Read The Keys to Destruction Page 4

(after acknowledging His sacrifice) that you were wrong and by asking to be forgiven.

  “In other timelines, there are people who read the inspired Word of God, yet believe only half the Bible. They are taught by their mentors that God’s Son has yet to be born--despite God’s Old Testament explanations and living examples preceding the Messiah’s arrival.

  “Translations of the Bible have been found, dating back thousands of years before Jesus, our Messiah, lived. They foretell Emanuel’s birth, and include details of His life and underlying mission. They predict events surrounding His death, telling he will be resurrected, with a brief public presence thereafter. These prophecies are Messianic, based on Jesus’ Old Testament name, Messiah, which means “anointed” or “chosen one.” Jesus presents us God’s new testimony, with examples to live by. God instructs when war is necessary and determines when genocide against false religion is essential. Question those who say they are a Believer.

  “Lastly: Christianity is the only religion that instructs, that the only way to receive forgiveness and to be rescued from everlasting punishment is by dedicating your life to a personal relationship with the Son of God, and savior of our sins, Jesus Christ.

  “Simple instructions called the ABCs of becoming a Christian were broadcast on the day of Abraham’s death. He was given a chance to accept Grace before facing infinite damnation.”

  Based on all the facts taught by Scott, I accept Jesus into my heart. I can rejoice with those who acknowledge these Biblical accounts, and have accepted the gift of Grace.

  At the height of his career, Scott’s duties involve locating “pinpoints” in Pandora’s timeline, to make sure infiltrators don’t enter from an alternate reality. The alternates know how to cross over. It’s why our world developed Oscillators. We seek out other timelines before they find us. Then we end them.

  Resentment stems deep in Scottie from early education material detailing Pandora’s doctrine. Animosity develops as he becomes older, sculpting Scott into an unsuspected extremist. It’s difficult to grasp why he would knowingly save the instigator of this faction.

  His fascination forwards, and later his allegiance, to a timeline named Liberty. There’s an aspect about Liberty, distancing it from other eras. This culture allows individuals the freedom to choose their stance on creation, offering alternative teaching, to educate on the various beliefs one chooses to learn about. People are not scrutinized for their decisions. This promotion of independence cultivates freethinking, expanding stability in the way of life.

  Other timelines try to stunt open-mindedness, believing it too dangerous and volatile to promote and encourage. The fascist rulers suffocate liberalism by constraining individual freedom with overbearing laws on personal rights, and enforcing all-consuming work days. Oppression causes the general public to become fixed on what they can’t do, rather than investing their mental energy toward positive developments.

  Through further education Scott reveals the senate’s ulterior agenda. I too no longer feel Pandora is my home. My heart grows fond of Liberty. The more I learn of its benefits, the clearer it becomes that Liberty is the era I must protect. I am able to visit there once, sent on an assassin mission by Pandora. The atmosphere is so different there! It’s full of clarity and vision, as though the air itself inspires new ideas and inventiveness.

  Scottie sends me to where the travelers from Liberty arrive, here in Pandora.

  Prophecy warns he is sick, possibly carrying a deadly virus. After scanning his vitals I send the encrypted information to Scott, who messages back that the only way we can formulate a cure is to send their party member Sivil to a nearby town for the active ingredients.

  Upon meeting Prophecy and his operatives, a connection is made between Maser and myself. It’s strange, their inability to recreate food on the empty shelves of the market for nourishment. I attract Maser, and the two of us share intimate conversation leading to the action of exchanging a kiss. It was not my intention to pass a larva into his body from my saliva. The parasite will penetrate his gums, imbed through his sinus canal, and enter his brain. There it will act as a receiver when needed. All Pandorans have a similar organism living in their heads.

  As we’re waiting in the abandoned grocery store for Sivil to return, I explain Scott’s discords with Pandora and his imprecatory prayer, to be planted for all Pandorians to witness--before their extermination. These are Scottie’s words coming through me.

  My attention gravitates to Maser as I explain to the group...

  “Maser, this world is trending a path of Godlessness. When those of ascendancy find uselessness in its populous, the Christians will be gathered and erased from memory.

  “There is a reason we all meet now. Pandora’s governance will eradicate your timeline. It will be years from now when they will have this capability. We need to be the ones to strike first, and provide each Pandorian an opportunity at Redemption. The mission parameters are to make public the full Word of God, with a chance for all to retain over 4 millennia of Biblical history, followed by a moment to repent. God’s blessed power will free the exiles of this world. The unrighteous will awake in torment, hoping to escape so that they may kneel before Him.

  “Maser. The governing authority over an empire will accrue knowledge out of experience. When that knowledge stagnates, the infrastructure deteriorates. Opposing forces will dominate by perpetuating the cycle. And yet God has His hand in leadership.

  “Maser. I see in your eyes that you are an unbeliever. Yet I detect more faith in you than I do the priest that commands his flock to sacrifice all luxuries. He issues false instruction, proclaiming prayer toward immortalized saints. The core of his cardinal sin is gluttony, placing empty apologies before false gods. His benediction exalts lies. Let us gather the statues in the wayward’s name. Bring the anointed-water to the purifier, and claim an offering from the foul scarlet’s life.

  “Realize this, Maser. When you feel you are twisting like a snake in your shell, from The Word of The Holy…let this reveal there is an Almighty in power. Take your weariness and set it aside. Become tranquil and ponder why your mind resists heavenly truth. Allow His loving peace to shower over you, washing away your hellish troubles. That filth is an illusionary nightmare. With it gone, you will find the blessing of life.

  “If all was taken care of, for you, the fullness of gratification would be unattainable. Expectations can never be met, if happiness is not found within you.

  “Through trials, defeat, heartbreak, and sufferings, you inherit an appreciation for life. When a meal is already prepared, you wonder of its origin. If hungry enough you will not question how the food came about, and what the material provides for your growth.

  “Before consuming sustenance, assess the bounty’s source…its predetermined integration into your being. Speak blessings by giving thanks for the Lord’s offering, which He’s provided for you. With this approach, meals of no nutritional value will supply you great inner strength.

  “Those that live empty lives seek mental nourishment to quell their desiring hunger. They gorge on wickedness to satisfy their thoughts. Insatiable longings demand richer food, though never to be satisfied. Only the light God provides for His children can fill the void of darkness in each errant heart. This has been given so chosen survivors can spread its wisdom.”

  Carefully studying him, I believe Maser’s testimony, that he too found The Truth from Scott’s ministry. Otherwise I would have been required to plug him in with the network. After downloading the Bible, which enters his mind like a lifetime flashing before his eyes through means of the larva, he’d have one important decision to make, before a neurotoxin is released from the worm inside him, and all (but a select few) of the Pandorians.

  Sivil returns and Prophecy is cured. As a precaution we each are inoculated. Scott opens a rift for Maser and his group to travel back in time to when the Djinn breached through to the era of old
. Prophecy and Maser travel by way of the NOVAK. Sivil is the last to enter the open gateway, shifting into an enormous dragon. Its wings spread and spikes rise along its scaly spine. Seconds remain before the portal will close. I dash as fast as I can and enter.

  The era of old must be destroyed to preserve Liberty. I will pull Prophecy’s head back forcing his vision to the sky, and then sink my teeth in--biting the center of his throat.

  The Keys to Destruction: Forewarned by a Pre-Ruined World

  I am named after the most gifted of all rulers: Solomon. The title alone could be the prevailing factor, to stunt the determination of an adolescent, with hopes to excel in power beyond his predecessors. For me it comes as a challenge, and I set out to do just that.

  There are multiple timelines to my life, as I live in these days of old. This advantage comes with limitations. When two of the same soul attempt to coexist during the same time frame, the older of the two is cancelled out. Its physical body goes through a varied form of death. This is what adds value to acquiring a soul in the eyes of a Djinn (the D is silent).

  Keen to a fabled lore as a young man, I dedicate my life to finding the legendary urn said to contain a dangerous genie. In my later years all efforts appear