially considering where we have to go.

  In the silence Rochelle says, ‘Neriah thinks that as long as she is with Marduke, her mother is safe and there will be no bloodshed. She told me to tell you …’

  She stops and I prod, ‘Go on.’

  She swallows deep in her throat. ‘She said, “Tell them not to come.”’

  Dillon jumps up, ready to explode.

  ‘Sit down, Dillon! Your protest has already been noted.’ I turn to Rochelle. ‘Do you think she is safe with Marduke?’

  She doesn’t even hesitate. ‘No way!’

  ‘Do you think we should rescue her?’

  ‘Absolutely. And as soon as possible.’

  From beside her, Shaun throws me the question, ‘Do you know where Neriah has been taken?’

  ‘She’s being held prisoner in Lathenia’s palace on Mount Olympus.’

  ‘Oh, hell!’ Dillon exclaims, then sends Rochelle another hate-filled look. ‘Good work, Roh. Now how do you propose we rescue her from that hell-hole?’

  Dillon’s reactions are too intense. If he keeps this up, he will definitely be a liability to take along.

  He gets up again and starts pacing the open area before him, his arms sweeping in a wide circle. ‘You people don’t understand. Getting into Lathenia’s palace is next to impossible!’

  ‘You sound as if you’ve been there.’

  He finally stands still and looks to me. ‘Yeah, well, I have. Believe me, it’s a frozen fortress from hell.’

  What is Dillon saying? ‘A little more detail might help us understand your distress.’

  ‘It has these high outer walls, made from impenetrable stone, marble and crystal. The whole place has a tight security system. Around-the-clock guards man the balustrades, with three in every watchtower on every corner. They have these weapons – crossbows. The darts are tipped with poison that kills in seconds. And if you somehow manage to get past the outer walls, there are Lathenia’s hounds to contend with – seven of them. They’re kept hungry and trained to attack anyone or anything that penetrates the inner walls. Oh, have I mentioned the witchcraft?’

  This raises murmurs from around the circle.

  ‘The whole place is booby trapped with magic spells and evil enchantments.’

  ‘Thank you, Dillon. You can sit down now. I think we get the picture,’ I say.

  As he sits, I realise, even with his unstable emotions right now, I have no choice but to take him along. His knowledge of Neriah’s prison is too valuable. Unless … I glance at Rochelle.

  ‘What do you know of this palace, Rochelle?’

  Her shoulders lift slightly. ‘Nothing, really. I’ve never been there.’

  ‘No, you wouldn’t have,’ Dillon says with spite. ‘You were Marduke’s personal assistant. He wouldn’t want to share you with Lathenia.’

  This comment sets emotions flaring all around the room. And while Ethan is first to jump up and condemn him for it, Dillon faces angry reactions from just about everyone else as well. Surprisingly, it’s Mr Carter who makes his opinion known the loudest. ‘That’s enough, Dillon! You go too far!’

  ‘What are you sticking up for her for? Everyone knows you don’t trust her.’

  ‘Trust is something that is earned. You should remember that.’

  I hold up my hands to try to bring some order back into the room. ‘There are other things we have to talk about before we … before I decide who goes where. The first is the location of the missing key.’

  Arkarian suggests, ‘Why not search for it once we’re inside Lathenia’s palace?’

  Heads nod in agreement.

  ‘Because the key will not be found there.’

  Questions come flying at me. When they quiet down I explain, ‘It appears that Lathenia was not the one who took the key from the ruins of the temple.’

  ‘It must have been the traitor,’ Jimmy says. ‘But who would have that power? It’s a feat in itself to get in and out of that underworld.’

  Arkarian asks softly by my side, ‘Do you know where the key can be found?’

  Silence. They wait. I remind myself not to mention Dartemis’s name or to even project it in thought. ‘I have been told to search for it in Athens.’

  ‘The palace in Athens?’ Jimmy asks in disbelief. ‘But everyone we trust is there.’

  Shaun adds, ‘Whoever it is, the traitor has to be someone who has the powers and clearance to access high-security areas as well as other realms.’

  ‘Do you know who exactly is under suspicion?’

  ‘Names were never mentioned,’ I explain.

  Isabel reaches across Ethan to touch my arm. ‘We can’t do this on our own. Is there anyone at the palace we can trust?’

  I nod to reassure her. ‘Our own King, Richard. He will help us.’

  Everyone murmurs agreement.

  When everyone quiets down, Arkarian asks, ‘So what do we do now?’

  I take a deep breath and hope that my decisions will be the right ones. ‘Ethan, Isabel and Rochelle will go to the palace in Athens to bring back the key, and, hopefully, uncover the traitor. But, if identifying this traitor puts your own lives in danger, keep the name of this person secret and return to me.’

  ‘If Lorian doesn’t know the key is in his own palace, what chance do we have of finding it?’ Etha
n asks.

  ‘Very little, but you are all resourceful, and Rochelle’s hands will be invaluable.’ I glance at her to make sure she understands, then realise I have things to say to her that are better not said out loud in case they’re misconstrued. And so, using my new-found Truthseeing skills, I project my thoughts solely to her. Don’t think of your hands as evil weapons but as tools.

  My thoughts startle her and her eyes widen, but she remains silent. I go on quickly before the others become uncomfortable and possibly resentful at our silent communication. There is a vast power that can yet be developed in them. Work on it, and don’t be afraid. Just be careful.

  I turn to the others, quickly drawing their attention. ‘Arkarian and Dillon, you will come with me to Lathenia’s palace to rescue Neriah.’

  Dillon has a typical reaction, practically jumping out of his skin. ‘Yes!’

  Jimmy looks across to me. ‘Matt, I’m not sure if you’re aware of my talents –’

  ‘I’ve been briefed.’

  ‘Then you must see that I could be of great service to you in that palace.’

  Jimmy’s words bring a silent groan to my throat, which I try to swallow down. While the two of us have never got along, and I’ve been resentful of his presence in my home, Dartemis holds Jimmy in the highest regard. That will have to be enough for me.

  ‘Right now your talents are more needed here at home,’ I say. And to all of them I explain, ‘Lathenia has gained control of the middle realm. She has increased her army to include the souls of the lost. As you know, creatures of the dark world are already appearing on the earth. We have to do all we can to keep them from making human contact.’ I look back at Jimmy to make sure he understands the mission I am assigning him. ‘There is a real threat to Veridian. If the ancient city is infiltrated, the situation could be devastating for us. Jimmy, go down there and fortify it. Find a way to protect it, should the worst happen. Bring me a plan. There is more to the city than what you see when you walk along its corridors and paths.’

  ‘I’ll do my best.’

  ‘What do you want me to do?’ Shaun asks.

  ‘With Arkarian gone, you have to watch the sphere. Lathenia is planning something huge, something that will have a devastating effect on the present and the future. Watch for signs of a portal opening. When it happens, we will have to get a team in there quickly.’