Read The Key Page 8

  My eyes open and I find myself on a hard floor in a room with black, crumbling walls, the remnants of the explosion littered all over me.

  Arkarian grabs my shoulders. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Huh?’ I glance down at my chest, patting it a couple of times quickly. ‘Yeah, I think so.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  I nod and he spins and looks around. I follow his eyes. ‘Oh no,’ he mutters, running across the room.

  Ethan is lying in a massive pool of blood. I crawl across the floor to him, dread growing deeper with every movement.

  Arkarian picks Ethan up and starts carrying him to the door. I get up quickly and run after them. ‘Where are you taking him?’

  We run through one corridor after another. ‘To a healing chamber.’

  Up ahead Lady Arabella is standing holding a door open. ‘Quickly, in here.’

  Arkarian lays Ethan’s body down on a narrow crystal table. Lord Penbarin appears, doing up his bright red gown. ‘Let me see the boy!’

  All three examine Ethan, then Lady Arabella whispers to Arkarian, ‘We need Isabel.’

  Arkarian turns around and looks straight at me. ‘This is what we’re going to do.’

  But my thoughts are only with Ethan. ‘Is he all right? Is he …?’

  Arkarian grabs my shoulders with both of his hands. ‘Matt, listen to me.’

  ‘But –’


  The urgency in Arkarian’s voice breaks through and I focus on his face, on his deep violet eyes. ‘I’m listening.’

  ‘All right. Firstly, I’m going to transport you back to your own body in your own bed and wake you up. OK?’

  I nod, understanding.

  ‘Then I want you to get Isabel, go up to my chambers, and call my name. Loudly. Just like you did on the Endeavour when you grabbed that bomb out of Ethan’s hands. OK?’


  ‘Then I will transport you here, and Isabel can work on healing Ethan. It’s his only chance to pull through this. Be quick.’ Arkarian’s hand comes up over the top of my face. ‘Now go.’

  A second later I wake in my bed, my heart thundering against my ribs. And for a mad second I think I’m dreaming, a horrible nightmare. Isabel comes running into my room, the door banging behind her. Still caught in the thought that I’m moving within a freaky dream, my mind trips out and I see her as an angel or a spirit. Her hair is out, flying around her face, and she’s wearing a long white nightgown.

  But her words soon bring my thoughts crashing back to reality. ‘What happened? I felt something. Are you all right? Is Ethan all right?’

  ‘No. He’s not.’ I get out of bed and start running for the door. ‘Ethan needs you. Come quickly. We have to go now!’

  In the hallway, the door to Mum’s bedroom opens. Jimmy is there and he throws me something. They’re keys. ‘Take my jeep. You’ll get there faster.’

  Long minutes later we’re halfway up the mountain and climbing out of the jeep. It occurs to me that Arkarian is not inside his chambers. ‘How is the secret door going to open when Arkarian is at the Citadel?’

  ‘Arkarian can open it from anywhere. Come on!’

  As she speaks the doorway opens. As soon as we’re both inside she calls his name. Instantly we’re transported. We end up standing outside the healing chamber door where Arkarian is waiting. Isabel rushes towards it as if she can walk straight through both Arkarian and the closed door. Arkarian pulls her back and makes her focus. ‘Isabel, take a deep breath.’

  ‘Arkarian, let me go to him. Precious seconds –’

  ‘– are important for you to get your thoughts together. You have a lot of work to do in there and you need to be able to concentrate. Clear your head now, Isabel. I need you to prepare yourself … before you see him.’

  ‘How badly is he injured, Arkarian?’

  ‘You will need to use your powers like never before. Not only do you have to heal him, but for Ethan to survive, you’re going to have to … restructure his vital organs.’

  Chapter Eight


  I’m the first to arrive for the scheduled meeting. Not even Arkarian is here, though I have no problem getting into his chambers. I walk around trying different doors, looking for one that is set up for our conference. The rooms are mostly bare, although some have gym equipment inside with mats and bars. The central chamber, distinctive by its octagonal shape, is completely dark. The sphere is motionless.

  Something has happened. Something terrible. Stirrings of fear start surging inside me. I try to recall everything I know about last night’s events. There was a lot of activity. Jimmy and Mr Carter had a mission, while Ethan and Matt were going to rescue Captain Cook. As for Isabel and Shaun, I have no idea if they were doing anything. I was with Neriah, and she seemed all right, despite the intruder.

  A noise in the hallway has me spinning around. It’s Jimmy. Without saying a word he opens a door to his left. ‘The meeting’s in here.’

  I follow him in and see a round table surrounded by chairs, all made of wood. I touch the table top and instantly know its heritage. It comes from a tree more than a thousand years old. Oak. English. ‘What happened last night?’

  ‘There was an – incident.’

  A lump rises in my throat. ‘Was anyone hurt?’

  As I ask this question Shaun and Mr Carter walk through the door. Straightaway I feel the tension in Shaun. Though his thoughts are a scrambled mess, his distress is clear. Distress for Ethan!

  ‘Shaun, what’s wrong? What’s happened?’

  He looks across to where I’m holding the high back of a chair. ‘There was an explosion.’ He swallows deep in his throat, flicking a nervous glance to no one in particular.

  Inside, my chest feels as if it has been enclosed in a straitjacket ten sizes too small. ‘How is he, Shaun? Is Isabel with him?’

  He leans heavily on the table top with open palms and groans, his eyes weary and troubled. ‘Isabel has been with him for hours. I’m told that we’ll know his condition soon.’

  Matt walks in looking a complete mess, his clothes dishevelled, hair askew, as if he has spent the last few hours trying to pull it out. But it’s his eyes that give away his grief.

  Shaun practically jumps at him. ‘Tell us what you know.’

  But Matt has nothing to give. He drops into the nearest chair. ‘Arkarian sent me away hours ago. He wanted me to rest and put me in a quiet room. I haven’t seen him since.’

  I look at each of them, anger brewing inside. ‘Someone has to know something! Where is Arkarian? He will tell us!’

  Hands suddenly grip mine. They’re Jimmy’s. But as soon as he touches me he springs back with a jerk. ‘Whoa, girl. Look what you’re doing!’

  I glance down at the chair. Beneath my fingers the timber has partially disintegrated. A smell of burning wood fills the room.

  Everyone stares at me and I feel like a freak. I throw my hands behind my back. Out of sight they settle into a calmer state of energy.

  Silence follows that nobody feels inclined to break. Feeling the intensity leave my hands, I carefully pull out an undamaged chair, sit in it, and wait.

  At last Arkarian materialises. Before anyone gets to ask their first question, it’s clear that someone else is coming. It’s Isabel. Her form takes shape more slowly beside Arkarian, as if she is weary beyond belief. The instant she stabilises, Arkarian supports her with his arm.

  Isabel looks exhausted. This is definitely not a good sign.

  Shaun and Matt jump to their feet. Isabel touches her brother’s arm gently. He holds out a chair for her and she collapses into it. Arkarian holds up his hand for everyone to be quiet. But this is too hard. I need to know if Ethan is all right, and I need to know now!

  Arkarian hears my thundering thoughts and glances at me. He catches sight of the disintegrated chair and frowns. My thoughts scream out to him to forget the chair. Just tell us how Ethan is!

  Hell, I’m
making such a fool of myself. But I can’t seem to help it.

  At last Arkarian announces, ‘Everyone, Ethan is OK.’

  The room fills with the sounds of sighs and murmurs. The relief is palpable.

  ‘He’s just getting his thoughts together and will be here soon.’

  Such relief washes through me that I can’t help a flood of tears from springing to my eyes. Ethan suddenly begins to materialise before us. I quickly turn away. I don’t want him, or anyone here, to see my tears. In the background I hear the others greeting him. I wish I could be with them. I just want to let Ethan know how glad I am he’s all right. But what would he do if I embraced him like the others, only with tears clinging to my lashes!

  Eventually everyone begins to quieten and at last I get my emotions under control. I turn around and, because my legs feel like liquid, sit down quickly. Ethan glances at me and I say, ‘Welcome back.’

  He nods an acknowledgement, then notices the damaged chair beside me. ‘What happened? That chair looks worse than I did a couple of hours ago.’

  ‘Oh, that?’ I reply before anyone else gets in. I hold up my flashing hands for a second. ‘Unexpected burst of energy. I’m still getting used to them.’

  Ethan accepts my explanation, then briefly closes his eyes.

  When he opens them, the chair is repaired, as good as new.

  It has everyone around the table clapping and cheering. Prior to the enhancing of our powers, Ethan’s skill with animated objects was entirely manipulative, like in the way he first caught Isabel’s attention by making a pen spin. The other day he moved that space rock right off Mr Carter’s legs when the rescue workers’ machinery couldn’t. It seems that now he can reconstruct objects.

  Among the cheering Mr Carter’s voice calls out, ‘What on earth were you doing holding a stack of dynamite in your hands?’

  Ethan glances back at him. ‘But I wasn’t.’


  Arkarian breaks the silence. ‘If Ethan had been holding the bomb when it went off, he wouldn’t be here right now.’

  Mr Carter doesn’t let the story end there. ‘Tell us what happened, Ethan.’

  ‘What does it matter?’ Matt interrupts in a sharp tone meant to discourage further conversation.

  Mr Carter doesn’t take the hint. ‘Of course it matters. Tell us, Arkarian. It sounds like a fascinating story.’


  Mr Carter freezes and Matt softens his tone, ‘Look, thanks to Isabel, Ethan is fine now. That’s all anyone needs to know.’

  In an attempt to ease the awkwardness in the room Arkarian distracts everyone by starting the meeting. ‘Firstly I want to thank everyone for coming, especially after the trying circumstances of last night.’

  As he speaks I remember what I promised Neriah last night, just as I was getting into the car. ‘Ah, there’s something I need to tell you.’ Arkarian glances across at me, and the eyes of all the others follow. ‘I invited Neriah.’

  ‘To this meeting?’ Arkarian asks through a surge of murmurs.

  ‘I went over to her house last night.’

  ‘But Rochelle,’ Mr Carter says smugly. ‘Who do you think you are, making such important decisions on everyone else’s behalf?’

  Arkarian flicks him a glance accompanied by a wince.

  ‘What Marcus means, is what makes you believe Neriah is ready to join us?’

  ‘She’s stronger than you all think.’

  Mr Carter scoffs at this. ‘I would know, Rochelle. I’m with her at school every day. I’m monitoring her progress.’

  ‘And you treat her as if she’s made of glass. It’s a mistake. Sure, she’s cautious. Look at how she was raised – private tutors, guards watching her every movement. Now that she’s in a normal school, it’s natural that she would be shy. She’s just not used to being around so many people. She’s quiet, not weak.’

  ‘Just how much does she know?’ Matt asks.

  ‘She knows that her Initiation will … complete us.’

  My words are followed by silence, where everyone looks around at each other.

  ‘The uniting of the Named,’ Arkarian whispers.

  Heads begin to nod.

  ‘There’s something else.’

  ‘Go on,’ Arkarian says.

  ‘She has concerns.’

  His face forms into a deep frown. ‘Then we shall listen. When will she be here?’

  ‘She’s coming now.’

  Arkarian uses his wings and disappears before our eyes. He’s going to meet her on the outside. He doesn’t do this often; it’s too dangerous for him to be seen circulating in our world. But he’s back in only a few minutes, opening the door. And Neriah walks in.

  Shaun is first to get up and greet her. He kisses the air on either side of her face. ‘You have grown into a beautiful young woman, the image of your mother. How is she these days?’

  ‘She is well, thank you.’

  ‘I’m glad we have this opportunity to meet at last. I have many things I would like to talk to you about.’

  Neriah looks at Shaun astutely, her deep brown eyes narrow in contemplation. ‘I know you were the one who disfigured my father’s face. Please do not worry about the past. You were just the catalyst for what had to be.’

  ‘You are as kind as your mother.’

  Shaun sits down as Jimmy exchanges places with him and gives Neriah a welcoming hug. The rest of us know her, having seen her at school for the past few weeks. Arkarian produces a chair for Neriah and she sits next to Shaun on the other side of the table. She glances at me and smiles, letting me know how grateful she is to be here.

  Arkarian takes control of the meeting again. He looks around the circle at each of us. ‘So, now we are nine. And,’ he adds, ‘the news from Athens is that King Richard is completely healed and can take his place at the Tribunal circle. At last Veridian has its own king.’

  Ethan’s face lights up. ‘Yes!’ He punches the air with his fist.

  Well, he should be excited. He was the one who saved King Richard’s life in the past and shifted him through time physically.

  Matt is also excited, but for different reasons. He breathes a strange sigh of relief. ‘At last! Then you don’t need me any more.’

  Everyone knows where Matt’s coming from, but he’s wrong, and everyone knows that too. Arkarian explains, ‘Matt, King Richard will rule from afar. He is Veridian’s representative on the Tribunal – our governing body. According to the Prophecy, you will lead the Named – the nine of us here in this room – into battle.’

  Matt thumps the table and turns his face to the wall.

  Arkarian gets back to the meeting, explaining his reason for calling us together. ‘Yesterday, Rochelle and Matt and I travelled to the underworld to find the key to the treasury of weapons.’

  Among the murmurs, Mr Carter’s is the loudest. ‘Excellent! Did you find it?’

  Arkarian groans beneath his breath. ‘Unfortunately, we were too late.’

  ‘Are you saying Lathenia has it now?’ Shaun queries.

  ‘We think she has it secured in a vault in her palace.’

  ‘And the plan is?’ Jimmy asks. ‘You know I’m good with locks and things.’

  Arkarian smiles at Jimmy. ‘Yes I do, Jimmy. And yes, there is a plan. Some of us will be going to Lathenia’s palace on Mount Olympus, but we don’t stand a chance of being successful until …’ He pauses, and the tension in the room catapults. He glances across to Matt. ‘Until Matt comes into his powers.’

  ‘Oh great!’ Matt exclaims. ‘Well, we all know that could be for ever!’

  ‘Matt,’ Arkarian says softly. ‘How do you think you were able to cradle that explosive pack of dynamite against your chest, curling your body around it like a plasticine ball, and walk away with only a few scratches?’

  Matt stares up at Arkarian with wonder in his eyes.

  ‘You have power, Matt. And your new mentor will show you how to unleash and control it. You leave tomorro

  Everyone starts murmuring.

  Isabel, still looking exhausted, asks first, ‘Can I go with him?’

  Arkarian rests his hand on her shoulder and stares at her with such tenderness, such adoration, no one in the room could possibly be unaware of his great love for her. ‘The only thing you’ll be doing tomorrow is resting.’ He turns to address the rest of us. ‘This is a journey Matt has to make alone. And when he returns, we will go to Lathenia’s palace and bring back the key, and at last the Guard will have the balance of power back in our hands.’

  Arkarian looks to Neriah and asks if she would like to address the meeting. Glancing around the table with a nervous little smile, she gets to her feet. ‘At home last night there was a breach in security.’

  ‘What happened?’ Arkarian asks, sitting down.

  ‘It happened when Rochelle came over.’

  Mr Carter interrupts at the sound of my name. ‘Well, doesn’t that explain it then?’

  ‘Marcus!’ Arkarian attempts to shut him up.

  I go on to explain, ‘I was walking through the grounds when I heard someone’s thoughts nearby, but when I searched for the source, I saw something that resembled an animal. It threw me because I was expecting a person.’

  ‘So what do you think it was?’ Arkarian asks.

  ‘It could have been a dog. Its eyes glowed a silver colour.’

  ‘Was there anything else that stood out about this creature? Something unusual perhaps?’ Arkarian prods further.

  ‘When it realised I could see it, it ran off across the yard.’

  Jimmy calls out, ‘When it ran across the yard did it still resemble a dog? Or did it gather itself and leap? Or maybe hop like a rabbit?’

  I think about this for a moment, remembering those eerie glowing eyes and how the head turned, followed swiftly by the rest of it. ‘All I remember was that it was sleek, graceful and fast.’

  Arkarian says to Neriah, ‘I’ll organise a thorough check of the grounds, and step up security, doubling your mother’s guard. But Neriah, you must be careful too. Your mother’s life isn’t the only one in danger.’

  ‘My father doesn’t want me dead, Arkarian. But he does want to murder my mother. He is driven by revenge, and my mother is high on his list.’