Read The Key Page 22

  Ever since discovering that Isabel’s father is not my father, that in fact, my father is someone from … well, another world, so to speak, I’ve felt on the outside loop of my own family. Isabel once worried that I would be different after returning from my training. She was wrong, and yet she was right too. I’m the same person, the same flesh and blood, with the same fears and doubts and inexperience, but the things I can do now mark me as different. It makes me reluctant to use my powers in front of the others. Especially the power of changing shape.

  Jimmy comes out carrying a heavy plastic bag. He sees me and stops. ‘Your mother’s been worried about you. I told her you wouldn’t be far away. Hold on till I dump this garbage and we’ll go in together.’

  Jimmy is hardly my favourite person, but since my time with Dartemis, I can at least tolerate him now – his presence I mean, here in this house. He runs back from the garbage bin and holds the door open for me.

  I step inside at the same time Isabel and Neriah make it to the bottom step. Isabel stares at me with narrowed eyes. ‘Are you OK? You look like crap.’

  Jimmy comes in behind me. ‘Cold’s all he is, luv. Needs some of your mother’s good cooking.’

  While Jimmy and Isabel exchange a few more words, my eyes drift to Neriah. As usual when I see her, my chest constricts as if someone is holding a steel belt around my ribs, tightening it notch by notch. My breathing difficulties confirm I made the right decision about her.

  For a second our eyes meet. What I see in hers nearly knocks me over. So much hurt, confusion, anger – a potent mix. ‘Neriah …?’

  Her head shakes negatively, and without saying a word, she turns and heads straight into the kitchen.

  Halfway through an awkward dinner I excuse myself and go out the back for some fresh air. I sit on the bottom step of the porch, inhaling the cold night air, until I hear Mum and Jimmy rummaging around in the kitchen. Dinner is over and they’re starting to wash up. I decide to go inside when the back door creaks open. I look up and see Neriah. I freeze at the sight she makes. Her eyes reach across the icy distance between us. I become overwhelmed by a need to hold her.

  ‘I just wanted to say I heard about your promise to Dillon. A promise! Matt, that’s so … final.’

  Now I understand her earlier look and the awkward conversation at dinner. ‘Let me explain –’

  ‘I don’t think you can, Matt. When Dillon first told me about it, I was really mad. I mean, I just couldn’t understand. You see, I thought you felt what I felt and that all you needed was time.’ Her head shakes. ‘But now I get why you don’t want to have anything to do with me.’

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘You’ve still got feelings for Rochelle.’


  She holds her hand out to stop me from getting any closer. ‘Listen, I didn’t come out here to lecture you. It’s entirely your choice who you want to be with.’

  ‘You’ve got it wrong. I don’t want to be with Rochelle. I’m uncomfortable just being in the same room as her.’

  ‘Exactly. Why are you uncomfortable when Rochelle’s around? It’s been a year since you found out the truth. Why can’t you let her go and move on?’

  For a moment I go blank. ‘Hell, I don’t know!’

  ‘Your pain is making you blind and scared, and so you’re running for cover. But like I was trying to say when I came out here, I understand. And, well, I also wanted to say, however long it takes for you to heal, I’ll be waiting for you.’

  With these words she spins around and runs into the house.

  Inside me there’s an overwhelming urge to run after her, to grab her and hold her as tightly as I can. But I fight this urge with everything I have. It would be wrong to let her think there could ever be anything between us. I have to tell her about tonight’s visit to Athens. She needs to be briefed, prepared for what’s about to happen. But right now is not a good time. I think I’ll leave it up to Isabel.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  This night just keeps getting weirder by the second. I put my thoughts of Neriah to the side for now, take a shower and go to bed. The sooner I fall asleep and get these Initiations over with, the better.

  But sleep doesn’t come. I toss and turn, then finally use my meditation training to settle my nerves. My breathing starts to slow and my body calms. As I do this, an image forms. But it’s an image that doesn’t belong to me and shouldn’t be in my head. It takes a moment to realise what’s happening. Isabel is having a dream. And I’m seeing it. The dream goes on and on. Vivid pictures flicker so fast it’s like having an electric train storming through my brain. I wonder what it must be like for her. And then I understand what it is I’m experiencing – it’s not a dream, it’s one of Isabel’s visions.

  I get up and go into her room. She’s thrashing around on the bed, gripping her head with both hands. Neriah is by her side in the dark, her large eyes looking frantic with worry.

  ‘She’ll be all right,’ I explain and sit on Isabel’s other side. ‘It will pass in a moment.’ Hopefully! I add silently. While I’ve seen my sister have visions before, several of them, in fact, I don’t remember them looking this painful.

  If all the powers of the Named have magnified, what must Isabel’s visions be like now? I try to calm her by putting my hand on her shoulder. She goes rigid, sits up straight and starts digging her fingers into my arm. ‘Matt!’

  ‘I’m here.’ I try to keep my voice calm. The flickering images in my own head have ceased. I hope this means Isabel’s vision is over now too. ‘It’s all right.’

  ‘I saw … I saw …’ She gulps deeply, her eyes looking wild.

  I push her hair back from her face. ‘Take your time. Get your breath back.’

  Her head shakes. ‘But you don’t understand.’

  ‘No, I don’t, but if you calm down you can tell me.’

  She takes a deep breath, acknowledges Neriah’s presence, then starts to explain. ‘There was so much. Fragments. Disjointed. Strange creatures. Some creatures I remember seeing in the underworld, but there were others too – grey and shadowy.’ She shudders.

  ‘What were these creatures doing?’ I ask.

  ‘The ones with wings were flying over the school. There were so many, they cast a shadow as if it were late afternoon.’ She looks into my eyes. ‘Matt, they were armed with chemicals – drugs from Marduke’s garden, and they were releasing them over the whole of Angel Falls!’

  ‘Do you know when this will happen, Isabel?’

  She sighs and grabs both sides of her head. ‘Soon, I think.’

  ‘All right. I’m going to Athens tonight. I’ll let the Tribunal know about your vision. There’s nothing else you can do, so try and get some rest.’

  Neriah adds softly, ‘I’ll stay right here beside you until you fall asleep.’

  No! There’s something else! Isabel’s thoughts come thundering into my head as she skims a brief look at Neriah. Whatever else she’s seen, she doesn’t want Neriah to know. I turn her face towards me and urge her with my eyes to go on.

  I saw Rochelle, she lets me know.

  Only three words, but she says them with such intensity, I brace myself.

  I tried to heal her, but the arrow went straight through her heart!

  Stop! Don’t tell me any more! my own thoughts scream back. But she’s not a Truthseer and doesn’t hear me.

  The arrow tip was poison.

  I take a deep breath and ask the same question I asked only a moment ago. ‘Did you get a sense of when?’

  ‘After the Citadel falls.’

  I stare at her as if she were made of glass and I can see right through to her soul. ‘What did you say?’

  Suddenly Arkarian’s voice is in my head. Is Isabel all right?

  He’s felt the vision too and is worried about Isabel. I let him know she’s fine, just shaken. He tells me the Tribunal are waiting for Neriah and me to arrive, and that we should hurry. I’ll s
end Jimmy in to look after Isabel, he adds.

  A moment later a sleepy Jimmy comes running in and takes control. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Isabel had a vision,’ I explain.

  ‘All right, I’ll debrief her.’ He looks at Neriah and me. ‘Shouldn’t you two be sleeping?’

  Reluctantly I nod, then take Neriah out of the room with me. She won’t get to sleep in there now, that’s for sure. We’re supposed to be in a state of deep relaxation for the transition to the Citadel to take place, but how do we reach that now, knowing what we’ve just heard? What I just heard? After the Citadel falls! Did Isabel really say that? What else did she see?

  I open the door to my room and Neriah walks in and looks around.

  I go over to the stiff chair at my desk and flop into it. ‘You take the bed.’

  She looks between the bed and chair. ‘That chair is impossible to sleep in. Why don’t you come and lay beside me, Matt. I promise I won’t make a move on you.’

  It’s dark, but I think she’s joking. I sense her smile more than see it. But it’s not her making a move that worries me right now. I would love nothing better than to curl up in the comfort of her arms and wipe away the disastrous images of Isabel’s vision. ‘Thanks, but I’ve learned to meditate standing up if I have to. The chair will be fine.’

  She lays on the bed and curls her knees towards her chest. She looks cold, and the urge to warm her overwhelms me and makes me tremble. I take the three steps between us and lift the quilt over her. She snuggles beneath it and I force myself to turn away to the chair. Closing my eyes, I finally slow down and get the sense of immediate transportation. Suddenly I’m falling. I brace myself and land in a room in the Citadel.

  Arkarian is there to meet me, a worried expression on his face. ‘Is she all right?’

  He means Isabel. ‘Yes,’ I assure him. ‘Jimmy’s with her. He’s going to go over her vision with her and try to put some sense to it. Some sort of time frame would be useful.’

  Neriah starts to form, her body taking solid shape.

  Arkarian greets her warmly, then explains, ‘We’ve been waiting so long, I sent Dillon on ahead. It’s not good to linger in this place. Time means so many things here and takes so many forms.’ He leads us to a wardrobe room where we all end up dressed in long tunics with matching cloaks. Mine and Arkarian’s outfits are both silver, while Neriah’s is white, broken by a sash of woven golden thread.

  When we arrive, Sir Syford and Queen Brystianne are waiting for us in the courtyard. ‘You’re late,’ Sir Syford says. ‘But never mind, it can’t be helped. Isabel’s vision has already been recorded. It’s very troubling.’

  Queen Brystianne takes Neriah by the elbow. ‘But that’s not why you are here, my dear. This is a special occasion and you’re very welcome. I have an exciting gift to bestow on you, and I cannot wait.’

  ‘Well, hold on to yourself, my lady,’ Sir Syford says. ‘Dillon is first up. Everyone is prepared and waiting already.’

  Arkarian nods and we follow Sir Syford and Queen Brystianne through several cool corridors. At last we arrive, and Dillon, tapping his foot on the marble flooring, waits for us wearing royal blue. ‘Finally! They’re impatient in there. Lord Penbarin’s come out twice already.’

  Arkarian takes his elbow and leads him away for some last-minute instruction. The doors swing open and Sir Syford and Queen Brystianne take their places in the Circle with the rest of the Tribunal members.

  I start to lead Neriah over to the viewing seats to the side, but as I do so, I glance across at King Richard and something happens. Our eyes meet and hold. Suddenly all my doubts about him re-emerge. A flash of anger rushes through me that proves hard to contain. Here is the man that is supposed to be King of Veridian, plucked from history to fulfil a prophecy written before all of us were born. So much rests in this man’s hands, but just how loyal are they?

  Arkarian appears in the doorway with Dillon by his side. He picks up my thoughts and hurtles a warning into my brain. Shut off your thoughts!

  Quickly I move on, but as I pass Lorian I see him staring at me with a frown.

  Arkarian leads Dillon to the centre of the Circle, quickly and purposefully getting everyone’s attention. ‘Father, my Lords and Ladies, allow me to introduce to you our newest Initiate. His name is Dillon Sinclair, and while his presence here is a surprise, it is a welcome one.’ Everyone applauds, and in the hubbub I release a deep sigh.

  Dillon sits on a stool looking nervous but excited. Arkarian takes a place beside me and Neriah. He doesn’t say or think a word of what just passed between me and King Richard, but his stiff body language is speaking volumes. Finally his head turns to me and shakes slightly. He’s telling me to forget the incident. Let it go. At least for now.

  From the centre of the Circle, Lorian asks Dillon to swear his fealty to the Guard and Dillon does so with enthusiasm. And by the glances exchanged, everyone finds his manner amusing and refreshing.

  One by one the Tribunal members bestow their gifts. Lady Devine gives Dillon the gift of wisdom. Lord Meridian, the ability to see truth through falsity. Queen Brystianne offers humility, while Sir Syford gives strength, then adds, ‘But since we already know of Dillon’s superior physical strength, my gift is the strengthening of his spirit.’

  Around the Circle the Tribunal members nod and murmur their appreciation. It’s a good gift, as are all that Dillon has received so far. Lady Arabella is next. She glides over and lays one of her delicate, blue-veined hands on Dillon’s head. ‘My gift to you is fulfilment in matters pertaining to the heart. This gift will give you the ability to decipher when love is reciprocated … or left wanting.’

  This time the Circle erupts in nervous chatter and the tension in the room hits the ceiling. Lady Arabella glances around, silencing everyone with her ice-cold look. Finally she focuses back on Dillon. ‘All of today’s gifts will take time to nurture and grow. You need to work on them as if you were an Apprentice learning his craft for the first time. Make sure you do that, Dillon.’

  When Lord Penbarin walks over he glances at Lady Arabella with his bushy eyebrows raised halfway up his forehead. She sits and at last he turns his attention to Dillon. ‘Vision,’ he says simply. ‘My gift is the drawing out of your second power, which appears reluctant to reveal itself. Of course, you haven’t had the opportunity of a mentor, at least not one from within the Guard. I’m assuming this is the reason your second power is still dormant.’

  ‘My lord,’ Dillon asks, ‘what does this mean?’

  Lord Penbarin’s hands lift in an unknowing gesture. ‘It’s your power, Dillon. Whatever it proves to be, nurture it and you may be surprised.’

  Finally King Richard approaches. I make sure to keep any thoughts of traitors completely under control. ‘My gift to you is the ability to share your knowledge so that one day you will become a Trainer.’

  Dillon’s face breaks into a surprised grin. He looks up at King Richard and nods a thank you.

  When King Richard returns to his seat, all eyes turn to Lorian. And for a long moment the Immortal sits still with his head downcast. Nothing can be heard in the room except our breathing. At last Lorian stands and goes over to place his hands over the top of Dillon’s head. ‘What you did in choosing the Guard over the Order took courage most in this room would not have in a thousand years.’

  I can’t help feel that if he means to keep his Tribunal loyal, mocking them isn’t the way to do it. Arkarian coughs beside me and I realise I failed to screen this particular string of thought. What the hell am I doing today? First the slip with letting King Richard know I have an issue with him, and now this! Slowly I become aware that all the Tribunal members have picked up my thoughts too. Lorian’s head turns in my direction. His eyes bore into mine, asking how dare I sit there and judge him? But I can’t and won’t apologise. Even though I didn’t mean for my thoughts to be heard, I still meant them.

  Maintaining eye contact for what feels like an eternity
of unpleasantness, Lorian is first to look away. Beside me Arkarian gives a distinct sigh of relief.

  His attention back to Dillon, Lorian says, ‘And while you are not Named by birth, you have earned the right to stand beside them as one. And so that you will feel their equal, my gift to you is the magnification of your power of strength, and your developing second power.’

  Light descends from Lorian’s hands to cover Dillon from head to foot. I feel the force of Lorian’s power from here as clearly as if it were surging through my own body; and I wonder how Dillon is holding up.

  When it is over, the light recedes into Lorian’s open palms and Dillon tips backwards, the stool tumbling out from beneath him. Arkarian dashes over and helps him up, while the room erupts with clapping and cheering.

  Lorian steps back and says, ‘Go now, Dillon, for a sumptuous dinner awaits in your honour. And after Neriah’s Initiation, the rest of us will join you both in a night of festivity and celebrating.’

  As the cheering slowly recedes, everyone except those specially requested to stay, leave the room. When the last has gone, Lord Alexandon and Arkarian lock the chamber doors. Beside me, Neriah starts to shake. I take her hand between both of mine to try to calm her. ‘You’re going to be wonderful. They love you already. I can feel it.’

  She smiles at me and lowers her head. Arkarian calls her over and she slides her hand out from between mine to take her seat in the centre of the Circle. And as Arkarian begins his introduction, I rub my hands together. My fingers are tingling.

  The cheer is loud and expected. I wasn’t lying when I told Neriah the Tribunal members love her already. The atmosphere in the room is overwhelmingly warm and full of adoration.

  Lorian joins her at the centre. ‘Do you, Neriah Gabriel, swear your fealty to the Guard and all its members?’

  ‘Yes, my lord.’

  He steps back and motions for Lord Penbarin to be the first to bestow his gifts. He goes and stands before her. ‘Welcome, my dear. From the House of Samartyne I offer you the gifts of fortitude and mercy.’ Lady Arabella is next. Her gift is that of seeing the truth through all forms of concealment and trickery. Sir Syford bestows Neriah with the ability to know when evil is present. When it is Queen Brystianne’s turn she circles Neriah first, her flowing cream gown making a dramatic show.