Read The Key-Master and Tyke The Teen Of Tomorrow Page 2

Tyke carried such a huge burden on his shoulders. One that few people could understand.


  Morning brought its own share of problems. A barrier that led to a hazardous dimension filled with demi-human octopi fell despite Kirk’s magic lock that should only be broken by him or someone far stronger in barrier magic. Kirk had been in the dimension when he first started experimenting with his barrier magic. The octopi showed no magical abilities.

  Unless, something changed in that dimension. Kirk put on his Key-Master costume, Tyke suited up in his private changing room. Both preparing to go into the dimension to discover how the barrier came down. Failing that, they would push back the demi-humans that were coming out in the middle of New Detroit and attacking civilians without mercy.

  “Come Tyke, we’ll take the pod cycle into the Cthulhu dimension

  and look for the one who broke the barrier I made.”

  “What about the invading forces, Key-Master?”

  “Their bodies are made of pre-programmed matter. We would waste too much time trying to figure out how to stop them. They can change their shape and mass. The only smart method is to go into their dimension. From there, I can nip this invasion in the bud.”

  “Okay, let’s go!”

  The pod cycle, made from programmable matter, capable of changing its shape and mass just like the demi-human race. Pressing a stud on the handle bar created a side car for Tyke to ride in. The two shot through the broken dimensional barrier quickly. The atmosphere made mostly up of hydrogen. Key-Master’s mask had a recycled air attachment that he breathed with. Tyke’s evolving biology adapted to the terrain easily. He looked around, the mist so thick normal human eyes could not pierce.

  This proved no challenge for Tyke. He could see the demi-humans watching them. He could hear their bodily release of steam from their pores.

  There bodies like powerful heat sinks. With the limitation that they needed hydrogen to cool themselves. It struck Tyke funny they would leave the safe environment of their home dimension to go to Earth and risk overheating.

  Key-Master had a right to worry. The fact they did come to Earth meant something bigger was involved. Something unknown and possibly even more dangerous than the demi-humans. Such concerns he pushed to the back of his mind. He would face them when they discovered the brain child of this problem.

  The mist so thick, Key-Master knew that Tyke could see, using hands signs to ask the boy what lie ahead of them. Because his mask had no special equipment aside from the re-breather.

  Tapping on Key-Master’s hand in the fashion of morose code, Tyke’s message gave him information of possible obstacles. Such as the narrowing of the road they traveled. The demi-human’s close proximity to them. Tyke tapped a little more hastily to let them know the path they rode on came to an end.  The mist became clearer, allowing Key-Master and Tyke to see a giant lizard that was inhaling all of the vented steam from the demi-humans. The creature even seemed to be inhaling the hydrogen molecules of the atmosphere.

  The lizard looked down at Key-Master and Tyke, a low growl in its throat. Key-Master reached into his utility belt, pulling out a scanning device. With a quick sweep of the invisible beam, he saw that the monster was converting the hydrogen molecules into an atomic power. And the lizard’s atomic power was growing swiftly. Making it dangerous WMD (Weapon Of Mass Destruction) if it got loose on Earth.

  Key-Master pulled out a voice modulator that read the air molecules carried by his voice box and electronically amplified them to the range that could be heard by Tyke.

  “Tyke, can you see the energy growing inside this monster.”


  “This creature is dangerous. The hydrogen he is taking in becoming atomic power, if he were let loose on Earth. I fear he would be just as dangerous as the Gods that trashed the world. If not more so.”

  “What do we do?”

  “We have to get it out of this dimension and someplace where it can safely release its atomic power.”

  “You know more about parallel dimensions, pick one and I’ll try and force him through the portal you open.”

  “I don’t think our friend is going to make it that easy for us,” said Key-Master.

  The lizard roared, taking a step toward them. The pod cycle backed up to avoid the immensely heavy foot. Key-Master revved the engine and kept a distance from the steps the lizard took toward them. It opened its mouth, the back of the throat illuminated, the sound of thunder, and a great beam of energy came forth. Key-Master just managed to avoid the deadly blast. The heat from it tremendous. Pressing another stud, a protective screen formed over Key-Master, the pod cycle shifted into a more four wheeled vehicle. Tyke leaped into the air, climbing up the lizard’s leg faster than any human could possibly move.

  Key-Master pressed another stud, two weapons formed on the sides between the large four wheels. The barrels glowed before firing a chilly beam at the creature, causing it discomfort.

  The lizard roared, falling backwards with a thunderous thud. It cried out, flailing from the pain caused by the cold. Tyke got to the throat of the lizard, striking it with his great strength. The creature’s head snapped back, its eyes bulging. It cried out, its tail coming up and down causing the ground to shake.

  The scanner Key-Master produced from the pod cycle allowed him to see the monster’s atomic power dwindle for only a second, the next it surged in greater number.

  “Tyke, get away from the monster!”

  Key-Master’s cry of warning came too late. The lizard stood back up, Tyke held on to its scales for dear life.

  The freeze beams fired again, the lizard roared in pain, Backing away to swing its tail at Key-Master. Tyke pulled hard on one of the scales, ripping it loose. Red blood spurted out. The lizard moved from one foot to the other. The pain shooting through its chest to its brain. Tyke took several leaps until he made it to the lizard’s shoulder.

  “Tyke, be careful!”

  Tyke didn’t show any sign he heard, he punched the lizard in the nerve cluster located in its neck. The lizard’s head jerked back, its road louder than before. Key-Master pressed another stud, shifting the pod cycle into a flier so that he could have more mobility. He switched the freeze rays for high powered tasers.

  Firing upon the lizard, its muscles spasmed. The lizard fell on its side again. Tyke leaped into the air and landed on the wing of the flying pod cycle.

  “We’ve stunned it for a moment,” said Key-Master. “We have to get it through the dimensional barrier.”

  “Where is the barrier?” asked Tyke.

  “To the north, according to the scanners. About a quarter mile.”

  “How will we get it there?” Tyke sat in the secondary seat the pod cycle provided. “I don’t think I can throw it that far.”

  “We’ll use an anti-graviton pulse. It’ll probably take two to get the lizard where we need it.”

  “We’ll have to transform the pod cycle back to basic mode. This will use a lot of energy.”

  “Okay, boss. I’ll keep the lizard distracted.”

  Key-Master dropped off Tyke near the lizard’s feet. He switched the pod cycle back to basic mode, and programmed the anti-graviton pulse projector for the desired effect.  Tyke picked up a boulder twice his size and threw it at the lizard’s head. Stunning it. The lizard was making moves to stand back up prior to the blow to the head. The lizard roared and bent its head to fire its breath beam at Tyke. Tyke nearly botched his movement to avoid the beam. Tripping over his own foot.

  Key-Master saw this, hasting in finishing the mathematical formula needed to get the lizard toward the dimensional barrier. Tyke tumbled, performing gymnastic moves to recover from tripping over his own foot. The beam struck where Tyke had been just a moment ago. Tyke picked up another rock, this one three times his size. It sailed through the air, striking the lizard between the eyes.

  The lizard palmed its face, its tail smacking the ground two, three times. Tyke heaved another i
nto the lizard’s foot. It gave a cry of pain as it fell backwards. Turning to land on its side rather than fall on its tail. Key-Master pushed the creature with the anti-graviton pulse projector closer to the dimensional barrier. He rode ahead and used his magic to open it large enough for the lizard. Setting the anti-graviton pulse projector on sustained closed field, he enveloped the lizard to make it lighter for what came next.

  “Now Tyke!”

  “Get lost you ugly fire lizard!” Tyke threw a final boulder with such emphasis it sent the lizard through the gap between dimensions. Key-Master locked the barrier shut again.

  Without the lizard to cause trouble for the demi-humans, they came back through the portal they broke through with no resistance. Key-Master made sure the replacement barrier was in place.  He set up an early warning system in case the barrier ever fell again.

  Flying above them, Key-Master saw the great shadow of Fletcher, the Sky Prince. The son of King Raven and proud member of the Avian Atlantians. Fletcher landed, his green feathered wings with gold trims pulled in. He wore green pants made of a fine, durable fabric. A green skull cap to cover his bald head and in his right